OSWatcher Balck Box簡介html
OSWatcher Black Box (oswbb)是Oracle開發、提供的一個小巧,可是實用、強大的系統工具,它能夠用來抓取操做系統的性能指標,用於輔助監控系統的資源使用。其安裝部署、卸載都很是簡單;資源消耗也比較小,原理也十分簡單,它經過調用OS的的一些命令(例如vmstat、iostat等)來採集、存儲CPU/Memory/Swap/Disk IO/Nentwork相關數據。安裝和運行oswbba能夠幫助在性能診斷時提供豐富多樣的各種性能數據、圖文報表支持。java
OSWatcher 在4.0的版本時被命名爲OSWatcher Black Box,簡稱爲oswbb,同時增長了數據分析功能,即OSWatcher Black Box Analyzer (OSWbba)這個繪圖和分析工具,其捆綁在 OS Watcher Black Box當中。替代了以前的OSWg。 也就是說在OSWatcher 4.0 以前是:OSWatcher 和 OSWg的關係,OSWatcher 4.0 後變成了: OSWbb 與 OSWbba 的關係。node
OSWatcher Black Box(oswbb)支持多個操做系統,也分Linux與Window版本,固然這兩個版本有所差異,本篇只講述Linux版本。另外,OSWatcher Black Box(oswbb)由兩個部分組成:ios
1. oswbb: 一個Unix的 shell script腳本集合,其用來收集和歸檔數據,從而幫助定位問題。git
2. oswbba: 一個Java工具來自動分析數據,提供建議,而且生成一個包含圖形的 html 文檔。shell
OSWatcher Black Box(oswbb)的官方下載地址以及相關資料以下(Oracle Metalink上的資料須要帳號)數據庫
How To Start OSWatcher Black Box (OSWBB) Every System Boot Using RPM oswbb-service(文檔 ID 580513.1)oracle
OSWatcher Analyzer User Guide (文檔 ID 461053.1)app
OSWatcher (oswbb) is a collection of UNIX shell scripts intended to collect and archive operating system and network metrics to aid support in diagnosing performance issues. OSWatcher operates as a set of background processes on the server and gathers OS data on a regular basis, invoking such Unix utilities as vmstat, netstat and iostat. OSWatcher can be downloaded from this note. OSWatcher is also included in the RAC-DDT script file, but is not installed by RAC-DDT. For more information on RAC-DDT see RAC-DDT User Guide. OSWatcher is installed on each node where data is to be collected. Installation instructions for OSWatcher are provided in this user guide.
The OSWatcher Analyzer (oswbba) is a graphing and analysis utility which comes bundled with OSWatcher v4.0 and higher. oswbba allows the user to graphically display data collected, generate reports containing these graphs and provides a built in analyzer to analyze the data and provide details on any performance problems it detects. The ability to graph and analyze this information relieves the user of manually inspecting all the files.
NOTE: oswbba replaces the utility OSWg. This was done to eliminate the confusion caused by having multiple tools in support named OSWatcher. oswbba is only supported for data collected by oswbb and no other tool.
[oracle@DB-Server monitoring]$ tar -xvf oswbb734.tar
[oracle@DB-Server monitoring]$ ls -lrt
total 6196
drwxr-xr-x 6 oracle oinstall 4096 Jul 25 22:22 oswbb
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 6318080 Nov 8 02:33 oswbb734.tar
[oracle@DB-Server monitoring]$ cd oswbb
[oracle@DB-Server oswbb]$ ls –lrt
rm –fr oswbb
./startOSWbb.sh 10 2
[oracle@DB-Server oswbb]$ ./startOSWbb.sh 10 2
[oracle@DB-Server oswbb]$ Setting the archive log directory to/home/oracle/monitoring/oswbb/archive
Testing for discovery of OS Utilities...
VMSTAT found on your system.
IOSTAT found on your system.
MPSTAT found on your system.
Warning... IFCONFIG not found on your system. No IFCONFIG data will be collected.
NETSTAT found on your system.
TOP found on your system.
Testing for discovery of OS CPU COUNT
oswbb is looking for the CPU COUNT on your system
CPU COUNT will be used by oswbba to automatically look for cpu problems
CPU COUNT found on your system.
Discovery completed.
Starting OSWatcher v7.3.3 on Sun Dec 4 08:01:57 EST 2016
With SnapshotInterval = 10
With ArchiveInterval = 2
OSWatcher - Written by Carl Davis, Center of Expertise,
Oracle Corporation
For questions on install/usage please go to MOS (Note:301137.1)
If you need further assistance or have comments or enhancement
requests you can email me Carl.Davis@Oracle.com
Data is stored in directory: /home/oracle/monitoring/oswbb/archive
Starting Data Collection...
oswbb heartbeat:Sun Dec 4 08:02:02 EST 2016
oswbb heartbeat:Sun Dec 4 08:02:12 EST 2016
參數1: 指定多少秒採集一次數據。
參數2: 指定採集的數據文件在歸檔路徑保留多少個小時
參數3: 可選參數,打包壓縮工具, 在完成收集後OSW 將使用其來打包壓縮歸檔文件
參數4: 可選參數,指定採集歸檔數據的輸出目錄,默認爲系統變量OSWBB_ARCHIVE_DEST的值。
nohup ./startOSWbb.sh 30 48 &
第一次啓動OSWatcher會在oswbb目錄下建立 gif、archive、tmp、locks目錄。其歸檔文件夾和osw<工具名> 子文件夾會被建
[oracle@DB-Server archive]$ tree
|-- oswifconfig
|-- oswiostat
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_iostat_16.12.09.1300.dat
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_iostat_16.12.09.1400.dat
| `-- DB-Server.localdomain_iostat_16.12.09.1500.dat
|-- oswmeminfo
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_meminfo_16.12.09.1300.dat
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_meminfo_16.12.09.1400.dat
| `-- DB-Server.localdomain_meminfo_16.12.09.1500.dat
|-- oswmpstat
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_mpstat_16.12.09.1300.dat
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_mpstat_16.12.09.1400.dat
| `-- DB-Server.localdomain_mpstat_16.12.09.1500.dat
|-- oswnetstat
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_netstat_16.12.09.1300.dat
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_netstat_16.12.09.1400.dat
| `-- DB-Server.localdomain_netstat_16.12.09.1500.dat
|-- oswprvtnet
|-- oswps
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_ps_16.12.09.1300.dat
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_ps_16.12.09.1400.dat
| `-- DB-Server.localdomain_ps_16.12.09.1500.dat
|-- oswslabinfo
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_slabinfo_16.12.09.1300.dat
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_slabinfo_16.12.09.1400.dat
| `-- DB-Server.localdomain_slabinfo_16.12.09.1500.dat
|-- oswtop
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_top_16.12.09.1300.dat
| |-- DB-Server.localdomain_top_16.12.09.1400.dat
| `-- DB-Server.localdomain_top_16.12.09.1500.dat
`-- oswvmstat
|-- DB-Server.localdomain_vmstat_16.12.09.1300.dat
|-- DB-Server.localdomain_vmstat_16.12.09.1400.dat
`-- DB-Server.localdomain_vmstat_16.12.09.1500.dat
10 directories, 24 files
採集的數據文件命名格式爲OSWatcher 輸出文件格式爲:<節點名>_<操做系統工具名>_YY.MM.DD.HH24.dat 。以下所示,
OSWatcher在系統重啓事後,是沒法自動重啓的,若是須要設置OSWatcher開機自啓動,須要安裝、配置osw-service這個RPM包。這個安裝包能夠從How To Start OSWatcher Black Box (OSWBB) Every System Boot Using RPM oswbb-service (文檔 ID 580513.1)出下載。
[root@DB-Server tmp]# rpm -ivh oswbb-service-7.2.0-1.noarch.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:oswbb-service ########################################### [100%]
[root@DB-Server tmp]#
[root@DB-Server ~]#
[root@DB-Server ~]# /sbin/chkconfig oswbb on
[root@DB-Server ~]# /sbin/service oswbb start
Starting OSWatcher: [ OK ]
[root@DB-Server ~]#
關閉OSWatcher也是很是簡單,網上有種說法:stopOSWbb.sh 是Oracle惟一支持的用於中止OSW的方法,其實否則,應該說有兩種方法
[root@DB-Server ~]# ps -ef | grep -i OSW
oracle 24863 1 0 16:02 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/sh ./OSWatcher.sh 30 48
oracle 24904 24863 0 16:03 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/sh ./OSWatcherFM.sh 48 /home/oracle/monitoring/oswbb/archive
root 25330 18699 0 16:05 pts/2 00:00:00 grep -i osw
[root@DB-Server ~]# kill 24863
[root@DB-Server ~]# kill 24904
[root@DB-Server ~]# ps -ef | grep -i OSW
root 25342 18699 0 16:05 pts/2 00:00:00 grep -i osw
[root@DB-Server ~]#
若是你查看stopOSWbb.sh腳本,你會發現它中止OSWatcher也是經過kill OSWatcher program相關進程的方法,以下所示:
[oracle@DB-Server oswbb]$ more stopOSWbb.sh
# stopOSW.sh
# This is the script which terminates all processes associated with
# the OSWatcher program.
# Kill the OSWatcher processes
case $PLATFORM in
kill -15 `ps -ef | grep OSWatch | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
kill -15 `ps -e | grep OSWatch | awk '{print $1}'`
OSWatcher bba使用總結
OSWatcher now provides an analysis tool oswbba which analyzes the log files produced by OSWatcher. This tool allows OSWatcher to be selfanalyzing.
This tool also provides a graphing capability to graph the data and to produce a html profile. See the "Graphing and Analyzing the Output" section below.
oswbba is written in java and requires as a minimum java version 1.4.2 or higher. oswbba can run on any Unix X Windows or PC Windows platform. An X Windows environment is required because oswbba uses Oracle Chartbuilder which requires it.
OSWatcher bba 是一個Java語言寫的應用程序,須要安裝Java 1.4.2 或更高的版本。oswbba可以在任何有X Windows的Unix平臺或Windows平臺上運行, X Windows環境是必須的,由於oswbba須要用到Oracle Chartbuilder組件,而這個組件須要它。
[root@DB-Server oswbb]# java -version
java version "1.8.0_111"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)
[root@DB-Server oswbb]# java -jar oswbba.jar -i /home/oracle/monitoring/oswbb/archive/
[root@DB-Server oswbb]# java -jar Xmx512M oswbba.jar -i /home/oracle/monitoring/oswbb/archive/
若是你只想生成某個時間段的報表,你可使用參數-B -E 以下案例所示
[root@DB-Server oswbb]#java -jar -Xmx256m oswbba.jar -i /home/oracle/scripts/oswbb/archive -B Dec 7 15:30:00 2016 -E Dec 7 17:00:00 2016
在處理過程OSWatcher有下面一些參數可供選擇,以下所示。根據具體須要選擇。 生成對應的html報表後,將其下載到本機,你就能夠作一些分析了。
其實使用OSWatcher的使用並無什麼難度,反而是你要理解報表或分析報告中的指標意義,可以結合AWR、ASH以及其餘數據庫診斷信息來分析、診斷問題。這個纔是有難度的。關於具體指標的詳細說明,OSWatcher Analyzer User Guide (文檔 ID 461053.1) 中已有詳細解說,在此就不班門弄斧了。
1: 如何判斷OSWatcher是否正在運行
[oracle@DB-Server ~]$ ps -ef | grep -i OSWatcher
oracle 23532 1 0 08:01 pts/2 00:00:14 /bin/sh ./OSWatcher.sh 10 2
oracle 23587 23532 0 08:02 pts/2 00:00:00 /bin/sh ./OSWatcherFM.sh 2 /home/oracle/monitoring/oswbb/archive
oracle 25808 24564 0 09:22 pts/3 00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i OSWatcher
[oracle@DB-Server ~]$
2: 沒有設置JAVA環境變量,會遇到下面錯誤:
[oracle@mylnx02 oswbb]$ java -jar oswbba.jar -i /home/oracle/oswbb/archive -B Dec 21 09:00:00 2016 -E Dec 21 10:00:00 2016
Validating times in the archive...
Starting OSW Analyzer V7.3.3
OSWatcher Analyzer Written by Oracle Center of Expertise
Copyright (c) 2014 by Oracle Corporation
Parsing Data. Please Wait...
ERROR. You do not have a legitimate version of java in your PATH.
Linux users please download and install java from java.sun.com or
see the oswbba README for instructions on how to use the version of java
that comes shipped with the Oracle database.
[oracle@mylnx02 oswbb]$ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jre/1.4.2/bin:$PATH
[oracle@mylnx02 oswbb]$ java -jar oswbba.jar -i /home/oracle/oswbb/archive -B Dec 21 09:00:00 2016 -E Dec 21 10:00:00 2016
Validating times in the archive...
Starting OSW Analyzer V7.3.3
OSWatcher Analyzer Written by Oracle Center of Expertise
Copyright (c) 2014 by Oracle Corporation
Parsing Data. Please Wait...
Scanning file headers for version and platform info...
Parsing file getlnx14.gfg1.esquel.com_iostat_16.12.21.0800.dat ...
Parsing file getlnx14.gfg1.esquel.com_iostat_16.12.21.0900.dat ...
3:運行"java -jar oswbba.jar ..."命令時報"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError"
這個是由於JAVA的堆棧設置過小的緣故,加載到內存中的數據量過於龐大,須要設置參數-Xmx 能夠用-Xmx256m或-Xmx512m 以下所示
java -jar -Xmx256m oswbba.jar -i /home/oracle/scripts/oswbb/archive
oswbba parses all the archive files in memory prior to generating graphs or performing an analysis. If you have a large amount of files to parse you may need to allocate more memory in the java heap. If you experience any error messages regarding out of memory such as java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, you may have to increase the size of the java heap. To increase the size of the java heap use the -Xmx flag.
4:oswbba是否能夠在命令行界面生成html報告文件? 答案是能夠,固然你會遇到不少雜七雜八問題,下面列舉了一些我遇到的問題
1: 」No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it「
若是是root帳號,只要執行export DISPLAY=:0.0命令後,便可在SecureCRT或 命令窗口生成報表文件。以下所示:
[root@DB-Server oswbb]# export DISPLAY=:0.0
[root@DB-Server oswbb]# java -jar oswbba.jar -i /home/oracle/monitoring/oswbb/archive/
Starting OSW Analyzer V7.3.3
OSWatcher Analyzer Written by Oracle Center of Expertise
Copyright (c) 2014 by Oracle Corporation
Parsing Data. Please Wait...
Scanning file headers for version and platform info...
Parsing file DB-Server.localdomain_iostat_16.12.04.0800.dat ...
Parsing file DB-Server.localdomain_iostat_16.12.04.0900.dat ...
Parsing file DB-Server.localdomain_vmstat_16.12.04.0800.dat ...
Parsing file DB-Server.localdomain_vmstat_16.12.04.0900.dat ...
Parsing file DB-Server.localdomain_netstat_16.12.04.0800.dat ...
Parsing file DB-Server.localdomain_netstat_16.12.04.0900.dat ...
Parsing file DB-Server.localdomain_top_16.12.04.0800.dat ...
Parsing file DB-Server.localdomain_top_16.12.04.0900.dat ...
Parsing file DB-Server.localdomain_ps_16.12.04.0800.dat ...
Parsing file DB-Server.localdomain_ps_16.12.04.0900.dat ...
Parsing Completed.
Enter 1 to Display CPU Process Queue Graphs
Enter 2 to Display CPU Utilization Graphs
Enter 3 to Display CPU Other Graphs
Enter 4 to Display Memory Graphs
Enter 5 to Display Disk IO Graphs
Enter 6 to Generate All CPU Gif Files
Enter 7 to Generate All Memory Gif Files
Enter 8 to Generate All Disk Gif Files
Enter L to Specify Alternate Location of Gif Directory
Enter T to Alter Graph Time Scale Only (Does not change analysis dataset)
Enter D to Return to Default Graph Time Scale
Enter R to Remove Currently Displayed Graphs
Enter A to Analyze Data
Enter S to Analyze Subset of Data(Changes analysis dataset including graph time scale)
Enter P to Generate A Profile
Enter X to Export Parsed Data to File
Enter Q to Quit Program
Please Select an Option:1
Enter 1 to Display CPU Process Queue Graphs
Enter 2 to Display CPU Utilization Graphs
Enter 3 to Display CPU Other Graphs
Enter 4 to Display Memory Graphs
Enter 5 to Display Disk IO Graphs
Enter 6 to Generate All CPU Gif Files
Enter 7 to Generate All Memory Gif Files
Enter 8 to Generate All Disk Gif Files
Enter L to Specify Alternate Location of Gif Directory
Enter T to Alter Graph Time Scale Only (Does not change analysis dataset)
Enter D to Return to Default Graph Time Scale
Enter R to Remove Currently Displayed Graphs
Enter A to Analyze Data
Enter S to Analyze Subset of Data(Changes analysis dataset including graph time scale)
Enter P to Generate A Profile
Enter X to Export Parsed Data to File
Enter Q to Quit Program
Please Select an Option:P
Enter a unique profile directory name or enter <CR> to accept default name:kkk.html
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_Run_Queue.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_Block_Queue.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_Cpu_Idle.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_Cpu_System.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_Cpu_User.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_Cpu_Wa.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_Cpu_Interrupts.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_Context_Switches.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_Memory_Swap.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_Memory_Free.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_Memory_Page_In_Rate.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_IO_ST.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_IO_RPS.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_IO_WPS.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_IO_PB.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_IO_PBTP_1.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_IO_PBTP_2.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_IO_PBTP_3.gif
Generating file profile/DB-Server.localdomain_kkk.html/OSW_profile_files/OSWg_OS_IO_TPS.gif
[oracle@DB-Server oswbb]$ su - root
[root@DB-Server ~]# export DISPLAY=:0.0
[root@DB-Server ~]# xhost local:oracle
non-network local connections being added to access control list
固然,在SecureCRT中,你不能選擇1-5這幾個選項,不然依然會遇到 Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0'這個錯誤。這個只能在圖形化界面才能執行。例如經過VNC來生成。
java -jar -Xmx256m oswbba.jar -i /home/oracle/oswbb/archive -B Mar 5 16:00:00 2016 -E Mar 5 16:30:00 2016
java -jar -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx256m oswbba.jar -i /home/oracle/oswbb/archive -B Mar 5 16:00:00 2016 -E Mar 5 16:30:00 2016
OSWatcher(包括:[視頻]) (文檔 ID 1526578.1)
OSWatcher (Includes: [Video]) (文檔 ID 301137.1) How To Start OSWatcher Black Box (OSWBB) Every System Boot Using RPM oswbb-service(文檔 ID 580513.1) OSWatcher Analyzer User Guide (文檔 ID 461053.1) |