
使用ProEssentials能夠建立3D柱狀圖,柱狀圖的形式包括線框、實體和陰影。 c#

相似於Graph control,3D柱狀圖只須要YData。 3d

Subsets定義沿z軸有多少行,Points定義了沿着x軸有多少列。 code

SubsetLabels和PointLabels用於行和列的標籤。 SubsetColors是用來控制子集柱狀條的顏色。 圖片

一旦用戶提供數據,ProEssentials將構造一個3D柱狀圖。下面的示例代碼顯示瞭如何構造一個簡單的3D get

柱狀圖。 it

Dim s As Integer
Dim p As Integer
Pe3do1.PEactions = 20
Pe3do1.PolyMode = PEPM_3DBAR
Pe3do1.PrepareImages = True
Pe3do1.Subsets = 10
Pe3do1.Points = 10
For s = 0 To 9
  For p = 0 To 9
   Pe3do1.YData(s, p) = (5+35*Cos(p*.4))*(5+10*Sin(s*.34))
  Next p
  Pe3do1.SubsetColors(s) = RGB(100+s*18, 100+s*18, 100+s*18)
Next s
Pe3do1.SubsetLabels(0) = "Hello"
Pe3do1.SubsetLabels(1) = "World"
Pe3do1.PointLabels(0) = "Texas"
Pe3do1.PointLabels(1) = "Washington"
Pe3do1.DegreeOfRotation = 309
Pe3do1.ViewingHeight = 4
Pe3do1.FontSize = PEFS_SMALL
Pe3do1.PlottingMethod = 1
Pe3do1.MainTitle = "3D Bar Chart"
Pe3do1.SubTitle = ""
Pe3do1.XAxisLabel = "Points"
Pe3do1.ZAxisLabel = "Subsets"
Pe3do1.YAxisLabel = "Data value"

生成圖片以下所示: io

》》》ProEssentials下載地址  class
