
高通的MSM是mobile station modems . 移動基帶處理器.帶基帶的手機處理器.


QRD就是高通參考設計(Qualcomm Reference Design)ide

PBL:APPS PBL(Application Primary Boot Loader),主引導加載程序
RPM:Resource Power Manager,資源電源管理器
RPM(Resource Power Manager)是高通MSM平臺另外加的一塊芯片,雖然與AP芯片打包在一塊兒,但其是一個獨立的ARM Core。之因此加這個東西,就是要控制整個電源相關的shared resources,好比ldo,clock。負責與SMP,MPM交互進入睡眠或者喚醒整個系統。
L2 TCM:Tightly-Coupled Memory,緊耦合內存
Some ARM SoC:s have a so-called TCM (Tightly-Coupled Memory). This is usually just a few (4-64) KiB of RAM inside the ARM processor. 
Due to being embedded inside the CPU The TCM has a Harvard-architecture, so there is an ITCM (instruction TCM) and a DTCM (data TCM). The DTCM can not contain any instructions, but the ITCM can actually contain data.

CDT: Configuration Data Table,包含CDB0: platform info信息和CDB1: DDR配置參數。
PIL:Peripheral image loader
MBA:Modem Boot Authenticator,調制解調器引導認證
HLOS:High-level operation system,高級操做系統
Pronto image:

SMEM : shared memory
RPC : remote procedure call
QCSBL  : qualcomm second bootloader
OEMSBL  : oem second bootloader
AMSS    : Advanced Mobile Subscriber Software
SDI : System Debug Image
QSEE :  Qualcomm Secure Execution Environment
TZBSP  :  TrustZone BSP
SBL1:Scondary Boot Loader Stage1
MSS:Mobile Subscriber Software移動用戶軟件post

WCD: wafer codec/decodecspa

WCN: wireless connectivity network操作系統

WTR: Wafer Transceiver.net

RTR: Radio Transceiver設計

QCA: Qualcomm Atheroscode

QFE: Qualcomm Front-endorm

RFFE: Radio Frequency Front-endip

HDET: High Power Detector

ASM: Anntena Switch Module

MTP: Modem Test Platform

CDP: Core Development Platform

FFA: Form Factor Accurate

SURF: Subscriber Unit Reference Platform

XPU: Embedded Memory Protected Unit

UniPro: Universal Protocol

FLCB: Fast Low Current Boot

MSM: Mobile Station Modem

APQ: Application Processor Qualcomm

SRLTE: Simultaneous  Radio and LTE

QSD: Qualcomm Snapdragon

MDM: Mobile Data Modem

MPQ: Media Processor Qualcomm

QSC: Qualcomm Single Chip

PnP: Plug and Play

PBM: Phonebook Manager

FSG: A golden file system

modemst: modem efs partition

EDL: Emergency Download

mbn: Modem Configuration binary

CV: customer visit

FFBM: fast factory boot mode

IPO: instant power on
