Library Genesis的Wikipedia條目中的介紹是:Library Genesis or LibGen is a search engine for articles and books on various topics,which allows free access to content that is otherwise paywalled or not digitized elsewhere. Among others it carries PDFs of content from Elsevier's ScienceDirect web-portal.php
In 2015, the website became involved in a legal case when Elsevier accused it of providing pirate access to articles and books. LibGen is reported to be registered in both Russia and Amsterdam, making it unclear which legislation applies, and whether defendants will show up in a United States court hearing. LibGen is blocked by a number of ISPs in the United Kingdom, but such DNS-based blocks are claimed to do little to deter access. In late October 2015, a New York district court ordered LibGen to shut down and to suspend use of the domain name (, but the site is accessible through alternate domains.git
As of July 2016, the database contains more than 52 million articles from about 50,000 publications.
Sci-Hub的資源:SCI-HUB與Library Genesis協同工做:當用戶請求論文的時,首先數據庫中查找,找到直接下載,找不到使用付費帳號從付費數據庫中下載,首先同步到Library Genesis,而後提供給用戶下載