OP通常分三層(見下圖)。第一層容量固定爲SSD標稱容量的7.37%,這是由於標稱容量採用千進製爲單位,而NAND顆粒容量單位爲1024進制,二者正好相差約7.37%。這部分空間被默認用於做OP。第二層OP是否存在及容量大小取決於廠商設置。第三層OP是用戶在平常使用中能夠分配的,像Fusion-IO公司還給其用戶提供工具讓他們自行調節大小以知足不一樣的耐用度及性能要求,通常用戶也能夠本身在初次分區的時候,不把全部的SSD容量都分滿來達到相同目的,此處有一點要注意,若非首次分區就留出空間,必需要先進行全盤擦除(Secure Erase),不然沒有效果。
雖然OP會減小SSD的可用容量,但有減小WA、提升壽命、性能的正面做用。請看下圖:兩個相同的64G SSD,左邊的分區50G,右邊的所有容量分區。格式化後容量分別爲:46G和59G左右。
通常來講,建議在不支持Trim或對SSD的性能有較高要求的時候,如數據庫等類的應用,增長必定比例的第三層OP容量(此空間須要先作HDD ERASE,保證沒有被使用過),能夠很好的起到保持速度,提升壽命的做用。(如必須用SSD組建RAID時,強烈建議留部分OP容量以彌補沒有Trim產生的影響。)
While solid-state drives (SSDs) are often similar to mechanical Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) in physical dimensions (e.g., height, width and length) and external interface (e.g., SATA or SAS interface), the internal low level operation and components of an SSD differ vastly from the spinning magnetic platter design of an HDD.數據庫
After an SSD is assembled, the SSD manufacturer can reserve an additional percentage of the total drive capacity for Over-Provisioning (OP) during firmware programming. Over-provisioning improves performance and often increases the endurance of the SSD, helping the drive last longer due to the SSD Controller having more Flash NAND storage available to alleviate NAND Flash wear over its useful
To calculate the over-provisioned (OP) percentage of an SSD, the formula in Figure 1 can be used.工具
Physical Capacity - User Capacitypost
User Capacity性能
Figure 1. Over-provisioning percentage formula.優化
It is common to see 7 percent overprovisioning present in many SSDs. See Figure 2 for a breakdown of physical capacity present in an SSD versus available user capacity after
Figure 2 Over-provisioning based on capacity and application class操作系統
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