AST 抽象語法樹

提起 AST 抽象語法樹,你們可能並不感冒。可是提到它的使用場景,也許會讓你大吃一驚。原來它一直在你左右與你相伴,而你殊不知。


在計算機科學中,抽象語法樹(abstract syntax tree 或者縮寫爲 AST),或者語法樹(syntax tree),是源代碼的抽象語法結構的樹狀表現形式,這裏特指編程語言的源代碼。樹上的每一個節點都表示源代碼中的一種結構。git



  • JS 反編譯,語法解析
  • Babel 編譯 ES6 語法
  • 代碼高亮
  • 關鍵字匹配
  • 做用域判斷
  • 代碼壓縮

3、AST Explorer

咱們來看一個 ES6 的解釋器,聲明以下的代碼:web

1 let tips = [
2   "Jartto's AST Demo"
3 ];

看看是如何解析的, JSON 格式以下:express

 1 {
 2   "type": "Program",
 3   "start": 0,
 4   "end": 38,
 5   "body": [
 6     {
 7       "type": "VariableDeclaration",
 8       "start": 0,
 9       "end": 37,
10       "declarations": [
11         {
12           "type": "VariableDeclarator",
13           "start": 4,
14           "end": 36,
15           "id": {
16             "type": "Identifier",
17             "start": 4,
18             "end": 8,
19             "name": "tips"
20           },
21           "init": {
22             "type": "ArrayExpression",
23             "start": 11,
24             "end": 36,
25             "elements": [
26               {
27                 "type": "Literal",
28                 "start": 15,
29                 "end": 34,
30                 "value": "Jartto's AST Demo",
31                 "raw": "\"Jartto's AST Demo\""
32               }
33             ]
34           }
35         }
36       ],
37       "kind": "let"
38     }
39   ],
40   "sourceType": "module"
41 }



每一個結構都看的清清楚楚,這時候咱們會發現,這和 Dom 樹真的差不了多少。再來看一個例子:數組

1 (1+2)*3

AST Tree:

咱們刪掉括號,看看規則是如何變化的?JSON 格式會一目瞭然:編程語言

 1 {
 2   "type": "Program",
 3   "start": 0,
 4   "end": 6,
 5   "body": [
 6     {
 7       "type": "ExpressionStatement",
 8       "start": 0,
 9       "end": 5,
10       "expression": {
11         "type": "BinaryExpression",
12         "start": 0,
13         "end": 5,
14         "left": {
15           "type": "Literal",
16           "start": 0,
17           "end": 1,
18           "value": 1,
19           "raw": "1"
20         },
21         "operator": "+",
22         "right": {
23           "type": "BinaryExpression",
24           "start": 2,
25           "end": 5,
26           "left": {
27             "type": "Literal",
28             "start": 2,
29             "end": 3,
30             "value": 2,
31             "raw": "2"
32           },
33           "operator": "*",
34           "right": {
35             "type": "Literal",
36             "start": 4,
37             "end": 5,
38             "value": 3,
39             "raw": "3"
40           }
41         }
42       }
43     }
44   ],
45   "sourceType": "module"
46 }

能夠看出來,(1+2)*3 和 1+2*3,語法樹是有差異的:
1.在肯定類型爲 ExpressionStatement 後,它會按照代碼執行的前後順序,將表達式 BinaryExpression 分爲 Leftoperator 和 right 三塊;


1 const mytest = (a,b) => {
2   return a+b;
3 }

JSON 格式以下:

 1 {
 2   "type": "Program",
 3   "start": 0,
 4   "end": 42,
 5   "body": [
 6     {
 7       "type": "VariableDeclaration",
 8       "start": 0,
 9       "end": 41,
10       "declarations": [
11         {
12           "type": "VariableDeclarator",
13           "start": 6,
14           "end": 41,
15           "id": {
16             "type": "Identifier",
17             "start": 6,
18             "end": 12,
19             "name": "mytest"
20           },
21           "init": {
22             "type": "ArrowFunctionExpression",
23             "start": 15,
24             "end": 41,
25             "id": null,
26             "expression": false,
27             "generator": false,
28             "params": [
29               {
30                 "type": "Identifier",
31                 "start": 16,
32                 "end": 17,
33                 "name": "a"
34               },
35               {
36                 "type": "Identifier",
37                 "start": 18,
38                 "end": 19,
39                 "name": "b"
40               }
41             ],
42             "body": {
43               "type": "BlockStatement",
44               "start": 24,
45               "end": 41,
46               "body": [
47                 {
48                   "type": "ReturnStatement",
49                   "start": 28,
50                   "end": 39,
51                   "argument": {
52                     "type": "BinaryExpression",
53                     "start": 35,
54                     "end": 38,
55                     "left": {
56                       "type": "Identifier",
57                       "start": 35,
58                       "end": 36,
59                       "name": "a"
60                     },
61                     "operator": "+",
62                     "right": {
63                       "type": "Identifier",
64                       "start": 37,
65                       "end": 38,
66                       "name": "b"
67                     }
68                   }
69                 }
70               ]
71             }
72           }
73         }
74       ],
75       "kind": "const"
76     }
77   ],
78   "sourceType": "module"
79 }


AST Tree 結構以下圖:


  • ArrowFunctionExpression
  • BlockStatement
  • ReturnStatement







1 Function getAST(){}

JSON 也很簡單:


 1 {
 2   "type": "Program",
 3   "start": 0,
 4   "end": 19,
 5   "body": [
 6     {
 7       "type": "FunctionDeclaration",
 8       "start": 0,
 9       "end": 19,
10       "id": {
11         "type": "Identifier",
12         "start": 9,
13         "end": 15,
14         "name": "getAST"
15       },
16       "expression": false,
17       "generator": false,
18       "params": [],
19       "body": {
20         "type": "BlockStatement",
21         "start": 17,
22         "end": 19,
23         "body": []
24       }
25     }
26   ],
27   "sourceType": "module"
28 }




 1 const esprima = require('esprima'); //解析js的語法的包
 2 const estraverse = require('estraverse'); //遍歷樹的包
 3 const escodegen = require('escodegen'); //生成新的樹的包
 4 let code = `function getAST(){}`;
 5 //解析js的語法
 6 let tree = esprima.parseScript(code);
 7 //遍歷樹
 8 estraverse.traverse(tree, {
 9   enter(node) {
10     console.log('enter: ' + node.type);
11   },
12   leave(node) {
13     console.log('leave: ' + node.type);
14   }
15 });
16 //生成新的樹
17 let r = escodegen.generate(tree);
18 console.log(r);


 1 enter: Program
 2 enter: FunctionDeclaration
 3 enter: Identifier
 4 leave: Identifier
 5 enter: BlockStatement
 6 leave: BlockStatement
 7 leave: FunctionDeclaration
 8 leave: Program
 9 function getAST() {
10 }



稍做修改,咱們來改變函數的名字 getAST => Jartto

 1 const esprima = require('esprima'); //解析js的語法的包
 2 const estraverse = require('estraverse'); //遍歷樹的包
 3 const escodegen = require('escodegen'); //生成新的樹的包
 4 let code = `function getAST(){}`;
 5 //解析js的語法
 6 let tree = esprima.parseScript(code);
 7 //遍歷樹
 8 estraverse.traverse(tree, {
 9   enter(node) {
10     console.log('enter: ' + node.type);
11     if (node.type === 'Identifier') {
12 = 'Jartto';
13     }
14   }
15 });
16 //生成新的樹
17 let r = escodegen.generate(tree);
18 console.log(r);



1 enter: Program
2 enter: FunctionDeclaration
3 enter: Identifier
4 enter: BlockStatement
5 function Jartto() {
6 }

能夠看到,在咱們的干預下,輸出的結果發生了變化,方法名編譯後方法名變成了 Jartto


補充一點:關於 node 類型,全集大體以下:

(parameter) node: Identifier | SimpleLiteral | RegExpLiteral | Program | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression | SwitchCase | CatchClause | VariableDeclarator | ExpressionStatement | BlockStatement | EmptyStatement | DebuggerStatement | WithStatement | ReturnStatement | LabeledStatement | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | IfStatement | SwitchStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | WhileStatement | DoWhileStatement | ForStatement | ForInStatement | ForOfStatement | VariableDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | ThisExpression | ArrayExpression | ObjectExpression | YieldExpression | UnaryExpression | UpdateExpression | BinaryExpression | AssignmentExpression | LogicalExpression | MemberExpression | ConditionalExpression | SimpleCallExpression | NewExpression | SequenceExpression | TemplateLiteral | TaggedTemplateExpression | ClassExpression | MetaProperty | AwaitExpression | Property | AssignmentProperty | Super | TemplateElement | SpreadElement | ObjectPattern | ArrayPattern | RestElement | AssignmentPattern | ClassBody | MethodDefinition | ImportDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportAllDeclaration | ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier | ExportSpecifier

說到這裏,聰明的你,可能想到了 Babel,想到了 js 混淆,想到了更多背後的東西。接下來,咱們要介紹介紹 Babel 是如何將 ES6 轉成 ES5 的。

5、關於 Babel

因爲 ES6 的兼容問題,不少狀況下,咱們都在使用 Babel 插件來進行編譯,那麼有沒有想過 Babel 是如何工做的呢?先來看看:

1 let sum = (a, b)=>{return a+b};

AST 大概如此:

JSON 格式可能會看的清楚些:


 1 {
 2   "type": "Program",
 3   "start": 0,
 4   "end": 31,
 5   "body": [
 6     {
 7       "type": "VariableDeclaration",
 8       "start": 0,
 9       "end": 31,
10       "declarations": [
11         {
12           "type": "VariableDeclarator",
13           "start": 4,
14           "end": 30,
15           "id": {
16             "type": "Identifier",
17             "start": 4,
18             "end": 7,
19             "name": "sum"
20           },
21           "init": {
22             "type": "ArrowFunctionExpression",
23             "start": 10,
24             "end": 30,
25             "id": null,
26             "expression": false,
27             "generator": false,
28             "params": [
29               {
30                 "type": "Identifier",
31                 "start": 11,
32                 "end": 12,
33                 "name": "a"
34               },
35               {
36                 "type": "Identifier",
37                 "start": 14,
38                 "end": 15,
39                 "name": "b"
40               }
41             ],
42             "body": {
43               "type": "BlockStatement",
44               "start": 18,
45               "end": 30,
46               "body": [
47                 {
48                   "type": "ReturnStatement",
49                   "start": 19,
50                   "end": 29,
51                   "argument": {
52                     "type": "BinaryExpression",
53                     "start": 26,
54                     "end": 29,
55                     "left": {
56                       "type": "Identifier",
57                       "start": 26,
58                       "end": 27,
59                       "name": "a"
60                     },
61                     "operator": "+",
62                     "right": {
63                       "type": "Identifier",
64                       "start": 28,
65                       "end": 29,
66                       "name": "b"
67                     }
68                   }
69                 }
70               ]
71             }
72           }
73         }
74       ],
75       "kind": "let"
76     }
77   ],
78   "sourceType": "module"
79 }




 1 const babel = require('babel-core'); //babel核心解析庫
 2 const t = require('babel-types'); //babel類型轉化庫
 3 let code = `let sum = (a, b)=>{return a+b}`;
 4 let ArrowPlugins = {
 5 //訪問者模式
 6 visitor: {
 7   //捕獲匹配的API
 8     ArrowFunctionExpression(path) {
 9       let { node } = path;
10       let body = node.body;
11       let params = node.params;
12       let r = t.functionExpression(null, params, body, false, false);
13       path.replaceWith(r);
14     }
15   }
16 }
17 let d = babel.transform(code, {
18   plugins: [
19     ArrowPlugins
20   ]
21 })
22 console.log(d.code);

記得安裝 babel-corebabel-types 這倆插件,以後運行 babel.js,咱們看到了這樣的輸出:

1 let sum = function (a, b) {
2   return a + b;
3 };



1 let sum = (a, b)=>a+b


Body 部分的結構發生了變化,因此,咱們的 babel.js 運行就會報錯了。

 TypeError: unknown: Property body of FunctionExpression expected node to be of a type ["BlockStatement"] but instead got "BinaryExpression" 

意思很明瞭,咱們的 body 類型變成 BinaryExpression 再也不是 BlockStatement,因此須要作一些修改:

 1 const babel = require('babel-core'); //babel核心解析庫
 2 const t = require('babel-types'); //babel類型轉化庫
 3 let code = `let sum = (a, b)=> a+b`;
 4 let ArrowPlugins = {
 5 //訪問者模式
 6   visitor: {
 7   //捕獲匹配的API
 8     ArrowFunctionExpression(path) {
 9       let { node } = path;
10       let params = node.params;
11       let body = node.body;
12       if(!t.isBlockStatement(body)){
13         let returnStatement = t.returnStatement(body);
14         body = t.blockStatement([returnStatement]);
15       }
16       let r = t.functionExpression(null, params, body, false, false);
17       path.replaceWith(r);
18     }
19   }
20 }
21 let d = babel.transform(code, {
22   plugins: [
23     ArrowPlugins
24   ]
25 })
26 console.log(d.code);


1 let sum = function (a, b) {
2   return a + b;
3 };


6、深刻 Babel

固然,上文咱們簡單演示了 Babel 是如何來編譯代碼的,可是並不是簡單如此。

Babel 使用一個基於 ESTree 並修改過的 AST,它的內核說明文檔能夠在這裏找到。

正如咱們上面示例代碼同樣,Babel 的三個主要處理步驟分別是: 解析(parse),轉換(transform),生成(generate)。

1.解析(parse):解析步驟接收代碼並輸出 AST。 這個步驟分爲兩個階段:詞法分析 Lexical Analysis 和語法分析Syntactic Analysis

  • 詞法分析:詞法分析階段把字符串形式的代碼轉換爲令牌(tokens) 流。你能夠把令牌看做是一個扁平的語法片斷數組:

  • n * n;


      { type: { ... }, value: "n", start: 0, end: 1, loc: { ... } },
      { type: { ... }, value: "*", start: 2, end: 3, loc: { ... } },
      { type: { ... }, value: "n", start: 4, end: 5, loc: { ... } },


    每個 type 有一組屬性來描述該令牌,和 AST 節點同樣它們也有 startendloc 屬性:

      type: {
        label: 'name',
        keyword: undefined,
        beforeExpr: false,
        startsExpr: true,
        rightAssociative: false,
        isLoop: false,
        isAssign: false,
        prefix: false,
        postfix: false,
        binop: null,
        updateContext: null


  • 語法分析:語法分析階段會把一個令牌流轉換成 AST 的形式。 這個階段會使用令牌中的信息把它們轉換成一個 AST 的表述結構,這樣更易於後續的操做。

2.轉換(transform):接收 AST 並對其進行遍歷,在此過程當中對節點進行添加、更新及移除等操做。 這是 Babel 或是其餘編譯器中最複雜的過程,同時也是插件將要介入工做的部分。

3.生成(generate):代碼生成步驟把最終(通過一系列轉換以後)的 AST 轉換成字符串形式的代碼,同時還會建立源碼映射(source maps)。

代碼生成其實很簡單:深度優先遍歷整個 AST,而後構建能夠表示轉換後代碼的字符串。



 1 const babel = require('babel-core'); //babel核心解析庫
 2 const t = require('babel-types'); //babel類型轉化庫
 3 let code = `let sum = (a, b)=>{return a+b}`;
 4 let ArrowPlugins = {
 5 //訪問者模式
 6   visitor: {
 7   //捕獲匹配的API
 8     ArrowFunctionExpression(path) {
 9       let { node } = path;
10       let body = node.body;
11       let params = node.params;
12       let r = t.functionExpression(null, params, body, false, false);
13       path.replaceWith(r);
14     }
15   }
16 }
17 let d = babel.transform(code, {
18   plugins: [
19     ArrowPlugins
20   ]
21 })
22 console.log(d.code);



想要轉換 AST 你須要進行遞歸的樹形遍歷

比方說咱們有一個 FunctionDeclaration 類型。它有幾個屬性:idparams,和 body,每個都有一些內嵌節點。

 1 {
 2   type: "FunctionDeclaration",
 3   id: {
 4     type: "Identifier",
 5     name: "square"
 6   },
 7   params: [{
 8     type: "Identifier",
 9     name: "n"
10   }],
11   body: {
12     type: "BlockStatement",
13     body: [{
14       type: "ReturnStatement",
15       argument: {
16         type: "BinaryExpression",
17         operator: "*",
18         left: {
19           type: "Identifier",
20           name: "n"
21         },
22         right: {
23           type: "Identifier",
24           name: "n"
25         }
26       }
27     }]
28   }
29 }

1.首先咱們從 FunctionDeclaration 開始而且咱們知道它的內部屬性(即:idparamsbody),因此咱們依次訪問每個屬性及它們的子節點;

2.而後咱們來到 id,它是一個 IdentifierIdentifier 沒有任何子節點屬性,因此咱們繼續;

3.緊接着是 params,因爲它是一個數組節點因此咱們訪問其中的每個,它們都是 Identifier 類型的單一節點,而後咱們繼續;

4.此時咱們來到了 body,這是一個 BlockStatement 而且也有一個 body 節點,並且也是一個數組節點,咱們深刻訪問其中的每個;

5.這裏惟一的一個屬性是 ReturnStatement 節點,它有一個 argument,咱們訪問 argument 就找到了 BinaryExpression

6.BinaryExpression 有一個 operator,一個 left,和一個 right。 Operator 不是一個節點,它只是一個值。所以咱們不用繼續向內遍歷,咱們只須要訪問 left 和 right

Babel 的轉換步驟基本都是是這樣的遍歷過程。



和抽象語法樹相對的是具體語法樹(一般稱做分析樹)。通常的,在源代碼的翻譯和編譯過程當中,語法分析器建立出分析樹。一旦AST 被建立出來,在後續的處理過程當中,好比語義分析階段,會添加一些信息。


文章首發於 Jartto's blog 
