1. 前言mysql
2. 說明github
上一小節的插件 emq_plugin_wunaozairedis
文件 emq_plugin_wunaozai.erlsql
這個文件就是Hook鉤子設計了,裏面默認已經有了。好比在 on_client_connected這個函數下增長一行 io:format()打印,那麼,對應每一個mqtt客戶端鏈接到服務器都會打印這一行。一開始我還覺得驗證邏輯寫在這裏,而後經過判斷,返回{stop,Client},最後發現不是的。能到這裏,是表示已經鏈接上了。具體的權限驗證是在emq_auth_demo_wunaozai.erl這個文件。數據庫
文件 emq_auth_demo_wunaozai.erl緩存
1 check(#mqtt_client{client_id = ClientId, username = Username}, Password, _Opts) -> 2 io:format("Auth Demo: clientId=~p, username=~p, password=~p~n", 3 [ClientId, Username, Password]), 4 if 5 Username == <<"test">> -> 6 ok; 7 true -> 8 error 9 end.
表示mqtt客戶端登陸到服務器要使用用戶名爲test。不然沒法登陸。參考emq_auth_pgsql 和 emq_auth_mysql 並測試,發現這個check會有三種返回結果。性能優化
ok. error. ignore.服務器
文件 emq_acl_demo_wunaozai.erl
這個文件check_acl 函數修改以下
1 check_acl({Client, PubSub, Topic}, _Opts) -> 2 io:format("ACL Demo: ~p ~p ~p~n", [Client, PubSub, Topic]), 3 io:format("~n == ACL ==~n"), 4 if 5 Topic == <<"/World">> -> 6 io:format("allow"), 7 allow; 8 true -> 9 io:format("deny"), 10 deny 11 end.
表示只能夠訂閱/World 主題。
allow. deny. ignore.
3. Redis 鏈接測試
主要參考emq_auth_redis 這個插件,寫插件以前先安裝redis和用redis-cli玩一下emqttd知道的emq_plugin_redis插件。
增長 etc/emq_plugin_wunaozai.config
1 ##redis config 2 wunaozai.auth.redis.server = 3 wunaozai.auth.redis.pool = 8 4 wunaozai.auth.redis.database = 0 5 ##wunaozai.auth.redis.password = 6 wunaozai.auth.redis.auth_cmd = HMGET mqtt_user:%u password 7 wunaozai.auth.redis.password_hash = plain 8 wunaozai.auth.redis.super_cmd = HGET mqtt_user:%u is_superuser 9 wunaozai.auth.redis.acl_cmd = HGETALL mqtt_acl:%u
增長 priv/emq_auth_redis.schema
1 %% wunaozai.auth.redis.server 2 { 3 mapping, 4 "wunaozai.auth.redis.server", 5 "emq_plugin_wunaozai.server", 6 [ 7 {default, {"", 6379}}, 8 {datatype, [integer, ip, string]} 9 ] 10 }. 11 12 %% wunaozai.auth.redis.pool 13 { 14 mapping, 15 "wunaozai.auth.redis.pool", 16 "emq_plugin_wunaozai.server", 17 [ 18 {default, 8}, 19 {datatype, integer} 20 ] 21 }. 22 23 %% wunaozai.auth.redis.database = 0 24 { 25 mapping, 26 "wunaozai.auth.redis.database", 27 "emq_plugin_wunaozai.server", 28 [ 29 {default, 0}, 30 {datatype, integer} 31 ] 32 }. 33 34 %% wunaozai.auth.redis.password = 35 { 36 mapping, 37 "wunaozai.auth.redis.password", 38 "emq_plugin_wunaozai.server", 39 [ 40 {default, ""}, 41 {datatype, string}, 42 hidden 43 ] 44 }. 45 46 %% translation 47 { 48 translation, 49 "emq_plugin_wunaozai.server", 50 fun(Conf) -> 51 {RHost, RPort} = 52 case cuttlefish:conf_get("wunaozai.auth.redis.server", Conf) of 53 {Ip, Port} -> {Ip, Port}; 54 S -> case string:tokens(S, ":") of 55 [Domain] -> {Domain, 6379}; 56 [Domain, Port] -> {Domain, list_to_integer(Port)} 57 end 58 end, 59 Pool = cuttlefish:conf_get("wunaozai.auth.redis.pool", Conf), 60 Passwd = cuttlefish:conf_get("wunaozai.auth.redis.password", Conf), 61 DB = cuttlefish:conf_get("wunaozai.auth.redis.database", Conf), 62 [{pool_size, Pool}, 63 {auto_reconnect, 1}, 64 {host, RHost}, 65 {port, RPort}, 66 {database, DB}, 67 {password, Passwd}] 68 end 69 }. 70 71 72 %% wunaozai.auth.redis.auth_cmd = HMGET mqtt_user:%u password 73 { 74 mapping, 75 "wunaozai.auth.redis.auth_cmd", 76 "emq_plugin_wunaozai.auth_cmd", 77 [ 78 {datatype, string} 79 ] 80 }. 81 82 %% wunaozai.auth.redis.password_hash = plain 83 { 84 mapping, 85 "wunaozai.auth.redis.password_hash", 86 "emq_plugin_wunaozai.password_hash", 87 [ 88 {datatype, string} 89 ] 90 }. 91 92 %% wunaozai.auth.redis.super_cmd = HGET mqtt_user:%u is_superuser 93 { 94 mapping, 95 "wunaozai.auth.redis.super_cmd", 96 "emq_plugin_wunaozai.super_cmd", 97 [ 98 {datatype, string} 99 ] 100 }. 101 102 %% wunaozai.auth.redis.acl_cmd = HGETALL mqtt_acl:%u 103 { 104 mapping, 105 "wunaozai.auth.redis.acl_cmd", 106 "emq_plugin_wunaozai.acl_cmd", 107 [ 108 {datatype, string} 109 ] 110 }. 111 112 %%translation 113 { 114 translation, "emq_plugin_wunaozai.password_hash", 115 fun(Conf) -> 116 HashValue = cuttlefish:conf_get("wunaozai.auth.redis.password_hash", Conf), 117 case string:tokens(HashValue, ",") of 118 [Hash] -> list_to_atom(Hash); 119 [Prefix, Suffix] -> {list_to_atom(Prefix), list_to_atom(Suffix)}; 120 [Hash, MacFun, Iterations, Dklen] -> {list_to_atom(Hash), list_to_atom(MacFun), list_to_integer(Iterations), list_to_integer(Dklen)}; 121 _ -> plain 122 end 123 end 124 }.
若是遇到特殊狀況,有時候,是熱加載插件問題,記住 rm -rf _rel && make clean && make 便可
修改 rebar.confi 增長redis依賴
$ cat rebar.config
1 {deps, [ 2 {eredis, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/wooga/eredis", "master"}}, 3 {ecpool, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/emqtt/ecpool", "master"}} 4 ]}. 5 {erl_opts, [debug_info,{parse_transform,lager_transform}]}.
修改 Makefile 增長redis依賴
增長 include/emq_plugin_wunaozai.hrl 頭文件
1 -define(APP, emq_plugin_wunaozai).
複製emq_auth_redis/src/emq_auth_redis_config.erl 這個文件到咱們的插件中,而後修改文件名和對應的一些內容。
-module ...
-include ...
keys() -> ...
爲每一個文件都加上-include (「emq_plugin_wunaozai.hrl」).
文件emq_plugin_wunaozai_sup.erl 要在後面增長redis鏈接池配置。
1 -module(emq_plugin_wunaozai_sup). 2 -behaviour(supervisor). 3 -include("emq_plugin_wunaozai.hrl"). 4 5 %% API 6 -export([start_link/0]). 7 8 %% Supervisor callbacks 9 -export([init/1]). 10 11 start_link() -> 12 supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []). 13 14 init([]) -> 15 {ok, Server} = application:get_env(?APP, server), 16 PoolSpec = ecpool:pool_spec(?APP, ?APP, emq_plugin_wunaozai_cli, Server), 17 {ok, { {one_for_one, 10, 100}, [PoolSpec]} }. 18
建立 emq_plugin_wunaozai_cli.erl 文件, 一樣從emq_auth_redis_cli.erl進行復制而後做修改。
文件emq_plugin_wunaozai_app.erl 進行修改
1 -module(emq_plugin_wunaozai_app). 2 3 -behaviour(application). 4 5 -include("emq_plugin_wunaozai.hrl"). 6 7 %% Application callbacks 8 -export([start/2, stop/1]). 9 10 start(_StartType, _StartArgs) -> 11 {ok, Sup} = emq_plugin_wunaozai_sup:start_link(), 12 if_cmd_enabled(auth_cmd, fun reg_authmod/1), 13 if_cmd_enabled(acl_cmd, fun reg_aclmod/1), 14 emq_plugin_wunaozai:load(application:get_all_env()), 15 {ok, Sup}. 16 17 stop(_State) -> 18 ok = emqttd_access_control:unregister_mod(auth, emq_auth_demo_wunaozai), 19 ok = emqttd_access_control:unregister_mod(acl, emq_acl_demo_wunaozai), 20 emq_plugin_wunaozai:unload(). 21 22 %% 根據具體配置文件 emq_plugin_wunaozai.conf 是否有auth_cmd 或者 acl_cmd 配置項目來動態加載所屬模塊 23 reg_authmod(AuthCmd) -> 24 SuperCmd = application:get_env(?APP, super_cmd, undefined), 25 {ok, PasswdHash} = application:get_env(?APP, password_hash), 26 emqttd_access_control:register_mod(auth, emq_auth_demo_wunaozai, {AuthCmd, SuperCmd, PasswdHash}). 27 28 reg_aclmod(AclCmd) -> 29 emqttd_access_control:register_mod(acl, emq_acl_demo_wunaozai, AclCmd). 30 31 if_cmd_enabled(Par, Fun) -> 32 case application:get_env(?APP, Par) of 33 {ok, Cmd} -> Fun(Cmd); 34 undefined -> ok 35 end.
4. 簡單驗證一下賬號
經過上面的簡單配置,集成redis模塊基本就行了,接下來就是比較重要的業務邏輯判斷了。這一步主要是在emq_auth_demo_wunaozai.erl 文件寫下賬號密碼判斷。同理主要仍是參考emq_auth_redis.erl
客戶端測試工具的話,能夠用DashBoard上的WebSocket鏈接測試,也能夠在這裏下載 https://repo.eclipse.org/content/repositories/paho-releases/org/eclipse/paho/org.eclipse.paho.ui.app/ ,一個桌面端程序。
同時好像還有一個問題,就是在採用Redis進行驗證是,EMQ默認會開啓ACL緩存,就是說,一個MQTT設備的一次新Connect,第一次纔會去讀取ACL,進行判斷,後面就不會再進行ACL判斷了。在測試時,能夠關閉cache, 在./etc/emq.conf 文件下 mqtt.cache_acl = true 改成 mqtt.cache_acl = false ,這樣每次pub/sub 都會讀取Redis進行ACL判斷。這個功能有好有壞,根據業務取捨。https://github.com/emqtt/emqttd/pull/764
我的想法,若是是安全性要求不高的局域網控制,是能夠開啓cache_acl的,若是是安全性要求較高的,這個選項就不開啓了。這樣性能會有所降低,若是是採用傳統的關係型數據庫進行ACL判斷,每次pub/sub信息都會讀取數據庫,物聯網下,可能不太現實,這裏我是準備用Redis做爲ACL Cache,具體效果怎樣,要後面才知道。