a. 利用sys.stdout將print行導向到你定義的日誌文件中,例如:html
import sys # make a copy of original stdout route stdout_backup = sys.stdout # define the log file that receives your log info log_file = open("message.log", "w") # redirect print output to log file sys.stdout = log_file print "Now all print info will be written to message.log" # any command line that you will execute ... log_file.close() # restore the output to initial pattern sys.stdout = stdout_backup print "Now this will be presented on screen"
b. 利用logging模塊(規範化日誌輸出,推薦!!)
需求 | 最好的實現方式 |
故障調查或者狀態監測 | logging.info()或logging.debug()(後者經常使用於針對性檢測診斷的目的) |
特定運行事件發出警告 | logging.warning() |
報告錯誤抑制不出發異常(常見於長時間運行的服務器進程的錯誤處理程序) | logging.error(), logging.exception()或者logging.critical() |
程度 | 使用場景 |
DEBUG | 得到診斷問題是具體的信息 |
INFO | 確認程序是否按正常工做 |
WARNING | 在程序還正常運行時獲取發生的意外的信息,這可能會在以後引起異常(例如磁盤空間不足) |
ERROR | 獲取程序某些功能沒法正常調用這類嚴重異常的信息 |
CRITICAL | 獲取程序沒法繼續運行的這類最嚴重異常信息 |
# this is a simple example import logging # define the log file, file mode and logging level logging.basicConfig(filename='example.log', filemode="w", level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug('This message should go to the log file') logging.info('So should this') logging.warning('And this, too')
DEBUG:root:This message should go to the log file INFO:root:So should this WARNING:root:And this, too
# myapp.py import logging import mylib def main(): logging.basicConfig(filename='myapp.log', level=logging.INFO) logging.info('Started') mylib.do_something() logging.info('Finished') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# mylib.py import logging def do_something(): logging.info('Doing something')
INFO:root:Started INFO:root:Doing something INFO:root:Finished
import logging # output format: output time - logging level - log messages logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logging.warning('This message will appear in python console.')
在python console中直接打印如下輸出:code
2016-8-2 2:59:11, 510 - WARNING - This message will appear in python console
能夠經過構建logger或者讀取logging config文件對logging函數進行任意配置。
import logging # create logger logger = logging.getLogger('simple_example') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create console handler and set level to debug ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create formatter formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # add formatter to ch ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add ch to logger logger.addHandler(ch) # 'application' code logger.debug('debug message') logger.info('info message') logger.warn('warn message') logger.error('error message') logger.critical('critical message')
以上程序結果會輸出到python console中:
$ python simple_logging_module.py 2005-03-19 15:10:26,618 - simple_example - DEBUG - debug message 2005-03-19 15:10:26,620 - simple_example - INFO - info message 2005-03-19 15:10:26,695 - simple_example - WARNING - warn message 2005-03-19 15:10:26,697 - simple_example - ERROR - error message 2005-03-19 15:10:26,773 - simple_example - CRITICAL - critical message
import logging import logging.config logging.config.fileConfig('logging.conf') # create logger logger = logging.getLogger('simpleExample') # 'application' code logger.debug('debug message') logger.info('info message') logger.warn('warn message') logger.error('error message') logger.critical('critical message')
[loggers] keys=root,simpleExample [handlers] keys=consoleHandler [formatters] keys=simpleFormatter [logger_root] level=DEBUG handlers=consoleHandler [logger_simpleExample] level=DEBUG handlers=consoleHandler qualname=simpleExample propagate=0 [handler_consoleHandler] class=StreamHandler level=DEBUG formatter=simpleFormatter args=(sys.stdout,) [formatter_simpleFormatter] format=%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s datefmt= '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'
$ python simple_logging_config.py 2005-03-19 15:38:55,977 - simpleExample - DEBUG - debug message 2005-03-19 15:38:55,979 - simpleExample - INFO - info message 2005-03-19 15:38:56,054 - simpleExample - WARNING - warn message 2005-03-19 15:38:56,055 - simpleExample - ERROR - error message 2005-03-19 15:38:56,130 - simpleExample - CRITICAL - critical message