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2 類和方法shell
phpize ./configure [--enable-redis-igbinary] make && make install
若是您但願phpredis使用igbinary庫序列化數據,請使用--enable-redis-igbinary運行configure。 將安裝副本redis.so安裝到適當的位置,但您仍然須要在PHP配置文件中啓用該模塊。 爲此,請編輯您的php.ini或在/etc/php5/conf.d中添加一個redis.ini文件,其中包含如下內容:extension = redis.so。apache
您能夠經過運行./mkdeb-apache2.sh或使用dpkg-buildpackage或svn-buildpackage生成PHP5的debian軟件包,可從Apache 2訪問。數組
此擴展導出一個類Redis(和RedisException用於出現錯誤時)。 請查看https://github.com/ukko/phpredis-phpdoc以獲取您能夠在IDE中用於代碼完成的PHP存根。服務器
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.6 CFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe -no-cpp-precomp" CCFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe" CXXFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe" LDFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64 -bind_at_load" export CFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS CCFLAGS MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET
若是仍然失敗,而且您正在運行Zend Server CE,請在「make」以前嘗試:./configure CFLAGS =「 - arch i386」。
取自Zend Server CE / OSX上的phpredis編譯。
phpredis能夠用來存儲PHP會話。 要執行此操做,請在php.ini中配置session.save_handler和session.save_path以告知phpredis在哪裏存儲會話:
session.save_handler = redis session.save_path = "tcp://host1:6379?weight=1, tcp://host2:6379?weight=2&timeout=2.5, tcp://host3:6379?weight=2&read_timeout=2.5"
會話具備以秒爲單位的生命週期,並存儲在INI變量「session.gc_maxlifetime」中。 您可使用ini_set()更改它。 會話處理程序須要使用SETEX命令的Redis版本(至少爲2.0)。 phpredis也能夠鏈接到unix域套接字:session.save_path =「unix:///var/run/redis/redis.sock?persistent = 1&weight = 1&database = 0。
請參閱@ char101關於如何在Windows上構建phpredis的說明。
See dedicated page. 參看中文翻譯版 http://www.cnblogs.com/zx-admin/p/7750609.html
See dedicated page. 參看中文翻譯版 http://www.cnblogs.com/zx-admin/p/7750612.html
phpredis使用一個小的定製單元測試套件來測試各類類的功能。 要運行測試,只需執行如下操做:
# 運行Redis類的測試(注意這是默認值) php tests/TestRedis.php --class Redis # 運行RedisArray類的測試 tests/mkring.sh start php tests/TestRedis.php --class RedisArray tests/mkring.sh stop # 運行RedisCluster類的測試 tests/make-cluster.sh start php tests/TestRedis.php --class RedisCluster tests/make-cluster.sh stop
# Just run the 'echo' test php tests/TestRedis.php --class Redis --test echo
$redis = new Redis();
若是沒法到達Redis服務器,phpredis將拋出一個RedisException對象。 若是鏈接問題,若是Redis服務關閉,或者redis主機超載,則可能會發生這種狀況。 在不涉及不可達服務器(如密鑰不存在,無效命令等)的任何其餘問題的狀況下,phpredis將返回FALSE。
Redis::REDIS_STRING - String Redis::REDIS_SET - Set Redis::REDIS_LIST - List Redis::REDIS_ZSET - Sorted set Redis::REDIS_HASH - Hash Redis::REDIS_NOT_FOUND - Not found / other
host: string。 能夠是一個主機,或者到unix域的路徑套接字端口:int,可選的超時:float,以秒爲單位的值(可選,默認爲0意思無限制)保留:若是指定retry_interval,則應爲NULL retry_interval:int,以毫秒爲單位的值 (可選)read_timeout:float,以秒爲單位的值(可選,默認爲0表示無限制)
$redis->connect('', 6379); $redis->connect(''); // port 6379 by default $redis->connect('', 6379, 2.5); // 2.5 sec timeout. $redis->connect('/tmp/redis.sock'); // unix domain socket. $redis->connect('', 6379, 1, NULL, 100); // 1 sec timeout, 100ms delay between reconnection attempts.
說明:鏈接到Redis實例或從新使用已經使用pconnect / popen創建的鏈接。
在php進程結束以前,鏈接將不會在關閉或結束請求時關閉。 所以,在鏈接到一個redis服務器的許多服務器上使用持久鏈接時,請耐心打開FD(特別是redis服務器端)。
還能夠經過host + port + timeout或host + persistent_id或unix socket + timeout來標識多個持久鏈接。
此功能在當前版本中不可用。 pconnect和popen而後工做像他們的非持久性同樣。
主機:字符串。 能夠是主機,或者到unix域的路徑socket端口:int,可選timeout:float,以秒爲單位的值(可選,默認爲0表示無限制)persistent_id:string。 請求的持久鏈接的身份retry_interval:int,以毫秒爲單位的值(可選)read_timeout:float,以秒爲單位的值(可選,默認爲0表示無限制)
on success, FALSE
on error.
$redis->pconnect('', 6379); $redis->pconnect(''); // port 6379 by default - same connection like before. $redis->pconnect('', 6379, 2.5); // 2.5 sec timeout and would be another connection than the two before. $redis->pconnect('', 6379, 2.5, 'x'); // x is sent as persistent_id and would be another connection than the three before. $redis->pconnect('/tmp/redis.sock'); // unix domain socket - would be another connection than the four before.
說明:使用密碼驗證鏈接。 警告:密碼經過網絡以純文本格式發送。
STRING: password
if the connection is authenticated, FALSE
INTEGER: dbindex, 要切換到的數據庫號
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure.
on success, FALSE
on error.
$redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, Redis::SERIALIZER_NONE); // 不要序列化數據 $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP); // 使用內置的serialize / unserialize $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, Redis::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY); // 使用igBinary serialize / unserialize $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_PREFIX, 'myAppName:'); // 在全部鍵上使用自定義前綴 /*
來自用戶的空白結果。 若是設置爲SCAN_NORETRY(默認),phpredis
數組結果。 若是設置爲SCAN_RETRY,phpredis將重試掃描命令
*/ $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SCAN, Redis::SCAN_NORETRY); $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SCAN, Redis::SCAN_RETRY);
parameter name
Parameter value.
$redis->getOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER); // return Redis::SERIALIZER_NONE, Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP, or Redis::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY.
STRING:+ PONG成功。 如上所述,在鏈接錯誤時拋出RedisException對象。
STRING: The message to send.
STRING: the same message.
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure.
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure. 若是保存已經運行,則此命令將失敗並返回FALSE。
操做(字符串)GET的SET或SET鍵字符串,GET的glob-pattern。 有關示例,請參閱http://redis.io/commands/config-get。 值可選字符串(僅適用於SET)
Associative array for GET
, key -> value bool for SET
$redis->config("GET", "*max-*-entries*"); $redis->config("SET", "dir", "/var/run/redis/dumps/");
INTEGER: DB size, in number of keys.
$count = $redis->dbSize(); echo "Redis has $count keys\n";
Description: Remove all keys from the current database.
Description: Get information and statistics about the server
Returns an associative array that provides information about the server. Passing no arguments to INFO will call the standard REDIS INFO command, which returns information such as the following:
You can pass a variety of options to INFO (per the Redis documentation), which will modify what is returned.
option: The option to provide redis (e.g. "COMMANDSTATS", "CPU")
$redis->info(); /* standard redis INFO command */ $redis->info("COMMANDSTATS"); /* Information on the commands that have been run (>=2.6 only) $redis->info("CPU"); /* just CPU information from Redis INFO */
Description: Returns the timestamp of the last disk save.
INT: timestamp.
Description: Reset the stats returned by info method.
These are the counters that are reset:
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure.
Description: Synchronously save the dataset to disk (wait to complete)
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure. If a save is already running, this command will fail and return FALSE
Description: Changes the slave status
Either host (string) and port (int), or no parameter to stop being a slave.
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure.
$redis->slaveOf('', 6379); /* ... */ $redis->slaveOf();
Description: Return the current server time.
If successfull, the time will come back as an associative array with element zero being the unix timestamp, and element one being microseconds.
Description: Access the Redis slowLog
Operation (string): This can be either GET
, or RESET
Length (integer), optional: If executing a SLOWLOG GET
command, you can pass an optional length.
The return value of SLOWLOG will depend on which operation was performed. SLOWLOG GET: Array of slowLog entries, as provided by Redis SLOGLOG LEN: Integer, the length of the slowLog SLOWLOG RESET: Boolean, depending on success
// Get ten slowLog entries $redis->slowLog('get', 10); // Get the default number of slowLog entries $redis->slowLog('get'); // Reset our slowLog $redis->slowLog('reset'); // Retrieve slowLog length $redis->slowLog('len');
Description: Get the value related to the specified key
String or Bool: If key didn't exist, FALSE
is returned. Otherwise, the value related to this key is returned.
Description: Set the string value in argument as value of the key. If you're using Redis >= 2.6.12, you can pass extended options as explained below
Key Value Timeout or Options Array (optional). If you pass an integer, phpredis will redirect to SETEX, and will try to use Redis >= 2.6.12 extended options if you pass an array with valid values
if the command is successful.
// Simple key -> value set $redis->set('key', 'value'); // Will redirect, and actually make an SETEX call $redis->set('key','value', 10); // Will set the key, if it doesn't exist, with a ttl of 10 seconds $redis->set('key', 'value', Array('nx', 'ex'=>10)); // Will set a key, if it does exist, with a ttl of 1000 miliseconds $redis->set('key', 'value', Array('xx', 'px'=>1000));
Description: Set the string value in argument as value of the key, with a time to live. PSETEX uses a TTL in milliseconds.
Key TTL Value
if the command is successful.
$redis->setEx('key', 3600, 'value'); // sets key → value, with 1h TTL. $redis->pSetEx('key', 100, 'value'); // sets key → value, with 0.1 sec TTL.
Description: Set the string value in argument as value of the key if the key doesn't already exist in the database.
key value
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure.
$redis->setNx('key', 'value'); /* return TRUE */ $redis->setNx('key', 'value'); /* return FALSE */
Description: Remove specified keys.
An array of keys, or an undefined number of parameters, each a key: key1 key2 key3 ... keyN
Long Number of keys deleted.
$redis->set('key1', 'val1'); $redis->set('key2', 'val2'); $redis->set('key3', 'val3'); $redis->set('key4', 'val4'); $redis->delete('key1', 'key2'); /* return 2 */ $redis->delete(array('key3', 'key4')); /* return 2 */
Description: Verify if the specified key exists.
BOOL: If the key exists, return TRUE
, otherwise return FALSE
$redis->set('key', 'value'); $redis->exists('key'); /* TRUE */ $redis->exists('NonExistingKey'); /* FALSE */
Description: Increment the number stored at key by one. If the second argument is filled, it will be used as the integer value of the increment.
key value: value that will be added to key (only for incrBy)
INT the new value
$redis->incr('key1'); /* key1 didn't exists, set to 0 before the increment */ /* and now has the value 1 */ $redis->incr('key1'); /* 2 */ $redis->incr('key1'); /* 3 */ $redis->incr('key1'); /* 4 */ $redis->incrBy('key1', 10); /* 14 */
Description: Increment the key with floating point precision.
key value: (float) value that will be added to the key
FLOAT the new value
$redis->incrByFloat('key1', 1.5); /* key1 didn't exist, so it will now be 1.5 */ $redis->incrByFloat('key1', 1.5); /* 3 */ $redis->incrByFloat('key1', -1.5); /* 1.5 */ $redis->incrByFloat('key1', 2.5); /* 4 */
Description: Decrement the number stored at key by one. If the second argument is filled, it will be used as the integer value of the decrement.
key value: value that will be substracted to key (only for decrBy)
INT the new value
$redis->decr('key1'); /* key1 didn't exists, set to 0 before the increment */ /* and now has the value -1 */ $redis->decr('key1'); /* -2 */ $redis->decr('key1'); /* -3 */ $redis->decrBy('key1', 10); /* -13 */
Description: Get the values of all the specified keys. If one or more keys dont exist, the array will contain FALSE
at the position of the key.
Array: Array containing the list of the keys
Array: Array containing the values related to keys in argument
$redis->set('key1', 'value1'); $redis->set('key2', 'value2'); $redis->set('key3', 'value3'); $redis->mGet(array('key1', 'key2', 'key3')); /* array('value1', 'value2', 'value3'); $redis->mGet(array('key0', 'key1', 'key5')); /* array(`FALSE`, 'value1', `FALSE`);
Description: Sets a value and returns the previous entry at that key.
Key: key
STRING: value
A string, the previous value located at this key.
$redis->set('x', '42'); $exValue = $redis->getSet('x', 'lol'); // return '42', replaces x by 'lol' $newValue = $redis->get('x')' // return 'lol'
Description: Returns a random key.
STRING: an existing key in redis.
$key = $redis->randomKey(); $surprise = $redis->get($key); // who knows what's in there.
Description: Moves a key to a different database.
Key: key, the key to move.
INTEGER: dbindex, the database number to move the key to.
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure.
$redis->select(0); // switch to DB 0 $redis->set('x', '42'); // write 42 to x $redis->move('x', 1); // move to DB 1 $redis->select(1); // switch to DB 1 $redis->get('x'); // will return 42
Description: Renames a key.
STRING: srckey, the key to rename.
STRING: dstkey, the new name for the key.
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure.
$redis->set('x', '42'); $redis->rename('x', 'y'); $redis->get('y'); // → 42 $redis->get('x'); // → `FALSE`
Description: Same as rename, but will not replace a key if the destination already exists. This is the same behaviour as setNx.
Description: Sets an expiration date (a timeout) on an item. pexpire requires a TTL in milliseconds.
Key: key. The key that will disappear.
Integer: ttl. The key's remaining Time To Live, in seconds.
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure.
$redis->set('x', '42'); $redis->setTimeout('x', 3); // x will disappear in 3 seconds. sleep(5); // wait 5 seconds $redis->get('x'); // will return `FALSE`, as 'x' has expired.
Description: Sets an expiration date (a timestamp) on an item. pexpireAt requires a timestamp in milliseconds.
Key: key. The key that will disappear.
Integer: Unix timestamp. The key's date of death, in seconds from Epoch time.
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure.
$redis->set('x', '42'); $now = time(NULL); // current timestamp $redis->expireAt('x', $now + 3); // x will disappear in 3 seconds. sleep(5); // wait 5 seconds $redis->get('x'); // will return `FALSE`, as 'x' has expired.
Description: Returns the keys that match a certain pattern.
STRING: pattern, using '*' as a wildcard.
Array of STRING: The keys that match a certain pattern.
$allKeys = $redis->keys('*'); // all keys will match this. $keyWithUserPrefix = $redis->keys('user*');
Description: Scan the keyspace for keys
LONG (reference): Iterator, initialized to NULL STRING, Optional: Pattern to match LONG, Optional: Count of keys per iteration (only a suggestion to Redis)
Array, boolean: This function will return an array of keys or FALSE if Redis returned zero keys
/* Without enabling Redis::SCAN_RETRY (default condition) */ $it = NULL; do { // Scan for some keys $arr_keys = $redis->scan($it); // Redis may return empty results, so protect against that if ($arr_keys !== FALSE) { foreach($arr_keys as $str_key) { echo "Here is a key: $str_key\n"; } } } while ($it > 0); echo "No more keys to scan!\n"; /* With Redis::SCAN_RETRY enabled */ $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SCAN, Redis::SCAN_RETRY); $it = NULL; /* phpredis will retry the SCAN command if empty results are returned from the server, so no empty results check is required. */ while ($arr_keys = $redis->scan($it)) { foreach ($arr_keys as $str_key) { echo "Here is a key: $str_key\n"; } } echo "No more keys to scan!\n";
Description: Describes the object pointed to by a key.
The information to retrieve (string) and the key (string). Info can be one of the following:
STRING for "encoding", LONG for "refcount" and "idletime", FALSE
if the key doesn't exist.
$redis->object("encoding", "l"); // → ziplist $redis->object("refcount", "l"); // → 1 $redis->object("idletime", "l"); // → 400 (in seconds, with a precision of 10 seconds).
Description: Returns the type of data pointed by a given key.
Key: key
Depending on the type of the data pointed by the key, this method will return the following value: string: Redis::REDIS_STRING set: Redis::REDIS_SET list: Redis::REDIS_LIST zset: Redis::REDIS_ZSET hash: Redis::REDIS_HASH other: Redis::REDIS_NOT_FOUND
Description: Append specified string to the string stored in specified key.
Key Value
INTEGER: Size of the value after the append
$redis->set('key', 'value1'); $redis->append('key', 'value2'); /* 12 */ $redis->get('key'); /* 'value1value2' */
Description: Return a substring of a larger string
Note: substr also supported but deprecated in redis.
key start end
STRING: the substring
$redis->set('key', 'string value'); $redis->getRange('key', 0, 5); /* 'string' */ $redis->getRange('key', -5, -1); /* 'value' */
Description: Changes a substring of a larger string.
key offset value
STRING: the length of the string after it was modified.
$redis->set('key', 'Hello world'); $redis->setRange('key', 6, "redis"); /* returns 11 */ $redis->get('key'); /* "Hello redis" */
Description: Get the length of a string value.
$redis->set('key', 'value'); $redis->strlen('key'); /* 5 */
Description: Return a single bit out of a larger string
key offset
LONG: the bit value (0 or 1)
$redis->set('key', "\x7f"); // this is 0111 1111 $redis->getBit('key', 0); /* 0 */ $redis->getBit('key', 1); /* 1 */
Description: Changes a single bit of a string.
key offset value: bool or int (1 or 0)
LONG: 0 or 1, the value of the bit before it was set.
$redis->set('key', "*"); // ord("*") = 42 = 0x2f = "0010 1010" $redis->setBit('key', 5, 1); /* returns 0 */ $redis->setBit('key', 7, 1); /* returns 0 */ $redis->get('key'); /* chr(0x2f) = "/" = b("0010 1111") */
Description: Bitwise operation on multiple keys.
operation: either "AND", "OR", "NOT", "XOR" ret_key: return key key1 key2...
LONG: The size of the string stored in the destination key.
Description: Count bits in a string.
LONG: The number of bits set to 1 in the value behind the input key.
Description: Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
Key: key Options: array(key => value, ...) - optional, with the following keys and values:
'by' => 'some_pattern_*', 'limit' => array(0, 1), 'get' => 'some_other_pattern_*' or an array of patterns, 'sort' => 'asc' or 'desc', 'alpha' => TRUE, 'store' => 'external-key'
An array of values, or a number corresponding to the number of elements stored if that was used.
$redis->delete('s'); $redis->sAdd('s', 5); $redis->sAdd('s', 4); $redis->sAdd('s', 2); $redis->sAdd('s', 1); $redis->sAdd('s', 3); var_dump($redis->sort('s')); // 1,2,3,4,5 var_dump($redis->sort('s', array('sort' => 'desc'))); // 5,4,3,2,1 var_dump($redis->sort('s', array('sort' => 'desc', 'store' => 'out'))); // (int)5
Description: Returns the time to live left for a given key in seconds (ttl), or milliseconds (pttl).
Key: key
LONG: The time to live in seconds. If the key has no ttl, -1
will be returned, and -2
if the key doesn't exist.
Description: Remove the expiration timer from a key.
Key: key
if a timeout was removed, FALSE
if the key didn’t exist or didn’t have an expiration timer.
Description: Sets multiple key-value pairs in one atomic command. MSETNX only returns TRUE if all the keys were set (see SETNX).
Pairs: array(key => value, ...)
in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure.
$redis->mSet(array('key0' => 'value0', 'key1' => 'value1')); var_dump($redis->get('key0')); var_dump($redis->get('key1'));
string(6) "value0" string(6) "value1"
Description: Dump a key out of a redis database, the value of which can later be passed into redis using the RESTORE command. The data that comes out of DUMP is a binary representation of the key as Redis stores it.
key string
The Redis encoded value of the key, or FALSE if the key doesn't exist
$redis->set('foo', 'bar'); $val = $redis->dump('foo'); // $val will be the Redis encoded key value
Description: Restore a key from the result of a DUMP operation.
key string. The key name ttl integer. How long the key should live (if zero, no expire will be set on the key) value string (binary). The Redis encoded key value (from DUMP)
$redis->set('foo', 'bar'); $val = $redis->dump('foo'); $redis->restore('bar', 0, $val); // The key 'bar', will now be equal to the key 'foo'
Description: Migrates a key to a different Redis instance.
Note:: Redis introduced migrating multiple keys in 3.0.6, so you must have at least that version in order to call migrate
with an array of keys.
host string. The destination host
port integer. The TCP port to connect to.
key(s) string or array.
destination-db integer. The target DB.
timeout integer. The maximum amount of time given to this transfer.
copy boolean, optional. Should we send the COPY flag to redis.
replace boolean, optional. Should we send the REPLACE flag to redis
$redis->migrate('backup', 6379, 'foo', 0, 3600); $redis->migrate('backup', 6379, 'foo', 0, 3600, true, true); /* copy and replace */ $redis->migrate('backup', 6379, 'foo', 0, 3600, false, true); /* just REPLACE flag */ /* Migrate multiple keys (requires Redis >= 3.0.6) $redis->migrate('backup', 6379, ['key1', 'key2', 'key3'], 0, 3600);
Description: Adds a value to the hash stored at key.
key hashKey value
if value didn't exist and was added successfully, 0
if the value was already present and was replaced, FALSE
if there was an error.
$redis->delete('h') $redis->hSet('h', 'key1', 'hello'); /* 1, 'key1' => 'hello' in the hash at "h" */ $redis->hGet('h', 'key1'); /* returns "hello" */ $redis->hSet('h', 'key1', 'plop'); /* 0, value was replaced. */ $redis->hGet('h', 'key1'); /* returns "plop" */
Description: Adds a value to the hash stored at key only if this field isn't already in the hash.
if the field was set, FALSE
if it was already present.
$redis->delete('h') $redis->hSetNx('h', 'key1', 'hello'); /* TRUE, 'key1' => 'hello' in the hash at "h" */ $redis->hSetNx('h', 'key1', 'world'); /* FALSE, 'key1' => 'hello' in the hash at "h". No change since the field wasn't replaced. */
Description: Gets a value from the hash stored at key. If the hash table doesn't exist, or the key doesn't exist, FALSE
is returned.
key hashKey
STRING The value, if the command executed successfully BOOL FALSE
in case of failure
Description: Returns the length of a hash, in number of items
LONG the number of items in a hash, FALSE
if the key doesn't exist or isn't a hash.
$redis->delete('h') $redis->hSet('h', 'key1', 'hello'); $redis->hSet('h', 'key2', 'plop'); $redis->hLen('h'); /* returns 2 */
Description: Removes a value from the hash stored at key. If the hash table doesn't exist, or the key doesn't exist, FALSE
is returned.
key hashKey1 hashKey2 ...
LONG the number of deleted keys, 0 if the key doesn't exist, FALSE
if the key isn't a hash.
Description: Returns the keys in a hash, as an array of strings.
Key: key
An array of elements, the keys of the hash. This works like PHP's array_keys().
$redis->delete('h'); $redis->hSet('h', 'a', 'x'); $redis->hSet('h', 'b', 'y'); $redis->hSet('h', 'c', 'z'); $redis->hSet('h', 'd', 't'); var_dump($redis->hKeys('h'));
array(4) { [0]=> string(1) "a" [1]=> string(1) "b" [2]=> string(1) "c" [3]=> string(1) "d" }
The order is random and corresponds to redis' own internal representation of the set structure.
Description: Returns the values in a hash, as an array of strings.
Key: key
An array of elements, the values of the hash. This works like PHP's array_values().
$redis->delete('h'); $redis->hSet('h', 'a', 'x'); $redis->hSet('h', 'b', 'y'); $redis->hSet('h', 'c', 'z'); $redis->hSet('h', 'd', 't'); var_dump($redis->hVals('h'));
array(4) { [0]=> string(1) "x" [1]=> string(1) "y" [2]=> string(1) "z" [3]=> string(1) "t" }
The order is random and corresponds to redis' own internal representation of the set structure.
Description: Returns the whole hash, as an array of strings indexed by strings.
Key: key
An array of elements, the contents of the hash.
$redis->delete('h'); $redis->hSet('h', 'a', 'x'); $redis->hSet('h', 'b', 'y'); $redis->hSet('h', 'c', 'z'); $redis->hSet('h', 'd', 't'); var_dump($redis->hGetAll('h'));
array(4) { ["a"]=> string(1) "x" ["b"]=> string(1) "y" ["c"]=> string(1) "z" ["d"]=> string(1) "t" }
The order is random and corresponds to redis' own internal representation of the set structure.
Description: Verify if the specified member exists in a key.
key memberKey
BOOL: If the member exists in the hash table, return TRUE
, otherwise return FALSE
$redis->hSet('h', 'a', 'x'); $redis->hExists('h', 'a'); /* TRUE */ $redis->hExists('h', 'NonExistingKey'); /* FALSE */
Description: Increments the value of a member from a hash by a given amount.
key member value: (integer) value that will be added to the member's value
LONG the new value
$redis->delete('h'); $redis->hIncrBy('h', 'x', 2); /* returns 2: h[x] = 2 now. */ $redis->hIncrBy('h', 'x', 1); /* h[x] ← 2 + 1. Returns 3 */
Description: Increments the value of a hash member by the provided float value
key member value: (float) value that will be added to the member's value
FLOAT the new value
$redis->delete('h'); $redis->hIncrByFloat('h','x', 1.5); /* returns 1.5: h[x] = 1.5 now */ $redis->hIncrByFloat('h', 'x', 1.5); /* returns 3.0: h[x] = 3.0 now */ $redis->hIncrByFloat('h', 'x', -3.0); /* returns 0.0: h[x] = 0.0 now */
Description: Fills in a whole hash. Non-string values are converted to string, using the standard (string)
cast. NULL values are stored as empty strings.
key members: key → value array
$redis->delete('user:1'); $redis->hMSet('user:1', array('name' => 'Joe', 'salary' => 2000)); $redis->hIncrBy('user:1', 'salary', 100); // Joe earns 100 more now.
Description: Retrieve the values associated to the specified fields in the hash.
key memberKeys Array
Array An array of elements, the values of the specified fields in the hash, with the hash keys as array keys.
$redis->delete('h'); $redis->hSet('h', 'field1', 'value1'); $redis->hSet('h', 'field2', 'value2'); $redis->hMGet('h', array('field1', 'field2')); /* returns array('field1' => 'value1', 'field2' => 'value2') */
Description: Scan a HASH value for members, with an optional pattern and count
key: String iterator: Long (reference) pattern: Optional pattern to match against count: How many keys to return in a go (only a sugestion to Redis)
Array An array of members that match our pattern
$it = NULL; /* Don't ever return an empty array until we're done iterating */ $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SCAN, Redis::SCAN_RETRY); while($arr_keys = $redis->hScan('hash', $it)) { foreach($arr_keys as $str_field => $str_value) { echo "$str_field => $str_value\n"; /* Print the hash member and value */ } }
Description: Get the string length of the value associated with field in the hash stored at key.
key: String field: String
LONG the string length of the value associated with field, or zero when field is not present in the hash or key does not exist at all.
Description: Is a blocking lPop(rPop) primitive. If at least one of the lists contains at least one element, the element will be popped from the head of the list and returned to the caller. If all the list identified by the keys passed in arguments are empty, blPop will block during the specified timeout until an element is pushed to one of those lists. This element will be popped.
ARRAY Array containing the keys of the lists INTEGER Timeout Or STRING Key1 STRING Key2 STRING Key3 ... STRING KeynINTEGER Timeout
ARRAY array('listName', 'element')
/* Non blocking feature */ $redis->lPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->delete('key2'); $redis->blPop('key1', 'key2', 10); /* array('key1', 'A') */ /* OR */ $redis->blPop(array('key1', 'key2'), 10); /* array('key1', 'A') */ $redis->brPop('key1', 'key2', 10); /* array('key1', 'A') */ /* OR */ $redis->brPop(array('key1', 'key2'), 10); /* array('key1', 'A') */ /* Blocking feature */ /* process 1 */ $redis->delete('key1'); $redis->blPop('key1', 10); /* blocking for 10 seconds */ /* process 2 */ $redis->lPush('key1', 'A'); /* process 1 */ /* array('key1', 'A') is returned*/
Description: A blocking version of rPopLPush
, with an integral timeout in the third parameter.
Key: srckey Key: dstkey Long: timeout
STRING The element that was moved in case of success, FALSE
in case of timeout.
Description: Return the specified element of the list stored at the specified key.
0 the first element, 1 the second ... -1 the last element, -2 the penultimate ...
Return FALSE
in case of a bad index or a key that doesn't point to a list.
key index
String the element at this index Bool FALSE
if the key identifies a non-string data type, or no value corresponds to this index in the list Key
$redis->rPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'B'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'C'); /* key1 => [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] */ $redis->lGet('key1', 0); /* 'A' */ $redis->lGet('key1', -1); /* 'C' */ $redis->lGet('key1', 10); /* `FALSE` */
Description: Insert value in the list before or after the pivot value.
The parameter options specify the position of the insert (before or after). If the list didn't exists, or the pivot didn't exists, the value is not inserted.
key position Redis::BEFORE | Redis::AFTER pivot value
The number of the elements in the list, -1 if the pivot didn't exists.
$redis->delete('key1'); $redis->lInsert('key1', Redis::AFTER, 'A', 'X'); /* 0 */ $redis->lPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->lPush('key1', 'B'); $redis->lPush('key1', 'C'); $redis->lInsert('key1', Redis::BEFORE, 'C', 'X'); /* 4 */ $redis->lRange('key1', 0, -1); /* array('A', 'B', 'X', 'C') */ $redis->lInsert('key1', Redis::AFTER, 'C', 'Y'); /* 5 */ $redis->lRange('key1', 0, -1); /* array('A', 'B', 'X', 'C', 'Y') */ $redis->lInsert('key1', Redis::AFTER, 'W', 'value'); /* -1 */
Description: Return and remove the first element of the list.
STRING if command executed successfully BOOL FALSE
in case of failure (empty list)
$redis->rPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'B'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'C'); /* key1 => [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] */ $redis->lPop('key1'); /* key1 => [ 'B', 'C' ] */
Description: Adds the string value to the head (left) of the list. Creates the list if the key didn't exist. If the key exists and is not a list, FALSE
is returned.
key value String, value to push in key
LONG The new length of the list in case of success, FALSE
in case of Failure.
$redis->delete('key1'); $redis->lPush('key1', 'C'); // returns 1 $redis->lPush('key1', 'B'); // returns 2 $redis->lPush('key1', 'A'); // returns 3 /* key1 now points to the following list: [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] */
Description: Adds the string value to the head (left) of the list if the list exists.
key value String, value to push in key
LONG The new length of the list in case of success, FALSE
in case of Failure.
$redis->delete('key1'); $redis->lPushx('key1', 'A'); // returns 0 $redis->lPush('key1', 'A'); // returns 1 $redis->lPushx('key1', 'B'); // returns 2 $redis->lPushx('key1', 'C'); // returns 3 /* key1 now points to the following list: [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] */
Description: Returns the specified elements of the list stored at the specified key in the range [start, end]. start and stop are interpretated as indices: 0 the first element, 1 the second ... -1 the last element, -2 the penultimate ...
key start end
Array containing the values in specified range.
$redis->rPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'B'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'C'); $redis->lRange('key1', 0, -1); /* array('A', 'B', 'C') */
Description: Removes the first count
occurences of the value element from the list. If count is zero, all the matching elements are removed. If count is negative, elements are removed from tail to head.
Note: The argument order is not the same as in the Redis documentation. This difference is kept for compatibility reasons.
key value count
LONG the number of elements to remove BOOL FALSE
if the value identified by key is not a list.
$redis->lPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->lPush('key1', 'B'); $redis->lPush('key1', 'C'); $redis->lPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->lPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->lRange('key1', 0, -1); /* array('A', 'A', 'C', 'B', 'A') */ $redis->lRem('key1', 'A', 2); /* 2 */ $redis->lRange('key1', 0, -1); /* array('C', 'B', 'A') */
Description: Set the list at index with the new value.
key index value
if the new value is setted. FALSE
if the index is out of range, or data type identified by key is not a list.
$redis->rPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'B'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'C'); /* key1 => [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] */ $redis->lGet('key1', 0); /* 'A' */ $redis->lSet('key1', 0, 'X'); $redis->lGet('key1', 0); /* 'X' */
Description: Trims an existing list so that it will contain only a specified range of elements.
key start stop
Array Bool return FALSE
if the key identify a non-list value.
$redis->rPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'B'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'C'); $redis->lRange('key1', 0, -1); /* array('A', 'B', 'C') */ $redis->lTrim('key1', 0, 1); $redis->lRange('key1', 0, -1); /* array('A', 'B') */
Description: Returns and removes the last element of the list.
STRING if command executed successfully BOOL FALSE
in case of failure (empty list)
$redis->rPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'B'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'C'); /* key1 => [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] */ $redis->rPop('key1'); /* key1 => [ 'A', 'B' ] */
Description: Pops a value from the tail of a list, and pushes it to the front of another list. Also return this value. (redis >= 1.1)
Key: srckey Key: dstkey
STRING The element that was moved in case of success, FALSE
in case of failure.
$redis->delete('x', 'y'); $redis->lPush('x', 'abc'); $redis->lPush('x', 'def'); $redis->lPush('y', '123'); $redis->lPush('y', '456'); // move the last of x to the front of y. var_dump($redis->rPopLPush('x', 'y')); var_dump($redis->lRange('x', 0, -1)); var_dump($redis->lRange('y', 0, -1));
string(3) "abc" array(1) { [0]=> string(3) "def" } array(3) { [0]=> string(3) "abc" [1]=> string(3) "456" [2]=> string(3) "123" }
Description: Adds the string value to the tail (right) of the list. Creates the list if the key didn't exist. If the key exists and is not a list, FALSE
is returned.
key value String, value to push in key
LONG The new length of the list in case of success, FALSE
in case of Failure.
$redis->delete('key1'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'A'); // returns 1 $redis->rPush('key1', 'B'); // returns 2 $redis->rPush('key1', 'C'); // returns 3 /* key1 now points to the following list: [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] */
Description: Adds the string value to the tail (right) of the list if the ist exists. FALSE
in case of Failure.
key value String, value to push in key
LONG The new length of the list in case of success, FALSE
in case of Failure.
$redis->delete('key1'); $redis->rPushX('key1', 'A'); // returns 0 $redis->rPush('key1', 'A'); // returns 1 $redis->rPushX('key1', 'B'); // returns 2 $redis->rPushX('key1', 'C'); // returns 3 /* key1 now points to the following list: [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] */
Description: Returns the size of a list identified by Key.
If the list didn't exist or is empty, the command returns 0. If the data type identified by Key is not a list, the command return FALSE
LONG The size of the list identified by Key exists. BOOL FALSE
if the data type identified by Key is not list
$redis->rPush('key1', 'A'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'B'); $redis->rPush('key1', 'C'); /* key1 => [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] */ $redis->lSize('key1');/* 3 */ $redis->rPop('key1'); $redis->lSize('key1');/* 2 */
Description: Adds a value to the set value stored at key. If this value is already in the set, FALSE
is returned.
key value
LONG the number of elements added to the set.
$redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member1'); /* 1, 'key1' => {'member1'} */ $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member2', 'member3'); /* 2, 'key1' => {'member1', 'member2', 'member3'}*/ $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member2'); /* 0, 'key1' => {'member1', 'member2', 'member3'}*/
Description: Returns the cardinality of the set identified by key.
LONG the cardinality of the set identified by key, 0 if the set doesn't exist.
$redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member1'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member2'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member3'); /* 'key1' => {'member1', 'member2', 'member3'}*/ $redis->sCard('key1'); /* 3 */ $redis->sCard('keyX'); /* 0 */
Description: Performs the difference between N sets and returns it.
Keys: key1, key2, ... , keyN: Any number of keys corresponding to sets in redis.
Array of strings: The difference of the first set will all the others.
$redis->delete('s0', 's1', 's2'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '1'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '2'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '3'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '4'); $redis->sAdd('s1', '1'); $redis->sAdd('s2', '3'); var_dump($redis->sDiff('s0', 's1', 's2'));
Return value: all elements of s0 that are neither in s1 nor in s2.
array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "2" }
Description: Performs the same action as sDiff, but stores the result in the first key
Key: dstkey, the key to store the diff into.
Keys: key1, key2, ... , keyN: Any number of keys corresponding to sets in redis
INTEGER: The cardinality of the resulting set, or FALSE
in case of a missing key.
$redis->delete('s0', 's1', 's2'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '1'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '2'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '3'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '4'); $redis->sAdd('s1', '1'); $redis->sAdd('s2', '3'); var_dump($redis->sDiffStore('dst', 's0', 's1', 's2')); var_dump($redis->sMembers('dst'));
Return value: the number of elements of s0 that are neither in s1 nor in s2.
int(2) array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "4" [1]=> string(1) "2" }
Description: Returns the members of a set resulting from the intersection of all the sets held at the specified keys.
If just a single key is specified, then this command produces the members of this set. If one of the keys is missing, FALSE
is returned.
key1, key2, keyN: keys identifying the different sets on which we will apply the intersection.
Array, contain the result of the intersection between those keys. If the intersection beteen the different sets is empty, the return value will be empty array.
$redis->sAdd('key1', 'val1'); $redis->sAdd('key1', 'val2'); $redis->sAdd('key1', 'val3'); $redis->sAdd('key1', 'val4'); $redis->sAdd('key2', 'val3'); $redis->sAdd('key2', 'val4'); $redis->sAdd('key3', 'val3'); $redis->sAdd('key3', 'val4'); var_dump($redis->sInter('key1', 'key2', 'key3'));
array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "val4" [1]=> string(4) "val3" }
Description: Performs a sInter command and stores the result in a new set.
Key: dstkey, the key to store the diff into.
Keys: key1, key2... keyN. key1..keyN are intersected as in sInter.
INTEGER: The cardinality of the resulting set, or FALSE
in case of a missing key.
$redis->sAdd('key1', 'val1'); $redis->sAdd('key1', 'val2'); $redis->sAdd('key1', 'val3'); $redis->sAdd('key1', 'val4'); $redis->sAdd('key2', 'val3'); $redis->sAdd('key2', 'val4'); $redis->sAdd('key3', 'val3'); $redis->sAdd('key3', 'val4'); var_dump($redis->sInterStore('output', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3')); var_dump($redis->sMembers('output'));
int(2) array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "val4" [1]=> string(4) "val3" }
Description: Checks if value
is a member of the set stored at the key key
key value
if value
is a member of the set at key key
$redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member1'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member2'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member3'); /* 'key1' => {'member1', 'member2', 'member3'}*/ $redis->sIsMember('key1', 'member1'); /* TRUE */ $redis->sIsMember('key1', 'memberX'); /* FALSE */
Description: Returns the contents of a set.
Key: key
An array of elements, the contents of the set.
$redis->delete('s'); $redis->sAdd('s', 'a'); $redis->sAdd('s', 'b'); $redis->sAdd('s', 'a'); $redis->sAdd('s', 'c'); var_dump($redis->sMembers('s'));
array(3) { [0]=> string(1) "c" [1]=> string(1) "a" [2]=> string(1) "b" }
The order is random and corresponds to redis' own internal representation of the set structure.
Description: Moves the specified member from the set at srcKey to the set at dstKey.
srcKey dstKey member
BOOL If the operation is successful, return TRUE
. If the srcKey and/or dstKey didn't exist, and/or the member didn't exist in srcKey, FALSE
is returned.
$redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member11'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member12'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member13'); /* 'key1' => {'member11', 'member12', 'member13'}*/ $redis->sAdd('key2' , 'member21'); $redis->sAdd('key2' , 'member22'); /* 'key2' => {'member21', 'member22'}*/ $redis->sMove('key1', 'key2', 'member13'); /* 'key1' => {'member11', 'member12'} */ /* 'key2' => {'member21', 'member22', 'member13'} */
Description: Removes and returns a random element from the set value at Key.
key count: Integer, optional
String "popped" value Bool FALSE
if set identified by key is empty or doesn't exist.
Array: Member(s) returned or an empty array if the set doesn't exist Bool: FALSE
on error if the key is not a set
$redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member1'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member2'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member3'); /* 'key1' => {'member3', 'member1', 'member2'}*/ $redis->sPop('key1'); /* 'member1', 'key1' => {'member3', 'member2'} */ $redis->sPop('key1'); /* 'member3', 'key1' => {'member2'} */ /* With count */ $redis->sAdd('key2', 'member1', 'member2', 'member3'); $redis->sPop('key2', 3); /* Will return all members but in no particular order */
Description: Returns a random element from the set value at Key, without removing it.
key count (Integer, optional)
If no count is provided, a random String value from the set will be returned. If a count is provided, an array of values from the set will be returned. Read about the different ways to use the count here: SRANDMEMBER Bool FALSE
if set identified by key is empty or doesn't exist.
$redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member1'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member2'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member3'); /* 'key1' => {'member3', 'member1', 'member2'}*/ // No count $redis->sRandMember('key1'); /* 'member1', 'key1' => {'member3', 'member1', 'member2'} */ $redis->sRandMember('key1'); /* 'member3', 'key1' => {'member3', 'member1', 'member2'} */ // With a count $redis->sRandMember('key1', 3); // Will return an array with all members from the set $redis->sRandMember('key1', 2); // Will an array with 2 members of the set $redis->sRandMember('key1', -100); // Will return an array of 100 elements, picked from our set (with dups) $redis->sRandMember('empty-set', 100); // Will return an empty array $redis->sRandMember('not-a-set', 100); // Will return FALSE
Description: Removes the specified member from the set value stored at key.
key member
LONG The number of elements removed from the set.
$redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member1'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member2'); $redis->sAdd('key1' , 'member3'); /* 'key1' => {'member1', 'member2', 'member3'}*/ $redis->sRem('key1', 'member2', 'member3'); /*return 2. 'key1' => {'member1'} */
Description: Performs the union between N sets and returns it.
Keys: key1, key2, ... , keyN: Any number of keys corresponding to sets in redis.
Array of strings: The union of all these sets.
$redis->delete('s0', 's1', 's2'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '1'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '2'); $redis->sAdd('s1', '3'); $redis->sAdd('s1', '1'); $redis->sAdd('s2', '3'); $redis->sAdd('s2', '4'); var_dump($redis->sUnion('s0', 's1', 's2'));
Return value: all elements that are either in s0 or in s1 or in s2.
array(4) { [0]=> string(1) "3" [1]=> string(1) "4" [2]=> string(1) "1" [3]=> string(1) "2" }
Description: Performs the same action as sUnion, but stores the result in the first key
Key: dstkey, the key to store the diff into.
Keys: key1, key2, ... , keyN: Any number of keys corresponding to sets in redis.
INTEGER: The cardinality of the resulting set, or FALSE
in case of a missing key.
$redis->delete('s0', 's1', 's2'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '1'); $redis->sAdd('s0', '2'); $redis->sAdd('s1', '3'); $redis->sAdd('s1', '1'); $redis->sAdd('s2', '3'); $redis->sAdd('s2', '4'); var_dump($redis->sUnionStore('dst', 's0', 's1', 's2')); var_dump($redis->sMembers('dst'));
Return value: the number of elements that are either in s0 or in s1 or in s2.
int(4) array(4) { [0]=> string(1) "3" [1]=> string(1) "4" [2]=> string(1) "1" [3]=> string(1) "2" }
Description: Scan a set for members
Key: The set to search iterator: LONG (reference) to the iterator as we go pattern: String, optional pattern to match againstcount: How many members to return at a time (Redis might return a different amount)
Array, boolean: PHPRedis will return an array of keys or FALSE when we're done iterating
$it = NULL; $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SCAN, Redis::SCAN_RETRY); /* don't return empty results until we're done */ while($arr_mems = $redis->sScan('set', $it, "*pattern*")) { foreach($arr_mems as $str_mem) { echo "Member: $str_mem\n"; } } $it = NULL; $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SCAN, Redis::SCAN_NORETRY); /* return after each iteration, even if empty */ while(($arr_mems = $redis->sScan('set', $it, "*pattern*"))!==FALSE) { if(count($arr_mems) > 0) { foreach($arr_mems as $str_mem) { echo "Member found: $str_mem\n"; } } else { echo "No members in this iteration, iterator value: $it\n"; } }
Description: Add one or more members to a sorted set or update its score if it already exists
key score : double value: string
Long 1 if the element is added. 0 otherwise.
$redis->zAdd('key', 1, 'val1'); $redis->zAdd('key', 0, 'val0'); $redis->zAdd('key', 5, 'val5'); $redis->zRange('key', 0, -1); // array(val0, val1, val5)
Description: Returns the cardinality of an ordered set.
Long, the set's cardinality
$redis->zAdd('key', 0, 'val0'); $redis->zAdd('key', 2, 'val2'); $redis->zAdd('key', 10, 'val10'); $redis->zSize('key'); /* 3 */
Description: Returns the number of elements of the sorted set stored at the specified key which have scores in the range [start,end]. Adding a parenthesis before start
or end
excludes it from the range. +inf and -inf are also valid limits.
key start: string end: string
LONG the size of a corresponding zRangeByScore.
$redis->zAdd('key', 0, 'val0'); $redis->zAdd('key', 2, 'val2'); $redis->zAdd('key', 10, 'val10'); $redis->zCount('key', 0, 3); /* 2, corresponding to array('val0', 'val2') */
Description: Increments the score of a member from a sorted set by a given amount.
key value: (double) value that will be added to the member's score member
DOUBLE the new value
$redis->delete('key'); $redis->zIncrBy('key', 2.5, 'member1'); /* key or member1 didn't exist, so member1's score is to 0 before the increment */ /* and now has the value 2.5 */ $redis->zIncrBy('key', 1, 'member1'); /* 3.5 */
Description: Creates an intersection of sorted sets given in second argument. The result of the union will be stored in the sorted set defined by the first argument.
The third optionnel argument defines weights
to apply to the sorted sets in input. In this case, the weights
will be multiplied by the score of each element in the sorted set before applying the aggregation. The forth argument defines the AGGREGATE
option which specify how the results of the union are aggregated.
keyOutput arrayZSetKeys arrayWeights aggregateFunction Either "SUM", "MIN", or "MAX": defines the behaviour to use on duplicate entries during the zInter.
LONG The number of values in the new sorted set.
$redis->delete('k1'); $redis->delete('k2'); $redis->delete('k3'); $redis->delete('ko1'); $redis->delete('ko2'); $redis->delete('ko3'); $redis->delete('ko4'); $redis->zAdd('k1', 0, 'val0'); $redis->zAdd('k1', 1, 'val1'); $redis->zAdd('k1', 3, 'val3'); $redis->zAdd('k2', 2, 'val1'); $redis->zAdd('k2', 3, 'val3'); $redis->zInter('ko1', array('k1', 'k2')); /* 2, 'ko1' => array('val1', 'val3') */ $redis->zInter('ko2', array('k1', 'k2'), array(1, 1)); /* 2, 'ko2' => array('val1', 'val3') */ /* Weighted zInter */ $redis->zInter('ko3', array('k1', 'k2'), array(1, 5), 'min'); /* 2, 'ko3' => array('val1', 'val3') */ $redis->zInter('ko4', array('k1', 'k2'), array(1, 5), 'max'); /* 2, 'ko4' => array('val3', 'val1') */
Description: Returns a range of elements from the ordered set stored at the specified key, with values in the range [start, end].
Start and stop are interpreted as zero-based indices: 0 the first element, 1 the second ... -1 the last element, -2 the penultimate ...
key start: long end: long withscores: bool = false
Array containing the values in specified range.
$redis->zAdd('key1', 0, 'val0'); $redis->zAdd('key1', 2, 'val2'); $redis->zAdd('key1', 10, 'val10'); $redis->zRange('key1', 0, -1); /* array('val0', 'val2', 'val10') */ // with scores $redis->zRange('key1', 0, -1, true); /* array('val0' => 0, 'val2' => 2, 'val10' => 10) */
Description: Returns the elements of the sorted set stored at the specified key which have scores in the range [start,end]. Adding a parenthesis before start
or end
excludes it from the range. +inf and -inf are also valid limits. zRevRangeByScore returns the same items in reverse order, when the start
and end
parameters are swapped.
key start: string end: string options: array
Two options are available: withscores => TRUE
, and limit => array($offset, $count)
Array containing the values in specified range.
$redis->zAdd('key', 0, 'val0'); $redis->zAdd('key', 2, 'val2'); $redis->zAdd('key', 10, 'val10'); $redis->zRangeByScore('key', 0, 3); /* array('val0', 'val2') */ $redis->zRangeByScore('key', 0, 3, array('withscores' => TRUE); /* array('val0' => 0, 'val2' => 2) */ $redis->zRangeByScore('key', 0, 3, array('limit' => array(1, 1)); /* array('val2') */ $redis->zRangeByScore('key', 0, 3, array('withscores' => TRUE, 'limit' => array(1, 1)); /* array('val2' => 2) */
Description: Returns a lexigraphical range of members in a sorted set, assuming the members have the same score. The min and max values are required to start with '(' (exclusive), '[' (inclusive), or be exactly the values '-' (negative inf) or '+' (positive inf). The command must be called with either three or five arguments or will return FALSE.
key: The ZSET you wish to run against min: The minimum alphanumeric value you wish to get max: The maximum alphanumeric value you wish to get offset: Optional argument if you wish to start somewhere other than the first element.limit: Optional argument if you wish to limit the number of elements returned.
Array containing the values in the specified range.
foreach(Array('a','b','c','d','e','f','g') as $c) $redis->zAdd('key',0,$c); $redis->zRangeByLex('key','-','[c') /* Array('a','b','c'); */ $redis->zRangeByLex('key','-','(c') /* Array('a','b') */ $redis->zRangeByLex('key','-','[c',1,2) /* Array('b','c') */
Description: Returns the rank of a given member in the specified sorted set, starting at 0 for the item with the smallest score. zRevRank starts at 0 for the item with the largest score.
key member
Long, the item's score.
$redis->delete('z'); $redis->zAdd('key', 1, 'one'); $redis->zAdd('key', 2, 'two'); $redis->zRank('key', 'one'); /* 0 */ $redis->zRank('key', 'two'); /* 1 */ $redis->zRevRank('key', 'one'); /* 1 */ $redis->zRevRank('key', 'two'); /* 0 */
Description: Deletes a specified member from the ordered set.
key member
LONG 1 on success, 0 on failure.
$redis->zAdd('key', 0, 'val0'); $redis->zAdd('key', 2, 'val2'); $redis->zAdd('key', 10, 'val10'); $redis->zDelete('key', 'val2'); $redis->zRange('key', 0, -1); /* array('val0', 'val10') */
Description: Deletes the elements of the sorted set stored at the specified key which have rank in the range [start,end].
key start: LONG end: LONG
LONG The number of values deleted from the sorted set
$redis->zAdd('key', 1, 'one'); $redis->zAdd('key', 2, 'two'); $redis->zAdd('key', 3, 'three'); $redis->zRemRangeByRank('key', 0, 1); /* 2 */ $redis->zRange('key', 0, -1, array('withscores' => TRUE)); /* array('three' => 3) */
Description: Deletes the elements of the sorted set stored at the specified key which have scores in the range [start,end].
key start: double or "+inf" or "-inf" string end: double or "+inf" or "-inf" string
LONG The number of values deleted from the sorted set
$redis->zAdd('key', 0, 'val0'); $redis->zAdd('key', 2, 'val2'); $redis->zAdd('key', 10, 'val10'); $redis->zRemRangeByScore('key', 0, 3); /* 2 */
Description: Returns the elements of the sorted set stored at the specified key in the range [start, end] in reverse order. start and stop are interpretated as zero-based indices: 0 the first element, 1 the second ... -1 the last element, -2 the penultimate ...
key start: long end: long withscores: bool = false
Array containing the values in specified range.
$redis->zAdd('key', 0, 'val0'); $redis->zAdd('key', 2, 'val2'); $redis->zAdd('key', 10, 'val10'); $redis->zRevRange('key', 0, -1); /* array('val10', 'val2', 'val0') */ // with scores $redis->zRevRange('key', 0, -1, true); /* array('val10' => 10, 'val2' => 2, 'val0' => 0) */
Description: Returns the score of a given member in the specified sorted set.
key member
$redis->zAdd('key', 2.5, 'val2'); $redis->zScore('key', 'val2'); /* 2.5 */
Description: Creates an union of sorted sets given in second argument. The result of the union will be stored in the sorted set defined by the first argument.
The third optionnel argument defines weights
to apply to the sorted sets in input. In this case, the weights
will be multiplied by the score of each element in the sorted set before applying the aggregation. The forth argument defines the AGGREGATE
option which specify how the results of the union are aggregated.
keyOutput arrayZSetKeys arrayWeights aggregateFunction Either "SUM", "MIN", or "MAX": defines the behaviour to use on duplicate entries during the zUnion.
LONG The number of values in the new sorted set.
$redis->delete('k1'); $redis->delete('k2'); $redis->delete('k3'); $redis->delete('ko1'); $redis->delete('ko2'); $redis->delete('ko3'); $redis->zAdd('k1', 0, 'val0'); $redis->zAdd('k1', 1, 'val1'); $redis->zAdd('k2', 2, 'val2'); $redis->zAdd('k2', 3, 'val3'); $redis->zUnion('ko1', array('k1', 'k2')); /* 4, 'ko1' => array('val0', 'val1', 'val2', 'val3') */ /* Weighted zUnion */ $redis->zUnion('ko2', array('k1', 'k2'), array(1, 1)); /* 4, 'ko2' => array('val0', 'val1', 'val2', 'val3') */ $redis->zUnion('ko3', array('k1', 'k2'), array(5, 1)); /* 4, 'ko3' => array('val0', 'val2', 'val3', 'val1') */
Description: Scan a sorted set for members, with optional pattern and count
key: String, the set to scan iterator: Long (reference), initialized to NULL pattern: String (optional), the pattern to match count: How many keys to return per iteration (Redis might return a different number)
Array, boolean PHPRedis will return matching keys from Redis, or FALSE when iteration is complete
$it = NULL; $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SCAN, Redis::SCAN_RETRY); while($arr_matches = $redis->zScan('zset', $it, '*pattern*')) { foreach($arr_matches as $str_mem => $f_score) { echo "Key: $str_mem, Score: $f_score\n"; } }
$redis->geoAdd($key, $longitude, $latitude, $member [, $longitude, $lattitude, $member, ...]);
Description: Add one or more geospacial items to the specified key. This function must be called with at least one longitude, latitude, member triplet.
Integer: The number of elements added to the geospacial key.
$redis->del("myplaces"); /* Since the key will be new, $result will be 2 */ $result = $redis->geoAdd( "myplaces", 37.773, -122.431, "San Francisco", -157.858, 21.315, "Honolulu" );
$redis->geoHash($key, $member [, $member, $member, ...]);
Description: Retreive Geohash strings for one or more elements of a geospacial index.
Array: One or more Redis Geohash encoded strings.
$redis->geoAdd("hawaii", -157.858, 21.306, "Honolulu", -156.331, 20.798, "Maui"); $hashes = $redis->geoHash("hawaii", "Honolulu", "Maui"); var_dump($hashes);
array(2) { [0]=> string(11) "87z9pyek3y0" [1]=> string(11) "8e8y6d5jps0" }
$redis->geoPos($key, $member [, $member, $member, ...]);
Description: Return longitude, lattitude positions for each requested member.
Array: One or more longitude/latitude positions
$redis->geoAdd("hawaii", -157.858, 21.306, "Honolulu", -156.331, 20.798, "Maui"); $positions = $redis->geoPos("hawaii", "Honolulu", "Maui"); var_dump($positions);
array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(22) "-157.85800248384475708" [1]=> string(19) "21.3060004581273077" } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(22) "-156.33099943399429321" [1]=> string(20) "20.79799924753607598" } }
$redis->geoDist($key, $member1, $member2 [, $unit]);
Description: Return the distance between two members in a geospacial set. If units are passed it must be one of the following values:
Double: The distance between the two passed members in the units requested (meters by default).
$redis->geoAdd("hawaii", -157.858, 21.306, "Honolulu", -156.331, 20.798, "Maui"); $meters = $redis->geoDist("hawaii", "Honolulu", "Maui"); $kilometers = $redis->geoDist("hawaii", "Honolulu", "Maui", 'km'); $miles = $redis->geoDist("hawaii", "Honolulu", "Maui", 'mi'); $feet = $redis->geoDist("hawaii", "Honolulu", "Maui", 'ft'); echo "Distance between Honolulu and Maui:\n"; echo " meters : $meters\n"; echo " kilometers: $kilometers\n"; echo " miles : $miles\n"; echo " feet : $feet\n"; /* Bad unit */ $inches = $redis->geoDist("hawaii", "Honolulu", "Maui", 'in'); echo "Invalid unit returned:\n"; var_dump($inches);
Distance between Honolulu and Maui: meters : 168275.204 kilometers: 168.2752 miles : 104.5616 feet : 552084.0028 Invalid unit returned: bool(false)
$redis->geoRadius($key, $longitude, $latitude, $radius, $unit [, Array $options]);
Description: Return members of a set with geospacial information that are within the radius specified by the caller.
The georadius command can be called with various options that control how Redis returns results. The following table describes the options phpredis supports. All options are case insensitive.
Key | Value | Description |
COUNT | integer > 0 | Limit how many results are returned |
WITHCOORD | Return longitude and latitude of matching members | |
WITHDIST | Return the distance from the center | |
WITHHASH | Return the raw geohash-encoded score | |
ASC | Sort results in ascending order | |
DESC | Sort results in descending order |
Note: It doesn't make sense to pass both ASC
and DESC
options but if both are passed the last one passed will win!
Note: PhpRedis does not currently support the STORE
options but will be added to future versions.
Array: Zero or more entries that are within the provided radius.
/* Add some cities */ $redis->geoAdd("hawaii", -157.858, 21.306, "Honolulu", -156.331, 20.798, "Maui"); echo "Within 300 miles of Honolulu:\n"; var_dump($redis->geoRadius("hawaii", -157.858, 21.306, 300, 'mi')); echo "\nWithin 300 miles of Honolulu with distances:\n"; $options = ['WITHDIST']; var_dump($redis->geoRadius("hawaii", -157.858, 21.306, 300, 'mi', $options)); echo "\nFirst result within 300 miles of Honolulu with distances:\n"; $options['count'] = 1; var_dump($redis->geoRadius("hawaii", -157.858, 21.306, 300, 'mi', $options)); echo "\nFirst result within 300 miles of Honolulu with distances in descending sort order:\n"; $options[] = 'DESC'; var_dump($redis->geoRadius("hawaii", -157.858, 21.306, 300, 'mi', $options));
Within 300 miles of Honolulu: array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "Honolulu" [1]=> string(4) "Maui" } Within 300 miles of Honolulu with distances: array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "Honolulu" [1]=> string(6) "0.0002" } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "Maui" [1]=> string(8) "104.5615" } } First result within 300 miles of Honolulu with distances: array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "Honolulu" [1]=> string(6) "0.0002" } } First result within 300 miles of Honolulu with distances in descending sort order: array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "Maui" [1]=> string(8) "104.5615" } }
$redis->geoRadiusByMember($key, $member, $radius, $units [, Array $options]);
Description: This method is identical to geoRadius except that instead of passing a longitude and latitude as the "source" you pass an existing member in the geospacial set.
See geoRadius command for options array.
Array: The zero or more entries that are close enough to the member given the distance and radius specified.
$redis->geoAdd("hawaii", -157.858, 21.306, "Honolulu", -156.331, 20.798, "Maui"); echo "Within 300 miles of Honolulu:\n"; var_dump($redis->geoRadiusByMember("hawaii", "Honolulu", 300, 'mi')); echo "\nFirst match within 300 miles of Honolulu:\n"; var_dump($redis->geoRadiusByMember("hawaii", "Honolulu", 300, 'mi', Array('count' => 1)));
Within 300 miles of Honolulu: array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "Honolulu" [1]=> string(4) "Maui" } First match within 300 miles of Honolulu: array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Honolulu" }
Description: Subscribe to channels by pattern
patterns: An array of patterns to match
callback: Either a string or an array with an object and method. The callback will get four arguments ($redis, $pattern, $channel, $message)
return value: Mixed. Any non-null return value in the callback will be returned to the caller.
function pSubscribe($redis, $pattern, $chan, $msg) { echo "Pattern: $pattern\n"; echo "Channel: $chan\n"; echo "Payload: $msg\n"; }
Description: Publish messages to channels. Warning: this function will probably change in the future.
channel: a channel to publish to messsage: string
$redis->publish('chan-1', 'hello, world!'); // send message.
Description: Subscribe to channels. Warning: this function will probably change in the future.
channels: an array of channels to subscribe to callback: either a string or an array($instance, 'method_name'). The callback function receives 3 parameters: the redis instance, the channel name, and the message. return value: Mixed. Any non-null return value in the callback will be returned to the caller.
function f($redis, $chan, $msg) { switch($chan) { case 'chan-1': ... break; case 'chan-2': ... break; case 'chan-2': ... break; } } $redis->subscribe(array('chan-1', 'chan-2', 'chan-3'), 'f'); // subscribe to 3 chans
Description: A command allowing you to get information on the Redis pub/sub system.
keyword: String, which can be: "channels", "numsub", or "numpat" argument: Optional, variant. For the "channels" subcommand, you can pass a string pattern. For "numsub" an array of channel names.
CHANNELS: Returns an array where the members are the matching channels. NUMSUB: Returns a key/value array where the keys are channel names and values are their counts. NUMPAT: Integer return containing the number active pattern subscriptions
$redis->pubSub("channels"); /*All channels */ $redis->pubSub("channels", "*pattern*"); /* Just channels matching your pattern */ $redis->pubSub("numsub", Array("chan1", "chan2")); /*Get subscriber counts for 'chan1' and 'chan2'*/ $redis->pubSub("numpat"); /* Get the number of pattern subscribers */
Description: A method to execute any arbitrary command against the a Redis server
This method is variadic and takes a dynamic number of arguments of various types (string, long, double), but must be passed at least one argument (the command keyword itself).
The return value can be various types depending on what the server itself returns. No post processing is done to the returned value and must be handled by the client code.
/* Returns: true */ $redis->rawCommand("set", "foo", "bar"); /* Returns: "bar" */ $redis->rawCommand("get", "foo"); /* Returns: 3 */ $redis->rawCommand("rpush", "mylist", "one", 2, 3.5)); /* Returns: ["one", "2", "3.5000000000000000"] */ $redis->rawCommand("lrange", "mylist", 0, -1);
Description: Enter and exit transactional mode.
(optional) Redis::MULTI
or Redis::PIPELINE
. Defaults to Redis::MULTI
. A Redis::MULTI
block of commands runs as a single transaction; a Redis::PIPELINE
block is simply transmitted faster to the server, but without any guarantee of atomicity. discard
cancels a transaction.
returns the Redis instance and enters multi-mode. Once in multi-mode, all subsequent method calls return the same object until exec()
is called.
$ret = $redis->multi() ->set('key1', 'val1') ->get('key1') ->set('key2', 'val2') ->get('key2') ->exec(); /* $ret == array( 0 => TRUE, 1 => 'val1', 2 => TRUE, 3 => 'val2'); */
Description: Watches a key for modifications by another client.
If the key is modified between WATCH
and EXEC
, the MULTI/EXEC transaction will fail (return FALSE
). unwatch
cancels all the watching of all keys by this client.
keys: string for one key or array for a list of keys
$redis->watch('x'); // or for a list of keys: $redis->watch(array('x','another key')); /* long code here during the execution of which other clients could well modify `x` */ $ret = $redis->multi() ->incr('x') ->exec(); /* $ret = FALSE if x has been modified between the call to WATCH and the call to EXEC. */
Description: Evaluate a LUA script serverside
script string. args array, optional. num_keys int, optional.
Mixed. What is returned depends on what the LUA script itself returns, which could be a scalar value (int/string), or an array. Arrays that are returned can also contain other arrays, if that's how it was set up in your LUA script. If there is an error executing the LUA script, the getLastError() function can tell you the message that came back from Redis (e.g. compile error).
$redis->eval("return 1"); // Returns an integer: 1 $redis->eval("return {1,2,3}"); // Returns Array(1,2,3) $redis->del('mylist'); $redis->rpush('mylist','a'); $redis->rpush('mylist','b'); $redis->rpush('mylist','c'); // Nested response: Array(1,2,3,Array('a','b','c')); $redis->eval("return {1,2,3,redis.call('lrange','mylist',0,-1)}");
Description: Evaluate a LUA script serverside, from the SHA1 hash of the script instead of the script itself.
In order to run this command Redis will have to have already loaded the script, either by running it or via the SCRIPT LOAD command.
script_sha string. The sha1 encoded hash of the script you want to run. args array, optional. Arguments to pass to the LUA script. num_keys int, optional. The number of arguments that should go into the KEYS array, vs. the ARGV array when Redis spins the script
Mixed. See EVAL
$script = 'return 1'; $sha = $redis->script('load', $script); $redis->evalSha($sha); // Returns 1
Description: Execute the Redis SCRIPT command to perform various operations on the scripting subsystem.
$redis->script('load', $script); $redis->script('flush'); $redis->script('kill'); $redis->script('exists', $script1, [$script2, $script3, ...]);
Description: Issue the CLIENT command with various arguments.
The Redis CLIENT command can be used in four ways.
$redis->client('list'); // Get a list of clients $redis->client('getname'); // Get the name of the current connection $redis->client('setname', 'somename'); // Set the name of the current connection $redis->client('kill', <ip:port>); // Kill the process at ip:port
This will vary depending on which client command was executed.
Note: phpredis will attempt to reconnect so you can actually kill your own connection but may not notice losing it!
Description: The last error message (if any)
A string with the last returned script based error message, or NULL if there is no error
$redis->eval('this-is-not-lua'); $err = $redis->getLastError(); // "ERR Error compiling script (new function): user_script:1: '=' expected near '-'"
Description: Clear the last error message
$redis->set('x', 'a'); $redis->incr('x'); $err = $redis->getLastError(); // "ERR value is not an integer or out of range" $redis->clearLastError(); $err = $redis->getLastError(); // NULL
Description: A utility method to prefix the value with the prefix setting for phpredis.
value string. The value you wish to prefix
If a prefix is set up, the value now prefixed. If there is no prefix, the value will be returned unchanged.
$redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_PREFIX, 'my-prefix:'); $redis->_prefix('my-value'); // Will return 'my-prefix:my-value'
Description: A utility method to serialize values manually.
This method allows you to serialize a value with whatever serializer is configured, manually. This can be useful for serialization/unserialization of data going in and out of EVAL commands as phpredis can't automatically do this itself. Note that if no serializer is set, phpredis will change Array values to 'Array', and Objects to 'Object'.
value: Mixed. The value to be serialized
$redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, Redis::SERIALIZER_NONE); $redis->_serialize("foo"); // returns "foo" $redis->_serialize(Array()); // Returns "Array" $redis->_serialize(new stdClass()); // Returns "Object" $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP); $redis->_serialize("foo"); // Returns 's:3:"foo";'
Description: A utility method to unserialize data with whatever serializer is set up.
If there is no serializer set, the value will be returned unchanged. If there is a serializer set up, and the data passed in is malformed, an exception will be thrown. This can be useful if phpredis is serializing values, and you return something from redis in a LUA script that is serialized.
value string. The value to be unserialized
$redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP); $redis->_unserialize('a:3:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:2;i:2;i:3;}'); // Will return Array(1,2,3)
Description: A method to determine if a phpredis object thinks it's connected to a server
Boolean Returns TRUE if phpredis thinks it's connected and FALSE if not
Description: Retreive our host or unix socket that we're connected to
Mixed The host or unix socket we're connected to or FALSE if we're not connected
Description: Get the port we're connected to
Mixed Returns the port we're connected to or FALSE if we're not connected
Description: Get the database number phpredis is pointed to
Mixed Returns the database number (LONG) phpredis thinks it's pointing to or FALSE if we're not connected
Description: Get the (write) timeout in use for phpredis
Mixed The timeout (DOUBLE) specified in our connect call or FALSE if we're not connected
Description: Get the read timeout specified to phpredis or FALSE if we're not connected
Mixed Returns the read timeout (which can be set using setOption and Redis::OPT_READ_TIMEOUT) or FALSE if we're not connected
Description: Gets the persistent ID that phpredis is using
Mixed Returns the persistent id phpredis is using (which will only be set if connected with pconnect), NULL if we're not using a persistent ID, and FALSE if we're not connected
Description: Get the password used to authenticate the phpredis connection
Mixed Returns the password used to authenticate a phpredis session or NULL if none was used, and FALSE if we're not connected