1 alter procedure [LC0019999].[pro_zlzjzxzb] 2 3 @dw varchar(88), 4 @ksrq varchar(8), 5 @jsrq varchar(8) 6 7 as 8 begin 9 create table #T_01 10 ( 11 F_01 varchar(8), /*單位編號*/ 12 F_02 varchar(8), /*單據類型*/ 13 F_03 varchar(60), /*帳戶編號*/ 14 F_04 varchar(8), /*帳戶類型*/ 15 F_05 varchar(8), /*帳戶組*/ 16 F_06 varchar(60), /*對方帳戶*/ 17 F_0601 varchar(8), /*對方單位*/ 18 F_07 DECIMAL(18,4), /*增長額*/ 19 F_08 DECIMAL(18,4), /*減小額*/ 20 F_09 DECIMAL(18,4), /*調撥額*/ 21 22 F_0101 varchar(80), /*單位名稱*/ 23 F_10 DECIMAL(18,4), /*上週帳戶餘額*/ 24 F_11 DECIMAL(18,4), /*內部戶*/ 25 F_12 DECIMAL(18,4), /*歸集行*/ 26 F_13 DECIMAL(18,4), /*其餘帳戶*/ 27 F_14 DECIMAL(18,4), /*合計*/ 28 F_15 VARCHAR(4), /*貨幣編號*/ 29 F_16 VARCHAR(8), /*貨幣名稱*/ 30 F_17 DECIMAL(18,4),/*匯率*/ 31 32 33 F_20 varchar(8) 34 ) 35 (SELECT LSBZDW.LSBZDW_DWBH hsdw into #hsdw FROM LSBZDW LSBZDW WHERE 36 ( LSBZDW.LSBZDW_DWBH IN (SELECT DISTINCT AO_DATA FROM GSPAURESULT WHERE BIZOBJID='GlobalId' AND BIZOPID='GlobalId' AND AO_ID='GSP_SCF_LSBZDW' AND 37 OWNERID=@dw) ) ) 38 39 INSERT INTO #T_01 40 select 41 zjzh_dwbh F_01,'' F_02,zjzh_zhbh F_03,zjzh_lxbh F_04,zjzh_zhz F_05,'' F_06,'' F_0601,0 F_07,0 F_08,0 F_09,lsbzdw_dwmc F_0101, 42 0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'000' F_20 43 from zjzh 44 left join lsbzdw on zjzh_dwbh=lsbzdw_dwbh 45 left join zjzhxz ON zjzh_XZBH=ZJZHXZ_XZBH 46 where ZJZH_DWBH in (select hsdw from #hsdw ) 47 48 INSERT INTO #T_01 49 select 50 zjzh_DWBH F_01,rq F_02,zjzh_zhbh F_03,zjzh_nwbz F_04,zjzh_zhz F_05,zjzh_lxbh F_06,'' F_0601,0 F_07,0 F_08,dqye F_09,lsbzdw_dwmc F_0101, 51 0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,bzbh F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'YE00' F_20 52 from( 53 select zjyhzhyeb_rq rq,zjyhzhyeb_zhnm,zjzh_zhbh,zjzh_mc,zjzh_nwbz,zjzh_XZBH,ZJZHXZ_XZMC,zjzh_DWBH,LSBZDW_DWMC,zjzh_lxbh,zjzh_zhz, 54 zjzhz_mc,zjyhzhyeb_bz bzbh,lswbzd_bzmc,zjyhzhyeb_dqye dqye 55 from zjzh 56 inner join zjyhzhyeb on zjzh_zhnm=zjyhzhyeb_zhnm 57 inner join LSBZDW ON zjzh_DWBH=LSBZDW_DWBH 58 inner join zjzhxz ON zjzh_XZBH=ZJZHXZ_XZBH 59 inner join zjzhz on zjzhz_zhzbh=zjzh_zhz 60 inner join lswbzd on lswbzd_bzbh=zjyhzhyeb_bz 61 where 1=1 62 and zjyhzhyeb_rq between dateadd(d,-1,@ksrq) and @jsrq 63 and ZJZH_DWBH in (select hsdw from #hsdw ) 64 union all 65 select zjzhryeb_rq rq,zjzhryeb_zhnm,zjzh_zhbh,zjzh_mc,zjzh_nwbz,zjzh_XZBH,ZJZHXZ_XZMC,zjzh_DWBH,LSBZDW_DWMC,zjzh_lxbh,zjzh_zhz, 66 zjzhz_mc,zjzhryeb_bzbh bzbh,lswbzd_bzmc,abs(zjzhryeb_qcye) dqye 67 from zjzh 68 inner join zjzhryeb on zjzh_zhnm=zjzhryeb_zhnm and zjzh_nwbz='0' 69 inner join LSBZDW ON zjzh_DWBH=LSBZDW_DWBH 70 inner join zjzhxz ON zjzh_XZBH=ZJZHXZ_XZBH 71 inner join lswbzd on lswbzd_bzbh=zjzhryeb_bzbh 72 inner join zjzhz on zjzhz_zhzbh=zjzh_zhz 73 where 1=1 74 and zjzhryeb_rq between dateadd(d,-1,@ksrq) and @jsrq 75 and ZJZH_DWBH in (select hsdw from #hsdw ) 76 ) yeb 77 78 79 INSERT INTO #T_01 80 SELECT 81 zh.zjzh_dwbh F1,zjjsdj_djlx F2,zh.ZJZH_ZHBH F3,zh.zjzh_lxbh F4,zh.zjzh_zhz F5,ZJJSDJ_DFZH F6,df.zjzh_dwbh F61, 82 isnull(SUM(CASE WHEN ZJJSDJ_DJLX IN ('01','06','07','11','15') THEN ZJJSDJ_JE END),0) F7, 83 isnull(SUM(CASE WHEN ZJJSDJ_DJLX IN ('02','05','09','12','15') THEN ZJJSDJ_JE END),0) F8, 84 isnull(SUM(CASE WHEN ZJJSDJ_DJLX IN ('15') THEN ZJJSDJ_JE END),0) F9, 85 LSBZDW_DWmc F_0101,0 F_10,0 F11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,zjjsdj_yhbz F_15,'' F_16,1 F_17, 86 '0' F20 87 FROM ZJZH zh 88 LEFT JOIN ZJJSDJ ON ZJZH_ZHNM=ZJJSDJ_YHZH OR ZJZH_ZHNM=ZJJSDJ_NBZH 89 left join zjzh DF on df.zjzh_zhbh=zjjsdj.zjjsdj_dfzh 90 left join LSBZDW ON zh.zjzh_DWBH=LSBZDW_DWBH 91 left join zjzhxz ON zh.zjzh_XZBH=ZJZHXZ_XZBH 92 WHERE 1=1 93 and ZJJSDJ_DJZT='11' 94 AND zjjsdj_ywrq>=@ksrq 95 and zjjsdj_ywrq<=@jsrq 96 and zh.ZJZH_DWBH in (select hsdw from #hsdw ) 97 GROUP BY zh.zjzh_dwbh,zjjsdj_djlx,zh.ZJZH_ZHBH,ZJJSDJ_DFZH,zh.zjzh_lxbh,zh.zjzh_zhz,df.zjzh_dwbh,LSBZDW_DWmc,zjjsdj_yhbz,zh.zjzh_XZBH,ZJZHXZ_XZMC 98 99 /*---匯率------------------------------------------------------*/ 100 insert into #T_01 101 select 102 '' F_01,'' F_02,'' F_03,'' F_04,'' F_05,'' F_06,'' F_0601,0 F_07,0 F_08,0 F_09,'' F_0101, 103 0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,isnull(hl.lshl_hl,1) F_14,LSWBZD_BZbh F_15,LSWBZD_BZMC F_16,isnull(hl.lshl_qmhl,1) F_17,'HL00' F_20 104 from LSWBZD zd 105 left join LSHLLX2015 lx on zd.LSWBZD_BZbh= lx.lshllx_ybz 106 left join LSHL2015 hl on lx.LSHLLX_BH=hl.lshl_bh 107 WHERE LSHL_QJXH='08' or zd.LSWBZD_BZbh='01' 108 109 update #T_01 set F_14=HL.F_14,F_16=HL.F_16,F_17=HL.F_17 110 from #T_01 A,(select * from #T_01 B where B.F_20='HL00') HL where A.F_20 in ('0','YE00') and A.F_15=HL.F_15 111 112 --select top 1 * from #T_01 where F_20 in ('0','YE00') and F_15<>'01' and F_01='huaqi' and F_03='3602000109200173293' 113 update #T_01 set F_07=F_07*F_17,F_08=F_08*F_17,F_09=F_09*F_17 where F_20 in ('0','YE00') 114 --select top 1 * from #T_01 where F_20 in ('0','YE00') and F_15<>'01' and F_01='huaqi' and F_03='3602000109200173293' 115 116 /*---上週帳戶餘額-----*/ 117 insert into #T_01 118 select F_01,'','','','','','',0,0,sum(F_09),F_0101,sum(F_09) F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'YE01' F_20 119 from #T_01 where F_02=dateadd(d,-1,'20150810') and F_20='YE00' and F_01<>'jszx' group by F_01,F_0101 120 /*---內部戶-----*/ 121 insert into #T_01 122 select F_01,'','','','','','',0,0,sum(F_09),F_0101,0 F_10,sum(F_09) F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'YE02' F_20 123 from #T_01 where F_02='20150816' and F_04='0' and F_20='YE00' and F_01<>'jszx' group by F_01,F_0101 124 /*---歸集行-----*/ 125 insert into #T_01 126 select F_01,'','','','','','',0,0,sum(F_09),F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,sum(F_09) F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'YE03' F_20 127 from #T_01 where F_02='20150816' and F_05 in ('01','02','06','07') and F_20='YE00' and F_01<>'jszx' group by F_01,F_0101 128 /*---其餘戶-----*/ 129 insert into #T_01 130 select F_01,'','','','','','',0,0,sum(F_09),F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,sum(F_09) F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'YE04' F_20 131 from #T_01 where F_02='20150816' and F_05='04' and F_20='YE00' and F_01<>'jszx' group by F_01,F_0101 132 133 134 135 /*---1. +調撥-----------------------------------*/ 136 insert into #T_01 137 select F_01,'','','','','','',sum(F_07),sum(F_08),sum(F_09),F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'1' F_20 138 from #T_01 where F_20='0' and F_01<>'jszx' group by F_01,F_0101 139 union all 140 select F_01,'','','','','','',sum(F_07),sum(F_08),sum(F_09),F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'20' F_20 141 from #T_01 where F_20='0' and F_04='08' and F_05='03' and F_01<>'jszx' group by F_01,F_0101 /**/ 142 143 /*---2.本週增+減---------------------*/ 144 insert into #T_01 145 select F_01,'','','','','','',-abs(sum(F_07+F_08)),-abs(sum(F_07+F_08)),0,F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'2' F_20 146 from #T_01 where F_20='20' and F_01<>'jszx' group by F_01,F_0101 147 148 /*---3.本企業內部銀行帳戶轉帳-----------------*/ 149 insert into #T_01 150 select F_01,'','','','','','',sum(F_07),0,0,F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'31' F_20 151 from #T_01 where F_02 in ('01','11','15') and F_0601=F_01 and F_20='0' and F_01<>'jszx' group by F_01,F_0101 152 union all 153 select F_01,'','','','','','',0,sum(F_08),0,F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'31' F_20 154 from #T_01 where F_02 in ('02','12','15') and F_0601=F_01 and F_20='0' and F_01<>'jszx' group by F_01,F_0101 155 insert into #T_01 156 select F_01,'','','','','','',-abs(sum(F_07)),-abs(sum(F_08)),0,F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'3' F_20 157 from #T_01 where F_20='31' group by F_01,F_0101 158 159 /*---4.彙總 4---------------------------------*/ 160 insert into #T_01 161 select F_01,'','','','','','',sum(F_07),sum(F_08),0,F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'4' F_20 162 from #T_01 where F_20 in ('1','2','3') group by F_01,F_0101 163 164 /*---5.彙總 增長、減小額、上週餘額、內部... 5---------------------------------*/ 165 insert into #T_01 166 select F_01,'','','','','','',sum(F_07),sum(F_08),0,F_0101,sum(F_10),sum(F_11),SUM(F_12),sum(F_13),Sum(F_14),'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'5' F_20 167 from #T_01 where F_20 in ('4','YE01','YE02','YE03','YE04') group by F_01,F_0101 168 169 170 /*==========JSZX=====================*/ 171 172 INSERT INTO #T_01 173 select F_01,F_02,F_03,F_04,F_05,F_06,F_0601,F_07,F_08,F_09,F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'JSZXYE' F_20 174 from #T_01 where F_01 ='jszx' and F_06='03' and F_20 in ('YE00') 175 UNION ALL 176 select F_01,F_02,F_03,F_04,F_05,F_06,F_0601,F_07,F_08,-ABS(F_09),F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'JSZXYE' F_20 177 from #T_01 where F_01 <>'jszx' and F_06='08' and F_05='03' and F_20 in ('YE00') 178 179 /*---上週帳戶餘額-----*/ 180 INSERT INTO #T_01 181 select F_01,'','','','','','',0,0,0, F_0101,sum(F_09) F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'JSZX01' F_20 182 from #T_01 where F_02=dateadd(d,-1,'20150810') and F_20='JSZXYE' group by F_01,F_0101 183 184 185 /*---內部戶-----*/ 186 INSERT INTO #T_01 187 select F_01,'','','','','','',0,0,0, F_0101,0 F_10,sum(F_09) F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'JSZX02' F_20 188 from #T_01 where F_02='20150816' AND F_04='0' and F_20='JSZXYE' group by F_01,F_0101 189 190 /*---歸集行-----沒數據*/ 191 INSERT INTO #T_01 192 select F_01,'','','','','','',0,0,0, F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,sum(F_09) F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'JSZX03' F_20 193 from #T_01 where F_02='20150816' and F_05 in ('01','02','06','07') and F_20='JSZXYE' group by F_01,F_0101 194 195 /*---其餘戶-----*/ 196 insert into #T_01 197 select F_01,'','','','','','',0,0,0, F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,sum(F_09) F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'JSZX04' F_20 198 from #T_01 where F_02='20150816' and F_05='04' and F_20='JSZXYE' group by F_01,F_0101 199 200 insert into #T_01 201 SELECT '','','','','','','',0,0,0,'' F_0101,sum(F_10),sum(F_11),sum(F_12),sum(F_13),0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'JSZX05' F_20 202 FROM #T_01 WHERE F_20 IN ('JSZX01','JSZX02','jszx03','jszx04') group by F_01,F_0101 203 204 /*---1.本週增減額 -----*/ 205 insert into #T_01 206 select F_01,F_02,F_03,F_04,F_05,F_06,F_0601,F_07,F_08,F_09,F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'6' F_20 207 from #T_01 where F_01 ='jszx' and F_04='03' and F_20 in ('0') 208 union all 209 select F_01,F_02,F_03,F_04,F_05,F_06,F_0601,-ABS(F_07),-ABS(F_08),F_09,F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'6' F_20 210 from #T_01 where F_01<>'jszx' and F_04='08' and F_05='03' and F_20 in ('0') 211 212 /*---2.彙總帳戶金額--------------------*/ 213 insert into #T_01 214 select '','',F_03,'','','','',sum(F_07),sum(F_08),0,'' F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'7' F_20 215 from #T_01 where F_20='6' GROUP BY F_03 216 217 /*---3.本企業內部銀行帳戶轉帳-------------*/ 218 INSERT INTO #T_01 219 select '','','','','','','',sum(F_07),0,0,'' F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'30' F_20 220 from #T_01 where F_02 in ('01','11','15') and F_0601='JSZX' and F_20='6' 221 union all 222 select '','','','','','','',0,sum(F_08),0,'' F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'30' F_20 223 from #T_01 where F_02 in ('02','12','15') and F_0601='JSZX' and F_20='6' 224 INSERT INTO #T_01 225 select F_01,'','','','','','',-abs(sum(F_07)),-abs(sum(F_08)),0,'' F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'8' F_20 226 from #T_01 where F_20='30' group by F_01 227 delete #T_01 where F_20='30' 228 229 /*---4.JSZX 9 -----------------------------*/ 230 insert into #T_01 231 select '','','','','','','',sum(F_07),sum(F_08),0,'' F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11,0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14,'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'9' F_20 232 from #T_01 where F_20 IN ('7','8') 233 234 /*---5.JSZX 9 -----------------------------*/ 235 insert into #T_01 236 select 'JSZX','','','','','','',sum(F_07),sum(F_08),0, '廣東省旅遊控股集團有限公司資金結算中心' F_0101,sum(F_10),sum(F_11),SUM(F_12),sum(F_13),Sum(F_14),'' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'jszx00' F_20 237 from #T_01 where F_20 in ('9','jszx05') 238 239 240 /*--- -----------------------------*/ 241 update #T_01 set F_02=zjzh_xzBH from #T_01 left join zjzh on F_01=zjzh_dwbh where F_20 in ('5','jszx00') 242 update #T_01 set F_03=ZJZHXZ_XZmc from #T_01 left join zjzhxz ON F_02=ZJZHXZ_XZBH where F_20 in ('5','jszx00') 243 244 245 insert into #T_01 246 select '▉小計' F_01,F_02+'01' F_02,'' F_03,'' F_04,'' F_05,'' F_06,'' F_0601,sum(F_07),sum(F_08),sum(F_09),F_03,sum(F_10),sum(F_11),sum(F_12),sum(F_13),sum (F_14), '' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'jszxxj' F_20 247 from #T_01 where F_20 in ('5','jszx00') group by F_02,F_03 248 249 insert into #T_01 250 select '' F_01,'9000' F_02,'' F_03,'' F_04,'' F_05,'' F_06,'' F_0601,sum(F_07),sum(F_08),sum(F_09),'▉合計',sum(F_10),sum(F_11),sum(F_12),sum(F_13),sum (F_14), '' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'jszxhj' F_20 251 from #T_01 where F_20 in ('5','jszxxj') 252 253 insert into #T_01 254 SELECT '' F_01,'9010' F_02,'' F_03,'' F_04,'' F_05,'' F_06,'' F_0601,-abs(sum(zjjsdj_je)) F_07,0 F_08,0 F_09,'▉減:內部單位往來' F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11, 255 0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14, '' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'nbwl' F_20 256 FROM ZJZH zh 257 LEFT JOIN ZJJSDJ ON ZJZH_ZHNM=ZJJSDJ_YHZH OR ZJZH_ZHNM=ZJJSDJ_NBZH 258 WHERE 1=1 259 and ZJJSDJ_DJZT='11' 260 AND zjjsdj_ywrq>=@ksrq 261 and zjjsdj_ywrq<=@jsrq 262 and zh.ZJZH_DWBH in (select hsdw from #hsdw ) 263 and zjjsdj_wldwid in (select hsdw from #hsdw ) 264 265 insert into #T_01 266 SELECT 267 '' F_01,'9020' F_02,'' F_03,'' F_04,'' F_05,'' F_06,'' F_0601,sum(F_07) F_07,0 F_08,0 F_09,'▉合計' F_0101,0 F_10,0 F_11, 268 0 F_12,0 F_13,0 F_14, '' F_15,'' F_16,0 F_17,'nbwlhj' F_20 269 from #T_01 where F_20 in ('jszxhj','nbwl') 270 271 update #T_01 set F_14=F_10+F_07-F_08 where F_20 in ('jszx00','5','jszxxj','jszxhj','nbwl','nbwlhj') 272 273 select F_01,F_0101,F_10,F_07,F_08,F_11,F_12,F_13,F_14 from #T_01 where F_20 in ('jszx00','5','jszxxj','jszxhj','nbwl','nbwlhj') order by F_02 274 275 276 277 end 278 279 280 go 281 [pro_zlzjzxzb] '406fa89b-e1d2-4869-9380-2793b581aa0a','20150810','20150816'