[Swift]LeetCode1096. 花括號展開 II | Brace Expansion II


Under a grammar given below, strings can represent a set of lowercase words.  Let's use R(expr) to denote the set of words the expression represents.git

Grammar can best be understood through simple examples:github

  • Single letters represent a singleton set containing that word.
    • R("a") = {"a"}
    • R("w") = {"w"}
  • When we take a comma delimited list of 2 or more expressions, we take the union of possibilities.
    • R("{a,b,c}") = {"a","b","c"}
    • R("{{a,b},{b,c}}") = {"a","b","c"} (notice the final set only contains each word at most once)
  • When we concatenate two expressions, we take the set of possible concatenations between two words where the first word comes from the first expression and the second word comes from the second expression.
    • R("{a,b}{c,d}") = {"ac","ad","bc","bd"}
    • R("{a{b,c}}{{d,e},f{g,h}}") = R("{ab,ac}{dfg,dfh,efg,efh}") = {"abdfg", "abdfh", "abefg", "abefh", "acdfg", "acdfh", "acefg", "acefh"}

Formally, the 3 rules for our grammar:express

  • For every lowercase letter x, we have R(x) = {x}
  • For expressions e_1, e_2, ... , e_k with k >= 2, we have R({e_1,e_2,...}) = R(e_1) ∪ R(e_2) ∪ ...
  • For expressions e_1 and e_2, we have R(e_1 + e_2) = {a + b for (a, b) in R(e_1) × R(e_2)}, where + denotes concatenation, and × denotes the cartesian product.

Given an expression representing a set of words under the given grammar, return the sorted list of words that the expression represents. 編程

Example 1:微信

Input: "{a,b}{c{d,e}}"
Output: ["acd","ace","bcd","bce"] 

Example 2:app

Input: "{{a,z},a{b,c},{ab,z}}"
Output: ["a","ab","ac","z"]
Explanation: Each distinct word is written only once in the final answer.


  1. 1 <= expression.length <= 50
  2. expression[i] consists of '{''}'','or lowercase English letters.
  3. The given expression represents a set of words based on the grammar given in the description.

若是你熟悉 Shell 編程,那麼必定了解過花括號展開,它能夠用來生成任意字符串。code

花括號展開的表達式能夠看做一個由 花括號、逗號 和 小寫英文字母 組成的字符串,定義下面幾條語法規則:orm

  • 若是隻給出單一的元素 x,那麼表達式表示的字符串就只有 "x"。 
    • 例如,表達式 {a} 表示字符串 "a"
    • 而表達式 {ab} 就表示字符串 "ab"
  • 當兩個或多個表達式並列,以逗號分隔時,咱們取這些表達式中元素的並集。
    • 例如,表達式 {a,b,c} 表示字符串 "a","b","c"
    • 而表達式 {a,b},{b,c} 也能夠表示字符串 "a","b","c"
  • 要是兩個或多個表達式相接,中間沒有隔開時,咱們從這些表達式中各取一個元素依次鏈接造成字符串。
    • 例如,表達式 {a,b}{c,d} 表示字符串 "ac","ad","bc","bd"
  • 表達式之間容許嵌套,單一元素與表達式的鏈接也是容許的。
    • 例如,表達式 a{b,c,d} 表示字符串 "ab","ac","ad"​​​​​​
    • 例如,表達式 {a{b,c}}{{d,e}f{g,h}} 能夠代換爲 {ab,ac}{dfg,dfh,efg,efh},表示字符串 "abdfg", "abdfh", "abefg", "abefh", "acdfg", "acdfh", "acefg", "acefh"。

給出表示基於給定語法規則的表達式 expression,返回它所表示的全部字符串組成的有序列表。

假如你但願以「集合」的概念瞭解此題,也能夠經過點擊 「顯示英文描述」 獲取詳情。 

示例 1:


示例 2:

輸入:"{{a,z}, a{b,c}, {ab,z}}"
解釋:輸出中 不該 出現重複的組合結果。 


  1. 1 <= expression.length <= 50
  2. expression[i] 由 '{''}'',' 或小寫英文字母組成
  3. 給出的表達式 expression 用以表示一組基於題目描述中語法構造的字符串

Runtime: 16 ms
Memory Usage: 13.2 MB
 1 class Solution {
 2     func braceExpansionII(_ expression: String) -> [String] {
 3         var str:String = expression
 4         var pos:Int = 0
 5         return Array(parseRule2(&str, &pos).sorted())
 6     }
 8     func merge(_ a:Set<String>,_ b:Set<String>) -> Set<String>
 9     {
10         if a.isEmpty {return b}
11         if b.isEmpty {return a}
12         var ans:Set<String> = Set<String>()
13         for v1 in a
14         {
15             for v2 in b
16             {
17                 ans.insert(v1 + v2)
18             }
19         }
20         return ans
21     }
23     //{a,b,c}
24     func parseRule1(_ str:inout String,_ i:inout Int) -> Set<String>
25     {
26         var ans:Set<String> = Set<String>()
27         i += 1
28         ans = parseRule2(&str, &i)
29         i += 1
30         return ans
31     }
33     //{a,b},{c,d}
34     func parseRule2(_ str:inout String,_ i:inout Int) -> Set<String>
35     {
36         var ans:Set<String> = Set<String>()
37         ans = parseRule3(&str, &i)
38         let arrStr:[Character] = Array(str)
39         while(i < str.count)
40         {
41             if arrStr[i] != "," {break}
42             i += 1
43             let temp:Set<String> =  parseRule3(&str, &i)
44             ans = ans.union(temp)
45         }
46         return ans
47     }
49     //a{c,d}b{e,f}
50     func parseRule3(_ str:inout String,_ i:inout Int) -> Set<String>
51     {
52         var ans:Set<String> = Set<String>()
53         let arrStr:[Character] = Array(str)
54         while(i < str.count)
55         {
56             if arrStr[i] == "}" || arrStr[i] == "," {break}
57             if arrStr[i] == "{"
58             {
59                 let temp:Set<String> =  parseRule1(&str, &i)
60                 ans = merge(ans, temp)
61             }
62             else
63             {
64                 var temp:Set<String> = Set<String>()
65                 var tmpStr:String = String()
66                 while(i < str.count && arrStr[i] <= "z" && arrStr[i] >= "a")
67                 {
68                     tmpStr.append(arrStr[i])
69                     i += 1
70                 }
71                 temp.insert(tmpStr)
72                 ans = merge(ans,temp)
73             }
74         }
75         return ans
76     }
77 }