1. 字符串的快速檢索前端
2. 最長公共前綴(LCP)node
Let s=abab, a suffix tree of s is a compressed trie of all suffixes of s=abab$數組
標註起始位置;右圖綠色leaf node表示對應子串的起始位置。【ith】less
在 1995 年,Esko Ukkonen 發表了論文《On-line construction of suffix trees》,描述了在線性時間內構建後綴樹的方法。下面嘗試描述 Ukkonen 算法 的基本實現原理,從簡單的字符串開始描述,而後擴展到更復雜的情形。dom
Ref: http://www.cnblogs.com/gaochundong/p/suffix_tree.html
Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9452701/ukkonens-suffix-tree-algorithm-in-plain-english
鑑於Suffix Array要優於Suffix Tree,這篇文章只考慮Auffix Array的快速構建。Ukkonen 算法參見以上連接。
方案:用S+’$'構造後綴樹,搜索T結點下的葉節點數目即爲重複次數 (雖然是公共枝,但其實string中位置不一樣)
* 自身內部比較 (最長重複子串)
方案:找到最深的非葉節點。 // 深度:從root所經歷過的字符個數,最深非葉節點所經歷的字符串起來就是最長重複子串
s=abab, 可見最深的非leaf node通過的path是"ab",故,"ab"便是最長重複子串。
* 倆字符串比較
S1=abab, S2=aab,可見,最深的非leaf node通過的path是"ab"。
方案:(1) 用S+"$"及其反轉字符串+"#"構造後綴樹,(2) 找到最深的非葉節點,且該節點的葉節點既有#也有$。
Let s = cbaaba$ then sr = abaabc#,
That's why Suffix Array. We loose some of the functionality but we save space.
Ref: http://cse.unl.edu/~lksoh/Classes/CSCE410_810_Fall03/sup7.html
Inverted indices assume that the text can be seen as a sequence of words.
Other queries such as phrases are expensive to solve.
One approach to address this problem is to use the suffix string approach. The index sees the text as one long string.
Each position in the text is considered as a text suffix (i.e., a string that goes from the text position to the end of the text).
Each suffix is thus uniquely identified by its position.
This type of index allows us to answer efficiently more complex queries.
The main drawbacks of this approach are:
(a) costly construction process,
(b) the text must be readily available at query time,
(c) the results are not delivered in text position order.
Unless complex queries are an important issue, for word-based applications, inverted files still perform better.
Suffix arrays are a space efficient implementation of suffix trees.
Also, not all text positions need to be indexed. Index points are selected from the text, which point to the beginning of the text positions which will be retrievable.
以上是11, 19, 28, 33, 40, 50, 60爲起點的若干個後綴。若是用後綴樹表示,就是以下大概的樣子:
Suffix Tree 在 DFS 後就是 Suffix Array。
Simply an array containing all the pointers to the
text suffixes listed in lexicographical order.
經過這個index array 並結合"原字符串",便可推出全部必要信息。
If the suffix array is large, this binary search can
perform poorly because of the number of random disk accesses.
Suffix arrays are designed to allow binary searches
done by comparing the contents of each pointer.
To remedy this situation, the use of supra-indices over the suffix array has been proposed.
* 自身內部比較 (最長重複子串)
(1) 可見,從左到右查看最長common的部分便可。
(2) 方便使用並行策略。
* 倆字符串比較
其實,既然保有原字符串,再裝備上suffix array這樣的相似指針的數組就行了。
suffix tree由於空間大,只須要「遍歷」操做便可。
suffix array需經過「遍歷with比較」就能達到相同效果。
藉助skip pointer的思想來加速查詢。
Space Efficient Linear Time Construction of Suffix Arrays - Pang Ko and Srinivas
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2-N853rS6U
Algorithm: Difference Cover modulo 3 - O(n)
(1) 後綴Set --(sort)--> 後綴數組 --(Suffix array-1)--> BWT
後綴排序後-->BWT matrix(的一半顯示部分,非綠色字體)
BWT matrix:第一列:suffix Array,但記錄的是index,而不是char。
BWT matrix:第尾列:BWT,經過suffix array-1得到。例如,6-1=5,"BANANA$"[ith=5]=N
(2) BWT --(C Table) --> char 的順序性,即: Index for 後綴數組
因此,Suffix Array若能O(n)建立,那麼BWT的建立直接由SA轉化後便可,故也能O(n)。
string = "MISSISSIPPI$",
Tast: construct its suffix array.
Step 1, mark L and S
type | L | S | L | L | S | L | L | S | L | L | L | L/S |
index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
text | M | I | S | S | I | S | S | I | P | P | I | $ |
distance | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Step 2, create bucket
Bucket | ||||||||||||
表明了順序性 | $ | I | M | P | S | |||||||
12 | 2 | 5 | 8 | 11 | 1 | 9 | 10 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 7 |
Step 3, D lists
D lists | 0 | 不考慮 | [2] [1] |
1 | [9] [3, 6] | 對應的char都是'S',暫無法判斷 | |
2 | [10] [4, 7] | 對應的char都是'S',暫無法判斷 | |
3 | [5, 8, 11] | 對應的char都是'I',暫無法判斷 | |
4 | [12] |
Step 4, S-Substring
S對應的項:2, 5, 8, 12.
其實就是進一步判斷Step 3的第3, 4行。主要仍是第3行。
2 | 5 | 8 | 全都是I |
3 | 6 | 9 | 9:P 靠前;故8不用再判斷 |
4 | 7 | 全都是S | |
5 | 8 | 全都是I | |
6 | 9 | 6:S;9:P,故,5靠前 |
結果就是:8, 5, 2
In one bucket(確定對應一個char),L類在S類的左邊。
Bucket | ||||||||||||
表明了順序性 | $ | I | M | P | S | |||||||
12 | 11 | 8 | 5 | 2 |
Step 5, complete others
Bucket | ||||||||||||
$ | I | M | P | S | ||||||||
12 | 11 | 8 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 9 | 7 | 4 | 6 | 3 | |
規則2 | 11 | 10 | 7 | 4 | 1 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 4 | 5 |
Finally, Suffix Array: [12, 11, 8, 5, 2, 1, 10, 9, 7, 4, 6, 3]