ok6410 android driver(4)

  Install busybox for goldfish/phonelinux

  1. Download busybox source codeshell


  2. Decompress busyboxvim

$ tar xvf busybox-1.21.0.tar.bz2 -C ~/Android/
$ cd ~/Android/busybox-1.21.0

  3. Correct the cross compilerui

$ vim Makefile
// add the compiler following CROSS_COMPILE
CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-linux-

  TIPS : You must got an cross compiler already.spa

  4. configure busybox.net

$ make menuconfig

  If we would like to use the busybox on other platform, we should choose the following option :code

Busybox Setting --> Build Options -->
[*] Build Busybox as a static binary (no shared libs)

  And we don't want the busybox install in our localhost system :orm

General Configuration -->
[*] Don't use /usr

  Cross Compiler prefixblog

Busybox Setting --> Build Option -->
(arm-linux-) Cross Compiler prefix

  TIPS : Check your cross compiler export path, if not, you should enter the complete path into Cross Compiler prefix.ip

  Save configurations.

  5. Compile the busybox

$ make     

  Wait a minute, there would be a new executable file : busybox

  6. Push busybox to you emulator/phone

$ adb push busybox /data/busybox

  7. Export the path to busybox

$ export PATH=$PATH:/data/busybox

  TIPS: /data/busybox directory must already exist

  8. Install busybox

  (1) make install in localhost

$ pwd
$ make install

  (2) push the /bin to emulator/phone

// adb shell
/# mkdir /data/busybox/bin
// local host
$ adb push _install/bin/ /data/busybox/bin/
 (3) export the PATH in init.rc
 This part we shoult not edit the init.rc directly, the init.rc was loaded by ramdisk.img.
 It is no use to change init.rc on the rootfs.
 We can change the init.rc by gunziping the ramdisk.img and rebuild it.
 More details check :
 Or just copy the file to "/system/sbin/".