Thymeleaf 3.0.9.RELEASE is the current stable version. It requires Java SE 6 or newer.html
For the old 2.1.x branch, Thymeleaf 2.1.6.RELEASE is the latest
The easiest way to include Thymeleaf in your project is to use a build system like Maven or Gradle and make use of the Thymeleaf artifacts living in the Central Repository. All you need to do is add the Thymeleaf dependencies you need to your project:git
Module | Group ID | Artifact ID |
Core library | org.thymeleaf |
thymeleaf |
Spring 3 integration | org.thymeleaf |
thymeleaf-spring3 |
Spring 4 integration | org.thymeleaf |
thymeleaf-spring4 |
Spring 5 integration | org.thymeleaf |
thymeleaf-spring5 |
Testing library | org.thymeleaf |
thymeleaf-testing |
Spring Security 3 integration | org.thymeleaf.extras |
thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity3 |
Spring Security 4 integration | org.thymeleaf.extras |
thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity4 |
Java 8 Time API compatibility | org.thymeleaf.extras |
thymeleaf-extras-java8time |
Tiles 2 integration | org.thymeleaf.extras |
thymeleaf-extras-tiles2 |
IE Conditional Comments support | org.thymeleaf.extras |
thymeleaf-extras-conditionalcomments |
An example:github
<dependency> <groupId>org.thymeleaf</groupId> <artifactId>thymeleaf</artifactId> <version>3.0.9.RELEASE</version> </dependency>
In case you don't use a build tool such as Maven or Gradle, we also offer a complete distribution package containing binaries, source, javadoc and dependencies in the form of a convenient .zip file, which you can download from our bintray binary repository.web
Thymeleaf's source code is available on GitHub. Here are the main repositories:spring
Module | Repository |
Core library | |
Spring integration | |
Documentation | |
Testing library | |
Test suites | |
Benchmarks | |
Spring Security integration | |
Java 8 Time API compatibility | |
Tiles 2 integration | |
IE Conditional Comments support | |
If you need to use the Thymeleaf logo, you can just copy the one below, or have a look here and find several versions of it along with instructions on how to use
The Thymeleaf Artwork by The Thymeleaf Project is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 License. Note that this license only applies to the Thymeleaf artwork, and specifically does not apply to software published by the Thymeleaf project nor to the names, logos or other artwork of companies or projects using Thymeleaf, even if displayed on this website.maven