<!ELEMENT BODY O O (%block;|SCRIPT)+ +(INS|DEL) -- document body --> <!ATTLIST BODY %attrs; -- %coreattrs, %i18n, %events -- %Script; #IMPLIED -- the document has been loaded -- onunload %Script; #IMPLIED -- the document has been removed -- >
Start tag: optional, End tag: optionalcss
Attribute definitions數據庫
Attributes defined elsewherecanvas
The body of a document contains the document's content. The content may be presented by a user agent in a variety of ways. For example, for visual browsers, you can think of the body as a canvas where the content appears: text, p_w_picpaths, colors, graphics, etc. For audio user agents, the same content may be spoken. Since style sheets are now the preferred way to specify a document's presentation, the presentational attributes of BODY have been deprecated.app
文 檔的BODY承載文檔的內容。用戶代理可能以多種方式顯示BODY的內容。例如,對於可視化瀏覽器,能夠認爲BODY是一個用於繪製諸如:文本,圖片,顏 色,圖像等的畫布。對於音頻瀏覽器,一樣的內容將會被朗讀出來。如今,因爲樣式表做爲推薦的控制文檔展示的工具,BODY的全部展示相關的屬性都是不推薦 的。框架
The following HTML fragment illustrates the use of the deprecated attributes. It sets the background color of the canvas to white, the text foreground color to black, and the color of hyperlinks to red initially, fuchsia when activated, and maroon once visited.編程語言
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>A study of population dynamics</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="white" text="black" link="red" alink="fuchsia" vlink="maroon">... document body... </BODY> </HTML>
Using style sheets, the same effect could be accomplished as follows:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>A study of population dynamics</TITLE> <STYLE type="text/css"> BODY { background: white; color: black} A:link { color: red } A:visited { color: maroon } A:active { color: fuchsia } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY>
... document body... </BODY> </HTML>
Using external (linked) style sheets gives you the flexibility to change the presentation without revising the source HTML document:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>A study of population dynamics</TITLE> <LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="smartstyle.css"> </HEAD> <BODY> ... document body... </BODY> </HTML>
Framesets and HTML bodies. Documents that contain framesets replace the BODY element by the FRAMESET element. Please consult the section on frames for more information.
Frameset和HTML BODY。在承載frameset的文檔中FRAMESET元素替代了BODY元素。有關框架的更多信息請參閱本規範的相應部分。
Attribute definitions
<P id="myparagraph"> This is a uniquely named paragraph.</P> <P id="yourparagraph"> This is also a uniquely named paragraph.</P>
The id attribute has several roles in HTML:
The class attribute, on the other hand, assigns one or more class names to an element; the element may be said to belong to these classes. A class name may be shared by several element instances. The class attribute has several roles in HTML:
In the following example, the SPAN element is used in conjunction with the id and class attributes to markup document messages. Messages appear in both English and French versions.
<!-- English messages --> <P><SPAN id="msg1" class="info" lang="en">Variable declared twice</SPAN> <P><SPAN id="msg2" class="warning" lang="en">Undeclared variable</SPAN> <P><SPAN id="msg3" class="error" lang="en">Bad syntax for variable name</SPAN>
<!-- French messages --> <P><SPAN id="msg1" class="info" lang="fr">Variable déclarée deux fois</SPAN> <P><SPAN id="msg2" class="warning" lang="fr">Variable indéfinie</SPAN> <P><SPAN id="msg3" class="error" lang="fr">Erreur de syntaxe pour variable</SPAN>
The following CSS style rules would tell visual user agents to display informational messages in green, warning messages in yellow, and error messages in red:
SPAN.info { color: green } SPAN.warning { color: yellow } SPAN.error { color: red }
Note that the French "msg1" and the English "msg1" may not appear in the same document since they share the same id value. Authors may make further use of the id attribute to refine the presentation of individual messages, make them target anchors, etc.
Almost every HTML element may be assigned identifier and class information.
Suppose, for example, that we are writing a document about a programming language. The document is to include a number of preformatted examples. We use the PRE element to format the examples. We also assign a background color (green) to all instances of the PRE element belonging to the class "example".
... document title ...
</TITLE> <STYLE type="text/css"> PRE.example { background : green } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY><PRE class="example" id="example-1"> ...example code here... </PRE> </BODY>
By setting the id attribute for this example, we can
(1) create a hyperlink to it and
(2) override class style information with instance style information.
Note. The id attribute shares the same name space as the name attribute when used for anchor names. Please consult the section on anchors with id for more information.
Certain HTML elements that may appear in BODY are said to be "block-level" while others are "inline" (also known as "text level"). The distinction is founded on several notions:
Style sheets provide the means to specify the rendering of arbitrary elements, including whether an element is rendered as block or inline. In some cases, such as an inline style for list elements, this may be appropriate, but generally speaking, authors are discouraged from overriding the conventional interpretation of HTML elements in this way.
The alteration of the traditional presentation idioms for block level and inline elements also has an impact on the bidirectional text algorithm. See the section on the effect of style sheets on bidirectionality for more information.