2017/11/23 程序員
《just take a moment》這首英文歌真的很好聽,雖然聽不懂,可是音樂的旋律很好聽!web
Computers have led to a third revolution for civilization, with the information revolution taking its place alongside the agriculture and the industrial revolutions.app
revolution /ˌrev.əˈluː.ʃən/ noun. (politics) a change in the way a country is governed, usually to a different political system and often using violence or war.(一般指改變政治體制的)革命:less
civilization /ˌsɪv.əl.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ noun. (developed society) human society with its well developed social organizations, or the culture and way of life of society or country at a particular period in time. 文明社會;(特定時期社會或國家的)文明,文化。 ide
The resulting multiplication of humankind's intellectual strength and reach naturally has affected our everyday lives profoundly and changed the ways in which the search for new knowledge is carried out. ui
multiplication table /mʌl.tɪ.plɪˈkeɪ.ʃən ˌteɪ.bəl/ noun. a list that shows the results of multiplying one number by a set of other numbers, usually from one to twelve, used especially by children at school 乘法表 一張表, 顯示一個數字與一個集合中的另外一個數字相乘的結果,一般是從一到十二,特別在學校被小學生使用。this
profoundly /prəˈfaʊnd.li/ adverb. deeply or extremely 深入的、極度地
strength /streŋθ/ noun. (power) the ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort 體力;力量;實力;orm
There is now a new vein of scientific investigation, with computational scientists joining theoretical and experimental scientists in the exporation of new frontiers in astronomy, biology, chemistry, and physics, among others.
frontier /frʌn.tɪər/ noun. a border between two country. 國境、邊界;
vein / veɪn/ noun. a style or a temporary mood. 風格;情緒;
astronomy, biology, chemistry, and physics, 天文學、生物學、化學和物理學;三種學科
The computer revolution continues. Each time the cost of computing improves by another factor of 10, the opportunities for computers multiply. Applications that were economically infeasible suddenly become practical. In the recent past, the following applications were "computer science fiction."
infeasible /ɪnˈfiː.zə.bəl/ adj. 不可行的、行不通的
Clearly, advances in this technology now affect almost every aspect of our society. Hardware advances have allowed programmers to create wonderfully useful software, which explains why computers are omnipresent. Today's science fiction suggests tomorrow's killer applications: already on their way are glasses that augment reality, the cashless society, and cars that can drive themselves.
automobiles / ´ɔ:təməbi:l/ noun. [c] a car. 汽車
microprocessors /ˌmaɪ.krəʊˈprəʊ.ses.ər/ n. a part of a computer that controls its main operations. 微處理器
dramatically /drəˈmæt.ɪ.kəl.i / adv. suddenly or obviously. 劇烈的,明顯的;Your life changes dramatically when you have a baby to take care. 有了孩子,你的生活會驟然發生巨大變化。
ludicrous /ˈluː.dɪ.krəs/ adj. stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at 愚蠢好笑的;荒謬的;
blind spot /ˈblaɪnd ˌspɒt/ noun. (C usually sigular) an area that are not able to see, especially the part of a road you can not see when you are driving, behind or slightly to one side of the car. 盲點;視線盲區;(尤指)駕車時的盲區
lane /lein/ noun. noun. (road) a narrow road in the countryside or in a town. 鄉間小路;小巷;小街;衚衕;
occupant /ˈɒk.jə.pənt / noun.1. a person who lives or works in a rooms or building 居住者; The person occupants were an Italian family. 先前居住的是意大利人。 2. a person who is in a car, room, seat, place, or position. 佔有人;佔用人; One of the occupants of the car was slightly injured. 有一位乘車者,受了輕傷。
cell phone /ˈsel fəʊn/ noun.(c) a phone that is connected to the phone system by radio instead of by a wire, and can be used anywhere where its signals can be received. 移動電化,手機;