昨天羣裏有位朋友問:linq 查詢的結果會開闢新的內存嗎?若是開了,那是對原序列集裏面元素的深拷貝仍是僅僅拷貝其引用?git
其實這個問題我以爲問的挺好,不少初學 C# 的朋友或多或少都有這樣的疑問,甚至有 3,4 年工做經驗的朋友可能都不是很清楚,這就致使在寫代碼的時候老是會畏手畏腳,還會莫名的揪心這樣玩的話內存會不會暴漲暴跌,這一篇我就用 windbg 來幫助朋友完全分析一下。github
這位老弟提到了是深拷貝仍是淺拷貝,本意就是想問: linq 一個引用類型集合 到底會怎樣?
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var personList = new List<Person>() { new Person() { Name="jack", Age=20 }, new Person() { Name="elen",Age=25, }, new Person() { Name="john", Age=22 } }; var query = personList.Where(m => m.Age > 20).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"query.count={query.Count}"); Console.ReadLine(); } } class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } }
若是用 windbg 的話,就很是簡單了,假設是深copy 的話,那麼 query 以後,託管堆上就會有 5個 Person,那是否是這樣呢? 用 !dumpheap -stat -type Person
0:000> !dumpheap -stat -type Person Statistics: MT Count TotalSize Class Name 00007ff7f27c3528 1 64 System.Func`2[[ConsoleApp5.Person, ConsoleApp5],[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib]] 00007ff7f27c2b60 2 64 System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[ConsoleApp5.Person, ConsoleApp5]] 00007ff7f27c9878 1 72 System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereListIterator`1[[ConsoleApp5.Person, ConsoleApp5]] 00007ff7f27c7a10 3 136 ConsoleApp5.Person[] 00007ff7f27c2ad0 3 96 ConsoleApp5.Person
從最後一行輸出能夠看到: ConsoleApp5.Person
的 Count=3,也就代表沒有所謂的深copy,若是你還不信的話,能夠在 query 中修改某一個Person的Age,看看原始的 personList 集合是否是同步更新,修改代碼以下:測試
static void Main(string[] args) { var personList = new List<Person>() { new Person() { Name="jack", Age=20 }, new Person() { Name="elen",Age=25, }, new Person() { Name="john", Age=22 } }; var query = personList.Where(m => m.Age > 20).ToList(); //故意修改 Age=25 爲 Age=100; query[0].Age = 100; Console.WriteLine($"query[0].Age={query[0].Age}, personList[2].Age={personList[1].Age}"); Console.ReadLine(); }
從截圖來看更加驗證了 並無所謂的 深copy 一說。ui
要驗證是否是 copy 引用,最粗暴的方法就是看看 query 這個數組在 託管堆上的存儲行態就明白了,一樣你也能夠藉助 windbg 去驗證一下,先到線程棧去找 query 變量,而後用 da
命令 對 query 進行打印。線程
0:000> !clrstack -l OS Thread Id: 0x809c (0) Child SP IP Call Site 000000E143D7E9B0 00007ff7f26f18be ConsoleApp5.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:\net5\ConsoleApp5\ConsoleApp5\Program.cs @ 20] LOCALS: 0x000000E143D7EA38 = 0x00000218266aab70 0x000000E143D7EA30 = 0x00000218266aad98 0:000> !do 0x00000218266aad98 Name: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[ConsoleApp5.Person, ConsoleApp5]] MethodTable: 00007ff7f27b2b60 EEClass: 00007ff7f27abad0 Size: 32(0x20) bytes File: C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\3.1.9\System.Private.CoreLib.dll Fields: MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name 0000000000000000 4001c35 8 SZARRAY 0 instance 00000218266aadb8 _items 00007ff7f26bb1f0 4001c36 10 System.Int32 1 instance 2 _size 00007ff7f26bb1f0 4001c37 14 System.Int32 1 instance 2 _version 0000000000000000 4001c38 8 SZARRAY 0 static dynamic statics NYI s_emptyArray 0:000> !da 00000218266aadb8 Name: ConsoleApp5.Person[] MethodTable: 00007ff7f27b7a10 EEClass: 00007ff7f26b6580 Size: 56(0x38) bytes Array: Rank 1, Number of elements 4, Type CLASS Element Methodtable: 00007ff7f27b2ad0 [0] 00000218266aac00 [1] 00000218266aac20 [2] null [3] null
從最後四行代碼能夠看出數組有 4 個格子,前2個格子放的是內存地址,後兩個都是 null,可能有些朋友會問,query 不是 2 條記錄嗎? 怎麼會有 4 個格子呢? 這是由於 query 是 List 結構,而 List 底層用的是數組,默認以 4 個格子起步,不信的話翻一下 List 原代碼便可。code
public class List<T> { private void EnsureCapacity(int min) { if (_items.Length < min) { int num = (_items.Length == 0) ? 4 : (_items.Length * 2); //默認 4 個大小 if ((uint)num > 2146435071u) { num = 2146435071; } if (num < min) { num = min; } Capacity = num; } } }
若是你想進一步查看數組中前兩個元素 00000218266aac00, 00000218266aac20
指向的是什麼,能夠用 !do 打印一下便可。blog
0:000> !do 00000218266aac00 Name: ConsoleApp5.Person MethodTable: 00007ff7f27b2ad0 EEClass: 00007ff7f27c2a00 Size: 32(0x20) bytes File: E:\net5\ConsoleApp5\ConsoleApp5\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\ConsoleApp5.dll Fields: MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name 00007ff7f2771e18 4000001 8 System.String 0 instance 00000218266aab30 <Name>k__BackingField 00007ff7f26bb1f0 4000002 10 System.Int32 1 instance 25 <Age>k__BackingField 0:000> !do 00000218266aac20 Name: ConsoleApp5.Person MethodTable: 00007ff7f27b2ad0 EEClass: 00007ff7f27c2a00 Size: 32(0x20) bytes File: E:\net5\ConsoleApp5\ConsoleApp5\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\ConsoleApp5.dll Fields: MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name 00007ff7f2771e18 4000001 8 System.String 0 instance 00000218266aab50 <Name>k__BackingField 00007ff7f26bb1f0 4000002 10 System.Int32 1 instance 22 <Age>k__BackingField
static void Main(string[] args) { var list = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9,10 }; var query = list.Where(m => m > 5).ToList(); Console.ReadLine(); }
// list 0:000> !DumpArray /d 0000019687c8aba8 Name: System.Int32[] MethodTable: 00007ff7f279f090 EEClass: 00007ff7f279f010 Size: 88(0x58) bytes Array: Rank 1, Number of elements 16, Type Int32 Element Methodtable: 00007ff7f26cb1f0 [0] 0000019687c8abb8 [1] 0000019687c8abbc [2] 0000019687c8abc0 [3] 0000019687c8abc4 [4] 0000019687c8abc8 [5] 0000019687c8abcc [6] 0000019687c8abd0 [7] 0000019687c8abd4 [8] 0000019687c8abd8 [9] 0000019687c8abdc [10] 0000019687c8abe0 [11] 0000019687c8abe4 [12] 0000019687c8abe8 [13] 0000019687c8abec [14] 0000019687c8abf0 [15] 0000019687c8abf4 // query 0:000> !DumpArray /d 0000019687c8ae68 Name: System.Int32[] MethodTable: 00007ff7f279f090 EEClass: 00007ff7f279f010 Size: 56(0x38) bytes Array: Rank 1, Number of elements 8, Type Int32 Element Methodtable: 00007ff7f26cb1f0 [0] 0000019687c8ae78 [1] 0000019687c8ae7c [2] 0000019687c8ae80 [3] 0000019687c8ae84 [4] 0000019687c8ae88 [5] 0000019687c8ae8c [6] 0000019687c8ae90 [7] 0000019687c8ae94
仔細對比 list 和 query 的數組呈現,發現有兩點好玩的信息:
值類型數組中的全部格子都被填滿,不像引用類型數組中還有 null 的狀況。
接下來的問題是,數組中每一個元素的地址到底指向了誰,能夠挑出每一個數組的 0 號元素地址,用 dp 命令看一看:
//list 0:000> dp 0000019687c8abb8 00000196`87c8abb8 00000002`00000001 00000004`00000003 00000196`87c8abc8 00000006`00000005 00000008`00000007 00000196`87c8abd8 0000000a`00000009 00000000`00000000 //query 0:000> dp 0000019687c8ae78 00000196`87c8ae78 00000007`00000006 00000009`00000008 00000196`87c8ae88 00000000`0000000a 00000000`00000000
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