Analysis of Algorithmsspa
The theoretical study of computer program performance and resource usage.orm
Performance: timeblog
Resource: communication, RAM memory or disk memory and so
What's more important than performance?input
Correctness, Simplicity, Maintainability, Robustness, Features, Functionality, Modularity, Security,
Why study algorithm and performance?io
They are the fundamental thing for above.form
Problem: sortingperformance
Input: sequence <a1, a2, ..., an> of numbersimport
Output: permutation <a1’, a2’, ..., an’>, s.t. a1’ <= a2’ <= ... <= an’
Insertion Sort:
Insertion-Sort(A,n) //Sorts A[1...n]
for j <- 2 to n
do key <- A[j]
i <- j - 1
while i > 0 and A[i] > key
do A[i+1] <- A[i]
i <- i - 1
A[i+1] <- key
Running time:
-Depends on input (eg. Already sorted)
-Depends on input size (6 elem. VS 6*10**9)
-parameterize in input size
-Want upper bounds
-guarantee to the user
Kinds of analysis
Worst-case (usually): T(n) = max time on any input of size n.
Average-case (sometimes): T(n) = expected time over all inputs of size n.
(Need assumption of statistic of distribution: uniform distribution)
Best-case (bogus) cheat
What is insertion sort's worst-case time?
Depends on computer
-relative speed (on same machine)
-absolute speed (on different machine)
BIG IDEA! Asymptotic analysis
1. Ignore machine dependent constants;
2. Look at growth of T(n) as n -> infinity.