

 * 道具系統

public class ItemBase implements Serializable {

     * 不可裝備
    public static final int ITEM_POS_NONE = 0;
     * 頭部
    public static final int ITEM_POS_HEAD = 1;
     * 胸部(盔甲)
    public static final int ITEM_POS_ARMOR = 2;
     * 腳部(靴子)
    public static final int ITEM_POS_BOOT = 3;
     * 武器
    public static final int ITEM_POS_WEAPON = 4;
     * 腰部
    public static final int ITEM_POS_WAIST = 5;
     * 項鍊
    public static final int ITEM_POS_NECKLACE = 6;
     * 飾品(戒指)
    public static final int ITEM_POS_DECORATE = 7;
     * 寵物
    public static final int ITEM_POS_PET = 100;

    static final String DESC_ITEM_POS_NONE = "不可裝備";
    static final String DESC_ITEM_POS_HEAD = "頭部";
    static final String DESC_ITEM_POS_ARMOR = "胸部(盔甲)";
    static final String DESC_ITEM_POS_BOOT = "腳部(靴子)";
    static final String DESC_ITEM_POS_WEAPON = "武器";
    static final String DESC_ITEM_POS_WAIST = "腰部";
    static final String DESC_ITEM_POS_NECKLACE = "項鍊";
    static final String DESC_ITEM_POS_DECORATE = "飾品(戒指)";
    static final String DESC_ITEM_POS_PET = "寵物";

    // *************************end :道具裝備部位編碼*****************************
    // *************************start:道具類型編碼********************************
     * 武器裝備
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_DEVICE = 1;
     * 暗器
    // public static final int ITEMTYPE_HIDDENWEAPON = 2;
     * 戰鬥物品
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_BATTLEPROP = 3;
     * 寶石
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_BAOSHI = 30;
     * 魂石
    // public static final int ITEMTYPE_HUNSHI = 5;
     * 特殊道具
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_SPECIAL = 6;
     * 任務道具
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_TASK = 7;
     * 套裝
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_SUIT = 8;
     * 寶箱
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_BOX = 9;
     * 配方
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_PRES = 10;
     * 寵物蛋
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_PETEGG = 11;
     * 可受權遊戲道具
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_SHOWAUTHORITY = 21;
     * 採集類材料
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_MATERIAL_COLLECTION = 22;
     * 合成類材料
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_MATERIAL_COMPOSE = 23;
     * 普通雜物
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_WASTE = 24;
     * 技能書
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_SKILLBOOK = 25;
     * 寵物
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_PET = 26;
     * 禮物
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_PRESENT = 27;
     * 陷阱
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_TRAP = 28;
     * 寶石碎片
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_SUIPIAN = 31;
    /** 任務可以使用道具 */
    public static final int ITEM_TASKUSE = 35;
    /** 副本cd重置 */
    public static final int ITEM_FBCD_RESET = 36;
     * 除任務道具、武器裝備之外的全部道具統稱爲普通道具
    public static final int ITEMTYPE_NORMAL = 0;
    // **************************end:道具類型編碼**************************************
     * 是否可丟棄 可丟棄
    public static final int DROPLIMIT_YES = 1;

     * 是否可丟棄 不可丟棄
    public static final int DROPLIMIT_NO = 0;

    static final String DESC_DROPLIMIT_YES = "可丟棄";
    static final String DESC_DROPLIMIT_NO = "不可丟棄";

    public static final int TRADELIMIT_YES = 1;
    public static final int TRADELIMIT_NO = 0;

    static final String DESC_TRADELIMIT_YES = "能夠交易";
    static final String DESC_TRADELIMIT_NO = "不能交易";

     * 稀有度 0等級 普通(白裝)
    public static final int RAREVALUE_LV0_NORAML = 0;

     * 稀有度 (藍裝)
    public static final int RAREVALUE_LV1_BLUE = 1;

     * 稀有度 (綠裝)
    public static final int RAREVALUE_LV2_GREEN = 2;

     * 稀有度 (紫裝)
    public static final int RAREVALUE_LV3_PURPLE = 3;

    static final String DESC_RAREVALUE_LV0_NORAML = "普通(白裝)";
    static final String DESC_RAREVALUE_LV1_BLUE = "(藍裝)";
    static final String DESC_RAREVALUE_LV2_GREEN = "(綠裝)";
    static final String DESC_RAREVALUE_LV3_PURPLE = "(紫裝)";

    private Integer itemType_id;
    // private ItemType itemType;// 道具類型實體

    private Integer itemEquPosId;// 道具裝備位置 0: 不可裝備 1:頭部 2:盔甲 3:靴子 4:武器 5:腰部 6:項鍊
    // 7:飾品

    private Integer tradeLimitSystem;// 人-機 交易判斷 1可交易 0不可交易

    private Integer tradeLimitPlayer;// 人-人 交易判斷 1可交易 0不可交易

    private Integer rareValue;// 稀有度 0:普通(白裝) 1:人民幣(藍裝) 2:金幣(綠裝) 3:沒法購買的稀有品(紫裝)

    private Long price;// 價格-銀兩 (遊戲幣)

    private Long goldBlock;// 價格-元寶 (人民幣兌換的)

    private String descMsg; // 道具描述信息

    private Integer maxCascade;// 最大層疊數量

    private Long devote; // 價格-貢獻

    private Integer codeValue;// 標識物品分類(商城分類查詢)

    private int maxHold;// 最大可得到數(包括銀行)

     * 使用限制-成就
    private Integer useLimitGlory;

     * 使用限制 0:通用 1:男 2 女
    private Integer useLimitSex;

     * 等級限制 默認0 最低0級使用
    private Integer useLimitGrade;

     * 是否可丟棄 默認1 可丟棄 0不能夠丟棄
    private Integer dropLimit;

    private Set<ItemReSchool> schools = new HashSet<ItemReSchool>(0);// 可以使用職業列表

    private Set<EffectRelation> effectRelations;// 道具PK效果列表

    public ItemBase() {
        this.itemEquPosId = Integer.valueOf(0);// 裝備位置 默認0爲不能裝備
        this.tradeLimitSystem = Integer.valueOf(1);// 人-機交易設定爲默承認交易
        this.tradeLimitPlayer = Integer.valueOf(1);// 人-人交易設定爲默承認交易
        this.useLimitSex = Integer.valueOf(0); // 使用性別限制默認爲通用
        this.maxCascade = Integer.valueOf(1);// 最大可疊加數默認爲可疊加1
        this.goldBlock = Long.valueOf(0);

    public String toString() {
        return "id:" + this.getId() + "-" + "策劃編號:" + this.getCode() + "-"
                + "道具名稱:" + this.getName() + "-" + "道具類型:"
                + this.getItemType().getName() + "-" + "裝備部位:"
                + this.getEquPosShow() + "-" + "等級限制:"
                + this.getUseLimitGrade() + "-" + "性別:" + this.getUseLimitSex()
                + "--價格-遊戲幣:" + this.getPrice() + "--價格-人民幣:"
                + this.getGoldBlock() + "-裝備稀有度:" + this.getRareValueShow()
                + "-是否可人人交易:" + this.getTradeLimitPlayerShow() + "-"
                + "是否可人機交易:" + this.getTradeLimitSystemShow();

    public ItemBase(Integer id) {
        this.id = id;

    public String getItemClassNameByItemTypeId() {
        return getItemClassNameByItemTypeId(this.getItemType().getId());

    public String getItemTypeParam() {
        return getItemClassNameByItemTypeId(this.getItemType().getId());

    public static String getItemClassNameByItemTypeId(Integer itemTypeId) {
        ItemType itemType = ServiceManager.baseService
        if (itemType != null && itemType.getCode() != null) {
            return itemType.getCode();
        return ItemBase.class.getSimpleName();


    public String getItemTypeShow() {
        return this.getItemType().getName();

    public static String getItemTypeShow(String className) {
        ItemType itemType = getItemTypeByCode(className);
        if (itemType != null && itemType.getName() != null) {
            return itemType.getName();
        return "";

    public static ItemType getItemTypeByCode(String className) {
        ItemType itemType = ServiceManager.itemService
        return itemType;

    public static int getItemTypeByParam(String className) {
        ItemType itemType = getItemTypeByCode(className);
        if (itemType != null && itemType.getId() > 0) {
            return itemType.getId();
        return ITEMTYPE_NORMAL;

    public static ItemBase getDeclaredItemBase(String className) {
        return (ItemBase) util.object.ObjectUtil.getDeclaredObject(
                ItemBase.class.getPackage().getName(), className);

    public String getCode() {
        return code;

    public ItemType getItemType() {
        return getItemType(itemType_id);

    public static ItemType getItemType(int itemType_id) {
        return ServiceManager.baseService.getObjectByID_ItemType(itemType_id);

    public Integer getItemEquPosId() {
        return this.itemEquPosId;

    public void setItemEquPosId(Integer itemEquPosId) {
        this.itemEquPosId = itemEquPosId;

    public Integer getTradeLimitSystem() {
        return this.tradeLimitSystem;

    public void setTradeLimitSystem(Integer tradeLimitSystem) {
        this.tradeLimitSystem = tradeLimitSystem;

    public Integer getTradeLimitPlayer() {
        return this.tradeLimitPlayer;

    public void setTradeLimitPlayer(Integer tradeLimitPlayer) {
        this.tradeLimitPlayer = tradeLimitPlayer;

    public Integer getUseLimitSex() {
        return this.useLimitSex;

    public void setUseLimitSex(Integer useLimitSex) {
        this.useLimitSex = useLimitSex;

    public Integer getRareValue() {
        return this.rareValue;

    public void setRareValue(Integer rareValue) {
        this.rareValue = rareValue;

    public Long getPrice() {
        return this.price;

    public void setPrice(Long price) {
        this.price = price;

    public Long getGoldBlock() {
        return this.goldBlock;

    public void setGoldBlock(Long goldBlock) {
        this.goldBlock = goldBlock;

    public String getDescMsg() {
        return this.descMsg;

    public void setDescMsg(String descMsg) {
        this.descMsg = descMsg;

    public String getPicUrl() {
        return this.code + ".png";

    public Integer getMaxCascade() {
        if (maxCascade == null) {
            return 1;
        } else if (maxCascade == 0) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return this.maxCascade;

    public void setMaxCascade(Integer maxCascade) {
        this.maxCascade = maxCascade;

    public String getTradeLimitPlayerShow() {
        return DescUtil.getDescByPropertyValue(ItemBase.class.getName(),
                "TRADELIMIT_", this.tradeLimitPlayer);

    public String getTradeLimitSystemShow() {
        return DescUtil.getDescByPropertyValue(ItemBase.class.getName(),
                "TRADELIMIT_", this.tradeLimitSystem);

    public static String getRareValueShow(int rareValue) {
        return DescUtil.getDescByPropertyValue(ItemBase.class.getName(),
                "RAREVALUE_", rareValue);

    public String getRareValueShow() {
        if (this.rareValue == null) {
            this.rareValue = RAREVALUE_LV0_NORAML;
        return getRareValueShow(this.rareValue);

    public static String getEquPosShow(int itemEquPosId) {
        return DescUtil.getDescByPropertyValue(ItemBase.class.getName(),
                "ITEM_POS_", itemEquPosId);

    public String getEquPosShow() {
        if (this.getItemEquPosId() == null) {
            this.itemEquPosId = ITEM_POS_NONE;
        return getEquPosShow(this.itemEquPosId);

     * 是否可丟棄 默認1 可丟棄 0不能夠丟棄
    public String getDropLimitShow() {
        if (this.dropLimit == null) {
        return getDropLimitShow(this.dropLimit);

    public static String getDropLimitShow(int dropLimit) {
        return DescUtil.getDescByPropertyValue(ItemBase.class.getName(),
                "DROPLIMIT_", dropLimit);

    public Set<EffectRelation> getEffectRelations() {
        return effectRelations;

    public void setEffectRelations(Set<EffectRelation> effectRelations) {
        this.effectRelations = effectRelations;

    public Integer getDropLimit() {
        return dropLimit;

    public void setDropLimit(Integer dropLimit) {
        this.dropLimit = dropLimit;

     * @param schools
     *            the schools to set
    public void setSchools(Set<ItemReSchool> schools) {
        this.schools = schools;

     * @return the schools
    public Set<ItemReSchool> getSchools() {
        return schools;

    public Integer getUseLimitGrade() {
        return useLimitGrade;

    public void setUseLimitGrade(Integer useLimitGrade) {
        this.useLimitGrade = useLimitGrade;

    public String getUseLimit_jobShow() {
        return getUseLimit_jobShow(this.schools);

    public static String getUseLimit_jobShow(Set<ItemReSchool> schools) {
        String result = null;
        if (schools != null && schools.size() > 0) {
            Iterator<ItemReSchool> its = schools.iterator();
            while (its.hasNext()) {
                ItemReSchool item = (ItemReSchool) its.next();

                if (result != null) {
                    result = result + "[" + item.getSchool().getCodeDesc()
                            + "]";
                } else {
                    result = "[" + item.getSchool().getCodeDesc() + "]";
        return result;

    public Long getDevote() {
        return devote;

    public void setDevote(Long devote) {
        this.devote = devote;

    public Integer getItemType_id() {
        return itemType_id;

    public void setItemType_id(Integer itemType_id) {
        this.itemType_id = itemType_id;

    public Integer getCodeValue() {
        return codeValue;

    public void setCodeValue(Integer codeValue) {
        this.codeValue = codeValue;

    public String getCodeValueShow() {
        if (codeValue != null) {
            ItemReCode itemReCode = ServiceManager.baseService
            if (itemReCode != null)
                return itemReCode.getName();
        return DESC_NONE;

    public int getRecommend() {
        return ServiceManager.itemService.getItemCanRecommend(id);

    public String getRecommendShow() {
        if (getRecommend() == 0) {
            return DESC_NO;
        } else {
            return DESC_YES;

    public Integer getUseLimitGlory() {
        return useLimitGlory;

    public void setUseLimitGlory(Integer useLimitGlory) {
        this.useLimitGlory = useLimitGlory;

    public int getMaxHold() {
        return maxHold;

    public void setMaxHold(int maxHold) {
        this.maxHold = maxHold;
