Beginning HTML5 and CSS3javascript
正兒八經想作點網站,哪怕是不成體系的,至少在作iOS /Android作兩個後臺返回測試得能作吧,部署明後年的跳槽計劃,得一步步來,急不得。css
我一項認爲,iOS/Android都屬於前臺的範疇,和網頁前臺沒多少差別,只是基於平臺,要比兼容各類瀏覽器的版本簡單些而已,額外擴展一些平臺關聯性。如今跨平臺開發也漸漸興盛,主要是如今HTML5/css/javascript能讓顯示效果各類酷炫。加之iOS7的JavaScriptCore.framework,Android的V8/JavaScriptCore, 對JavaScript的支持都是各類好,因此我認爲,跨平臺方案在以後的簡單商業應用中可行性卻是有的,聽說,咱們公司在今年會部署兩個跨平臺項目。因此html5這一套東西,如今得開始好好學習練習。html
HTML5核心就是增長了語義,semantic這個詞常常出現,有個例子我記憶深入,<small>表達的意思,是it’s a small print. 不是display in a small size.這就是語義和描述的區別,我認爲也是HTML5 和 css的區別。ajax
Structural building blocks:<div>,<section>, and <article>ide
<div>: It’s a flow content with no additional semantic meaning.svn
<section>: a generic document or application section. it’s a chunk of related contents.
<article>: An independent section of a document or site.
how to decide which to use:
1. Would the enclosed content make sense on its own in a feed reader? If so, use <article>.
2. Is the enclosed content related? If so, use <section>.
3. If there’s no semantic relationship, use <div>.
Headings: <header>, <hgroup>, and <h1>-<h6>, plus <footer>
<header>: used for introductory and navigational content of a sectioning element.
<footer>: used for additional information about the content.
<hgroup>: A specialized form of <header> the can contain only <h1>-<h6> elements.
<nav>: A section of navigational links,either to other pages (generally site navigation) or sections on the same page (such as a table of contents for long article).
<aside>: A section of a page that consists of content that is tangentially related to —but separate from — the surrounding content.
<figure>: For content that is essential to understanding but can be removed from the document’s flow (moved to a different place) without affecting the document’s meaning.
Choose between <aside> or <figure> by asking yourself if the content is essential to the section’s understanding. If the content is just related and not essential, use <aside>. If the content is essential but its position in the flow of content isn’t important (could it be moved to an appendix?), use <figure>.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Article (HTML5)</title>
<header id="branding"><!-- page header (not in section etc) -->
<h1>Site name</h1>
<!-- other page heading content -->
<ul><li>Main navigation</li></ul>
<div id="content"> <!-- wrapper for CSS styling and no title so not section -->
<article> <!-- main content (the article) -->
<h1>Article title</h1>
<p>Article metadata</p>
<p>Article content...</p>
<footer>Article footer</footer>
<aside id="sidebar"> <!-- secondary content for page (not related to article) -->
<h3>Sidebar title</h3> <!-- ref: HTML5-style heading element levels -->
<p>Sidebar content</p>
<footer id="footer">Footer</footer> <!-- page footer -->
HTML5 validator:
HTML5 Lint:網頁打不開,仍是從新搜一個吧。
這兩個均可以讓你的HTML5 網頁更符合規範,藉助工具,提升規範性。
3. HTML5 polyfills:
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
4. outlining algorithm: