Being comforted
I often unsatisfied at myself. Some time I even fell into a state of melancholy. I wanted myself to be more better and better. But I always can’t reach my goal. For example I hope I am good at my job, I also hope I am good at social things that I am not good at obviously. However I often don’t know how to do to deal with social things. What a loser! I said to myself. But today I am comforted.
This evening when I was at my dinner in canteen, I talked to a senior workmate of my distress, he said, it’s impossible all aspects you are perfect. You are great now, there are so few people who can pass the examination of postgraduate, if you are so good at social thing as well, what an able person you are! You are even better than Mr.M? You are good at something then you must be bad at some other thing. No way that you are good at all thing.
It makes a lot of sense,then I felt I am comforted.
いつも自分に不満です。時々憂鬱になります。私はいつも自分がもっと良くなりたいですが,いつも私の要求に間に合いいません。例えば, 私は仕事が上手になりたいです,人との付き合いも上手になりたいです。明らかに人間関係が苦手です。私はいつも人間関係が手を焼いています。私は自分に失敗したと言いました。でも 今日は慰められました。
今晩私は食堂に食事をしています, 先輩に悩みを相談しました。あなたはもうすごいです,何人の人が研究生試験を受けられましたか?彼は言いました。仕事も上手ですし,人間関係も得意です。Mさんよりすごいですか?長所があれば短所があります。すべでのことがうまくできるはずがないです。