有朋友試圖使用下面的連接,申請 SAP ES5 即 SAP Gateway Demo 服務器的用戶時,遇到一些問題。web
這是由於還沒有知足在 ES5 註冊賬號的前置條件:orm
In order to sign up for an account on the Gateway Demo System, you must have an account on sap.com. To register for an account on sap.com, navigate to https://www.sap.com, and then click on the person icon in the upper left hand corner of the web page. Once your account is set up, you can continue to register.
須要首先在 SAP 官網即 https://www.sap.com 註冊一個賬號。rem
以後才能繼續 ES5 的用戶註冊。get