
微信號 & QQ:862251340

在這篇文章中,咱們將介紹一種新的關鍵字搜索和替換的算法:Flashtext 算法。Flashtext 算法是一個高效的字符搜索和替換算法。該算法的時間複雜度不依賴於搜索或替換的字符的數量。好比,對於一個文檔有 N 個字符,和一個有 M 個詞的關鍵詞庫,那麼時間複雜度就是 O(N) 。這個算法比咱們通常的正則匹配法快不少,由於正則匹配的時間複雜度是 O(M * N)。這個算法和 Aho Corasick 算法也有一點不一樣,由於它不匹配子字符串。javascript

Flashtext 算法被設計爲只匹配完整的單詞。好比,咱們輸入一個單詞 {Apple},那麼這個算法就不會去匹配 「I like Pineapple」 中的 apple。這個算法也被設計爲首先匹配最長字符串。在舉個例子,好比咱們有這樣一個數據集 {Machine, Learning,Machine Learning},一個文檔 「I like Machine Learning」,那麼咱們的算法只會去匹配 「Machine Learning」 ,由於這是最長匹配。html

這個算法咱們已經在 Github 上面實現了,用的是 Python 語言。java

1. 介紹



  1. 關鍵字搜索:假設咱們有一個軟件工程師的簡歷 (D),咱們擁有一個 20k 的編程技巧詞庫 corpus = {Java, python, javascript, machien learning, ...}。咱們想要從這個詞庫 corpus 中哪些詞在這個簡歷中出現了,即 corpus ∩ D。
  2. 關鍵字替換:另外一個經常使用的用例是當咱們有一個同義詞的語料庫(不一樣的拼寫表示的是同一個單詞),好比 corpus = {javascript: [‘javascript’, ‘javascripting’, ‘java script’], ...} ,在軟件工程師的簡歷中咱們須要使用標準化的詞,全部咱們須要用一個標準化的詞來替換不一樣簡歷中的同義詞。

爲了去解決上述這些問題,正則表達式是最經常使用的一個技術。雖然正則表達式能夠很好的解決這個問題,可是當咱們的數據量增大時,這個速度就會很是慢了。若是咱們的文檔達到百萬級別時,那麼這個運行時間將達到幾天的量級。好比下面的圖1,正則表達式在一個 10k 的詞庫中查找 15k 個關鍵詞的時間差很少是 0.165 秒。可是對於 Flashtext 而言只須要 0.002 秒。所以,在這個問題上 Flashtext 的速度大約比正則表達式快 82 倍。github

隨着咱們須要處理的字符愈來愈多,正則表達式的處理速度幾乎都是線性增長的。然而,Flashtext 幾乎是一個常量。在本文中,咱們將着重討論正則表達式與 Flashtext 之間的性能區別。咱們還將詳細的描述 Flashtext 算法及其工做原理,和一些基準測試。正則表達式

1.1 用於關鍵字搜索的正則表達式算法

正則表達式是一種很是靈活和有用的模式匹配方式。好比咱們在文本中搜索一個匹配 「d{4}」,它表示任何 4 位數字匹配,如 2017。咱們利用 Python 代碼能夠實現這樣一個功能,以下:編程

import re

compiled_regex = re.compile(r'\b2017\b|\b\d{4}\b')
compiled_regex.findall('In 2017 2311 is my birthday.')

# output
['2017', '2311']


這裏 ‘b’ 用來表示單詞邊界,它會去匹配特殊字符,如 'space','period','new line' 等。api

1.2 用於關鍵字替換的正則表達式

咱們也可使用正則表達式來製做一個標準化術語的替換腳本,好比咱們能夠編寫一個 Python 腳原本用 「javascript」 替換 「java script」。以下:

import re

re.sub(r"\bjava script\b", 'javascript', 'java script is awesome.')

# output
javascript is awesome.


2. Flashtext

Flashtext 是一種基於 Trie 字典數據結構和 Aho Corasick 的算法。它的工做方式是,首先它將全部相關的關鍵字做爲輸入。使用這些關鍵字創建一個 trie 字典,以下圖3所示:

starteot 是兩個特殊的字符,用來定義詞的邊界,這和咱們上面提到的正則表達式是同樣的。這個 trie 字典就是咱們後面要用來搜索和替換的數據結構。

2.1 利用 Flashtext 進行搜索

對於輸入字符串(文檔),咱們對字符進行逐個遍歷。當咱們在文檔中的字符序列 <b>word<b> 匹配到字典中的 <start>word<eot> 時(start 和 eot 分別是字符序列的開始標籤和結束標籤),咱們認爲這是一個完整匹配了。咱們將匹配到的字符序列所對應的標準關鍵字進行輸出,具體以下:

2.2 利用 Flashtext 進行替換

對於輸入字符串(文檔),咱們對字符進行逐個遍歷它。咱們先建立一個空的字符串,當咱們字符序列中的 <b>word<b> 沒法在 Trie 字典中找到匹配時,那麼咱們就簡單的原始字符複製到返回字符串中。可是,當咱們能夠從 Trie 字典中找到匹配時,那麼咱們將將匹配到的字符的標準字符複製到返回字符串中。所以,返回字符串是輸入字符串的一個副本,惟一的不一樣是替換了匹配到的字符序列,具體以下:

2.3 Flashtext 算法

Flashtext 算法那主要分爲三部分,咱們接下來將對每一部分進行單獨分析:

  1. 構建 Trie 字典;
  2. 關鍵字搜索;
  3. 關鍵字替換;

2.3.1 構建 Trie 字典

爲了構建 trie 字典,咱們必須設立一個空的節點指向咱們的空字典。這個節點被用做全部單詞的起點。咱們在字典中插入一個單詞。這個單詞中的下一個字符在本字典中做爲關鍵字,而且這個指針須要再次指向一個空字典。這個過程不斷重複,直到咱們達到單詞中的最後一個字符。當咱們到達單詞的末尾時,咱們插入一個特殊的字符(eot)來表示詞尾。


關鍵詞 w = c1c2c3...cn,其中 ci 表示一個輸入字符。標準詞咱們用 s 來表示。

代碼:用於 Flashtext 的初始化並向字典添加關鍵字

class FlashText(object):
    def __init__(self, case_sensitive=False):
        self._keyword = '_keyword_'   # end of term (eot) and key to store standardized name
        sef._white_space_chars = set(['.', '\t', '\n', '\a', ' ', ','])
        self.keyword_trie_dict = dict()
        sefl.case_sensitive = case_sensitive
    def add_keyword(self, keyword, clean_name = None):
        if not clean_name and keyword:
            clean_name = keyword
        if keyword and clean_name:
            # if both keyword and clean_name are not empty.
            if not self.case_sensitive:
                # if not case_sensitive then lowercase the keyword
                keyword = keyword.lower()
            current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict
            for letter in keyword:
                current_dict = current_dict.setdefault(letter, {})
            current_dict[self._keyword] = clean_name



2.3.2 關鍵字搜索

一旦咱們將全部的詞都添加到 trie 字典中,咱們就能夠在輸入字符串中找到關鍵字。


字符串 x = a1a2...an,其中 ai 是輸入字符串 x 中的第 i 個字符。

代碼:Python 代碼用來獲取字典中的輸入字符串中的關鍵字。

def extract_keywords(self, sentence):
    keywords_extracted = []
    if not self.case_sensitive:
        # if not case_sensitive then lowercase the sentence
        sentence = sentence.lower()
    current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict
    sequence_and_pos = 0
    idx = 0
    sentence_len = len(sentence)
    while idx < sentence_len:
        char = sentence[idx]
        # when we reach a character that might denote word end
        if char not in self.non_word_boundaries:
            # if eot is present in current_dict
            if self._keyword in current_dict or char in current_dict:
                # update longest sequence found
                sequence_found = None
                longest_sequence_found = None
                is_longer_seq_found = False
                if self._keyword in current_dict:
                    sequence_found = current_dict[self._keyword]
                    longest_sequence_found = current_dict[self._keyword]
                    sequence_end_pos = idx
                # re look for longest_sequence from this position
                if char in current_dict:
                    current_dict_continued = current_dict[char]
                    idy = idx + 1
                    while idy < sentence_len:
                        inner_char = sentence[idy]
                        if inner_char not in self.non_word_boundaries and self._keyword in current_dict_continued:
                            # update longest sequence found
                            longest_sequence_found = current_dict_continued[self._keyword]
                            sequence_end_ops = idy
                            is_longer_seq_found = True
                        if inner_char in current_dict_continued:
                            current_dict_continued = current_dict_continued[inner_char]
                        idy += 1
                        # end of sentence reached
                        if self._keyword in current_dict_continued:
                            # update longest sequence found
                            longest_sequence_found = current_dict_continued[self._keyword]
                            sequence_end_pos = idy
                            is_longer_seq_found = True
                    if is_longer_seq_found:
                        idx = sequence_end_pos
                current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict
                if longest_sequence_found:
                # we reset current_dict
                current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict
        elif char in current_dict:
            # char is present in current dictionary position
            current_dict = current_dict[char]
            # we reset current_dict
            current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict
            # skip to end of word
            idy = idx + 1
            while idy < sentence_len:
                char = sentence[idy]
                if char not in self.non_word_boundaries:
                idy += 1
            idx = idy
        # if we are end of sentence and have a sequence discovered
        if idx + 1 >= sentence_len:
            if self._keyword in current_dict:
                sequence_found = current_dict[self._keyword]
        idx += 1
    return keywords_extracted


返回一個列表,輸出字符串 x 中找到的全部標準化以後的字,如圖 4 所示。

2.3.3 關鍵字替換



輸入字符串 x = a1a2...an,其中 ai 表示第 i 個字符。

代碼:Python 代碼用於從輸入字符串中用標準詞替換

def replace_keywords(self, sentence):
    new_sentence = ''
    orig_sentence = sentence
    if not self.case_sensitive:
        sentence = sentence.lower()
    current_word = ''
    current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict
    current_white_space = ''
    sequence_end_pos = 0
    idx = 0
    sentence_len = len(sentence)
    while idx < sentence_len:
        char = sentence[idx]
        current_word += orig_sentence[idx]
        # when we reach whitespace
        if char not in self.non_word_boundaries:
            current_white_space = char
            # if end is present in current_dict
            if self._keyword in current_dict or char in current_dict:
                # update longest sequence found
                sequence_found = None
                longest_sequence_found = None
                is_longer_seq_found = False
                if self._keyword in current_dict:
                    sequence_found = curretn_dcit[self._keyword]
                    longest_sequence_found = current_dict[self._keyword]
                    sequence_end_pos = idx
                # re look for longest_sequence from this position
                if char in current_dict:
                    current_dict_continued = current_dict[char]
                    current_word_continued = current_word
                    idy = idx + 1
                    while idy < sentence_len:
                        inner_char = sentence[idy]
                        current_word_continued += orig_sentence[idy]
                        if inner_char not in self.non_word_boundaries and self._keyword in current_dict_continuted:
                            # update longest sequence found
                            current_white_space = inner_char
                            longest_sequence_found = current_dict_continued[self._keyword]
                            sequence_end_pos = idy
                            is_longer_seq_found = True
                        if inner_char in current_dict_continued:
                            current_dict_continued = curretn_dict_continued[inner_char]
                        idy += 1
                        # end of sentence reached.
                        if self._keyword in current_dict_continued:
                            # update longest sequence found
                            current_white_space = ''
                            longest_sequence_found = current_dict_continued[self._keyword]
                            sequence_end_pos = idy
                            is_longer_seq_found = True
                    if is_longer_seq_found:
                        idx = sequence_end_pos
                        current_word = current_word_continued
                current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict
                if longest_sequence_found:
                    new_sentence += longest_sequence_found + curretn_white_space
                    current_word = ''
                    current_white_space = ''
                    new_sentence += current_word
                    current_word = ''
                    current_white_space = ''
                # we reset current_dict
                current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict
                new_sentence += current_word
                current_word = ''
                current_white_space = ''
        elif char in current_dict:
            # we can continue from this char
            current_dict = current_dict[char]
            # we reset current_dict
            current_dict = self.keyword_trie_dict
            # skip to end of word
            idy = idx + 1
            while idy < sentence_len:
                char  = sentence[idy]
                current_word += orig_sentence[idy]
                if char not in self.non_word_boundaries:
                idy += 1
            idx = idy
            new_sentence += current_word
            current_word = ''
            current_white_space = ''
        # if we are end of sentence and have a sequence disv=convered
        if idx + 1 >= sentence_len:
            if self._keyword in current_dict:
                sequence_found = current_dict[self._keyword]
                new_sentence += sequence_found
        idx += 1
    return new_sentence


在字符串 x 中找到須要替換的詞,而後用標準詞進行替換輸出,如圖 5 所示。

3. Flashtext 和正則表達式的基準測試

正如在圖 1 和圖 2 中所展現的,Flashtext 比正則表達式的處理速度要快不少。如今咱們來作一些基準測試來更加說明這個問題。

3.1 關鍵字搜索

咱們利用 Python 代碼來實現這個關鍵字搜索的基準測試。首先,咱們會隨機建立一個 10K 的語料庫。而後,咱們將從單詞列表中選擇 1K 的詞用來建立一個新的文檔。

咱們將從語料庫中選擇 k 個詞,其中 k ∈ {0, 1000, 2000, .. , 20000}。咱們將使用正則表達式和 Flashtext 分別對這個文檔中的關鍵詞進行搜索,而後對比分析。具體 Python 代碼以下:

from flashtext.keyword import KeywordProcessor
import random
import re
import string
import time

def get_word_of_length(str_length):
    # generate a random word of given length
    return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(str_length))

# generate a list of 100K words of randomly chosen size
all_words = [get_word_of_length(random.choice([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])) for i in range(100000)]

print('Count  |  FlashText  | Regex  ')
for keywords_length in [0, 1000, 5000, 10000, 15000]:
    # chose 1000 terms and create a string to search in.
    all_words_chosen = random.sample(all_words, 1000)
    story = ' '.join(all_words_chosen)
    # get unique keywrods from the list of words generated.
    unique_keywords_sublist = list(set(random.sample(all_words, keywords_length)))
    # compile Regex
    compiled_re = re.compile('|'.join([r'\b' + keyword + r'\b' for keyword in unique_keywords_sublist]))
    # add keywords to Flashtext
    keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor()
    # time the modules
    start = time.time()
    _ = keyword_processor.extract_keywords(story)
    mid = time.time()
    _ = compiled_re.findall(story)
    end = time.time()
    # print output
    print(str(keywords_length).ljust(6), '|', 
          "{0:.5f}".format(mid - start).ljust(9), '|', 
          "{0:.5f}".format(end - mid).ljust(9), '|')
    # output: Data for Figure 1

3.2 關鍵詞替換

下面的代碼是用來作關鍵詞替換的 Python 代碼。

from flashtext.keyword import KeywordProcessor
import random
import string
import re
import time

def get_word_of_length(str_length):
    # generate a random word of given length
    return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(str_length))

# generate a list of 100K words of randomly chosen size
all_words = [get_word_of_length(random.choice([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])) for i in range(100000)]

print('Count  | FlashText | Regex    ')
for keywords_length in range(1, 20002, 1000):
    # chose 5000 terms and create a string to search in.
    all_words_chosen = random.sample(all_words, 5000)
    story = ' '.join(all_words_chosen)

    # get unique keywords from the list of words generated.
    unique_keywords_sublist = list(set(random.sample(all_words, keywords_length)))
    # compile regex
    # source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6116978/python-replace-multiple-strings
    rep = dict([(key, '_keyword_') for key in unique_keywords_sublist])
    compiled_re = re.compile("|".join(rep.keys()))

    # add keywords to flashtext
    keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor()
    for keyword in unique_keywords_sublist:
        keyword_processor.add_keyword(keyword, '_keyword_')

    # time the modules
    start = time.time()
    _ = keyword_processor.replace_keywords(story)
    mid = time.time()
    _ = compiled_re.sub(lambda m: rep[re.escape(m.group(0))], story)
    end = time.time()
    # print output
    print(str(keywords_length).ljust(6), '|',
          "{0:.5f}".format(mid - start).ljust(9), '|',
          "{0:.5f}".format(end - mid).ljust(9), '|',)

# output: Data for Figure 2

3.3 結論

正如咱們在上面看到的對比結果,Flashtext 在關鍵字搜索和替換上面比正則表達式都快不少。特別是在處理大規模數據的時候,這個優點會更加的顯示被體現出來。

4. Flashtext 使用文檔

4.1 安裝

pip install flashtext

4.2 使用例子

4.2.1 關鍵字提取

>>> from flashtext import KeywordProcessor
>>> keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor()
>>> # keyword_processor.add_keyword(<unclean name>, <standardised name>)
>>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple', 'New York')
>>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Bay Area')
>>> keywords_found = keyword_processor.extract_keywords('I love Big Apple and Bay Area.')
>>> keywords_found
>>> # ['New York', 'Bay Area']

4.2.2 關鍵字替換

>>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('New Delhi', 'NCR region')
>>> new_sentence = keyword_processor.replace_keywords('I love Big Apple and new delhi.')
>>> new_sentence
>>> # 'I love New York and NCR region.'

4.2.3 區分大小寫字母

>>> from flashtext import KeywordProcessor
>>> keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor(case_sensitive=True)
>>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple', 'New York')
>>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Bay Area')
>>> keywords_found = keyword_processor.extract_keywords('I love big Apple and Bay Area.')
>>> keywords_found
>>> # ['Bay Area']

4.2.4 關鍵字不清晰

>>> from flashtext import KeywordProcessor
>>> keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor()
>>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple')
>>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Bay Area')
>>> keywords_found = keyword_processor.extract_keywords('I love big Apple and Bay Area.')
>>> keywords_found
>>> # ['Big Apple', 'Bay Area']

4.2.5 同時添加多個關鍵詞

>>> from flashtext import KeywordProcessor
>>> keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor()
>>> keyword_dict = {
>>>     "java": ["java_2e", "java programing"],
>>>     "product management": ["PM", "product manager"]
>>> }
>>> # {'clean_name': ['list of unclean names']}
>>> keyword_processor.add_keywords_from_dict(keyword_dict)
>>> # Or add keywords from a list:
>>> keyword_processor.add_keywords_from_list(["java", "python"])
>>> keyword_processor.extract_keywords('I am a product manager for a java_2e platform')
>>> # output ['product management', 'java']

4.2.6 刪除關鍵字

>>> from flashtext import KeywordProcessor
>>> keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor()
>>> keyword_dict = {
>>>     "java": ["java_2e", "java programing"],
>>>     "product management": ["PM", "product manager"]
>>> }
>>> keyword_processor.add_keywords_from_dict(keyword_dict)
>>> print(keyword_processor.extract_keywords('I am a product manager for a java_2e platform'))
>>> # output ['product management', 'java']
>>> keyword_processor.remove_keyword('java_2e')
>>> # you can also remove keywords from a list/ dictionary
>>> keyword_processor.remove_keywords_from_dict({"product management": ["PM"]})
>>> keyword_processor.remove_keywords_from_list(["java programing"])
>>> keyword_processor.extract_keywords('I am a product manager for a java_2e platform')
>>> # output ['product management']

有時候咱們會將一些特殊符號做爲字符邊界,好比 空格, 等等。爲了從新設定字邊界,咱們須要添加一些符號告訴算法,這是單詞字符的一部分。

>>> from flashtext import KeywordProcessor
>>> keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor()
>>> keyword_processor.add_keyword('Big Apple')
>>> print(keyword_processor.extract_keywords('I love Big Apple/Bay Area.'))
>>> # ['Big Apple']
>>> keyword_processor.add_non_word_boundary('/')
>>> print(keyword_processor.extract_keywords('I love Big Apple/Bay Area.'))
>>> # []

4.3 API 文檔

具體的 API 文檔,你能夠點擊這裏進行查看。


Stack overflow

Flashtext: github

Flashtext: paper

Flashtext: medium

Flashtext: API doc


微信號 & QQ:862251340


CoderPai 是一個專一於算法實戰的平臺,從基礎的算法到人工智能算法都有設計。若是你對算法實戰感興趣,請快快關注咱們吧。加入AI實戰微信羣,AI實戰QQ羣,ACM算法微信羣,ACM算法QQ羣。長按或者掃描以下二維碼,關注 「CoderPai」 微信號(coderpai

