1.同一頁面獲取data值 就在於var that和that.data.key緩存
Page({ data:{ key:'this is key' }, keyInput; function(e){ //給key的input一個bindinput,使輸入時即觸發keyInput,同步將輸入的值傳給js裏的key this.setData({ key: e.detail.value }) }, showKey: function(){ //在Console展現key的值 var that = this; console.log(that.data.key) } })
2.緩存數據時的js page:xss
setStorage:function(e) { let key=this.data.key; //獲取key的值 if(key.length == 0) { //判空 wx.showToast({ title: 'KEY不能爲空', icon: 'none' }) }else{ wx.setStorage({ //調用API data: this.data.data, //???????this.data調取page的data,this.data.data使用data裏的data key: 'key' }) } }//在調試器的storage裏能夠看到key和data
<view class='title'> 數據存儲setStorage </view> <view class="demo-box"> <input name='key' placeholder="輸入key" bindinput="keyInput" /> <input name='data' placeholder='輸入data' bindinput='dataInput' /> <button type='primary' bindtap='setStorage'>存儲</button> </view> <view style='height:100px'></view> <view class='title'> 數據獲取getStorage </view> <view class="demo-box"> <input name='Fkey' placeholder="查詢的key" bindinput="FkeyInput" /> <button type='primary' bindtap="getStorage">數據獲取</button> <view class="title">DATA的值:{{Fdata}}</view> </view> <view style='height:100px'></view> <view class='title'> 數據刪除removeStorage </view> <view class="demo-box"> <input name='Rkey' placeholder="要刪除的key" bindinput="RkeyInput" /> <button type='primary' bindtap="removeStorage">數據刪除</button> </view> <view style='height:100px'></view> <view class='title'> 數據清空clearStorage </view> <view class="demo-box"> <button type='primary' bindtap="clearStorage">數據清空</button> </view>
.demo-box{ margin:10px; padding:10rpx; }
Page({ data:{ key:'', data:'', Fkey:'', Fdata:'', Rkey:'' }, keyInput:function(e){ this.setData({ key:e.detail.value }) }, dataInput:function(e){ this.setData({ data:e.detail.value }) }, FkeyInput: function(e){ this.setData({ Fkey:e.detail.value }) }, RkeyInput: function(e){ this.setData({ Rkey:e.detail.value }) }, //數據的存儲 setStorage:function(e) { let key=this.data.key; if(key.length == 0) { wx.showToast({ title: 'KEY不能爲空', icon: 'none' }) }else{ wx.setStorage({ data: this.data.data, key: key }) } }, //數據的調用 getStorage: function() { var that = this; let Fkey=that.data.Fkey; if(Fkey.length==0) { wx.showToast({ title: 'KEY不能爲空', icon:'none' }) }else{ wx.getStorage({ key: Fkey, //key是指定的,指本地緩存中指定的key success:function(res){ that.setData({ Fdata:res.data }) } }) } }, //數據的刪除 removeStorage: function(e){ let Rkey=this.data.Rkey; if(Rkey.length==0) { wx.showToast({ title: 'KEY不能爲空', icon:'none' }) }else{ wx.removeStorage({ key: Rkey, success: function(res) { wx.showToast({ title: '刪除成功', icon: 'none' }) } }) } }, //數據的清空 clearStorage: function() { wx.clearStorage(); wx.showToast({ title: '數據已清空', icon:'none' }) } })