Instructionless |
Descriptionide |
Stack Transitionlua |
1spa |
addcode |
add two values, returning a new valueip |
…, value1, value2à…, resultci |
2element |
add.ovf.<signed>rem |
add integer value with overflow checkget |
…, value1, value2à…, result |
3 |
and |
bitwise AND |
…, value1, value2 à…, result |
4 |
arglist |
get argument list |
… à …, argListHandle |
5 |
beq.<length> |
branch on equal |
…, value1, value2 à … |
6 |
bge.<length> |
branch on greater than or equal to |
…, value1, value2 à … |
7 |
bge.un.<length> |
branch on greater/equal, unsigned or unordered |
…, value1, value2 à … |
8 |
bgt.<length> |
branch on greater than |
…, value1, value2 à … |
9 |
bgt.un<length> |
branch on greater than, unsigned or unordered |
…, value1, value2 à … |
10 |
ble.<length> |
branch on less than or equal to |
…, value1, value2 à … |
11 |
ble..un<length> |
branch on less/equal, unsigned or unordered |
…, value1, value2 à … |
12 |
blt.<length> |
branch on less than |
…, value1, value2 à … |
13 |
blt.un.<length> |
branch on less than, unsigned or unordered |
…, value1, value2 à … |
14 |
bne.un<length> |
branch on not equal or unorded |
…, value1, value2 à … |
15 |
br.<length> |
unconditional branch |
…, à … |
16 |
break |
breakpoint instruction |
…, à … |
17 |
brfalse.<length> |
branch on false, null, or zero |
…, value à … |
18 |
brtrue.<length> |
branch on non-false or non-null |
…, value à … |
19 |
call |
call a method |
…, arg1, arg2 … argn à …, retVal (not always returned) |
20 |
calli |
indirect method call |
…, arg1, arg2 … argn, ftn à …, retVal (not always returned) |
21 |
ceq |
compare equal |
…, value1, value2à…, result |
22 |
cgt |
compare greater than |
…, value1, value2à…, result |
23 |
cgt.un |
compare greater than, unsigned or unordered |
…, value1, value2à…, result |
24 |
ckfinite |
check for a finite real number |
…, value à …, value |
25 |
clt |
compare less than |
…, value1, value2à…, result |
26 |
clt.un |
compare less than, unsigned or unordered |
…, value1, value2à…, result |
27 |
conv.<to type> |
data conversion |
…, value à …, result |
28 |
conv.ovf<to type> |
data conversion with overflow detection |
…, value à …, result |
29 |
conv.ovf.<to type>.un |
unsigned data conversion with overflow detection |
…, value à …, result |
30 |
cpblk |
copy data from memory to memory |
…, destaddr, srcaddr, size à … |
31 |
div |
divide values |
…, value1, value2à…, result |
32 |
div.un |
divide integer values, unsigned |
…, value1, value2à…, result |
33 |
dup |
duplicate the top value of the stack |
…, value à …, value, value |
34 |
endfilter |
end filter clause of SEH |
…, value à … |
35 |
endfinally |
end the finally or fault clause of exception block |
… à … |
36 |
initblk |
initialize a block of memory to a value |
…, addr, value, size à … |
37 |
jmp |
jump to method |
… à … |
38 |
ldarg.<length> |
load argument onto the stack |
… à …, value |
39 |
ldarga.<length> |
load an argument address |
…, à …, address of argument number argNum |
40 |
ldc.<type> |
load numeric constant |
… à …, num |
41 |
ldftn |
load method pointer |
… à …, ftn |
42 |
ldind.<type> |
load value indirect onto the stack |
…, addr à …, value |
43 |
ldloc |
load local variable onto the stack |
… à …, value |
44 |
ldloca.<length> |
load local variable address |
… à …, address |
45 |
ldnull |
load a null pointer |
… à …, null value |
46 |
leave.<length> |
exit a protected region of code |
…, à |
47 |
localloc |
allocate space in the local dynamic memory pool |
size à address |
48 |
mul |
multiply values |
…, value1, value2 à …, result |
49 |
mul.ovf<type> |
multiply integer values with overflow check |
…, value1, value2 à …, result |
50 |
neg |
negate |
…, value à …, result |
51 |
nop |
no operation |
…, à …, |
52 |
not |
bitwise complement |
…, value à …, result |
53 |
or |
bitwise OR |
…, value1, value2 à …, result |
54 |
pop |
remove the top element of the stack |
…, value à … |
55 |
rem |
compute the remainder |
…, value1, value2 à …, result |
56 |
rem.un |
compute integer remainder, unsigned |
…, value1, value2 à …, result |
57 |
ret |
return from method |
retVal on callee evaluation stack (not always present) à …, retVal on caller evaluation stack (not always present) |
58 |
shl |
shift integer left |
…, value, shiftAmount à …, result |
59 |
shr |
shift integer right |
…, value, shiftAmount à …, result |
60 |
shr.un |
shift integer right, unsigned |
…, value, shiftAmount à …, result |
61 |
starg.<length> |
store a value in an argument slot |
…, value à …, |
62 |
stind.<type> |
store value indirect from stack |
…, addr, val à … |
63 |
stloc |
pop value from stack to local variable |
…, value à … |
64 |
sub |
substract numeric values |
…, value1, value2 à …, result |
65 |
sub.ovf.<type> |
substract integer values, checking for overflow |
…, value1, value2 à …, result |
66 |
switch |
table switch on value |
…, value à …, |
67 |
xor |
bitwise XOR |
..., value1, value2 à ..., result |