Tweener:A tween that takes control of a value and animates it.api
Sequence:A special tween that, instead of taking control of a value, takes control of other tweens and animates them as a group.ide
Tween:A generic word that indicates both a Tweener and a Sequence.oop
Nested tween:A tween contained inside a Sequence.this
Prefixes are important to use the most out of IntelliSense, so try to remember these:spa
Prefix for all tween shortcuts (operations that can be started directly from a known object, like a transform or a material). Also the prefix of the main DOTween class.
DO是全部補間快捷方式(對於快捷方式的含義咱們在下一部分會提到)的前綴 ,DO做爲前綴的補間能夠對一個已知的對象進行操做,好比transform對象或material對象。這也是主要類 DOTween 的前綴。咱們看如下的示例:
1 ransform.DOMoveX(100, 1);
2 transform.DORestart();
3 DOTween.Play();
Prefix for all settings that can be chained to a tween (except for From, since it’s applied as a setting but is not really a setting).
對於一個補間咱們能夠還進行一些設置,這些設置咱們用Set做爲前綴(From卻沒有使用Set做前綴,由於它以設置的方式使用但不是真正的設置) 。
1 myTween.SetLoops(4, LoopType.Yoyo).SetSpeedBased();
Prefix for all callbacks that can be chained to a tween.
1 myTween.OnStart(myStartFunction).OnComplete(myCompleteFunction);
The first time you create a tween, DOTween will initialize itself automatically, using default values.
第一次在建立補間,DOTween 會自動初始化自身,使用默認值。
If instead you prefer to initialize it yourself (recommended), call this methods once, BEFORE creating any tween (calling it afterwards will have no effect).
Consider that you can still change all init settings whenever your want, by using DOTween’s global settings.
Optionally, you can chain SetCapacity
to the Init method, which allows to set the max Tweeners/Sequences initial capacity (it’s the same as calling DOTween.SetTweensCapacitylater).
(可選) 您能夠連接 SetCapacity 到 Init 方法中,設置最大補間動畫/序列初始容量 (這和之後調用 DOTween.SetTweensCapacity 相同)。
1 static DOTween.Init(bool recycleAllByDefault = false, bool useSafeMode = true,LogBehaviourlogBehaviour = LogBehaviour.ErrorsOnly);
Initializes DOTween. Call it without any parameter to use the preferences you set in DOTween’s Utility Panel (otherwise they will be overrided by any eventual parameter passed).
初始化 DOTween時,若是不加任何參數,DOTween.Init方法會使用DOTween's Utility Panel的Preference中設定的值(若是你加了參數,這個參數會覆蓋Preference中的設定值)。
If TRUE all new tweens will be set for recycling, meaning that when killed they won’t be destroyed but instead will be put in a pool and reused rather than creating new tweens. This option allows you to avoid GC allocations by reusing tweens, but you will have to take care of tween references, since they might result active even if they were killed (since they might have been respawned and might now be in use as other completely different tweens).
若是recycleAllByDefault設定爲True,那麼全部的補間在被Kill後不會被當即銷燬,而是被存放起來而且在建立新的補間時會被重用。這個選項讓你避免了重用補間時分配Garbage Collector。但你仍是必須當心對待tween的引用,由於這種模式可能致使tween在kill後被激活。
If you want to automatically set your tween references to NULL when a tween is killed you can use the OnKill callback like this
1 .OnKill(()=> myTweenReference = null)
You can change this setting at any time by changing the static DOTween.defaultRecyclable property, or you can set the recycling behaviour for each tween separately, using SetRecyclable.