App bar height: 56dp
App bar left and right padding: 16dp
App bar icon top, bottom, left padding: 16dp
App bar title left padding: 72dp
App bar title bottom padding: 20dpapp
The app bar with significantly increased height for prominenceide
App bar height = 128dpspa
Action area height: 56dp3d
Title area height: 80dpblog
Title area bottom padding: 8dpip
Description area height: 72dpci
Description area bottom padding: 16dpit
A two-column, left-aligned list with a 56dp floating action
Keylines and marginsclass
Screen edge left and right margins: 16dp
Content associated with an icon or avatar left margin: 72dp
Horizontal margins on mobile: 16dp.
Vertical spacing
Status bar: 24dp
Toolbar: 56dp
Subtitle: 48dp
List item: 72dp
Keylines and margins
Screen edge left and right margins: 16dp
Content left margin from screen edge: 72dp
Vertical spacing
Status bar: 24dp
Toolbar: 56dp
Title and list items: 72dp
Subtitle: 48dp
Space between content areas: 8dp
A detail card with a 56dp floating action button.
Keylines and margins
Screen edge left and right margins: 16dp
Content left margin from screen edge: 72dp
Right-side icons align 32dp from the right edge to coordinate with the floating action button.
Vertical spacing
Status bar: 24dp
Toolbar: 56dp
Space between content areas: 8dp
List item: 72dp
A side navigation menu with icons, avatars, and text aligned on the left. Other icons align on the right.
Keylines and margins
Screen edge left and right margins: 16dp
Content associated with an icon or avatar left margin: 72dp
Side nav width: The screen width minus the height of the action bar. Here, the width is 56dp from the right screen edge.
Vertical spacing
Account menu and list items: 48dp
Space between content areas: 8dp
Navigation right margin: 56dp