CPU版本安裝:pip install paddlepaddleapp
CUDA9 + cuDNN7.0:pip install paddlepaddle-gpuide
CUDA8 + cuDNN7.0 : pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==0.14.0.post87函數
CUDA8 + cuDNN5.0 : pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==0.14.0.post85post
程序中提供了三種網絡模型,代碼很明顯,這裏應該不用太多說,直接貼出來了。須要注意的是,PaddlePaddle將圖像的通道數放在最前面,即爲[C H W],區別於[H W C]。
#a full-connect-layer network using softmax as activation function def softmax_regression(): img = fluid.layers.data(name='img',shape=[1,28,28],dtype='float32') predict = fluid.layers.fc(input=img,size=10,act='softmax') return predict
#3 full-connect-layers network using softmax as activation function
def multilayer_perceptron(): img = fluid.layers.data(name='img',shape=[1,28,28],dtype='float32') hidden = fluid.layers.fc(input = img,size=128,act='softmax') hidden = fluid.layers.fc(input = hidden,size=64,act='softmax') prediction = fluid.layers.fc(input = hidden,size=10,act='softmax') return prediction
#traditional converlutional neural network
def cnn(): img = fluid.layers.data(name='img',shape=[1, 28, 28], dtype ='float32') # first conv pool conv_pool_1 = fluid.nets.simple_img_conv_pool( input = img, filter_size = 5, num_filters = 20, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, act="relu") conv_pool_1 = fluid.layers.batch_norm(conv_pool_1) # second conv pool conv_pool_2 = fluid.nets.simple_img_conv_pool( input=conv_pool_1, filter_size=5, num_filters=50, pool_size=2, pool_stride=2, act="relu") # output layer with softmax activation function. size = 10 since there are only 10 possible digits. prediction = fluid.layers.fc(input=conv_pool_2, size=10, act='softmax') return prediction
PaddlePaddle的損失函數的構建基本上與tensorflow沒有太大的區別。可是須要指出的是:(1)在tensorflow中交叉熵的求解函數是使用[0 0 0 ... 1 ...]等長向量求解。可是在PaddlePaddle中,交叉熵是直接與一個整數求解;(2)標籤(lable)的輸入數據類型使用的是int64,儘管reader生成器返回的是int類型。筆者嘗試將其改成int32類型,可是會出錯。另外在其餘實踐過程當中使用int32也是有相應的錯誤。
def train_program(): #if using dtype='int64', it reports errors! label = fluid.layers.data(name='label', shape=[1], dtype='int64') # Here we can build the prediction network in different ways. Please predict = cnn() #predict = softmax_regression() #predict = multilayer_perssion() # Calculate the cost from the prediction and label. cost = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(input=predict, label=label) avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(cost) acc = fluid.layers.accuracy(input=predict, label=label) return [avg_cost, acc]
PaddlePaddle使用Trainer進行訓練,只需構建訓練函數train_program做爲Trainer參數(這個下面個再詳細講解)。這裏要說一下,函數返回一個向量[arg_cost, acc],其中第一個元素做爲損失函數,然後面幾個元素則是可選的,用於在迭代過程當中print出來。因此,返回arg_cost是必要的,其餘是可選的。特別說明:不要做死將一個常量放在裏面,也就是裏面的元素必須是會隨着訓練而變化,若是做死「acc=1」,則在訓練中會報錯。
def optimizer_program(): return fluid.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=0.001) if __name__ == "__main__": print("run minst train\n") minst_prefix = '/home/dzqiu/DataSet/minst/' train_image_path = minst_prefix + 'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz' train_label_path = minst_prefix + 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz' test_image_path = minst_prefix + 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz' test_label_path = minst_prefix + 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz' #reader_creator在將在下面講述 train_reader = paddle.batch(paddle.reader.shuffle(#shuffle用於打亂buffer的循序 reader_creator(train_image_path,train_label_path,buffer_size=100), buf_size=500), batch_size=64) test_reader = paddle.batch(
reader_creator(test_image_path,test_label_path,buffer_size=100), batch_size=64) #測試集就不用打亂了 #if use GPU, use 'export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0' at first use_cuda = True place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if use_cuda else fluid.CPUPlace() trainer = fluid.Trainer(train_func=train_program,
optimizer_func=optimizer_program) params_dirname = "recognize_digits_network.inference.model" lists = [] # def event_handler(event): if isinstance(event,fluid.EndStepEvent):#每步觸發事件 if event.step % 100 == 0: print("Pass %d, Epoch %d, Cost %f, Acc %f"\ %(event.step, event.epoch, event.metrics[0],#train_program返回的第一個參數arg_cost event.metrics[1]))#train_program返回的第二個參數acc if isinstance(event,fluid.EndEpochEvent):#每次迭代觸發事件 trainer.save_params(params_dirname) #使用test的時候,返回值就是train_program的返回,因此賦值須要對應 avg_cost, acc = trainer.test(reader=test_reader,
feed_order=['img','label']) print("Test with Epoch %d, avg_cost: %s, acc: %s" %(event.epoch, avg_cost, acc)) lists.append((event.epoch, avg_cost, acc)) # Train the model now trainer.train(num_epochs=5,event_handler=event_handler,
reader=train_reader,feed_order=['img', 'label']) # find the best pass best = sorted(lists, key=lambda list: float(list[1]))[0] print 'Best pass is %s, testing Avgcost is %s' % (best[0], best[1]) print 'The classification accuracy is %.2f%%' % (float(best[2]) * 100)
2.四、訓練數據的讀取 Reader
def reader_creator(image_filename,label_filename,buffer_size): def reader(): #調用命令讀取文件,Linux下使用zcat if platform.system()=='Linux': zcat_cmd = 'zcat' elif paltform.system()=='Windows': zcat_cmd = 'gzcat' else: raise NotImplementedError("This program is suported on Windows or Linux,\ but your platform is" + platform.system()) #create a subprocess to read the images sub_img = subprocess.Popen([zcat_cmd, image_filename], stdout = subprocess.PIPE) sub_img.stdout.read(16) #skip some magic bytes 這裏咱們已經知道,因此咱們不在須要前16字節 #create a subprocess to read the labels sub_lab = subprocess.Popen([zcat_cmd, label_filename], stdout = subprocess.PIPE) sub_lab.stdout.read(8) #skip some magic bytes 同理 try: while True: #前面使用try,故若再讀取過程當中遇到結束則會退出 #label is a pixel repersented by a unsigned byte,so just read a byte labels = numpy.fromfile( sub_lab.stdout,'ubyte',count=buffer_size).astype("int") if labels.size != buffer_size: break #read 28*28 byte as array,and then resize it images = numpy.fromfile( sub_img.stdout,'ubyte',
count=buffer_size * 28 * 28)
.reshape(buffer_size, 28, 28).astype("float32") #mapping each pixel into (-1,1) images = images / 255.0 * 2.0 - 1.0; for i in xrange(buffer_size): yield images[i,:],int(labels[i]) #將圖像與標籤拋出,循序與feed_order對應! finally: try: #terminate the reader subprocess sub_img.terminate() except: pass try: #terminate the reader subprocess sub_lable.terminate() except: pass return reader
Pass 0, Batch 0, Cost 4.250958, Acc 0.062500 Pass 100, Batch 0, Cost 0.249865, Acc 0.953125 Pass 200, Batch 0, Cost 0.281933, Acc 0.906250 Pass 300, Batch 0, Cost 0.147851, Acc 0.953125 Pass 400, Batch 0, Cost 0.144059, Acc 0.968750 Pass 500, Batch 0, Cost 0.082035, Acc 0.953125 Pass 600, Batch 0, Cost 0.105593, Acc 0.984375 Pass 700, Batch 0, Cost 0.148170, Acc 0.968750 Pass 800, Batch 0, Cost 0.182150, Acc 0.937500 Pass 900, Batch 0, Cost 0.066323, Acc 0.968750 Test with Epoch 0, avg_cost: 0.07329441363440427, acc: 0.9762620192307693 Pass 0, Batch 1, Cost 0.157396, Acc 0.953125 Pass 100, Batch 1, Cost 0.050120, Acc 0.968750 Pass 200, Batch 1, Cost 0.086324, Acc 0.984375 Pass 300, Batch 1, Cost 0.002137, Acc 1.000000 Pass 400, Batch 1, Cost 0.173876, Acc 0.984375 Pass 500, Batch 1, Cost 0.059772, Acc 0.968750 Pass 600, Batch 1, Cost 0.035788, Acc 0.984375 Pass 700, Batch 1, Cost 0.008351, Acc 1.000000 Pass 800, Batch 1, Cost 0.022678, Acc 0.984375 Pass 900, Batch 1, Cost 0.021835, Acc 1.000000 Test with Epoch 1, avg_cost: 0.06836433922317389, acc: 0.9774639423076923 Pass 0, Batch 2, Cost 0.214221, Acc 0.937500 Pass 100, Batch 2, Cost 0.212448, Acc 0.953125 Pass 200, Batch 2, Cost 0.007266, Acc 1.000000 Pass 300, Batch 2, Cost 0.015241, Acc 1.000000 Pass 400, Batch 2, Cost 0.061948, Acc 0.984375 Pass 500, Batch 2, Cost 0.043950, Acc 0.984375 Pass 600, Batch 2, Cost 0.018946, Acc 0.984375 Pass 700, Batch 2, Cost 0.015527, Acc 0.984375 Pass 800, Batch 2, Cost 0.035185, Acc 0.984375 Pass 900, Batch 2, Cost 0.004890, Acc 1.000000 Test with Epoch 2, avg_cost: 0.05774364945361809, acc: 0.9822716346153846 Pass 0, Batch 3, Cost 0.031849, Acc 0.984375 Pass 100, Batch 3, Cost 0.059525, Acc 0.953125 Pass 200, Batch 3, Cost 0.022106, Acc 0.984375 Pass 300, Batch 3, Cost 0.006763, Acc 1.000000 Pass 400, Batch 3, Cost 0.056089, Acc 0.984375 Pass 500, Batch 3, Cost 0.018876, Acc 1.000000 Pass 600, Batch 3, Cost 0.010325, Acc 1.000000 Pass 700, Batch 3, Cost 0.010989, Acc 1.000000 Pass 800, Batch 3, Cost 0.026476, Acc 0.984375 Pass 900, Batch 3, Cost 0.007792, Acc 1.000000 Test with Epoch 3, avg_cost: 0.05476908334449968, acc: 0.9830729166666666 Pass 0, Batch 4, Cost 0.061547, Acc 0.984375 Pass 100, Batch 4, Cost 0.002315, Acc 1.000000 Pass 200, Batch 4, Cost 0.009715, Acc 1.000000 Pass 300, Batch 4, Cost 0.024202, Acc 0.984375 Pass 400, Batch 4, Cost 0.150663, Acc 0.968750 Pass 500, Batch 4, Cost 0.082586, Acc 0.984375 Pass 600, Batch 4, Cost 0.012232, Acc 1.000000 Pass 700, Batch 4, Cost 0.055258, Acc 0.984375 Pass 800, Batch 4, Cost 0.016068, Acc 1.000000 Pass 900, Batch 4, Cost 0.004945, Acc 1.000000 Test with Epoch 4, avg_cost: 0.041706092633705505, acc: 0.9865785256410257 Best pass is 4, testing Avgcost is 0.041706092633705505 The classification accuracy is 98.66%
2.6 測試接口
PaddlePaddle提供接口函數,調用接口便可。特別的是,圖像須要轉化爲[N C H W]的張量,若是是一張圖像,這裏N固然是1,由於是灰度圖C也即是1。具體看下面代碼:
def load_image(file): im = Image.open(file).convert('L') im = im.resize((28, 28), Image.ANTIALIAS) im = numpy.array(im).reshape(1, 1, 28, 28).astype(np.float32) #[N C H W] 這裏多了一個N im = im / 255.0 * 2.0 - 1.0 return im cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) img = load_image(cur_dir + '/infer_3.png') inferencer = fluid.Inferencer( # infer_func=softmax_regression, # uncomment for softmax regression # infer_func=multilayer_perceptron, # uncomment for MLP infer_func=cnn, # uncomment for LeNet5 param_path=params_dirname, place=place) results = inferencer.infer({'img': img}) lab = numpy.argsort(results) # probs and lab are the results of one batch data print "Label of infer_3.png is: %d" % lab[0][0][-1]
Label of infer_3.png is: 3