1 //本身擴展的jquery函數 2 //壓縮時請把編碼改爲ANSI 3 $.app = { 4 5 /**初始化主頁 layout,菜單,tab*/ 6 initIndex: function () { 7 $.menus.initMenu(); 8 $.layouts.initLayout(); 9 $.tabs.initTab(); 10 11 $.app.initCommonBtn(); 12 13 var message = $.app.initMessage(); 14 var notification = $.app.initNotification(); 15 var fiveMinute = 5 * 60 * 1000; 16 var pollingUrl = ctx + "/admin/polling"; 17 var longPolling = function(url, callback) { 18 $.ajax({ 19 url: url, 20 async: true, 21 cache: false, 22 global: false, 23 timeout: 30 * 1000, 24 dataType : "json", 25 success: function (data, status, request) { 26 callback(data); 27 data = null; 28 status = null; 29 request = null; 30 setTimeout( 31 function () { 32 longPolling(url, callback); 33 }, 34 10 35 ); 36 }, 37 error: function (xmlHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { 38 xmlHR = null; 39 textStatus = null; 40 errorThrown = null; 41 42 setTimeout( 43 function () { 44 longPolling(url, callback); 45 }, 46 30 * 1000 47 ); 48 } 49 }); 50 }; 51 longPolling(pollingUrl, function(data) { 52 if(data) { 53 if(data.unreadMessageCount) { 54 message.update(data.unreadMessageCount); 55 } 56 if(data.notifications) { 57 notification.update(data.notifications); 58 } 59 } 60 }); 61 62 }, 63 initCommonBtn : function() { 64 $(".btn-view-info,.btn-change-password").click(function() { 65 var a = $(this); 66 var url = ""; 67 if(a.is(".btn-view-info")) { 68 url = ctx +"/admin/sys/user/loginUser/viewInfo"; 69 } else if(a.is(".btn-change-password")) { 70 url = ctx + "/admin/sys/user/loginUser/changePassword"; 71 } 72 setTimeout(function() { 73 $.tabs.activeTab($.tabs.nextCustomTabIndex(), "我的資料", url, true) 74 }, 0); 75 }); 76 $(".btn-view-message,.btn-message").click(function() { 77 var url = ctx + "/admin/personal/message"; 78 setTimeout(function() { 79 $.tabs.activeTab($.tabs.nextCustomTabIndex(), "個人消息", url, true) 80 }, 0); 81 }); 82 $(".btn-view-notice").click(function() { 83 var url = ctx + "/office/personal/notice/list?read=false"; 84 setTimeout(function() { 85 $.tabs.activeTab($.tabs.nextCustomTabIndex(), "個人通知", url, true) 86 }, 0); 87 }); 88 $(".btn-view-worklist,.btn-view-work").click(function() { 89 var $that = $(this); 90 var url = ctx + "/office/personal/worklist"; 91 setTimeout(function() { 92 if($that.is(".btn-view-work")) { 93 url = $that.data("url"); 94 } 95 $.tabs.activeTab($.tabs.nextCustomTabIndex(), "個人待辦工做", url, true) 96 }, 0); 97 98 return false; 99 }); 100 101 102 }, 103 initMessage : function() { 104 var messageBtn = $(".btn-message"); 105 var icon = messageBtn.find(".icon-message"); 106 var messageBtnInterval = null; 107 108 var activeUnreadIcon = function(count) { 109 clearInterval(messageBtnInterval); 110 if(count > 0) { 111 var label = messageBtn.find(".icon-count"); 112 if(!label.length) { 113 label = $("<i class='label label-important icon-count'></i>"); 114 messageBtn.append(label); 115 } 116 label.text(count); 117 messageBtn.addClass("unread"); 118 messageBtnInterval = setInterval(function() {icon.toggleClass("icon-envelope-alt").toggleClass("icon-envelope");}, 650); 119 } 120 }; 121 122 messageBtn.click(function() { 123 clearInterval(messageBtnInterval); 124 $($.find("#menu a:contains(個人消息)")).dblclick(); 125 messageBtn.removeClass("unread"); 126 messageBtn.find(".icon-count").remove(); 127 icon.removeClass("icon-envelope").addClass("icon-envelope-alt"); 128 129 }); 130 131 activeUnreadIcon(messageBtn.data("unread")); 132 133 return { 134 update : function(unReadMessageCount) { 135 activeUnreadIcon(unReadMessageCount); 136 } 137 }; 138 }, 139 initNotification : function() { 140 var notificationBtn = $(".btn-notification"); 141 var notificationList = $(".notification-list"); 142 var menu = $(".notification-list .menu"); 143 var menuList = menu.find(".list"); 144 var detail = $(".notification-list .detail"); 145 var detailList = detail.find(".list"); 146 var loading = $(".notification-list .loading"); 147 var noComment = $(".notification-list .no-comment"); 148 var markReadUrl = ctx + "/admin/personal/notification/markRead?id="; 149 150 var contentTemplate = '<li class="view-content {unread}"><span>{title}</span><span class="pull-right">{date}</span></li>'; 151 var detailContentTemplate = '<div id="notificaiton-{id}" class="notification-detail" style="display: none"><div class="title"><span>{title}</span><span class="pull-right">{date}</span></div><div class="content">{content}</div></div>'; 152 var moreContent = '<li class="view-all-notification"><span>>>查看全部通知</span></li>'; 153 154 var viewAllNotification = function() { 155 $($.find("#menu a:contains(個人通知)")).dblclick(); 156 hideNotification(); 157 return false; 158 }; 159 var hideNotification = function() { 160 notificationList.find(".content > div").hide(); 161 notificationList.removeClass("in"); 162 $("body") 163 .off("click") 164 .find("iframe").contents().find("body").each(function() { 165 $(this).off("click"); 166 }); 167 }; 168 169 var activeDetailBtn = function() { 170 var notificationDetails = detail.find(".notification-detail"); 171 var current = notificationDetails.not(":hidden"); 172 var currentIndex = notificationDetails.index(current); 173 174 var pre = detail.find(".pre"); 175 var next = detail.find(".next"); 176 pre.removeClass("none"); 177 next.removeClass("none"); 178 179 180 if(currentIndex == 0) { 181 pre.addClass("none"); 182 } 183 184 var currentMenu = $(menu.find(".view-content").get(currentIndex)); 185 if(currentMenu.hasClass("unread")) { 186 currentMenu.removeClass("unread"); 187 var id = current.attr("id").replace("notificaiton-", ""); 188 $.ajax({ 189 url: markReadUrl + id, 190 global: false, 191 error: function (xmlHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { 192 //ignore 193 } 194 }); 195 } 196 197 if(currentIndex == notificationDetails.length - 1) { 198 next.addClass("none"); 199 } 200 201 }; 202 203 var showNoComment = function() { 204 notificationList.find(".content > div").hide(); 205 noComment.show(); 206 }; 207 var showMenu = function() { 208 notificationList.find(".content > div").hide(); 209 menu.show(); 210 }; 211 212 213 var initDetail = function(dataList) { 214 var content = ""; 215 $(dataList).each(function(index, data) { 216 content = content + detailContentTemplate.replace("{id}", data.id).replace("{title}", data.title).replace("{date}", data.date).replace("{content}", data.content); 217 }); 218 detailList.html(content); 219 detail.find(".notification-detail:first").show(); 220 detail.find(".back-notification-list").click(function() { 221 slide(detail, menu, "left"); 222 }); 223 detail.find(".pre").click(function() { 224 var current = detail.find(".notification-detail").not(":hidden"); 225 var pre = current.prev(".notification-detail"); 226 if (pre.length) { 227 slide(current, pre, "left"); 228 } 229 }); 230 detail.find(".next").click(function() { 231 var current = detail.find(".notification-detail").not(":hidden"); 232 var next = current.next(".notification-detail"); 233 if (next.length) { 234 slide(current, next, "right"); 235 } 236 }); 237 slide(menu, detail, "right"); 238 239 return false; 240 }; 241 242 243 244 var initMenu = function(dataList, hasUnread) { 245 246 var content = ""; 247 $(dataList).each(function (index, data) { 248 content = content + contentTemplate.replace("{unread}", data.read ? "" : "unread").replace("{title}", data.title).replace("{date}", data.date); 249 }); 250 content = content + moreContent; 251 menuList.html(content); 252 253 menu.find(".view-content").click(function() { 254 initDetail(dataList); 255 }); 256 menu.find(".view-all-notification").click(function() { 257 viewAllNotification(); 258 }); 259 260 if(hasUnread) { 261 showNotification(); 262 } 263 264 return false; 265 }; 266 var slide = function(from, to, direction) { 267 from.css({ 268 position: 'relative', 269 width:"100%" 270 }); 271 from.stop(true).hide("slide", {direction : direction == "left" ? "rigth" : "left"}, function() { 272 from.css({ 273 position : "", 274 width : "", 275 left : "" 276 }); 277 }); 278 to.css({ 279 position: 'absolute', 280 top: to.is(".notification-detail") ? to.closest(".detail").find(".title").outerHeight() + "px" : "0px", 281 left: "0px", 282 width: "100%", 283 display : "none" 284 }); 285 to.stop(true).show("slide", {direction : direction}, function() { 286 to.css({ 287 position : "", 288 left : "", 289 top : "", 290 width : "" 291 }); 292 if(to.is(".notification-detail") || to.is(".detail")) { 293 activeDetailBtn(); 294 } 295 }); 296 }; 297 298 var showNotification = function() { 299 notificationList.addClass("in"); 300 301 var windowClickHideNotification = function (event) { 302 var target = $(event.target); 303 if (!target.closest(".btn-notification").length && !target.closest(".notification-list").length) { 304 hideNotification(); 305 } 306 }; 307 308 $("body") 309 .on("click", windowClickHideNotification) 310 .find("iframe").contents().find("body").each(function() { 311 $(this).on("click", windowClickHideNotification); 312 }); 313 if(menu.find(".view-content").length) { 314 showMenu(); 315 } else { 316 showNoComment(); 317 } 318 }; 319 320 notificationBtn.click(function() { 321 if(notificationList.hasClass("in")) { 322 hideNotification(); 323 } else { 324 showNotification(); 325 } 326 }); 327 notificationList.find(".close-notification-list").click(function() { 328 hideNotification(); 329 }); 330 331 hideNotification(); 332 333 return { 334 update : function(dataList) { 335 336 if(!dataList.length) { 337 showNoComment(); 338 return; 339 } 340 341 var hasUnread = false; 342 for(var i = 0, l = dataList.length; i < l; i++) { 343 var data = dataList[i]; 344 if(!data.read) { 345 hasUnread = true; 346 data.title = data.title.replace("{ctx}", ctx); 347 data.content = data.content.replace("{ctx}", ctx); 348 } 349 } 350 351 initMenu(dataList, hasUnread); 352 353 } 354 }; 355 }, 356 /** 357 * 異步加載url內容到tab 358 */ 359 loadingToCenterIframe: function (panel, url, loadingMessage, forceRefresh) { 360 panel.data("url", url); 361 362 var panelId = panel.prop("id"); 363 var iframeId = "iframe-" + panelId; 364 var iframe = $("#" + iframeId); 365 366 if (!iframe.length || forceRefresh) { 367 if(!iframe.length) { 368 iframe = $("iframe[tabs=true]:last").clone(true); 369 iframe.prop("id", iframeId); 370 $("iframe[tabs=true]:last").after(iframe); 371 } 372 373 $.app.waiting(loadingMessage); 374 iframe.prop("src", url).one("load", function () { 375 $.app.activeIframe(panelId, iframe); 376 $.app.waitingOver(); 377 }); 378 379 } else { 380 $.app.activeIframe(panelId, iframe); 381 } 382 383 }, 384 activeIframe: function (panelId, iframe) { 385 if (!iframe) { 386 iframe = $("#iframe-" + panelId); 387 } 388 var layout = $.layouts.layout; 389 if (layout.panes.center.prop("id") == iframe.prop("id")) { 390 return; 391 } 392 layout.panes.center.hide(); 393 layout.panes.center = iframe; 394 layout.panes.center.show(); 395 layout.resizeAll(); 396 $.tabs.initTabScrollHideOrShowMoveBtn(panelId); 397 }, 398 399 waiting : function(message, isSmall) { 400 if(!message) { 401 message = "裝載中..."; 402 } 403 404 message = '<img src="' + ctx + '/static/images/loading.gif" '+ (isSmall ? "width='20px'" : "") +'/> ' + message; 405 if(!isSmall) { 406 message = "<h4>"+message+"</h4>"; 407 } 408 $.blockUI({ 409 fadeIn: 700, 410 fadeOut: 700, 411 showOverlay: false, 412 css: { 413 border: 'none', 414 padding: '15px', 415 backgroundColor: '#eee', 416 '-webkit-border-radius': '10px', 417 '-moz-border-radius': '10px', 418 opacity:1, 419 color: '#000', 420 width: isSmall ? "40%" : "30%" 421 422 }, 423 message: message 424 }); 425 } 426 , 427 waitingOver: function () { 428 $.unblockUI(); 429 } 430 , 431 /** 432 * 當前顯示的模態窗口隊列 433 */ 434 _modalDialogQueue:null, 435 /** 436 * 模態窗口 437 * @title 標題 438 * @param url 439 * @param settings 440 */ 441 modalDialog : function(title, url, settings) { 442 443 $.app.waiting(); 444 var defaultSettings = { 445 title : title, 446 closeText : "關閉", 447 closeOnEscape:false, 448 height:300, 449 width:600, 450 modal:true, 451 noTitle : false, 452 close: function() { 453 $(this).closest(".ui-dialog").remove(); 454 }, 455 _close : function(modal) { 456 $(modal).dialog("close"); 457 if($.app._modalDialogQueue.length > 0) { 458 $.app._modalDialogQueue.pop(); 459 } 460 }, 461 buttons:{ 462 '肯定': function() { 463 if(settings.ok) { 464 if(settings.ok($(this))) { 465 settings._close(this); 466 } 467 } else { 468 settings._close(this); 469 } 470 if(settings.callback) { 471 settings.callback(); 472 } 473 }, 474 '關閉': function () { 475 settings._close(this); 476 if(settings.callback) { 477 settings.callback(); 478 } 479 } 480 } 481 }; 482 if(!settings) { 483 settings = {}; 484 } 485 settings = $.extend(true, {}, defaultSettings, settings); 486 487 if(!settings.ok) { 488 delete settings.buttons['肯定']; 489 } 490 491 $.ajax({ 492 url: url, 493 headers: { table:true } 494 }).done(function (data) { 495 $.app.waitingOver(); 496 var div = $("<div></div>").append(data); 497 var dialog = div.dialog(settings) 498 .closest(".ui-dialog").data("url", url).removeClass("ui-widget-content") 499 .find(".ui-dialog-content ").removeClass("ui-widget-content").focus(); 500 501 if(settings.noTitle) { 502 dialog.closest(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-titlebar").addClass("no-title"); 503 } 504 dialog.closest(".ui-dialog").focus(); 505 if(!$.app._modalDialogQueue) { 506 $.app._modalDialogQueue = new Array(); 507 } 508 $.app._modalDialogQueue.push(dialog); 509 $.table.initTable(div.find(".table")); 510 511 // $.blockUI({ 512 // url : url, 513 // theme:true, 514 // showOverlay : true, 515 // title : title, 516 // message : data, 517 // css : css, 518 // themedCSS: css 519 // }); 520 521 522 }); 523 } 524 , 525 /** 526 * 取消編輯 527 */ 528 cancelModelDialog : function() { 529 if($.app._modalDialogQueue && $.app._modalDialogQueue.length > 0) { 530 $.app._modalDialogQueue.pop().dialog("close"); 531 } 532 } 533 , 534 alert : function(options) { 535 if(!options) { 536 options = {}; 537 } 538 var defaults = { 539 title : "警告", 540 message : "非法的操做", 541 okTitle : "關閉", 542 ok : $.noop 543 }; 544 options.alert = true; 545 options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); 546 this.confirm(options); 547 } 548 , 549 /** 550 * 格式 551 * @param options 552 */ 553 confirm : function(options) { 554 var defaults = { 555 title : "確認執行操做", 556 message : "確認執行操做嗎?", 557 cancelTitle : '取消', 558 okTitle : '肯定', 559 cancel : $.noop, 560 ok : $.noop, 561 alert : false 562 }; 563 564 if(!options) { 565 options = {}; 566 } 567 options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); 568 569 var template = 570 '<div class="modal hide fade confirm">' + 571 '<div class="modal-header">' + 572 '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>' + 573 '<h3 class="title">{title}</h3>' + 574 '</div>' + 575 '<div class="modal-body">' + 576 '<div>{message}</div>' + 577 '</div>' + 578 '<div class="modal-footer">' + 579 '<a href="#" class="btn btn-ok btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal">{okTitle}</a>' + 580 '<a href="#" class="btn btn-cancel" data-dismiss="modal">{cancelTitle}</a>'+ 581 '</div>' + 582 '</div>'; 583 584 var modalDom = 585 $(template 586 .replace("{title}", options.title) 587 .replace("{message}", options.message) 588 .replace("{cancelTitle}", options.cancelTitle) 589 .replace("{okTitle}", options.okTitle)); 590 591 592 var hasBtnClick = false; 593 if(options.alert) { 594 modalDom.find(".modal-footer > .btn-cancel").remove(); 595 } else { 596 modalDom.find(".modal-footer > .btn-cancel").click(function() { 597 hasBtnClick = true; 598 options.cancel(); 599 }); 600 } 601 modalDom.find(".modal-footer > .btn-ok").click(function() { 602 hasBtnClick = true; 603 options.ok(); 604 }); 605 606 var modal = modalDom.modal(); 607 608 modal.on("hidden", function() { 609 modal.remove();//移除掉 要否則 只是hidden 610 if(hasBtnClick) { 611 return true; 612 } 613 if(options.alert) { 614 options.ok(); 615 } else { 616 options.cancel(); 617 } 618 }); 619 620 return modal; 621 } 622 , 623 isImage : function(filename) { 624 return /gif|jpe?g|png|bmp$/i.test(filename); 625 } 626 , 627 initDatetimePicker : function() { 628 //初始化 datetime picker 629 $('.date:not(.custom)').each(function() { 630 var $date = $(this); 631 632 if($date.attr("initialized") == "true") { 633 return; 634 } 635 636 var pickDate = $(this).find("[data-format]").data("format").toLowerCase().indexOf("yyyy-mm-dd") != -1; 637 var pickTime = $(this).find("[data-format]").data("format").toLowerCase().indexOf("hh:mm:ss") != -1; 638 $date.datetimepicker({ 639 pickDate : pickDate, 640 pickTime : pickTime, 641 maskInput: true, 642 language:"zh-CN" 643 }).on('changeDate', function(ev) { 644 if(pickTime == false) { 645 $(this).data("datetimepicker").hide(); 646 } 647 }); 648 $date.find(":input").click(function() {$date.find(".icon-calendar,.icon-time,.icon-date").click();}); 649 $date.attr("initialized", true); 650 }); 651 }, 652 initCalendar : function() { 653 654 var date = new Date(); 655 var d = date.getDate(); 656 var m = date.getMonth(); 657 var y = date.getFullYear(); 658 659 var calendar = $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ 660 header: { 661 left: 'prev,next today', 662 center: 'title', 663 right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' 664 }, 665 events: ctx + "/admin/personal/calendar/load", 666 eventDrop: function(event, delta) { 667 moveCalendar(event); 668 }, 669 eventClick: function(event, delta) { 670 viewCalendar(event); 671 }, 672 loading: function(bool) { 673 if (bool) $('#loading').show(); 674 else $('#loading').hide(); 675 }, 676 editable: true, 677 selectable: true, 678 selectHelper: true, 679 select: function(start, end, allDay) { 680 openNewCalendarForm(start, end); 681 calendar.fullCalendar('unselect'); 682 } 683 }); 684 685 $('span.fc-button-prev').before('<span class="fc-button fc-button-add fc-state-default fc-corner-left fc-corner-right">新增</span>'); 686 687 $(".fc-button-add").click(function() { 688 openNewCalendarForm(); 689 }); 690 691 function openNewCalendarForm(start, end) { 692 var url = ctx + "/admin/personal/calendar/new"; 693 if(start) { 694 start = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(start, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); 695 end = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(end, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); 696 url = url + "?start=" + start + "&end=" + end; 697 } 698 $.app.modalDialog("新增提醒事項", url, { 699 width:370, 700 height:430, 701 ok : function(modal) { 702 703 var form = modal.find("#editForm"); 704 if(!form.validationEngine('validate')) { 705 return false; 706 } 707 var url = ctx + "/admin/personal/calendar/new"; 708 $.post(url, form.serialize(), function() { 709 calendar.fullCalendar("refetchEvents"); 710 }); 711 712 return true; 713 } 714 }); 715 } 716 717 function moveCalendar(event) { 718 var url = ctx + "/admin/personal/calendar/move"; 719 var id = event.id; 720 var start = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(event.start, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); 721 var end = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(event.end, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); 722 url = url + "?id=" + id; 723 url = url + "&start=" + start + "&end=" + end; 724 725 $.post(url, function() { 726 calendar.fullCalendar("refetchEvents"); 727 }); 728 } 729 730 function viewCalendar(event) { 731 var url = ctx + "/admin/personal/calendar/view/" + event.id; 732 $.app.modalDialog("查看提醒事項", url, { 733 width:370, 734 height:250, 735 noTitle : false, 736 okBtn : false, 737 closeBtn : false 738 }); 739 } 740 $("body").on("click", ".btn-delete-calendar", function() { 741 var $this = $(this); 742 $.app.confirm({ 743 title : '確認刪除提醒事項嗎?', 744 message : '確認刪除提醒事項嗎?', 745 ok : function() { 746 var url = ctx + "/admin/personal/calendar/delete?id=" + $this.data("id"); 747 $.post(url, function() { 748 calendar.fullCalendar("refetchEvents"); 749 $.app.closeModalDialog(); 750 }); 751 } 752 }); 753 754 }); 755 } 756 , 757 removeContextPath : function(url) { 758 if(url.indexOf(ctx) == 0) { 759 return url.substr(ctx.length); 760 } 761 return url; 762 } 763 , 764 /** 765 * 異步化form表單或a標籤 766 * @param $form 767 * @param containerId 768 */ 769 asyncLoad : function($tag, containerId) { 770 if($tag.is("form")) { 771 $tag.submit(function() { 772 if($tag.prop("method").toLowerCase() == 'post') { 773 $.post($tag.prop("action"), $tag.serialize(), function(data) { 774 $("#" + containerId).replaceWith(data); 775 }); 776 } else { 777 $.get($tag.prop("action"), $tag.serialize(), function(data) { 778 $("#" + containerId).replaceWith(data); 779 }); 780 } 781 return false; 782 }); 783 } else if($tag.is("a")) { 784 $tag.click(function() { 785 $.get($tag.prop("href"), function(data) { 786 $("#" + containerId).replaceWith(data); 787 }); 788 return false; 789 }); 790 } else { 791 $.app.alert({message : "該標籤不支持異步加載,支持的標籤有form、a"}); 792 } 793 794 }, 795 /** 796 * 只讀化表單 797 * @param form 798 */ 799 readonlyForm : function(form, removeButton) { 800 var inputs = $(form).find(":input"); 801 inputs.not(":submit,:button").prop("readonly", true); 802 if(removeButton) { 803 inputs.remove(":button,:submit"); 804 } 805 } 806 , 807 808 /** 809 * 將$("N").val() ----> [1,2,3] 810 */ 811 joinVar : function(elem, separator) { 812 if(!separator) { 813 separator = ","; 814 } 815 var array = new Array(); 816 $(elem).each(function() { 817 array.push($(this).val()); 818 }); 819 820 return array.join(separator); 821 }, 822 823 /** 824 * 異步加載table子內容(父子表格) 825 * @param toggleEle 826 * @param tableEle 827 * @param asyncLoadURL 828 */ 829 toggleLoadTable : function(tableEle, asyncLoadURL) { 830 var openIcon = "icon-plus-sign"; 831 var closeIcon = "icon-minus-sign"; 832 $(tableEle).find("tr .toggle-child").click(function() { 833 var $a = $(this); 834 //只顯示當前的 其他的都隱藏 835 $a.closest("table") 836 .find(".toggle-child." + closeIcon).not($a).removeClass(closeIcon).addClass(openIcon) 837 .end().end() 838 .find(".child-data").not($a.closest("tr").next("tr")).hide(); 839 840 //若是是ie7 841 if($(this).closest("html").hasClass("ie7")) { 842 var $aClone = $(this).clone(true); 843 if($aClone.hasClass(closeIcon)) { 844 $aClone.addClass(openIcon).removeClass(closeIcon); 845 } else { 846 $aClone.addClass(closeIcon).removeClass(openIcon); 847 } 848 $(this).after($aClone); 849 $(this).remove(); 850 $a = $aClone; 851 } else { 852 $a.toggleClass(openIcon); 853 $a.toggleClass(closeIcon); 854 } 855 856 var $currentTr = $a.closest("tr"); 857 var $dataTr = $currentTr.next("tr"); 858 if(!$dataTr.hasClass("child-data")) { 859 $.app.waiting(); 860 $dataTr = $("<tr class='child-data' style='display: none;'></tr>"); 861 var $dataTd = $("<td colspan='" + $currentTr.find("td").size() + "'></td>"); 862 $dataTr.append($dataTd); 863 $currentTr.after($dataTr); 864 $dataTd.load(asyncLoadURL.replace("{parentId}", $a.data("id")),function() { 865 $.app.waitingOver(); 866 }); 867 } 868 $dataTr.toggle(); 869 870 return false; 871 }); 872 873 }, 874 875 initAutocomplete : function(config) { 876 877 var defaultConfig = { 878 minLength : 1, 879 enterSearch : false, 880 focus: function( event, ui ) { 881 $(config.input).val( ui.item.label ); 882 return false; 883 }, 884 renderItem : function( ul, item ) { 885 return $( "<li>" ) 886 .data( "ui-autocomplete-item", item ) 887 .append( "<a>" + item.label + "</a>" ) 888 .appendTo( ul ); 889 } 890 }; 891 892 config = $.extend(true, defaultConfig, config); 893 894 $(config.input) 895 .on( "keydown", function( event ) { 896 //回車查詢 897 if(config.enterSearch && event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) { 898 config.select(event, {item:{value:$(this).val()}}); 899 } 900 }) 901 .autocomplete({ 902 source : config.source, 903 minLength : config.minLength, 904 focus : config.focus, 905 select : config.select 906 }).data( "ui-autocomplete" )._renderItem = config.renderItem; 907 } 908 909 }; 910 911 $.layouts = { 912 layout: null, 913 /**初始化佈局*/ 914 initLayout: function () { 915 function resizePanel(panelName, panelElement, panelState, panelOptions, layoutName) { 916 var tabul = $(".tabs-fix-top"); 917 if (panelName == 'north') { 918 var top = 0; 919 if($("html").hasClass("ie")) { 920 top = panelElement.height() - 33; 921 922 } else { 923 top = panelElement.height() - 30; 924 } 925 if (panelState.isClosed) { 926 top = -58; 927 } 928 tabul.css("top", top); 929 } 930 931 if(panelName == "center") { 932 tabul.find(".ul-wrapper").andSelf().width(panelState.layoutWidth); 933 $.tabs.initTabScrollHideOrShowMoveBtn(); 934 } 935 936 937 } 938 939 this.layout = $('.index-panel').layout({ 940 west__size: 210 941 , south__size: 30 942 , west__spacing_closed: 20 943 , west__togglerLength_closed: 100 944 , west__togglerContent_closed:"菜<BR>單" 945 , togglerTip_closed: "打開" 946 , togglerTip_open: "關閉" 947 , sliderTip: "滑動打開" 948 , resizerTip: "調整大小" 949 , onhide: resizePanel 950 , onshow: resizePanel 951 , onopen: resizePanel 952 , onclose: resizePanel 953 , onresize: resizePanel 954 , center__maskContents:true // IMPORTANT - enable iframe masking 955 , north : { 956 togglerLength_open : 0 957 , resizable : false 958 , size: 95 959 }, 960 south: { 961 resizable:false 962 } 963 }); 964 } 965 } 966 967 $.menus = { 968 /**初始化菜單*/ 969 initMenu: function () { 970 var menus = $("#menu"); 971 menus.accordion({ 972 header:"h3", 973 heightStyle:"content", 974 icons : { 975 header: "icon-caret-right", 976 activeHeader: "icon-caret-down" 977 }, 978 animate : { 979 easing : "easeOutQuart" 980 } 981 }); 982 983 menus.find(".ui-accordion-header-icon").removeClass("ui-icon").addClass("menu-header-icon"); 984 985 var leafIconClass = "menu-icon icon-angle-right"; 986 var branchOpenIconClass = "menu-icon icon-double-angle-right"; 987 var branchCloseIconClass = "menu-icon icon-double-angle-down"; 988 menus.find("li").each(function () { 989 var li = $(this); 990 991 li.children("a").wrap("<div class='li-wrapper'></div>"); 992 var liWrapper = li.children(".li-wrapper"); 993 var liUL = li.find("ul"); 994 var hasChild = liUL.length; 995 if (hasChild) { 996 liUL.hide(); 997 liWrapper.prepend('<span class="' + branchOpenIconClass + '"></span>') 998 .click(function () { 999 if (liWrapper.children("span").hasClass(branchCloseIconClass)) { 1000 liWrapper.children("span") 1001 .removeClass(branchCloseIconClass) 1002 .addClass(branchOpenIconClass) 1003 .end() 1004 .closest("li").children("ul").hide("blind"); 1005 } else { 1006 liWrapper.children("span") 1007 .removeClass(branchOpenIconClass) 1008 .addClass(branchCloseIconClass) 1009 .end() 1010 .closest("li").children("ul").show("blind"); 1011 } 1012 }); 1013 } else { 1014 liWrapper.prepend('<span class="' + leafIconClass + '"></span>'); 1015 } 1016 }); 1017 1018 menus.find("a").each(function () { 1019 var a = $(this); 1020 var title = a.text(); 1021 var href = a.attr("href"); 1022 a.attr("href", "#"); 1023 if (href == "#" || href == '') { 1024 return; 1025 } 1026 1027 var active = function(a, forceRefresh) { 1028 menus.find("a").closest("li > .li-wrapper").removeClass("active"); 1029 a.closest("li > .li-wrapper").addClass("active"); 1030 var oldPanelIndex = a.data("panelIndex"); 1031 var activeMenuCallback = function(panelIndex) { 1032 if(!a.data("panelIndex")) { 1033 a.data("panelIndex", panelIndex); 1034 a.attr("id", "menu-" + panelIndex); 1035 } 1036 } 1037 $.tabs.activeTab(oldPanelIndex, title, href, forceRefresh, activeMenuCallback); 1038 1039 return false; 1040 } 1041 1042 a.closest("li") 1043 .click(function () { 1044 active(a, false); 1045 return false; 1046 }).dblclick(function() { 1047 active(a, true);//雙擊強制刷新 1048 return false; 1049 }); 1050 }); 1051 } 1052 } 1053 1054 $.tabs = { 1055 tabs: null, 1056 maxTabIndex : 1, 1057 /*本身建立tab時起始索引*/ 1058 customTabStartIndex : 9999999999, 1059 /**初始化tab */ 1060 initTab: function () { 1061 function activeMenu(tabPanelId) { 1062 var currentMenu = $("#menu-" + tabPanelId.replace("tabs-", "")); 1063 $("#menu .li-wrapper.active").removeClass("active"); 1064 1065 if(currentMenu.length) { 1066 //把父菜單展現出來 1067 currentMenu.parents("ul").each(function(){ 1068 //不能使用「ul:hidden」 由於它是把只有隱藏的都查出來 1069 // 好比<ul style="display:none"><li><ul><li><a class='a'></a></li></ul></li></ul> 1070 //$(".a").parents("ul:hidden") 會查出兩個 即hidden的元素對其子也是有效的 1071 if($(this).css("display") == 'none') { 1072 $(this).prev("a").click(); 1073 } 1074 }); 1075 currentMenu.closest(".li-wrapper").addClass("active"); 1076 } 1077 } 1078 1079 var tabs = $(".tabs-bar").tabs({ 1080 beforeActivate : function(event, ui) { 1081 setTimeout(function() { 1082 var tabs = $.tabs.tabs; 1083 tabs.find(".menu").hide(); 1084 tabs.find("#" + ui.newPanel.attr("aria-labelledby")).siblings(".menu").show(); 1085 }, 0); 1086 }, 1087 activate: function (event, ui) { 1088 setTimeout(function() { 1089 var tabs = $.tabs.tabs; 1090 var newPanelId = ui.newPanel.prop("id"); 1091 activeMenu(newPanelId); 1092 $.app.activeIframe(newPanelId); 1093 }, 0); 1094 } 1095 }); 1096 $.tabs.tabs = tabs; 1097 tabs.delegate("span.icon-remove", "click", function () { 1098 var panelId = $(this).closest("li").remove().attr("aria-controls"); 1099 setTimeout(function() { 1100 $.tabs.removeTab(panelId); 1101 }, 0); 1102 }); 1103 tabs.delegate("span.icon-refresh", "click", function () { 1104 var panelId = $(this).closest("li").attr("aria-controls"); 1105 setTimeout(function() { 1106 $.tabs.activeTab(panelId, null, null, true); 1107 }, 0); 1108 }); 1109 1110 tabs.bind("keyup", function (event) { 1111 if (event.altKey && event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.BACKSPACE) { 1112 var panelId = tabs.find(".ui-tabs-active").remove().attr("aria-controls"); 1113 setTimeout(function() { 1114 $.tabs.removeTab(panelId); 1115 }, 0); 1116 } 1117 }); 1118 1119 $.tabs.initTabScroll(); 1120 $.tabs.initTabContextMenu(); 1121 }, 1122 removeTab : function(panelId) { 1123 var tabs = $.tabs.tabs; 1124 var panel = $("#" + panelId); 1125 var iframe = $("#iframe-" + panelId); 1126 1127 var currentMenu = $("#menu-" + panelId.replace("tabs-", "")); 1128 if(currentMenu.length) { 1129 currentMenu.attr("id", ""); 1130 currentMenu.attr("panelIndex", ""); 1131 $("#menu .li-wrapper.active").removeClass("active"); 1132 } 1133 1134 tabs.tabs("option", "active", tabs.find(".ui-tabs-panel").size()); 1135 tabs.tabs("refresh"); 1136 1137 panel.remove(); 1138 var iframeDom = iframe[0]; 1139 iframeDom.src = ""; 1140 iframeDom.contentWindow.document.write(''); 1141 iframeDom.contentWindow.close(); 1142 iframe.remove(); 1143 var isIE = !-[1,]; 1144 if (isIE) { 1145 CollectGarbage(); 1146 } 1147 1148 }, 1149 /** 1150 * 建立新的tab 1151 * @param title 1152 * @param panelIndex 1153 */ 1154 /** 1155 * 建立新的tab 1156 * @param title 1157 * @param panelIndex 1158 */ 1159 createTab : function(title, panelIndex) { 1160 var tabs = $.tabs.tabs; 1161 1162 if(tabs.find(".ui-tabs-panel").length > 20) { 1163 $.app.alert({ 1164 message : "您打開的面板太多,爲提升系統運行速度,請先關閉一些!" 1165 }); 1166 return; 1167 } 1168 1169 1170 var newPanelIndex = panelIndex || $.tabs.maxTabIndex++ || 1; 1171 var newPanelId = "tabs-" + newPanelIndex; 1172 var tabTemplate = "<li><a href='#{href}'>{label}</a> <span class='menu icon-remove' role='presentation'title='關閉'></span><br/><span class='menu icon-refresh' role='presentation' title='刷新'></span></li>"; 1173 var li = $(tabTemplate.replace(/\{href\}/g, newPanelId).replace(/\{label\}/g, title)); 1174 1175 tabs.find("ul.ui-tabs-nav").append(li); 1176 tabs.append('<div id="' + newPanelId + '"></div>'); 1177 1178 tabs.tabs("refresh"); 1179 1180 var newPanel = $("#" + newPanelId); 1181 newPanel.data("index", newPanelIndex); 1182 1183 return newPanel; 1184 }, 1185 /** 1186 * 激活指定索引處的tab 若是沒有就建立一個 1187 * @param panelIdOrIndex 1188 * @param title 1189 * @param url 1190 * @param forceRefresh 1191 * @return {*} 1192 */ 1193 activeTab: function (panelIdOrIndex, title, url, forceRefresh, callback) { 1194 var tabs = $.tabs.tabs; 1195 if(panelIdOrIndex && ("" + panelIdOrIndex).indexOf("tabs-") == 0) { 1196 currentTabPanel = $("#" + panelIdOrIndex); 1197 } else { 1198 var currentTabPanel = $("#tabs-" + panelIdOrIndex); 1199 } 1200 1201 if (!currentTabPanel.length) { 1202 currentTabPanel = $.tabs.createTab(title, panelIdOrIndex); 1203 } 1204 1205 if(callback) { 1206 callback(currentTabPanel.data("index")); 1207 } 1208 1209 if(!url) { 1210 url = currentTabPanel.data("url"); 1211 } 1212 1213 setTimeout(function() { 1214 $.app.loadingToCenterIframe(currentTabPanel, url, null, forceRefresh); 1215 tabs.tabs("option", "active", tabs.find(".ui-tabs-panel").index(currentTabPanel)); 1216 }, 0); 1217 return currentTabPanel.data("index"); 1218 }, 1219 1220 initTabScrollHideOrShowMoveBtn : function(panelId) { 1221 var $ulWrapper = $(".tabs-bar .ul-wrapper"); 1222 var $lastLI = $ulWrapper.find("ul li:last"); 1223 var $firstLI = $ulWrapper.find("ul li:first"); 1224 1225 var ulWapperOffsetLeft = $ulWrapper.offset().left; 1226 var ulWrapperLeftPos = ulWapperOffsetLeft + $ulWrapper.width(); 1227 1228 var hideOrShowBtn = function() { 1229 var lastLIOffsetLeft = $lastLI.offset().left; 1230 var lastLILeftPos = lastLIOffsetLeft + $lastLI.width(); 1231 var firstLIOffsetLeft = $firstLI.offset().left; 1232 1233 var $leftBtn = $(".tabs-bar .icon-chevron-left"); 1234 var $rightBtn = $(".tabs-bar .icon-chevron-right"); 1235 1236 if (ulWapperOffsetLeft == firstLIOffsetLeft) { 1237 $leftBtn.hide(); 1238 } else { 1239 $leftBtn.show(); 1240 } 1241 if (ulWrapperLeftPos >= lastLILeftPos) { 1242 $rightBtn.hide(); 1243 } else { 1244 $rightBtn.show(); 1245 } 1246 }; 1247 1248 if(panelId) { 1249 1250 var $li = $(".tabs-bar").find("li[aria-labelledby='" + $("#" + panelId).attr("aria-labelledby") + "']"); 1251 1252 var liOffsetLeft = $li.offset().left; 1253 var liLeftPos = liOffsetLeft + $li.width(); 1254 1255 var isLast = $li.attr("aria-controls") == $lastLI.attr("aria-controls"); 1256 1257 //若是當前tab沒有隱藏 則不scroll 1258 if((ulWapperOffsetLeft <= liOffsetLeft) && (liLeftPos <= ulWrapperLeftPos) && !isLast) { 1259 return; 1260 } 1261 1262 var leftPos = 0; 1263 //right 1264 if(ulWrapperLeftPos < liLeftPos || isLast) { 1265 leftPos = $ulWrapper.scrollLeft() + (liLeftPos - ulWrapperLeftPos) + (isLast ? 10 :55); 1266 } else { 1267 //left 1268 leftPos = "-=" + (ulWapperOffsetLeft - liOffsetLeft + 55); 1269 } 1270 1271 $ulWrapper.animate({scrollLeft: leftPos}, 600, function () { 1272 hideOrShowBtn(); 1273 }); 1274 } else { 1275 hideOrShowBtn(); 1276 } 1277 1278 1279 }, 1280 initTabScroll: function () { 1281 var move = function (step) { 1282 return function () { 1283 var $ulWrapper = $(".tabs-bar .ul-wrapper"); 1284 var $lastLI = $ulWrapper.find("ul li:last"); 1285 1286 var leftPos = $ulWrapper.scrollLeft() + step; 1287 1288 var ulWrapperLeftPos = $ulWrapper.offset().left + $ulWrapper.width(); 1289 var lastLILeftPos = $lastLI.offset().left + $lastLI.width(); 1290 var maxLeftPos = lastLILeftPos - ulWrapperLeftPos; 1291 1292 //right move 1293 if (step > 0) { 1294 if (maxLeftPos <= step + step / 2) { 1295 leftPos = $ulWrapper.scrollLeft() + maxLeftPos; 1296 } 1297 if (maxLeftPos <= 0) { 1298 return; 1299 } 1300 } 1301 1302 //left move 1303 if (step < 0) { 1304 if (leftPos < -step) { 1305 leftPos = 0; 1306 } 1307 } 1308 1309 if (leftPos < 0) { 1310 leftPos = 0; 1311 } 1312 $ulWrapper.animate({scrollLeft: leftPos}, 600, function () { 1313 $.tabs.initTabScrollHideOrShowMoveBtn(); 1314 }); 1315 }; 1316 }; 1317 1318 $(".tabs-bar .icon-chevron-left").click(function () { 1319 setTimeout(function() {move(-200)()}, 0); 1320 }); 1321 $(".tabs-bar .icon-chevron-right").click(function () { 1322 setTimeout(function() {move(200)()}, 0); 1323 }); 1324 1325 }, 1326 /** 1327 * 初始化上下文菜單(右鍵菜單) 1328 */ 1329 initTabContextMenu : function() { 1330 //初始化右鍵菜單 1331 var tabsMenu = $("#tabs-menu"); 1332 //調用這個方法後將禁止系統的右鍵菜單 1333 $(document).bind('contextmenu', function (e) { 1334 var target = $(e.target); 1335 var clickTab = target.closest(".tabs-bar").length && target.is(".ui-tabs-anchor"); 1336 1337 if (clickTab && target.attr("href") == '#tabs-0') { 1338 return true; 1339 } 1340 if (clickTab) { 1341 showMenu(target.attr("id"), e.pageX - 5, e.pageY - 5); 1342 tabsMenu.mouseleave(function () { 1343 hideMenu(); 1344 }); 1345 return false; 1346 } 1347 return true; 1348 }); 1349 1350 function hideMenu() { 1351 tabsMenu.hide(); 1352 tabsMenu.data("tabId", ""); 1353 } 1354 1355 function showMenu(tabId, x, y) { 1356 tabsMenu.data("tabId", tabId); 1357 tabsMenu.css("left", x).css("top", y); 1358 tabsMenu.show(); 1359 } 1360 1361 function closeTab(tabId) { 1362 $("#" + tabId).parent().find(".icon-remove").click(); 1363 } 1364 tabsMenu.find(".close-current").click(function (e) { 1365 var currentTabId = tabsMenu.data("tabId"); 1366 closeTab(currentTabId); 1367 hideMenu(); 1368 }); 1369 1370 tabsMenu.find(".close-others").click(function (e) { 1371 var currentTabId = tabsMenu.data("tabId"); 1372 var tabs = $.tabs.tabs.find(".ul-wrapper > ul > li > a"); 1373 tabs.each(function() { 1374 var tabId = this.id; 1375 if(tabId != currentTabId) { 1376 closeTab(tabId); 1377 } 1378 }); 1379 hideMenu(); 1380 }); 1381 tabsMenu.find(".close-all").click(function (e) { 1382 var currentTabId = tabsMenu.data("tabId"); 1383 var tabs = $.tabs.tabs.find(".ul-wrapper > ul > li > a"); 1384 tabs.each(function() { 1385 var tabId = this.id; 1386 closeTab(tabId); 1387 }); 1388 hideMenu(); 1389 }); 1390 1391 tabsMenu.find(".close-left-all").click(function (e) { 1392 var currentTabId = tabsMenu.data("tabId"); 1393 var tabs = $.tabs.tabs.find(".ul-wrapper > ul > li > a"); 1394 var currentTabIndex = tabs.index($("#" + currentTabId)); 1395 tabs.each(function(index) { 1396 if(index < currentTabIndex) { 1397 var tabId = this.id; 1398 closeTab(tabId); 1399 } 1400 }); 1401 hideMenu(); 1402 }); 1403 tabsMenu.find(".close-right-all").click(function (e) { 1404 var currentTabId = tabsMenu.data("tabId"); 1405 var tabs = $.tabs.tabs.find(".ul-wrapper > ul > li > a"); 1406 var currentTabIndex = tabs.index($("#" + currentTabId)); 1407 tabs.each(function(index) { 1408 if(index > currentTabIndex) { 1409 var tabId = this.id; 1410 closeTab(tabId); 1411 } 1412 }); 1413 hideMenu(); 1414 }); 1415 }, 1416 1417 /** 1418 * 獲取下一個自定義panel的索引 1419 */ 1420 nextCustomTabIndex : function() { 1421 var tabs = $.tabs.tabs; 1422 var maxIndex = $.tabs.customTabStartIndex; 1423 tabs.find(".ui-tabs-panel").each(function() { 1424 var index = parseInt($(this).attr("id").replace("tabs-")); 1425 if(maxIndex < index) { 1426 maxIndex = index; 1427 } 1428 }); 1429 1430 return maxIndex + 1; 1431 1432 } 1433 }; 1434 1435 $.parentchild = { 1436 /** 1437 * 初始化父子操做中的子表單 1438 * options 1439 * { 1440 form : 表單【默認$("childForm")】, 1441 tableId : "表格Id"【默認"childTable"】, 1442 excludeInputSelector : "[name='_show']"【排除的selector 默認無】, 1443 trId : "修改的哪行數據的tr id, 若是沒有表示是新增的", 1444 validationEngine : null 驗證引擎, 1445 modalSettings:{//模態窗口設置 1446 width:800, 1447 height:500, 1448 buttons:{} 1449 }, 1450 updateUrl : "${ctx}/showcase/parentchild/parent/child/{id}/update" 修改時url模板 {id} 表示修改時的id, 1451 deleteUrl : "${ctx}/showcase/parentchild/parent/child/{id}/delete 刪除時url模板 {id} 表示刪除時的id, 1452 } 1453 * @param options 1454 * @return {boolean} 1455 */ 1456 initChildForm : function(options) { 1457 var defaults = { 1458 form : $("#childForm"), 1459 tableId : "childTable", 1460 excludeInputSelector : "", 1461 trId : "", 1462 validationEngine : null 1463 }; 1464 1465 if(!options) { 1466 options = {}; 1467 } 1468 options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); 1469 1470 //若是有trId則用trId中的數據更新當前表單 1471 if(options.trId) { 1472 var $tr = $("#" + options.trId); 1473 if($tr.length && $tr.find(":input").length) { 1474 //由於是按順序保存的 因此按照順序獲取 第一個是checkbox 跳過 1475 var index = 1; 1476 $(":input", options.form).not(options.excludeInputSelector).each(function() { 1477 var $input = $(this); 1478 var $trInput = $tr.find(":input").eq(index++); 1479 if(!$trInput.length) { 1480 return; 1481 } 1482 var $trInputClone = $trInput.clone(true).show(); 1483 //saveModalFormToTable 爲了防止重名問題,添加了tr id前綴,修改時去掉 1484 $trInputClone.prop("name", $trInputClone.prop("name").replace(options.trId, "")); 1485 $trInputClone.prop("id", $trInputClone.prop("id").replace(options.trId, "")); 1486 1487 //克隆後 select的選擇丟失了 TODO 提交給jquery bug? 1488 if($trInput.is("select")) { 1489 $trInput.find("option").each(function(i) { 1490 $trInputClone.find("option").eq(i).prop("selected", $(this).prop("selected")); 1491 }); 1492 } 1493 if($trInput.is(":radio,:checkbox")) { 1494 $trInputClone.prop("checked", $trInput.prop("checked")); 1495 } 1496 1497 $trInputClone.replaceAll($input); 1498 }); 1499 } 1500 } 1501 1502 //格式化子表單的 input label 1503 $(":input,label", options.form).each(function() { 1504 var prefix = "child_"; 1505 if($(this).is(":input")) { 1506 var id = $(this).prop("id"); 1507 if(id && id.indexOf(prefix) != 0) { 1508 $(this).prop("id", prefix + id); 1509 } 1510 } else { 1511 var _for = $(this).prop("for"); 1512 if(_for && _for.indexOf(prefix) != 0) { 1513 $(this).prop("for", prefix + _for); 1514 } 1515 } 1516 }); 1517 1518 options.form.submit(function() { 1519 if(options.validationEngine && !options.validationEngine.validationEngine("validate")) { 1520 return false; 1521 } 1522 return $.parentchild.saveModalFormToTable(options); 1523 }); 1524 } 1525 , 1526 //保存打開的模態窗口到打開者的表格中 1527 /** 1528 * options 1529 * { 1530 form : 表單【默認$("childForm")】, 1531 tableId : "表格Id"【默認"childTable"】, 1532 excludeInputSelector : "[name='_show']"【排除的selector 默認無】, 1533 updateCallback : 【修改時的回調 默認 updateChild】, 1534 deleteCallback : 【刪除時的回調默認 deleteChild】, 1535 trId : "修改的哪行數據的tr id, 若是沒有表示是新增的" 1536 } 1537 * @param options 1538 * @return {boolean} 1539 */ 1540 saveModalFormToTable :function(options) { 1541 var $childTable = $("#" + options.tableId); 1542 var $childTbody = $childTable.children("tbody"); 1543 1544 if(!options.trId || options.alwaysNew) { 1545 var counter = $childTbody.data("counter"); 1546 if(!counter) { 1547 counter = 0; 1548 } 1549 options.trId = "new_" + counter++; 1550 $childTbody.data("counter", counter); 1551 } 1552 var $lastTr = $("#" + options.trId, $childTbody); 1553 1554 var $tr = $("<tr></tr>"); 1555 $tr.prop("id", options.trId); 1556 if(!$lastTr.length || options.alwaysNew) { 1557 $childTbody.append($tr); 1558 } else { 1559 $lastTr.replaceWith($tr); 1560 } 1561 1562 var $td = $("<td></td>"); 1563 1564 //checkbox 1565 $tr.append($td.clone(true).addClass("check").append("<input type='checkbox'>")); 1566 1567 var $inputs = $(":input", options.form).not(":button,:submit,:reset", options.form); 1568 if(options.excludeInputSelector) { 1569 $inputs = $inputs.not(options.excludeInputSelector); 1570 } 1571 $inputs = $inputs.filter(function() { 1572 return $inputs.filter("[name='" + $(this).prop("name") + "']").index($(this)) == 0; 1573 }); 1574 $inputs.each(function() { 1575 var $input = $("[name='" + $(this).prop("name") + "']", options.form); 1576 1577 var val = $input.val(); 1578 //使用文本在父頁顯示,而不是值 1579 //若是是單選按鈕/複選框 (在寫的過程當中,必須在輸入框後跟着一個label) 1580 if($input.is(":radio,:checkbox")) { 1581 val = ""; 1582 $input.filter(":checked").each(function() { 1583 if(val != "") { 1584 val = val + ","; 1585 } 1586 val = val + $("label[for='" + $(this).prop("id") + "']").text(); 1587 }); 1588 } 1589 //下拉列表 1590 if($input.is("select")) { 1591 val = ""; 1592 $input.find("option:selected").each(function() { 1593 if(val != "") { 1594 val = val + ","; 1595 } 1596 val = val + $(this).text(); 1597 }); 1598 } 1599 1600 //由於有多個孩子 防止重名形成數據丟失 1601 $input.each(function() { 1602 if($(this).is("[id]")) { 1603 $(this).prop("id", options.trId + $(this).prop("id")); 1604 } 1605 $(this).prop("name", options.trId + $(this).prop("name")); 1606 }); 1607 $tr.append($td.clone(true).append(val).append($input.hide())); 1608 1609 }); 1610 1611 $.table.initCheckbox($childTable); 1612 1613 $.app.cancelModelDialog(); 1614 return false; 1615 } 1616 , 1617 /** 1618 * 更新子 1619 * @param $a 當前按鈕 1620 * @param updateUrl 更新地址 1621 */ 1622 updateChild : function($tr, updateUrl, modalSettings) { 1623 if(updateUrl.indexOf("?") > 0) { 1624 updateUrl = updateUrl + "&"; 1625 } else { 1626 updateUrl = updateUrl + "?"; 1627 } 1628 updateUrl = updateUrl + "trId={trId}"; 1629 1630 //表示已經在數據庫中了 1631 if($tr.is("[id^='old']")) { 1632 updateUrl = updateUrl.replace("{id}", $tr.prop("id").replace("old_", "")); 1633 } else { 1634 //表示剛剛新增的尚未保存到數據庫 1635 updateUrl = updateUrl.replace("{id}", 0); 1636 } 1637 updateUrl = updateUrl.replace("{trId}", $tr.prop("id")); 1638 $.app.modalDialog("修改", updateUrl, modalSettings); 1639 } 1640 , 1641 /** 1642 * 以當前行復制一份 1643 * @param $a 當前按鈕 1644 * @param updateUrl 更新地址 1645 */ 1646 copyChild : function($tr, updateUrl, modalSettings) { 1647 if(updateUrl.indexOf("?") > 0) { 1648 updateUrl = updateUrl + "&"; 1649 } else { 1650 updateUrl = updateUrl + "?"; 1651 } 1652 updateUrl = updateUrl + "trId={trId}"; 1653 updateUrl = updateUrl + "©=true"; 1654 1655 //表示已經在數據庫中了 1656 if($tr.is("[id^='old']")) { 1657 updateUrl = updateUrl.replace("{id}", $tr.prop("id").replace("old_", "")); 1658 } else { 1659 //表示剛剛新增的尚未保存到數據庫 1660 updateUrl = updateUrl.replace("{id}", 0); 1661 } 1662 updateUrl = updateUrl.replace("{trId}", $tr.prop("id")); 1663 $.app.modalDialog("複製", updateUrl, modalSettings); 1664 } 1665 , 1666 /** 1667 * 刪除子 1668 * @param $a 當前按鈕 1669 * @param deleteUrl 刪除地址 1670 */ 1671 deleteChild : function($a, deleteUrl) { 1672 $.app.confirm({ 1673 message : "確認刪除嗎?", 1674 ok : function() { 1675 var $tr = $a.closest("tr"); 1676 //若是數據庫中存在 1677 if($tr.prop("id").indexOf("old_") == 0) { 1678 deleteUrl = deleteUrl.replace("{id}", $tr.prop("id").replace("old_", "")); 1679 $.post(deleteUrl, function() { 1680 $tr.remove(); 1681 }); 1682 } else { 1683 $tr.remove(); 1684 } 1685 1686 } 1687 }); 1688 } 1689 , 1690 /** 1691 * 初始化父子表單中的父表單 1692 * { 1693 * form: $form 父表單, 1694 * tableId : tableId 子表格id, 1695 * prefixParamName : "" 子表單 參數前綴, 1696 * modalSettings:{} 打開的模態窗口設置 1697 * createUrl : "${ctx}/showcase/parentchild/parent/child/create", 1698 * updateUrl : "${ctx}/showcase/parentchild/parent/child/{id}/update" 修改時url模板 {id} 表示修改時的id, 1699 * deleteUrl : "${ctx}/showcase/parentchild/parent/child/{id}/delete 刪除時url模板 {id} 表示刪除時的id, 1700 * } 1701 */ 1702 initParentForm : function(options) { 1703 1704 1705 var $childTable = $("#" + options.tableId); 1706 $.table.initCheckbox($childTable); 1707 //綁定在切換頁面時的事件 防止誤前進/後退 形成數據丟失 1708 $(window).on('beforeunload',function(){ 1709 if($childTable.find(":input").length) { 1710 return "肯定離開當前編輯頁面嗎?"; 1711 } 1712 }); 1713 $(".btn-create-child").click(function() { 1714 $.app.modalDialog("新增", options.createUrl, options.modalSettings); 1715 }); 1716 $(".btn-update-child").click(function() { 1717 var $trs = $childTable.find("tbody tr").has(".check :checkbox:checked:first"); 1718 if(!$trs.length) { 1719 $.app.alert({message : "請先選擇要修改的數據!"}); 1720 return; 1721 } 1722 $.parentchild.updateChild($trs, options.updateUrl, options.modalSettings); 1723 }); 1724 1725 $(".btn-copy-child").click(function() { 1726 var $trs = $childTable.find("tbody tr").has(".check :checkbox:checked:first"); 1727 if(!$trs.length) { 1728 $.app.alert({message : "請先選擇要複製的數據!"}); 1729 return; 1730 } 1731 $.parentchild.copyChild($trs, options.updateUrl, options.modalSettings); 1732 }); 1733 1734 1735 $(".btn-delete-child").click(function() { 1736 var $trs = $childTable.find("tbody tr").has(".check :checkbox:checked"); 1737 if(!$trs.length) { 1738 $.app.alert({message : "請先選擇要刪除的數據!"}); 1739 return; 1740 } 1741 $.app.confirm({ 1742 message: "肯定刪除選擇的數據嗎?", 1743 ok : function() { 1744 var ids = new Array(); 1745 $trs.each(function() { 1746 var id = $(this).prop("id"); 1747 if(id.indexOf("old_") == 0) { 1748 id = id.replace("old_", ""); 1749 ids.push({name : "ids", value : id}); 1750 } 1751 }); 1752 1753 $.post(options.batchDeleteUrl, ids, function() { 1754 $trs.remove(); 1755 $.table.changeBtnState($childTable); 1756 }); 1757 1758 } 1759 }); 1760 }); 1761 1762 options.form.submit(function() { 1763 //若是是提交 不須要執行beforeunload 1764 $(window).unbind("beforeunload"); 1765 $childTable.find("tbody tr").each(function(index) { 1766 var tr = $(this); 1767 tr.find(".check > :checkbox").attr("checked", false); 1768 tr.find(":input").each(function() { 1769 if($(this).prop("name").indexOf(options.prefixParamName) != 0) { 1770 $(this).prop("name", options.prefixParamName + "[" + index + "]." + $(this).prop("name").replace(tr.prop("id"), "")); 1771 } 1772 }); 1773 }); 1774 }); 1775 } 1776 1777 } 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 $.table = { 1783 1784 /** 1785 * 初始化表格:全選/反選 排序 1786 * @param table 1787 */ 1788 initTable: function (table) { 1789 if(!table || !table.length || table.attr("initialized") == "true") { 1790 return; 1791 } 1792 1793 table.attr("initialized", "true"); 1794 1795 $.table.initSort(table); 1796 $.table.initSearchForm(table); 1797 if(table.is(".move-table")) { 1798 $.movable.initMoveableTable(table); 1799 } 1800 1801 //初始化table裏的a標籤 1802 $.table.initTableBtn(table); 1803 //初始化刪除和修改按鈕 1804 $.table.initDeleteSelected(table); 1805 $.table.initUpdateSelected(table); 1806 $.table.initCreate(table); 1807 1808 //初始化checkbox 1809 $.table.initCheckbox(table); 1810 //初始化 按鈕的狀態 1811 $.table.changeBtnState(table); 1812 1813 1814 }, 1815 initCheckbox: function(table) { 1816 var activeClass = "active"; 1817 //初始化表格中checkbox 點擊單元格選中 1818 table.find("td.check").each(function () { 1819 var checkbox = $(this).find(":checkbox,:radio"); 1820 checkbox.off("click").on("click", function (event) { 1821 var checked = checkbox.is(":checked"); 1822 if(!checked) { 1823 checkbox.closest("tr").removeClass(activeClass); 1824 } else { 1825 checkbox.closest("tr").addClass(activeClass); 1826 } 1827 $.table.changeBtnState(table); 1828 event.stopPropagation(); 1829 }); 1830 $(this).closest("tr").off("click").on("click", function (event) { 1831 var checked = checkbox.is(":checked"); 1832 if(checked) { 1833 checkbox.closest("tr").removeClass(activeClass); 1834 } else { 1835 checkbox.closest("tr").addClass(activeClass); 1836 } 1837 checkbox.prop("checked", !checked); 1838 $.table.changeBtnState(table); 1839 }); 1840 }); 1841 //初始化全選反選 1842 table.find(".check-all").off("click").on("click", function () { 1843 var checkAll = $(this); 1844 if(checkAll.text() == '全選') { 1845 checkAll.text("取消"); 1846 table.find("td.check :checkbox").prop("checked", true).closest("tr").addClass(activeClass); 1847 } else { 1848 checkAll.text("全選"); 1849 table.find("td.check :checkbox").prop("checked", false).closest("tr").removeClass(activeClass); 1850 } 1851 $.table.changeBtnState(table); 1852 }); 1853 table.find(".reverse-all").off("click").on("click", function () { 1854 table.find("td.check :checkbox").each(function () { 1855 var checkbox = $(this); 1856 var checked = checkbox.is(":checked"); 1857 if(checked) { 1858 checkbox.closest("tr").removeClass(activeClass); 1859 } else { 1860 checkbox.closest("tr").addClass(activeClass); 1861 } 1862 checkbox.prop("checked", !checked); 1863 $.table.changeBtnState(table); 1864 }); 1865 }); 1866 }, 1867 changeBtnState : function(table) { 1868 var hasChecked = table.find("td.check :checkbox:checked").length; 1869 var btns = table.closest(".panel").find(".tool .btn").not(".no-disabled"); 1870 if(hasChecked) { 1871 btns.removeClass("disabled"); 1872 btns.each(function() { 1873 var btn = $(this); 1874 var href = btn.data("btn-state-href"); 1875 if(href) { 1876 btn.attr("href", href); 1877 } 1878 }); 1879 } else { 1880 btns.addClass("disabled"); 1881 btns.each(function() { 1882 var btn = $(this); 1883 var href = btn.attr("href"); 1884 if(href) { 1885 btn.data("btn-state-href", href); 1886 btn.removeAttr("href"); 1887 } 1888 }); 1889 } 1890 }, 1891 /** 1892 * 初始化對應的查詢表單 1893 * @param table 1894 */ 1895 initSearchForm : function(table) { 1896 var id = $(table).attr("id"); 1897 var searchForm = table.closest("[data-table='" + id + "']").find(".search-form"); 1898 1899 if(!searchForm.length) { 1900 return; 1901 } 1902 1903 searchForm.find(".btn").addClass("no-disabled"); 1904 1905 searchForm.find(".btn-clear-search").click(function() { 1906 1907 if (table.data("async") == true) { 1908 var resetBtn = searchForm.find("input[type='reset']"); 1909 if(!resetBtn.length) { 1910 searchForm.append("<input type='reset' style='display:none'>"); 1911 resetBtn = searchForm.find("input[type='reset']"); 1912 } 1913 resetBtn.click(); 1914 } 1915 turnSearch(table, searchForm, true); 1916 }); 1917 1918 var turnSearch = function(table, searchForm, isSearchAll) { 1919 var url = $.table.tableURL(table); 1920 url = $.table.removeSearchParam(url, searchForm); 1921 url = $.table.removePageParam(url, searchForm); 1922 if(!isSearchAll) { 1923 if(url.indexOf("?") == -1) { 1924 url = url + "?"; 1925 } else { 1926 url = url + "&"; 1927 } 1928 url = url + searchForm.serialize(); 1929 } 1930 $.table.reloadTable(table, url, null); 1931 } 1932 1933 searchForm.off("submit").on("submit", function() { 1934 turnSearch(table, searchForm, false); 1935 return false; 1936 }); 1937 1938 if(searchForm.is("[data-change-search=true]")) { 1939 searchForm.find(":input:not(:button,:submit,:reset)").off("change").on("change", function(e) { 1940 // avoid double search issue, when you click search button after change any input 1941 searchForm.off("submit").on("submit", function() { 1942 return false; 1943 }); 1944 turnSearch(table, searchForm, false); 1945 }); 1946 } 1947 1948 searchForm.find(".btn-search-all").off("click").on("click", function() { 1949 turnSearch(table, searchForm, true); 1950 return false; 1951 }); 1952 1953 1954 }, 1955 /** 1956 * 初始化sort 1957 * @param table 1958 */ 1959 initSort: function (table) { 1960 if (!table.length) { 1961 return; 1962 } 1963 1964 //初始化排序 1965 var prefix = $.table.getPrefix(table); 1966 1967 var sortURL = $.table.tableURL(table); 1968 1969 var sortBtnTemplate = '<div class="sort"><a class="{sort-icon}" href="#" title="排序"></a></div>'; 1970 table.find("[sort]").each(function () { 1971 var th = $(this); 1972 var sortPropertyName = prefix + "sort." + th.attr("sort"); 1973 var sortBtnStr = null; 1974 var matchResult = sortURL.match(new RegExp(sortPropertyName + "=(asc|desc)", "gi")); 1975 var order = null; 1976 if (matchResult) { 1977 order = RegExp.$1; 1978 if (order == 'asc') { 1979 sortBtnStr = sortBtnTemplate.replace("{sort-icon}", "sort-hover icon-arrow-up"); 1980 } else if (order == 'desc') { 1981 sortBtnStr = sortBtnTemplate.replace("{sort-icon}", "sort-hover icon-arrow-down"); 1982 } 1983 } 1984 if (sortBtnStr == null) { 1985 sortBtnStr = sortBtnTemplate.replace("{sort-icon}", "icon-arrow-down"); 1986 } 1987 th.wrapInner("<div class='sort-title'></div>").append($(sortBtnStr)); 1988 1989 //當前排序 1990 th.prop("order", order);//設置當前的排序 方即可移動表格 1991 1992 th.addClass("sort-th").click(function () { 1993 sortURL = $.table.tableURL(table); 1994 //清空上次排序 1995 sortURL = $.table.removeSortParam(sortURL); 1996 1997 if (!order) { //asc 1998 order = "asc"; 1999 } else if (order == "asc") { //desc 2000 order = "desc"; 2001 } else if (order == "desc") { //none 2002 order = "asc"; 2003 } 2004 2005 if (order) { 2006 sortURL = sortURL + (sortURL.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&"); 2007 sortURL = sortURL + sortPropertyName + "=" + order; 2008 } 2009 2010 $.table.reloadTable(table, sortURL, null); 2011 }); 2012 2013 }); 2014 }, 2015 /** 2016 * 分頁 2017 * @param pageSize 2018 * @param pn 2019 * @param child table的子 2020 */ 2021 turnPage: function (pageSize, pn, child) { 2022 var table = $(child).closest(".table-pagination").prev("table"); 2023 if(!table.length) { 2024 table = $(child).closest("table"); 2025 } 2026 2027 var pageURL = $.table.tableURL(table); 2028 2029 //清空上次分頁 2030 pageURL = $.table.removePageParam(pageURL); 2031 2032 2033 pageURL = pageURL + (pageURL.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&"); 2034 2035 var prefix = $.table.getPrefix(table); 2036 pageURL = pageURL + prefix + "page.pn=" + pn; 2037 2038 if (pageSize) { 2039 pageURL = pageURL + "&" + prefix + "page.size=" + pageSize; 2040 } 2041 2042 $.table.reloadTable(table, pageURL, null); 2043 }, 2044 /** 2045 * 執行跳轉 2046 * @param table 2047 * @param url 2048 * @param backURL 2049 */ 2050 reloadTable: function (table, url, backURL) { 2051 2052 if(!url) { 2053 url = $.table.tableURL(table); 2054 } 2055 2056 if (!backURL) { 2057 backURL = url; 2058 } 2059 //modalDialog時 把當前url保存下來方便翻頁和排序 2060 table.closest(".ui-dialog").data("url", backURL); 2061 2062 if (table.data("async") == true) { 2063 $.app.waiting(); 2064 2065 var tableId = table.attr("id"); 2066 var containerId = table.data("async-container"); 2067 var headers = {}; 2068 2069 if(!containerId) {//只替換表格時使用 2070 headers.table = true; 2071 } else { 2072 headers.container = true; 2073 } 2074 2075 $.ajax({ 2076 url: url, 2077 async:true, 2078 headers: headers 2079 }).done(function (data) { 2080 if (containerId) {//裝載到容器 2081 $("#" + containerId).replaceWith(data); 2082 } else { 2083 var pagination = table.next(".table-pagination"); 2084 if(pagination.length) { 2085 pagination.remove(); 2086 } 2087 table.replaceWith(data); 2088 } 2089 2090 table = $("#" + tableId); 2091 table.data("url", backURL); 2092 $.table.initTable(table); 2093 2094 var callback = table.data("async-callback"); 2095 if(callback && window[callback]) { 2096 window[callback](table); 2097 } 2098 2099 $.app.waitingOver(); 2100 }); 2101 } else { 2102 window.location.href = url; 2103 } 2104 } 2105 , 2106 /** 2107 * 獲取表格對於的url 2108 * @param table 2109 * @return {*} 2110 */ 2111 tableURL : function(table) { 2112 var $dialog = table.closest(".ui-dialog"); 2113 2114 var url = table.data("url"); 2115 if(!url && $dialog.length) { 2116 //modalDialog 2117 url = $dialog.data("url"); 2118 } 2119 if (!url) { 2120 url = window.location.href; 2121 } 2122 //若是URL中包含錨點(#) 刪除 2123 if(url.indexOf("#") > 0) { 2124 url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("#")); 2125 } 2126 2127 return url; 2128 }, 2129 /** 2130 * 2131 * @param table 2132 */ 2133 encodeTableURL : function(table) { 2134 return encodeURIComponent($.table.tableURL(table)); 2135 } 2136 , 2137 /** 2138 * 獲取傳遞參數時的前綴 2139 * @param table 2140 */ 2141 getPrefix : function(table) { 2142 var prefix = table.data("prefix"); 2143 if (!prefix) { 2144 prefix = ""; 2145 } else { 2146 prefix = prefix + "_"; 2147 } 2148 return prefix; 2149 } 2150 , 2151 removePageParam : function(pageURL) { 2152 pageURL = pageURL.replace(/\&\w*page.pn=\d+/gi, ''); 2153 pageURL = pageURL.replace(/\?\w*page.pn=\d+\&/gi, '?'); 2154 pageURL = pageURL.replace(/\?\w*page.pn=\d+/gi, ''); 2155 pageURL = pageURL.replace(/\&\w*page.size=\d+/gi, ''); 2156 pageURL = pageURL.replace(/\?\w*page.size=\d+\&/gi, '?'); 2157 pageURL = pageURL.replace(/\?\w*page.size=\d+/gi, ''); 2158 return pageURL; 2159 } 2160 , 2161 removeSortParam : function(sortURL) { 2162 sortURL = sortURL.replace(/\&\w*sort.*=((asc)|(desc))/gi, ''); 2163 sortURL = sortURL.replace(/\?\w*sort.*=((asc)|(desc))\&/gi, '?'); 2164 sortURL = sortURL.replace(/\?\w*sort.*=((asc)|(desc))/gi, ''); 2165 return sortURL; 2166 }, 2167 removeSearchParam : function(url, form) { 2168 $.each(form.serializeArray(), function() { 2169 var name = this.name; 2170 url = url.replace(new RegExp(name + "=.*?\&","g"), ''); 2171 url = url.replace(new RegExp("[\&\?]" + name + "=.*$","g"), ''); 2172 }); 2173 return url; 2174 } 2175 , 2176 //格式化url前綴,默認清除url ? 後邊的 2177 formatUrlPrefix : function(urlPrefix, $table) { 2178 2179 if(!urlPrefix) { 2180 urlPrefix = $table.data("prefix-url"); 2181 } 2182 2183 if(!urlPrefix && $table && $table.length) { 2184 urlPrefix = decodeURIComponent($.table.tableURL($table)); 2185 } 2186 2187 if(!urlPrefix) { 2188 urlPrefix = currentURL; 2189 } 2190 2191 if(urlPrefix.indexOf("?") >= 0) { 2192 return urlPrefix.substr(0, urlPrefix.indexOf("?")); 2193 } 2194 return urlPrefix; 2195 }, 2196 2197 initDeleteSelected : function($table, urlPrefix) { 2198 if(!$table || !$table.length) { 2199 return; 2200 } 2201 2202 var $btn = $table.closest("[data-table='" + $table.attr("id") + "']").find(".btn-delete:not(.btn-custom)"); 2203 urlPrefix = $.table.formatUrlPrefix(urlPrefix, $table); 2204 $btn.off("click").on("click", function() { 2205 var checkbox = $.table.getAllSelectedCheckbox($table); 2206 if(!checkbox.length) return; 2207 2208 $.app.confirm({ 2209 message: "肯定刪除選擇的數據嗎?", 2210 ok : function() { 2211 window.location.href = 2212 urlPrefix + "/batch/delete?" + checkbox.serialize() + "&BackURL=" + $.table.encodeTableURL($table); 2213 } 2214 }); 2215 }); 2216 } 2217 , 2218 initUpdateSelected : function($table, urlPrefix) { 2219 if(!$table || !$table.length) { 2220 return; 2221 } 2222 var $btn = $table.closest("[data-table='" + $table.attr("id") + "']").find(".btn-update:not(.btn-custom)"); 2223 urlPrefix = $.table.formatUrlPrefix(urlPrefix, $table); 2224 $btn.off("click").on("click", function() { 2225 var checkbox = $.table.getFirstSelectedCheckbox($table); 2226 if(!checkbox.length) return; 2227 var id = checkbox.val(); 2228 window.location.href = urlPrefix + "/" + id + "/update?BackURL=" + $.table.encodeTableURL($table); 2229 }); 2230 }, 2231 initCreate : function($table, urlPrefix) { 2232 if(!$table || !$table.length) { 2233 return; 2234 } 2235 var $btn = $table.closest("[data-table='" + $table.attr("id") + "']").find(".btn-create"); 2236 2237 $btn.addClass("no-disabled"); 2238 2239 $btn.off("click").on("click", function() { 2240 var url = $.table.formatUrlPrefix(urlPrefix, $table) + "/create"; 2241 if($btn.attr("href")) { 2242 url = $btn.attr("href"); 2243 } 2244 window.location.href = url + (url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "BackURL=" + $.table.encodeTableURL($table); 2245 return false; 2246 }); 2247 }, 2248 initTableBtn : function($table, urlPrefix) { 2249 if(!$table || !$table.length) { 2250 return; 2251 } 2252 $table.closest("[data-table=" + $table.attr("id") + "]").find(".btn").not(".btn-custom,.btn-create,.btn-update,.btn-delete").each(function() { 2253 var $btn = $(this); 2254 var url = $btn.attr("href"); 2255 if(!url || url.indexOf("#") == 0 || url.indexOf("javascript:") == 0) {//沒有url就不處理了 2256 return; 2257 } 2258 $btn.off("click").on("click", function() { 2259 window.location.href = url + (url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "BackURL=" + $.table.encodeTableURL($table); 2260 return false; 2261 }); 2262 }); 2263 2264 urlPrefix = $.table.formatUrlPrefix(urlPrefix, $table); 2265 //支持雙擊編輯 2266 if($table.hasClass("table-dblclick-edit")) { 2267 $table.children("tbody").children("tr").off("dblclick").on("dblclick", function() { 2268 var id = $(this).find(":checkbox[name=ids]").val(); 2269 window.location.href = urlPrefix + "/" + id + "/update?BackURL=" + $.table.encodeTableURL($table); 2270 }); 2271 } 2272 2273 }, 2274 getFirstSelectedCheckbox :function($table) { 2275 var checkbox = $("#table :checkbox:checked:first"); 2276 if(!checkbox.length) { 2277 2278 //表示不選中 不能夠用,此時不必彈窗 2279 if($(this).hasClass(".no-disable") == false) { 2280 return checkbox; 2281 } 2282 2283 $.app.alert({ 2284 message : "請先選擇要操做的數據!" 2285 }); 2286 } 2287 return checkbox; 2288 }, 2289 getAllSelectedCheckbox :function($table) { 2290 var checkbox = $table.find(":checkbox:checked"); 2291 if(!checkbox.length) { 2292 2293 //表示不選中 不能夠用,此時不必彈窗 2294 if($(this).hasClass(".no-disable") == false) { 2295 return checkbox; 2296 } 2297 2298 $.app.alert({ 2299 message : "請先選擇要操做的數據!" 2300 }); 2301 } 2302 return checkbox; 2303 } 2304 } 2305 2306 $.movable = { 2307 /** 2308 * urlPrefix:指定移動URL的前綴, 2309 * 如/sample,生成的URL格式爲/sample/{fromId}/{toId}/{direction:方向(up|down)} 2310 * @param table 2311 * @param urlPrefix 2312 */ 2313 initMoveableTable : function(table) { 2314 if(!table.length) { 2315 return; 2316 } 2317 var urlPrefix = table.data("move-url-prefix"); 2318 if(!urlPrefix) { 2319 $.app.alert({message : "請添加移動地址URL,如<table move-url-prefix='/sample'><br/>自動生成:/sample/{fromId}/{toId}/{direction:方向(up|down)}"}); 2320 } 2321 var fixHelper = function (e, tr) { 2322 var $originals = tr.children(); 2323 var $helper = tr.clone(); 2324 $helper.children().each(function (index) { 2325 // Set helper cell sizes to match the original sizes 2326 $(this).width($originals.eq(index).width()) 2327 }); 2328 return $helper; 2329 }; 2330 2331 //事表格可拖拽排序 2332 table.find("tbody") 2333 .sortable({ 2334 helper: fixHelper, 2335 opacity: 0.5, 2336 cursor: "move", 2337 placeholder: "sortable-placeholder", 2338 update: function (even, ui) { 2339 even.stopPropagation(); 2340 prepareMove(ui.item.find(".moveable").closest("td")); 2341 } 2342 }); 2343 2344 //彈出移動框 2345 table.find("a.pop-movable[rel=popover]") 2346 .mouseenter(function (e) { 2347 var a = $(this); 2348 a.popover("show"); 2349 var idInput = a.closest("tr").find(".id"); 2350 idInput.focus(); 2351 a.next(".popover").find(".popover-up-btn,.popover-down-btn").click(function() { 2352 var fromId = $(this).closest("tr").prop("id"); 2353 var toId = idInput.val(); 2354 2355 if(!/\d+/.test(toId)) { 2356 $.app.alert({message : "請輸入數字!"}); 2357 return; 2358 } 2359 2360 var fromTD = $(this).closest("td"); 2361 2362 if($(this).hasClass("popover-up-btn")) { 2363 move(fromTD, fromId, toId, "up"); 2364 } else { 2365 move(fromTD, fromId, toId, "down"); 2366 } 2367 }); 2368 a.parent().mouseleave(function() { 2369 a.popover("hide"); 2370 }); 2371 }); 2372 2373 table.find(".up-btn,.down-btn").click(function() { 2374 var fromTR = $(this).closest("tr"); 2375 if($(this).hasClass("up-btn")) { 2376 fromTR.prev("tr").before(fromTR); 2377 } else { 2378 fromTR.next("tr").after(fromTR); 2379 } 2380 prepareMove($(this).closest("td")); 2381 }); 2382 2383 /** 2384 * 2385 * @param fromTD 2386 */ 2387 function prepareMove(fromTD) { 2388 var fromTR = fromTD.closest("tr"); 2389 var fromId = fromTR.prop("id"); 2390 var nextTR = fromTR.next("tr"); 2391 if(nextTR.length) { 2392 move(fromTD, fromId, nextTR.prop("id"), "down"); 2393 } else { 2394 var preTR = fromTR.prev("tr"); 2395 move(fromTD, fromId, preTR.prop("id"), "up"); 2396 } 2397 2398 } 2399 function move(fromTD, fromId, toId, direction) { 2400 if(!(fromId && toId)) { 2401 return; 2402 } 2403 var order = $.movable.tdOrder(fromTD); 2404 if (!order) { 2405 $.app.alert({message: "請首先排序要移動的字段!"}); 2406 return; 2407 } 2408 //若是升序排列 須要反轉direction 2409 if(order == "desc") { 2410 if(direction == "up") { 2411 direction = "down"; 2412 } else { 2413 direction = "up"; 2414 } 2415 } 2416 $.app.waiting("正在移動"); 2417 var url = urlPrefix + "/" + fromId + "/" + toId + "/" + direction; 2418 $.getJSON(url, function(data) { 2419 $.app.waitingOver(); 2420 if(data.success) { 2421 $.table.reloadTable(fromTD.closest("table")); 2422 } else { 2423 $.app.alert({message : data.message}); 2424 } 2425 2426 }); 2427 } 2428 } 2429 , 2430 initMovableReweight : function($btn, url) { 2431 $btn.click(function () { 2432 $.app.confirm({ 2433 message: "肯定優化權重嗎?<br/><strong>注意:</strong>優化權重執行效率比較低,請在本系統使用人員較少時執行(以下班時間)", 2434 ok: function () { 2435 $.app.waiting("優化權重執行中。。"); 2436 $.getJSON(url, function(data) { 2437 $.app.waitingOver(); 2438 if(!data.success) { 2439 $.app.alert({message : data.message}); 2440 } else { 2441 location.reload(); 2442 } 2443 }); 2444 } 2445 }); 2446 }); 2447 }, 2448 2449 tdOrder : function(td) { 2450 var tdIndex = td.closest("tr").children("td").index(td); 2451 return td.closest("table").find("thead > tr > th").eq(tdIndex).prop("order"); 2452 } 2453 }; 2454 2455 $.btn = { 2456 initChangeStatus : function(urlPrefix, tableId, config) { 2457 $(config.btns.join(",")).each(function(i) { 2458 $(this).off("click").on("click", function() { 2459 var $table = $("#" + tableId); 2460 var checkbox = $.table.getAllSelectedCheckbox($table); 2461 if(checkbox.size() == 0) { 2462 return; 2463 } 2464 var title = config.titles[i]; 2465 var message = config.messages[i]; 2466 var status = config.status[i]; 2467 var url = urlPrefix + "/" + status + "?" + checkbox.serialize(); 2468 $.app.confirm({ 2469 title : title, 2470 message : message, 2471 ok : function() { 2472 window.location.href = url; 2473 } 2474 }); 2475 }); 2476 }); 2477 }, 2478 /** 2479 * 初始化改變顯示隱藏的btn 2480 */ 2481 initChangeShowStatus : function(urlPrefix, tableId) { 2482 $.btn.initChangeStatus(urlPrefix, tableId, { 2483 btns : [".status-show", ".status-hide"], 2484 titles : ['顯示數據', '隱藏數據'], 2485 messages : ['確認顯示數據嗎?', '確認隱藏數據嗎?'], 2486 status : ['true', 'false'] 2487 }); 2488 } 2489 }; 2490 2491 $.array = { 2492 remove : function(array, data) { 2493 if(array.length == 0) { 2494 return; 2495 } 2496 for(var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 2497 if(array[i] == data) { 2498 array.splice(i, 1); 2499 } 2500 } 2501 }, 2502 contains : function(array, data) { 2503 if(array.length == 0) { 2504 return false; 2505 } 2506 for(var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 2507 if(array[i] == data) { 2508 return true; 2509 } 2510 } 2511 return false; 2512 }, 2513 indexOf : function(array, data) { 2514 if(array.length == 0) { 2515 return -1; 2516 } 2517 for(var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 2518 if(array[i] == data) { 2519 return i; 2520 } 2521 } 2522 return -1; 2523 }, 2524 clear : function(array) { 2525 if(array.length == 0) { 2526 return; 2527 } 2528 array.splice(0, array.length); 2529 }, 2530 trim : function(array) { 2531 for(var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 2532 if(array[i] == "" || array[i] == null) { 2533 array.splice(i, 1); 2534 } 2535 } 2536 return array; 2537 } 2538 2539 }; 2540 2541 /* 2542 * Project: Twitter Bootstrap Hover Dropdown 2543 * Author: Cameron Spear 2544 * Contributors: Mattia Larentis 2545 * 2546 * Dependencies?: Twitter Bootstrap's Dropdown plugin 2547 * 2548 * A simple plugin to enable twitter bootstrap dropdowns to active on hover and provide a nice user experience. 2549 * 2550 * No license, do what you want. I'd love credit or a shoutout, though. 2551 * 2552 * http://cameronspear.com/blog/twitter-bootstrap-dropdown-on-hover-plugin/ 2553 */ 2554 ;(function($, window, undefined) { 2555 // outside the scope of the jQuery plugin to 2556 // keep track of all dropdowns 2557 var $allDropdowns = $(); 2558 2559 // if instantlyCloseOthers is true, then it will instantly 2560 // shut other nav items when a new one is hovered over 2561 $.fn.dropdownHover = function(options) { 2562 2563 // the element we really care about 2564 // is the dropdown-toggle's parent 2565 $allDropdowns = $allDropdowns.add(this.parent()); 2566 2567 return this.each(function() { 2568 var $this = $(this).parent(), 2569 defaults = { 2570 delay: 100, 2571 instantlyCloseOthers: true 2572 }, 2573 data = { 2574 delay: $(this).data('delay'), 2575 instantlyCloseOthers: $(this).data('close-others') 2576 }, 2577 settings = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options, data), 2578 timeout; 2579 2580 $this.hover(function() { 2581 if(settings.instantlyCloseOthers === true) 2582 $allDropdowns.removeClass('open'); 2583 2584 window.clearTimeout(timeout); 2585 $(this).addClass('open'); 2586 }, function() { 2587 timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { 2588 $this.removeClass('open'); 2589 }, settings.delay); 2590 }); 2591 }); 2592 }; 2593 2594 // apply dropdownHover to all elements with the data-hover="dropdown" attribute 2595 $(document).ready(function() { 2596 $('[data-hover="dropdown"]').dropdownHover(); 2597 }); 2598 })(jQuery, this); 2599 2600 2601 $(function () { 2602 //global disable ajax cache 2603 $.ajaxSetup({ cache: true }); 2604 2605 $(".table").each(function() { 2606 $.table.initTable($(this)); 2607 }); 2608 $.app.initDatetimePicker(); 2609 2610 $.layout = top.$.layout; 2611 // $.app = top.$.app; 2612 $.tabs = top.$.tabs; 2613 $.menus = top.$.menus; 2614 2615 $("[data-toggle='tooltip']").each(function() { 2616 2617 $(this).tooltip({delay:300}); 2618 }); 2619 2620 // if(!$("body").is(".index")) { 2621 // $("html").niceScroll({styler:"fb",cursorcolor:"#777", zindex:1}); 2622 // } 2623 2624 $(document).ajaxError(function(event, request, settings) { 2625 2626 $.app.waitingOver(); 2627 2628 if(request.status == 0) {// 中斷的不處理 2629 return; 2630 } 2631 2632 top.$.app.alert({ 2633 title : "網絡故障/系統故障", 2634 //<refresh>中間的按鈕在ajax方式中刪除不顯示 2635 message : request.responseText.replace(/(<refresh>.*<\/refresh>)/g, "") 2636 }); 2637 }); 2638 });