
原文在此, 建議閱讀, 我把關鍵步驟抽出來了, 方便概覽git

(也就是add remote upstream, fetch upstream, rebase, 再push)github

Step 1: Forking a repofetch

git clone https://github.com/nitin-test/blog-example-fork.git
git remote add upstream https://github.com/nitstorm/blog-example.git
git remote
git remote show origin
git remote show upstream

Step 2: Making changes and submitting Pull Requestscode

git checkout -b word-addition
git commit -am "Adds the word memory"
git push origin word-addition
# 網頁端發起merge到master

Step 3: Keeping the forked repo synced with the main repoorm

# 確保你是在master分支
git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
git push origin master