- CPU版本安裝
pip install paddlepaddle html
- GPU版本安裝
pip install paddlepaddle-gpu git
#coding:utf-8 import os from PIL import Image import numpy as np import paddle.v2 as paddle # 設置是否用gpu,0爲否,1爲是 with_gpu = os.getenv('WITH_GPU', '0') != '1' # 定義網絡結構 def convolutional_neural_network_org(img): # 第一層卷積層 conv_pool_1 = paddle.networks.simple_img_conv_pool( input=img, filter_size=5, num_filters=20, num_channel=1, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, act=paddle.activation.Relu()) # 第二層卷積層 conv_pool_2 = paddle.networks.simple_img_conv_pool( input=conv_pool_1, filter_size=5, num_filters=50, num_channel=20, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, act=paddle.activation.Relu()) # 全鏈接層 predict = paddle.layer.fc( input=conv_pool_2, size=10, act=paddle.activation.Softmax()) return predict def main(): # 初始化定義跑模型的設備 paddle.init(use_gpu=with_gpu, trainer_count=1) # 讀取數據 images = paddle.layer.data( name='pixel', type=paddle.data_type.dense_vector(784)) label = paddle.layer.data( name='label', type=paddle.data_type.integer_value(10)) # 調用以前定義的網絡結構 predict = convolutional_neural_network_org(images) # 定義損失函數 cost = paddle.layer.classification_cost(input=predict, label=label) # 指定訓練相關的參數 parameters = paddle.parameters.create(cost) # 定義訓練方法 optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Momentum( learning_rate=0.1 / 128.0, momentum=0.9, regularization=paddle.optimizer.L2Regularization(rate=0.0005 * 128)) # 訓練模型 trainer = paddle.trainer.SGD( cost=cost, parameters=parameters, update_equation=optimizer) lists = [] # 定義event_handler,輸出訓練過程當中的結果 def event_handler(event): if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndIteration): if event.batch_id % 100 == 0: print "Pass %d, Batch %d, Cost %f, %s" % ( event.pass_id, event.batch_id, event.cost, event.metrics) if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndPass): # 保存參數 with open('params_pass_%d.tar' % event.pass_id, 'w') as f: parameters.to_tar(f) result = trainer.test(reader=paddle.batch( paddle.dataset.mnist.test(), batch_size=128)) print "Test with Pass %d, Cost %f, %s\n" % ( event.pass_id, result.cost, result.metrics) lists.append((event.pass_id, result.cost, result.metrics['classification_error_evaluator'])) trainer.train( reader=paddle.batch( paddle.reader.shuffle(paddle.dataset.mnist.train(), buf_size=8192), batch_size=128), event_handler=event_handler, num_passes=10) # 找到訓練偏差最小的一次結果 best = sorted(lists, key=lambda list: float(list[1]))[0] print 'Best pass is %s, testing Avgcost is %s' % (best[0], best[1]) print 'The classification accuracy is %.2f%%' % (100 - float(best[2]) * 100) # 加載數據 def load_image(file): im = Image.open(file).convert('L') im = im.resize((28, 28), Image.ANTIALIAS) im = np.array(im).astype(np.float32).flatten() im = im / 255.0 return im # 測試結果 test_data = [] cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) test_data.append((load_image(cur_dir + '/image/infer_3.png'), )) probs = paddle.infer( output_layer=predict, parameters=parameters, input=test_data) lab = np.argsort(-probs) # probs and lab are the results of one batch data print "Label of image/infer_3.png is: %d" % lab[0][0] if __name__ == '__main__': main()
1 def convolutional_neural_network_org(img): 2 # 第一層卷積層 3 conv_pool_1 = paddle.networks.simple_img_conv_pool( 4 input=img, 5 filter_size=5, 6 num_filters=20, 7 num_channel=1, 8 pool_size=2, 9 pool_stride=2, 10 act=paddle.activation.Relu()) 11 # 第二層卷積層 12 conv_pool_2 = paddle.networks.simple_img_conv_pool( 13 input=conv_pool_1, 14 filter_size=5, 15 num_filters=50, 16 num_channel=20, 17 pool_size=2, 18 pool_stride=2, 19 act=paddle.activation.Relu()) 20 # 全鏈接層 21 predict = paddle.layer.fc( 22 input=conv_pool_2, size=10, act=paddle.activation.Softmax()) 23 return predict
I1023 13:45:46.519075 34144 Util.cpp:166] commandline: --use_gpu=True --trainer_count=1 [INFO 2017-10-23 13:45:52,667 layers.py:2539] output for __conv_pool_0___conv: c = 20, h = 24, w = 24, size = 11520 [INFO 2017-10-23 13:45:52,667 layers.py:2667] output for __conv_pool_0___pool: c = 20, h = 12, w = 12, size = 2880 [INFO 2017-10-23 13:45:52,668 layers.py:2539] output for __conv_pool_1___conv: c = 50, h = 8, w = 8, size = 3200 [INFO 2017-10-23 13:45:52,669 layers.py:2667] output for __conv_pool_1___pool: c = 50, h = 4, w = 4, size = 800 I1023 13:45:52.675750 34144 GradientMachine.cpp:85] Initing parameters.. I1023 13:45:52.686153 34144 GradientMachine.cpp:92] Init parameters done. Pass 0, Batch 0, Cost 3.048408, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.890625} Pass 0, Batch 100, Cost 0.188828, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.0546875} Pass 0, Batch 200, Cost 0.075183, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.015625} Pass 0, Batch 300, Cost 0.070798, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.015625} Pass 0, Batch 400, Cost 0.079673, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.046875} Test with Pass 0, Cost 0.074587, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.023800000548362732} ``` ``` ``` Pass 4, Batch 0, Cost 0.032454, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.015625} Pass 4, Batch 100, Cost 0.021028, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.0078125} Pass 4, Batch 200, Cost 0.020458, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.0} Pass 4, Batch 300, Cost 0.046728, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.015625} Pass 4, Batch 400, Cost 0.030264, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.015625} Test with Pass 4, Cost 0.035841, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.01209999993443489} Best pass is 4, testing Avgcost is 0.0358410408473 The classification accuracy is 98.79% Label of image/infer_3.png is: 3 real 0m31.565s user 0m20.996s sys 0m15.891s
改進版 網絡
def convolutional_neural_network(img): # 第一層卷積層 conv_pool_1 = paddle.networks.simple_img_conv_pool( input=img, filter_size=5, num_filters=20, num_channel=1, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, act=paddle.activation.Relu()) # 加一層dropout層 drop_1 = paddle.layer.dropout(input=conv_pool_1, dropout_rate=0.2) # 第二層卷積層 conv_pool_2 = paddle.networks.simple_img_conv_pool( input=drop_1, filter_size=5, num_filters=50, num_channel=20, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, act=paddle.activation.Relu()) # 加一層dropout層 drop_2 = paddle.layer.dropout(input=conv_pool_2, dropout_rate=0.5) # 全鏈接層 fc1 = paddle.layer.fc(input=drop_2, size=10, act=paddle.activation.Linear()) bn = paddle.layer.batch_norm(input=fc1,act=paddle.activation.Relu(), layer_attr=paddle.attr.Extra(drop_rate=0.2)) predict = paddle.layer.fc(input=bn, size=10, act=paddle.activation.Softmax()) return predict
I1023 14:01:51.653827 34244 Util.cpp:166] commandline: --use_gpu=True --trainer_count=1 [INFO 2017-10-23 14:01:57,830 layers.py:2539] output for __conv_pool_0___conv: c = 20, h = 24, w = 24, size = 11520 [INFO 2017-10-23 14:01:57,831 layers.py:2667] output for __conv_pool_0___pool: c = 20, h = 12, w = 12, size = 2880 [INFO 2017-10-23 14:01:57,832 layers.py:2539] output for __conv_pool_1___conv: c = 50, h = 8, w = 8, size = 3200 [INFO 2017-10-23 14:01:57,833 layers.py:2667] output for __conv_pool_1___pool: c = 50, h = 4, w = 4, size = 800 I1023 14:01:57.842871 34244 GradientMachine.cpp:85] Initing parameters.. I1023 14:01:57.854014 34244 GradientMachine.cpp:92] Init parameters done. Pass 0, Batch 0, Cost 2.536199, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.875} Pass 0, Batch 100, Cost 1.668236, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.515625} Pass 0, Batch 200, Cost 1.024846, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.375} Pass 0, Batch 300, Cost 1.086315, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.46875} Pass 0, Batch 400, Cost 0.767804, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.25} Pass 0, Batch 500, Cost 0.545784, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.1875} Pass 0, Batch 600, Cost 0.731662, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.328125} ``` ``` ``` Pass 49, Batch 0, Cost 0.415184, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.09375} Pass 49, Batch 100, Cost 0.067616, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.0} Pass 49, Batch 200, Cost 0.161415, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.046875} Pass 49, Batch 300, Cost 0.202667, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.046875} Pass 49, Batch 400, Cost 0.336043, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.140625} Pass 49, Batch 500, Cost 0.290948, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.125} Pass 49, Batch 600, Cost 0.223433, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.109375} Pass 49, Batch 700, Cost 0.217345, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.0625} Pass 49, Batch 800, Cost 0.163140, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.046875} Pass 49, Batch 900, Cost 0.203645, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.078125} Test with Pass 49, Cost 0.033639, {'classification_error_evaluator': 0.008100000210106373} Best pass is 48, testing Avgcost is 0.0313018567383 The classification accuracy is 99.28% Label of image/infer_3.png is: 3 real 5m3.151s user 4m0.052s sys 1m8.084s