take sth. with a grain of salt

【英語習語】take sth. with a grain of saltui

take sth. with a grain of salt 這個習語的字面意思是「和一撮鹽一塊兒吃下去」,爲何要與鹽一塊兒吃呢?聽說這個習語要追溯到羅馬時代,羅馬將軍龐培曾發現一種解毒劑,必須和着一小把鹽才服得下去。解毒劑難嚥,加了鹽也許好咽些,因而這句習語用於描述對一些不靠譜的,值得懷疑的東西,得「和着鹽」才能勉強接受。orm

如今,對某件事情或某人說的話有所保留,將信將疑,持懷疑態度,就能夠說take it with a grain of salt.ci

英文註釋是:To take something with a grain of salt means to accept it but to maintain a degree of skepticism about its truth.it


1)Uncle Bill tells some stories, but we take what he says with a grain of salt because he sometimes likes to exaggerate or makes things up.ast


2)This is only a sort of handout. You may take it with a grain of salt.gui


3)Horoscope is fun, but it's not necessarily accurate. I always take it with a grain of salt.互聯網


4)But there are at least two reasons to take sanguine assessments of the consequences of climate change with a grain of salt.


5)As for these figures, we may take them with a grain of salt, but  there seems to be a consensus that the risk is substantial.


6)He didn't deliberately mislead, but I think we should take what hesaid with a grain of salt. 


7)She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a grain of salt.


8)Markets already take the government's official data with a grain of salt.



● take sth. with a grain of salt 多用於美語和澳大利亞英語,在英國常說 take sth. with a pinch of salt ( Note: 「Take it with a grain of salt」 is more common in American and Australian English, while 「 take sth. with a pinch of salt」 is more common in British English.)

1)Sometimes he is right, but usually his predictions have to be taken with a pinch of salt.


2)Indeed, the Internet is a big source of information, but what is said on the Internet should be taken with a pinch of salt.


3)I took his explanation with a pinch of salt; I knew he was not a particularly honest man.


4)But if readers take their misery literature with a pinch of salt, that surely makes our taste for it even more baffling. 

