對MySQL熟悉的人可能都知道,MySQL 有一個「insert ignore" 語法來忽略已經存在的記錄。 PostgreSQL暫時不提供這樣的語法,可是能夠用其餘方法來代替。sql
t_girl=# \d insert_ignore Table "ytt.insert_ignore" Column | Type | Modifiers ----------+------------------------+----------- id | integer | not null log_time | time without time zone | Indexes: "insert_ignore_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) t_girl=# select * from insert_ignore; id | log_time ----+---------------- 1 | 14:44:12.37185 (1 row)
第一種方法, 用自帶的規則(RULE)來實現。orm
t_girl=# create rule r_insert_ignore as on insert to insert_ignore where exists (select 1 from insert_ignore where id = new.id) do instead nothing; CREATE RULE 這時,咱們插入兩條記錄,其中一條的主鍵值已經存在,直接忽略掉。 實際插入的記錄數爲1. t_girl=# insert into insert_ignore values(1,current_time),(2,current_time); INSERT 0 1 t_girl=# select * from insert_ignore; id | log_time ----+----------------- 1 | 14:44:12.37185 2 | 14:48:22.222848 (2 rows)
第二種方法, 創建一個返回NULL的觸發器函數。 那麼函數體以下:blog
t_girl=# create or replace function sp_insert_ignore() returns trigger as $ytt$ begin perform 1 from insert_ignore where id = new.id; if found then return null; end if; return new; end; $ytt$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE FUNCTION 對應的觸發器以下: t_girl=# create trigger tr_ib_insert_ignore before insert on insert_ignore for each row execute procedure sp_insert_ignore(); CREATE TRIGGER 繼續插入兩條記錄。 t_girl=# insert into insert_ignore values (3,current_time),(2,current_time); INSERT 0 1 t_girl=# select * from insert_ignore; id | log_time ----+----------------- 1 | 14:44:12.37185 2 | 14:48:22.222848 3 | 15:05:33.198847 (3 rows) OK。目的達到了。
t_girl=# insert into insert_ignore with ytt_test(f1,f2) as ( values(6,current_time),(3,current_time) ) select a.* from ytt_test as a where a.f1 not in (select id from insert_ignore as b); INSERT 0 1 查看記錄,插入了一條ID爲6的記錄,忽略了ID爲3的記錄。 t_girl=# select * from insert_ignore; id | log_time ----+----------------- 1 | 14:44:12.37185 2 | 14:48:22.222848 3 | 15:05:33.198847 6 | 15:15:52.297802 (4 rows)
t_girl=# create or replace function sp_insert_ignore ( IN f_id int, IN f_log_time time without time zone ) returns void as $ytt$ begin insert into insert_ignore values (f_id,f_log_time); exception when unique_violation then raise notice 'Duplicated Key Error on ID:%',f_id; return; end; $ytt$ language plpgsql; 第一次調用,拋出了錯誤。 t_girl=# select sp_insert_ignore(1,'14:22:35'::time); NOTICE: Duplicated Key Error on ID:1 sp_insert_ignore ------------------ (1 row) 第二次正常插入。 t_girl=# select sp_insert_ignore(8,'14:22:35'::time); sp_insert_ignore ------------------ (1 row) t_girl=# select * from insert_ignore; id | log_time ----+----------------- 1 | 14:44:12.37185 2 | 14:48:22.222848 3 | 15:05:33.198847 6 | 15:15:52.297802 8 | 14:22:35 (5 rows) t_girl=# OK,目的也達到了。
本文出自 「上帝,我們不見不散!」 博客,請務必保留此出處http://yueliangdao0608.blog.51cto.com/397025/1352270it