Container for an array of values that were retrieved with obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int) or obtainAttributes(AttributeSet, int[]). Be sure to call recycle() when done with them. The indices used to retrieve values from this structure correspond to the positions of the attributes given to obtainStyledAttributes數組
TypedArray是存放使用obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)或obtainAttributes(AttributeSet, int[]). 方法檢驗出數組值的容器。必定壓在作完以上操做後調用recycle() 。使用obtainStyledAttributes獲取attrs裏的屬性與被檢索出的索引結構一致。緩存
API表示:回收TypedArray,以便後面重用 ![輸入this
/** * Give back a previously retrieved StyledAttributes, for later re-use. */ public void recycle() { synchronized (mResources.mTmpValue) { TypedArray cached = mResources.mCachedStyledAttributes; if (cached == null || cached.mData.length < mData.length) { mXml = null; mResources.mCachedStyledAttributes = this; } } }
在每次自定義View的時候都會建立TypedArray,對內存消耗有較大的影響。在TypedArray後調用recycle主要是爲了緩存。當recycle被調用後,這就說明這個對象從如今能夠被重用了。TypedArray 內部持有部分數組,它們緩存在Resources類中的靜態字段中,這樣就不用每次使用前都須要分配內存。.net