<hr/> 2018年學習總結博客總目錄:[第一週](https://www.cnblogs.com/hzy0628/p/9606767.html) [第二週](https://www.cnblogs.com/hzy0628/p/9655903.html) [第三週](https://www.cnblogs.com/hzy0628/p/9700082.html) <hr/>html
1.隊列是一種線性集合,其元素從一端加入,從另外一端刪除;隊列元素是按先進先出(FIFO(First in First out))方式進行處理的。前端
操做 | 描述 |
enqueue | 向列表末端添加一個元素 |
dequeue | 從隊列前端刪除一個元素 |
first | 考察隊列前端的那個元素 |
isEmpty | 斷定隊列是否爲空 |
size | 斷定隊列中的元素數目 |
toString | 返回隊列的字符串表示 |
3.Java API中的隊列 java.util包中有接口 Queue<E>,它提供瞭如下一些方法: node
5.隊列ADT 咱們定義一個泛型QueueADT接口,表示隊列的操做,把操做的通常目標與各類實現方式分開。下面是其UML描述: 下面爲其代碼:編程
public interface QueueADT<T> { public void enqueue(T elem); public T dequeue(); public T first(); public boolean isEmpty(); public int size(); public String toString(); }
import jsjf.*; public class LinkedQueue<T> implements QueueADT<T> { private int count; private LinearNode<T> head,tail; public LinkedQueue() { count = 0 ; head = tail = null; }
public void enqueue(T element) { LinearNode<T> node = new LinearNode<T>(element); if (isEmpty()) head = node; else tail.setNext(node); tail = node; count++; }
public T dequeue() throws EmptyCollectionException { if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyCollectionException("queue"); T result = head.getElement(); head = head.getNext(); count--; if (isEmpty()) tail = null; return result; }
這裏咱們首先考慮一個通常數組,因爲隊列操做會修改集合的兩端,所以要將一端固定於索引爲0處移動元素,這樣便有兩種可能:(1)首元素永遠固定在數組索引爲0處,這時添加元素時複雜度爲O(1),而刪除元素時,複雜度將會變爲O(n);(2)隊列的末元素始終固定在數組索引爲0處,這時刪除一個元素時複雜度爲O(1),而添加一個新元素時則會使複雜度變爲O(n)。不管以上哪一種狀況,都不是最好的解決辦法。這時,咱們能夠去採用環形數組(circular array)來實現隊列,即一種環形的數組結構。單元測試
public class CircularArrayQueue<T> implements QueueADT<T> { private final static int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100; private int front, rear, count; private T[] queue; /** * Creates an empty queue using the specified capacity. * @param initialCapacity the initial size of the circular array queue */ public CircularArrayQueue (int initialCapacity) { front = rear = count = 0; queue = (T[]) (new Object[initialCapacity]); } /** * Creates an empty queue using the default capacity. */ public CircularArrayQueue() { this(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); }
rear = (rear+1) % queue.length;
,同時,當數組中的全部單元已經填充,這時就須要擴容這一操做,否則新元素會覆蓋掉以前的首元素。 具體代碼實現:public void enqueue(T element) { if (size() == queue.length) expandCapacity(); queue[rear] = element; rear = (rear+1) % queue.length; count++; } /** * Creates a new array to store the contents of this queue with * twice the capacity of the old one. */ private void expandCapacity() { T[] larger = (T[]) (new Object[queue.length *2]); for (int scan = 0; scan < count; scan++) { larger[scan] = queue[front]; front = (front + 1) % queue.length; } front = 0; rear = count; queue = larger; }
public T dequeue() throws EmptyCollectionException { if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyCollectionException("queue"); T result = queue[front]; queue[front] = null; front = (front+1) % queue.length; count--; return result; }
8.雙端隊列 雙端隊列(deque)是隊列的拓展,它容許從隊列的兩端添加、刪除和查看元素。
Customer customer; Queue<Customer> customerQueue = new LinkedList<Customer>(); int[] cashierTime = new int[MAX_CASHIERS]; //收銀員的時間標記 int totalTime, averageTime, departs,start; /** process the simulation for various number of cashiers */ for (int cashiers = 0; cashiers < MAX_CASHIERS; cashiers++) { /** set each cashiers time to zero initially */ for (int count = 0; count < cashiers; count++) cashierTime[count] = 0; /** load customer queue */ for (int count = 1; count <= NUM_CUSTOMERS; count++) customerQueue.offer(new Customer(count * 15)); totalTime = 0;//使用的整體時間 /** process all customers in the queue */ while (!(customerQueue.isEmpty())) { for (int count = 0; count <= cashiers; count++) { if (!(customerQueue.isEmpty())) { customer = customerQueue.poll(); if (customer.getArrivalTime() > cashierTime[count]) start = customer.getArrivalTime() ; else start = cashierTime[count]; // 離開時間的設置 departs = start + PROCESS; customer.setDepartureTime(departs); cashierTime[count] = departs; //每一個顧客使用的最總時間 totalTime += customer.totalTime(); } } } averageTime = totalTime / NUM_CUSTOMERS; System.out.println("Number of cashiers: " + (cashiers + 1)); System.out.println("Average time: " + averageTime + "\n"); }
for (int cashiers = 0; cashiers < MAX_CASHIERS; cashiers++) {}
,這是最外層的一個循環,這個循環要完成的是模擬售票口數量,從1開始到10結束,那麼咱們如今能夠先把它固定下來,假定如今cashiers=4,而後繼續;for (int count = 0; count < cashiers; count++) cashierTime[count] = 0; /** load customer queue */ for (int count = 1; count <= NUM_CUSTOMERS; count++) customerQueue.offer(new Customer(count * 15)); totalTime = 0;//使用的整體時間
這幾行代碼是將每一個cashier time初始化爲0,同時再導入每位顧客來的時間,整體時間設爲0,而後繼續; 到了這裏while (!(customerQueue.isEmpty())){}
,又是一個較大的循環,當隊列不爲空時,售票口就須要處理,繼續; 再內層的 for (int count = 0; count <= cashiers; count++) {}
這個循環模擬的是各個售票口進行處理,咱們剛纔固定cashiers爲4,那麼這個循環就會進行5次,此時各個售票口進行處理; 而後,
customer = customerQueue.poll(); if (customer.getArrivalTime() > cashierTime[count]) start = customer.getArrivalTime() ; else start = cashierTime[count]; departs = start + PROCESS; customer.setDepartureTime(departs); cashierTime[count] = departs; //每一個顧客使用的最總時間 totalTime += customer.totalTime();
這裏是我理解起來最費力氣的一個地方,首先是一位顧客出隊進行辦理,咱們要計算他在這裏的等待時間,好比說第第150秒來的顧客,他剛好走到了第3個售票口,那麼若是他來的時間是在前一位顧客已經離開以後,那麼他將不用等待,之間記開始start爲他來的時間,而後加上他處理的時間,就是他離開的時間;那麼,若是他來的時候,前面還有顧客沒有處理完,那麼這時就有等待時間了,等待的時間就是這個售票口處所記的counterTime,再加上他的處理時間,就是他離開的時間。後面的就比較容易理解了,再也不敘述。 這樣就完成了整個的售票口的一個模擬流程,獲得了書上的結果。
class Link { public long dData; public Link next; public Link(long dData) { this.dData = dData; } public void displayLink() { System.out.print("{" + this.dData + "}"); } }
class FirstLastList { Link first; Link last; public FirstLastList() { this.first = null; //when create an object of LinkList,make sure it is empty! this.last = null; } public boolean isEmpty() { return first == null; } public void insertLast(long key) //this method will be used when I create insert() method { //in Queue(not the class Queue,I just mean a Queue) Link newLink = new Link(key); if(this.isEmpty()) //if list is empty { first = newLink; //draw a picture can help me understand it ! last = newLink; newLink.next = null; } else { last.next = newLink; last = newLink; newLink.next = null; } } public long deleteFirst() //this method will be used when I create remove() method in Queue(not the class Queue,I just mean a Queue) { Link current = null; if(this.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Your stack is empty"); return -1; } else if(first==last) { current = first; first = null; last = null; return current.dData; } else { current = first; first = first.next; return current.dData; } } public void displayList() { Link current = first; System.out.print("Queue (front-->rear): "); if(this.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Your list is empty, nothing to show!"); } else { while(current!=null) { current.displayLink(); current = current.next; } System.out.println(""); } } } class LinkQueue { FirstLastList list = new FirstLastList(); //two-ended list public void insert(long key) { list.insertLast(key); } public long remove() { return list.deleteFirst(); } public void showQueue() { list.displayList(); } } class LinkQueueApp { public static void main(String[] args) { LinkQueue theQueue = new LinkQueue(); theQueue.insert(12); //insert four elements theQueue.insert(13); theQueue.insert(14); theQueue.insert(15); theQueue.showQueue(); //look at what is in the queue theQueue.remove(); //remove two elements ,from right side theQueue.remove(); theQueue.showQueue(); //look at what is in the queue now! } }
1.By using the interface name as a return type, the interface doesn’t commit the method to the use of any particular class that implements a stack.(正確)
2.The implementation of the collection operations should affect the way users interact with the collection.(錯誤)
3.Inherited variables and methods can be used in the derived class as if they had been declared locally.(正確)
博客中值得學習的或問題: 博客中代碼問題解決過程記錄較詳細,可適當添加教材內容總結。
技能 | 課前評估 | 課後但願值 |
對編程的總體理解 | 2 | 6 |
程序理解 | 4 | 8 |
單元測試、代碼覆蓋率 | 1 | 6 |
效能分析和改進 | 3 | 7 |
需求分析 | 0 | 5 |
計劃任務 | 2 | 7 |
代碼行數(新增/累積) | 博客量(新增/累積) | 學習時間(新增/累積) | 重要成長 | |
目標 | 5000行 | 30篇 | 400小時 | |
第一週 | 0/0 | 1/1 | 15/15 | |
第二週 | 572/572 | 1/2 | 16/31 | |
第三週 | 612/1184 | 1/3 | 13/44 |