標籤(空格分隔): 經濟學人git
The dash off cashapp
Rich countries must start planning for a cashless futureless
For the past 3,000 years, when people thought of money they thought of cash. From buying food to settling bar tabs, day-to-day dealings involved creased paper or clinking bits of metal. Over the past decade, however, digital payments have taken off—tapping your plastic on a terminal or swiping a smartphone has become normal.dom
dash [ dash ]單獨使用表示「使破滅」ide
dash / shatter (sb's) hopes 使(某人的)但願破滅ui
A failure would shatter the hopes of many people... 一次失敗會使不少人但願破滅。this
在《金融時報》一篇講在線支付的文章有這麼一句話:Mobile payments are widely used for everything from high-street shopping to ride hailing.從商業街購物到叫車服務,移動支付獲得普遍使用。orm
咱們在寫做中將兩個事物聯繫起來時就能夠用到這個句型,如when we thought of childhood we thought of friends當咱們想到童年的時候,咱們想到了朋友。【寫做推薦】
settle v. 付錢 These insurance companies take forever to settle a claim.這些保險公司要拖好久才支付索賠款項。【熟詞僻義】
tab n.帳款;帳目 The tab for the campaign was nearly $500 million. 活動的費用將近5億美圓。
【相似表達】daily trading/ daily transaction/ daily dealing
注意紙幣/硬幣這兩個表達「creased paper和clinking bits of metal」
creased paper 皺巴巴的紙張也就是紙幣
clinking bits of metal 其中clink指叮看成響, bits of指些許的;小片的,bits of metal指金屬片,clinking bits of metal指金屬片的叮噹聲。clinking coins指響叮噹的硬幣
此外take off還有「(飛機) 起飛離開/脫去/休假」的意思,要注意根據具體的語境進行區分。
plastic本義「塑料的」好比:plastic bag塑料袋,文中做名詞指「銀行卡」, plastic surgery整容手術
還記得2016年鬧得沸沸揚揚的「韓國薩德部署」事件嗎?薩德全稱爲末段高空區域防護系統,英語:Terminal High Altitude Area Defense,縮寫:THAAD故稱薩德,其中末端的就是terminal這個詞。
terminal常見做名詞「火車/汽車的終點站」好比2004年夢工廠出品的著名電影《幸福終點站》的英文名就是The Terminal
terminal還能夠作形容詞①晚期的,不治的;致命的He has terminal lung cancer.他患有晚期肺癌。a terminal patient晚期病人
terminal examinations (= at the end of a course, etc.)期末考試
Swipe your card to open the door.刷卡開門。如今也逐漸引伸爲「滑動(屏幕)」的意思。
Now this revolution is about to turn cash into an endangered species in some rich economies. That will make the economy more efficient—but it also poses new problems that could hold the transition hostage.
endangered species 瀕危物種
pose義爲「構成;引發」(to create a threat, problem, etc. that has to be dealt with),尤指構成或引發各類困難,常常搭配threat,danger,risk,problem等詞
好比氣候變化是全球發展的一個長期威脅:Climate change poses a long-term threat to global development.
再好比失業率上升正在給政府形成嚴重的問題:Rising unemployment is posing serious problems for the administration.
transition n. 過渡; 轉變; 變遷
hostage n. 人質
Countries are eliminating cash at varying speeds. But the direction of travel is clear, and in some cases the journey is nearly complete. In Sweden the number of retail cash transactions per person has fallen by 80% in the past ten years. Cash accounts for just 6% of purchases by value in Norway. Britain is probably four or six years behind the Nordic countries. America is perhaps a decade behind. Outside the rich world, cash is still king. But even there its dominance is being eroded. In China digital payments rose from 4% of all payments in 2012 to 34% in 2017.
eliminating 淘汰
at varying speeds 以不一樣的速度
【原文理解】the direction of travel 直譯「旅行的方向」,在文中的指此次電子支付前進的方向,與後文的journey旅程相呼應。
cash transactions 現金交易
account for sth to be a particular amount or part of sth(數量上、比例上)佔
[經濟學人. Environmental economics in China] First, despite the common assumption that industries such as steel or coal are vast, they in fact account for a small, shrinking share of the Chinese economy. 首先,儘管人們廣泛認爲鋼鐵或煤炭等行業規模龐大,但實際上佔中國經濟的份額很小,並且還在不斷萎縮。
[經濟學人. Environmental economics in China] China accounts for about two-fifths of global production of electric cars. 中國的電動汽車產量約佔全球的五分之二。
purchases vt. 購買;贏得
Nordic countries 北歐國家
dominance n. 優點;支配地位
eroded vt. & vi. 侵蝕, 腐蝕
Cash is dying out because of two forces. One is demand—younger consumers want payment systems that plug seamlessly into their digital lives. But equally important is that suppliers such as banks and tech firms (in developed markets) and telecoms companies (in emerging ones) are developing fast, easy-to-use payment technologies from which they can pull data and pocket fees.
die away逐漸消失,逐漸模糊 die down(燈光)逐漸暗淡 die of/from sth死於…
old habits, die hard舊習難改
For years the army was the most powerful political force in the country.多年來,軍隊一直是這個國家最強大的政治力量。
enter / come into force指法律、規則等「開始生效;開始實施」(to start being used),好比 Parking restrictions in the town centre came into force last month. 市中心限制停車的法規於上月開始實施。
demand vt. 要求
plug into 接通,把…接入,插進
seamlessly 無縫的 Plug seamlessly into 無縫插入
【寫做推薦】當咱們須要闡述發生某件事情的兩個緣由,且第二個緣由比第一個緣由更重要時,咱們能夠用one is…,but equally important is that… 。如Reading is popular because of two forces, one is that it can help us acquire knowledge, but equally important is that it can help us broaden our horizon and grow our mind.閱讀盛行的緣由有兩個,一個是它能夠幫助咱們獲取知識,但更重要的是它能夠幫助咱們開闊視界,得到心靈的成長。
其中 equally important is that…是倒裝句,能夠避免頭重腳輕的問題。正確的語序是that… is equally important.
user-friendly adj.方便非專業用戶的;便於使用的;易於掌握的
There is a high cost to running the infrastructure behind the cash economy—ATMs, vans carrying notes, tellers who accept coins. Most financial firms are keen to abandon it, or deter old-fashioned customers with hefty fees.
ATM =Automatic Teller Machine 自動取款(出納)機
vans n. 廂式貨車
be keen to do sth渴望作某事
《經濟學人》中一篇關於杭州正在建設西湖大學的文章提到:Keen to host a top-class university, it offered Mr Shi tempting terms.因爲急切渴望擁有一所頂尖大學,杭州給施一公(現西湖大學校長)開出了誘人的條件。
【相似表達】關於「渴望作某事」的多樣表達,這裏列出一些短語可替換咱們經常使用的want to do sth very much
be eager to do sth/be eager for sth好比《福布斯》雜誌中有一篇文章論述福特和通用兩家汽車公司所開發的無線技術的不一樣,其中說到:Ford is eager to bring mobile features into its cars as soon as possible. 福特迫切但願儘快給旗下汽車配置無線技術。
yearn to do sth/yearn for sth好比《衛報》中一篇關於美國猶太人宗教信仰的文章中提到:By contrast, some older Trump supporters, who fear a homogenizing globalism, admire Israel for preserving Jewish identity while yearning to preserve America’s Christian identity in ways that exclude Jews.相比之下,一些較年長的擔憂全球主義同質化的特朗普支持者卻欽佩以色列人,由於他們在保留本身猶太人身份的同時又渴望以排斥猶太人的方式保留美國的基督教徒身份。
long to do sth/ long for sth
好比《經濟學人》中有一篇書評引用了一位讀者寫給做者的信:Reading your book, I began to long for the days when people wrote letters to each other. 讀您的書讓我渴望回到人們仍相互寫信的日子。
be hungry for sth/ be thirsty for sth這兩個詞組的用法相似,都很形象。好比《經濟學人》一篇關於金星的報道提到:MsJin describes herself as having been 「a little Chinese boy thirsting for the West」.金女士將當時的本身描述爲一個渴望西方的中國小男孩。
be dying to do sth / be dying for sth表示「極度渴望…」
好比《福布斯》雜誌中有一篇關於投資理財的文章提到:The landscape is riddled with pretenders who are clever and dying to get their hands on your assets.投資界盡是狡猾老道的覬覦者,火燒眉毛地想佔有你的財產。
【相關表達】abandon sth. in favor of sth. 爲得到…(更好或更須要的事物)放棄…. He abandoned teaching in favour of a career as a musician.他棄教從事音樂。【寫做推薦】
abandon sb to his fate讓某人自生自滅,放任...
The government had abandoned the refugees to their fate .政府拋棄了難民,讓他們聽天由命。
undeterred adj.if you are undeterred by sth, you do not allow it to stop you doing what you want未被嚇住的;不灰心喪氣的 Undeterred by his early failures, he decided to keep writing.他沒有被一開始的失敗嚇倒,決定堅持寫做。
undaunted [ʌnˈdɔːntɪd]也能夠表示「無畏的」、「勇敢的」 (not afraid of continuing to try to do something in spite of difficulties or danger),在外刊中出現頻率較高,與undeterred用法同樣,好比: Undaunted by the enormity of the task, they began rebuilding the village.他們不畏任務艱鉅,開始重建村莊。
hefty [ˈhefti] adj. [usually before noun] 1. big and heavy高大健壯的; 笨重的 a tall, hefty man一個高大健壯的男人hefty camera equipment笨重的照相器材
a hefty amount of something, especially money, is very large〔尤指金錢〕大量的,鉅額的 a hefty fine鉅額罰款
(BrE) a hefty blow, kick etc is done using a lot of force有力的,重重的 He aimed a hefty kick at the door.他對着門猛踢了一腳。a hefty shove一記猛推