開始在 PHP 中使用 Redis 前, 咱們須要確保已經安裝了 redis 服務及 PHP redis 驅動,且你的機器上能正常使用 PHP。 接下來讓咱們安裝 PHP redis 驅動:下載地址爲:https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/releases。php
如下操做須要在下載的 phpredis 目錄中完成:html
$ wget https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/archive/2.2.4.tar.gz $ cd phpredis-2.2.7 # 進入 phpredis 目錄 $ /usr/local/php/bin/phpize # php安裝後的路徑 $ ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config $ make && make install
若是你是 PHP7 版本,則須要下載指定分支:git
git clone -b php7 https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis.git
vi /usr/local/php/lib/php.ini
extension_dir = "/usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20090626" extension=redis.so
安裝完成後重啓php-fpm 或 apache。查看phpinfo信息,就能看到redis擴展。redis
<?php //鏈接本地的 Redis 服務 $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('', 6379); echo "Connection to server sucessfully"; //查看服務是否運行 echo "Server is running: " . $redis->ping(); ?>
Connection to server sucessfully Server is running: PONG
<?php //鏈接本地的 Redis 服務 $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('', 6379); echo "Connection to server sucessfully"; //設置 redis 字符串數據 $redis->set("tutorial-name", "Redis tutorial"); // 獲取存儲的數據並輸出 echo "Stored string in redis:: " . $redis->get("tutorial-name"); ?>
Connection to server sucessfully Stored string in redis:: Redis tutorial
<?php //鏈接本地的 Redis 服務 $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('', 6379); echo "Connection to server sucessfully"; //存儲數據到列表中 $redis->lpush("tutorial-list", "Redis"); $redis->lpush("tutorial-list", "Mongodb"); $redis->lpush("tutorial-list", "Mysql"); // 獲取存儲的數據並輸出 $arList = $redis->lrange("tutorial-list", 0 ,5); echo "Stored string in redis"; print_r($arList); ?>
Connection to server sucessfully Stored string in redis Redis Mongodb Mysql
<?php //鏈接本地的 Redis 服務 $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('', 6379); echo "Connection to server sucessfully"; // 獲取數據並輸出 $arList = $redis->keys("*"); echo "Stored keys in redis:: "; print_r($arList); ?>
Connection to server sucessfully Stored string in redis:: tutorial-name tutorial-list