
Actions are orders given to a CCNode object. These actions usually modify some of the object's attributes like position, rotation, scale, etc. If these attributes are modified during a period of time, they are CCIntervalAction actions, otherwise they are CCInstantAction actions. For example, the CCMoveBy action modifies the position property during a period of time, hence, it is a subclass of CCIntervalAction.ide

You can run TestCpp->Actions test to see the action's visual effects. And cocos2d-x/samples/Cpp/TestCpp/Classes/ActionsTest, ActionsEaseTest are good sample codes for the


// Move a sprite 50 pixels to the right, and 10 pixels to the top over 2 seconds.
2CCActionInterval*  actionBy = CCMoveBy::create(2, ccp(50,10));

The CCIntervalAction actions have some interesting properties: They can be accelerated using the time-altered actionsci

  • CCEaseIn
  • CCEaseOut
  • CCEaseInOut
  • CCSpeed Etc. (See the ActionsEaseTest.cpp example for more info)

You can pause/resume all actions by using the CCActionManager:get

// Pause actions
CCDirector *director = CCDirector::sharedDirector();
m_pPausedTargets = director->getActionManager()->pauseAllRunningActions();
// resume actions
CCDirector *director = CCDirector::sharedDirector();

###Basic Actions Basic actions are the ones that modify basic properties like:it


  • CCMoveBy
  • CCMoveTo
  • CCJumpBy
  • CCJumpTo
  • CCBezierBy
  • CCBezierTo
  • CCPlace


  • CCScaleBy
  • CCScaleTo


  • CCRotateBy
  • CCRotateTo


  • CCShow

  • CCHide

  • CCBlink

  • CCToggleVisibility

  • Opacity

  • CCFadeIn

  • CCFadeOut

  • CCFadeTo


  • CCTintBy
  • CCTintTo


CCSprite *sprite = CCSprite::create("Images/grossini.png");
sprite->setPosition(ccp(100, 100));

CCMoveBy* act1 = CCMoveBy::create(0.5, ccp(100, 0));
sprite->runAction(CCRepeat::create(act1, 1));