谷歌play更新_如何在Google Play音樂中管理播客



Hey, did you know that the Google Play Music app that comes with your Android phone can subscribe to, stream, and download podcasts? The feature works okay, though not nearly as fleshed-out as the various dedicated podcast managers out there. But if you hate having extra apps on your phone, and you’re already an avid user of Play Music, it could be the right move for you. Here’s how it works.

嘿,您知道Android手機隨附的Google Play音樂應用可以訂閱,流式傳輸和下載播客嗎? 該功能可以正常運行,儘管還不如那裏的各種專用播客管理器那麼充實。 但是,如果您不想在手機上安裝額外的應用,並且您已經是Play音樂的狂熱用戶,那麼這可能是您的正確選擇。 運作方式如下。

在手機上 (On Your Phone)

Open the Google Play Music app and close the 「Now Playing」 window with a downswipe (if it’s active). Press the hamburger icon (the three horizontal lines) in the upper-left corner, and then tap the 「Podcasts」 option.

打開Goog​​le Play音樂應用,然後向下滑動以關閉「正在播放」窗口(如果處於活動狀態)。 按下左上角的漢堡圖標(三個水平線),然後點擊「播客」選項。

This page shows you a broad selection of popular podcasts in the Google Play database, any of which you can browse and play just like regular music podcast. Tap the title icons, and then tap an individual episode to start playing them.

該頁面向您展示了Google Play數據庫中廣泛的流行播客,您可以像常規音樂播客一樣瀏覽和播放任何播客。 點擊標題圖標,然後點擊一個單獨的劇集開始播放。

If you want to subscribe to a podcast, tap the triple-dot icon in the lower right corner of its listing. The podcast then appears in the 「Your Podcasts」 tab at the top of the app.

如果要訂閱播客,請點擊其列表右下角的三點圖標。 然後,播客會出現在應用程序頂部的「您的播客」選項卡中。

The 「Your Podcasts」 page is more or less the same, but tapping the triple-dot icon in the lower-right corner of each entry adds a new 「Manage this podcast」 option. Other options here include 「Auto-download,」 which automatically fetches the latest episodes for offline playback instead of streaming over the web connection, 「Notifications,」 which adds a notification in Android for each new episode, and a choice to play them newest to oldest or oldest to newest.

「您的播客」頁面大致相同,但是點擊每個條目右下角的三點圖標會添加一個新的「管理此播客」選項。 此處的其他選項包括「自動下載」(自動下載最新劇集供離線播放,而不是通過網絡連接流式傳輸),「通知」(在Android中爲每個新劇集添加一條通知)以及選擇播放最新劇集的方式最舊或最舊到最新。

For podcasts that aren’t in the popular list, tap the search (magnifying glass) icon in the upper right corner of the app. Search for any relevant info: the podcast’s name, artist name, general topic, whatever. Unfortunately, the results won’t be only podcasts, even if you start from the podcast page, so scroll down a bit until you see the 「Podcasts」 section of the results. Tap the 「# more」 button if you don’t see what you’re looking for right away; otherwise just use the three-dot menu to subscribe.

對於不在熱門列表中的播客,請點擊應用程序右上角的搜索(放大鏡)圖標。 搜索任何相關信息:播客的姓名,藝術家姓名,一般主題等。 不幸的是,即使您從播客頁面開始,結果也不只是播客,因此請向下滾動一點,直到看到結果的「播客」部分。 如果您沒有立即找到所需內容,請點擊「更多」按鈕; 否則,請使用三點菜單進行訂閱。

The database has thousands of podcasts available, but unfortunately, there’s no means of importing podcasts that aren’t already listed. So if your favorite podcasts haven’t been added to the database, you’re probably better off looking for a conventional RSS-based solution.

該數據庫具有數千個可用的播客,但是不幸的是,無法導入尚未列出的播客。 因此,如果尚未將您喜歡的播客添加到數據庫中,那麼最好還是尋找常規的基於RSS的解決方案。

在網上 (On the Web) has more or less the same interface as the mobile version. You just need to hover over the 「…」 icon with your mouse cursor to make the Podcasts link visible. The biggest difference is, that, since it’s entirely browser-based, the web version doesn’t allow you to download individual episodes for local playback.具有與移動版本大致相同的界面。 您只需要使用鼠標光標懸停在「 ...」圖標上,即可顯示Podcasts鏈接。 最大的區別在於,由於它完全基於瀏覽器,因此網絡版本不允許您下載單個片段進行本地播放。

