for i in range(img_h): for j in range(img_w): # 普通藍色車牌,同時排除透明反光物質的干擾 if ((img_HSV[:, :, 0][i, j]-115)**2 < 15**2) and (img_B[i, j] > 70) and (img_R[i, j] < 40): img_gray[i, j] = 255 else: img_gray[i, j] = 0
# 檢測全部外輪廓,只留矩形的四個頂點 # opencv4.0, opencv2.x contours, _ = cv2.findContours(img_bin, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # opencv3.x _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(img_bin, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
在本例中,由於二值化圖像中共有三塊白色區域(車牌及兩處噪聲),所以返回值contours爲長度爲3的list。list內裝有3個array,每一個array內各存放着一塊白色區域的輪廓信息。每一個array的shape均爲(n, 1, 2),即每一個array存放着對應白色區域輪廓上n個點的座標。
#形狀及大小篩選校驗 det_x_max = 0 det_y_max = 0 num = 0 for i in range(len(contours)): x_min = np.min(contours[i][ :, :, 0]) x_max = np.max(contours[i][ :, :, 0]) y_min = np.min(contours[i][ :, :, 1]) y_max = np.max(contours[i][ :, :, 1]) det_x = x_max - x_min det_y = y_max - y_min if (det_x / det_y > 1.8) and (det_x > det_x_max ) and (det_y > det_y_max ): det_y_max = det_y det_x_max = det_x num = i # 獲取最可疑區域輪廓點集 points = np.array(contours[num][:, 0])
最終獲得的points的shape爲(n, 2),即存放了n個點的座標,這n個點均分佈在車牌的邊緣上。
# 獲取最小外接矩陣,中心點座標,寬高,旋轉角度 rect = cv2.minAreaRect(points) # 獲取矩形四個頂點,浮點型 box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) # 取整 box = np.int0(box)
能夠從座標值的大小特徵入手,將四個座標與矩形的四個頂點匹配起來:在opencv的座標體系下,縱座標最小的是top_point,縱座標最大的是bottom_point, 橫座標最小的是left_point,橫座標最大的是right_point。
# 獲取四個頂點座標 left_point_x = np.min(box[:, 0]) right_point_x = np.max(box[:, 0]) top_point_y = np.min(box[:, 1]) bottom_point_y = np.max(box[:, 1]) left_point_y = box[:, 1][np.where(box[:, 0] == left_point_x)][0] right_point_y = box[:, 1][np.where(box[:, 0] == right_point_x)][0] top_point_x = box[:, 0][np.where(box[:, 1] == top_point_y)][0] bottom_point_x = box[:, 0][np.where(box[:, 1] == bottom_point_y)][0] # 上下左右四個點座標 vertices = np.array([[top_point_x, top_point_y], [bottom_point_x, bottom_point_y], [left_point_x, left_point_y], [right_point_x, right_point_y]])
# 畸變狀況1 if rect[2] > -45: new_right_point_x = vertices[0, 0] new_right_point_y = int(vertices[1, 1] - (vertices[0, 0]- vertices[1, 0]) / (vertices[3, 0] - vertices[1, 0]) * (vertices[1, 1] - vertices[3, 1])) new_left_point_x = vertices[1, 0] new_left_point_y = int(vertices[0, 1] + (vertices[0, 0] - vertices[1, 0]) / (vertices[0, 0] - vertices[2, 0]) * (vertices[2, 1] - vertices[0, 1])) # 校訂後的四個頂點座標 point_set_1 = np.float32([[440, 0],[0, 0],[0, 140],[440, 140]]) # 畸變狀況2 elif rect[2] < -45: new_right_point_x = vertices[1, 0] new_right_point_y = int(vertices[0, 1] + (vertices[1, 0] - vertices[0, 0]) / (vertices[3, 0] - vertices[0, 0]) * (vertices[3, 1] - vertices[0, 1])) new_left_point_x = vertices[0, 0] new_left_point_y = int(vertices[1, 1] - (vertices[1, 0] - vertices[0, 0]) / (vertices[1, 0] - vertices[2, 0]) * (vertices[1, 1] - vertices[2, 1])) # 校訂後的四個頂點座標 point_set_1 = np.float32([[0, 0],[0, 140],[440, 140],[440, 0]]) # 校訂前平行四邊形四個頂點座標 new_box = np.array([(vertices[0, 0], vertices[0, 1]), (new_left_point_x, new_left_point_y), (vertices[1, 0], vertices[1, 1]), (new_right_point_x, new_right_point_y)]) point_set_0 = np.float32(new_box)
# 變換矩陣 mat = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(point_set_0, point_set_1) # 投影變換 lic = cv2.warpPerspective(img, mat, (440, 140))
1 # Created by 秋沐霖 on 2019/3/19. 2 import cv2 3 import numpy as np 4 5 # 預處理 6 def imgProcess(path): 7 img = cv2.imread(path) 8 # 統一規定大小 9 img = cv2.resize(img, (640,480)) 10 # 高斯模糊 11 img_Gas = cv2.GaussianBlur(img,(5,5),0) 12 # RGB通道分離 13 img_B = cv2.split(img_Gas)[0] 14 img_G = cv2.split(img_Gas)[1] 15 img_R = cv2.split(img_Gas)[2] 16 # 讀取灰度圖和HSV空間圖 17 img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_Gas, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) 18 img_HSV = cv2.cvtColor(img_Gas, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) 19 return img, img_Gas, img_B, img_G, img_R, img_gray, img_HSV 20 21 # 初步識別 22 def preIdentification(img_gray, img_HSV, img_B, img_R): 23 for i in range(480): 24 for j in range(640): 25 # 普通藍色車牌,同時排除透明反光物質的干擾 26 if ((img_HSV[:, :, 0][i, j]-115)**2 < 15**2) and (img_B[i, j] > 70) and (img_R[i, j] < 40): 27 img_gray[i, j] = 255 28 else: 29 img_gray[i, j] = 0 30 # 定義核 31 kernel_small = np.ones((3, 3)) 32 kernel_big = np.ones((7, 7)) 33 34 img_gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(img_gray, (5, 5), 0) # 高斯平滑 35 img_di = cv2.dilate(img_gray, kernel_small, iterations=5) # 腐蝕5次 36 img_close = cv2.morphologyEx(img_di, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel_big) # 閉操做 37 img_close = cv2.GaussianBlur(img_close, (5, 5), 0) # 高斯平滑 38 _, img_bin = cv2.threshold(img_close, 100, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # 二值化 39 return img_bin 40 41 # 定位 42 def fixPosition(img, img_bin): 43 # 檢測全部外輪廓,只留矩形的四個頂點 44 contours, _ = cv2.findContours(img_bin, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) 45 #形狀及大小篩選校驗 46 det_x_max = 0 47 det_y_max = 0 48 num = 0 49 for i in range(len(contours)): 50 x_min = np.min(contours[i][ :, :, 0]) 51 x_max = np.max(contours[i][ :, :, 0]) 52 y_min = np.min(contours[i][ :, :, 1]) 53 y_max = np.max(contours[i][ :, :, 1]) 54 det_x = x_max - x_min 55 det_y = y_max - y_min 56 if (det_x / det_y > 1.8) and (det_x > det_x_max ) and (det_y > det_y_max ): 57 det_y_max = det_y 58 det_x_max = det_x 59 num = i 60 # 獲取最可疑區域輪廓點集 61 points = np.array(contours[num][:, 0]) 62 return points 63 64 65 #img_lic_canny = cv2.Canny(img_lic_bin, 100, 200) 66 67 68 def findVertices(points): 69 # 獲取最小外接矩陣,中心點座標,寬高,旋轉角度 70 rect = cv2.minAreaRect(points) 71 # 獲取矩形四個頂點,浮點型 72 box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) 73 # 取整 74 box = np.int0(box) 75 # 獲取四個頂點座標 76 left_point_x = np.min(box[:, 0]) 77 right_point_x = np.max(box[:, 0]) 78 top_point_y = np.min(box[:, 1]) 79 bottom_point_y = np.max(box[:, 1]) 80 81 left_point_y = box[:, 1][np.where(box[:, 0] == left_point_x)][0] 82 right_point_y = box[:, 1][np.where(box[:, 0] == right_point_x)][0] 83 top_point_x = box[:, 0][np.where(box[:, 1] == top_point_y)][0] 84 bottom_point_x = box[:, 0][np.where(box[:, 1] == bottom_point_y)][0] 85 # 上下左右四個點座標 86 vertices = np.array([[top_point_x, top_point_y], [bottom_point_x, bottom_point_y], [left_point_x, left_point_y], [right_point_x, right_point_y]]) 87 return vertices, rect 88 89 def tiltCorrection(vertices, rect): 90 # 畸變狀況1 91 if rect[2] > -45: 92 new_right_point_x = vertices[0, 0] 93 new_right_point_y = int(vertices[1, 1] - (vertices[0, 0]- vertices[1, 0]) / (vertices[3, 0] - vertices[1, 0]) * (vertices[1, 1] - vertices[3, 1])) 94 new_left_point_x = vertices[1, 0] 95 new_left_point_y = int(vertices[0, 1] + (vertices[0, 0] - vertices[1, 0]) / (vertices[0, 0] - vertices[2, 0]) * (vertices[2, 1] - vertices[0, 1])) 96 # 校訂後的四個頂點座標 97 point_set_1 = np.float32([[440, 0],[0, 0],[0, 140],[440, 140]]) 98 # 畸變狀況2 99 elif rect[2] < -45: 100 new_right_point_x = vertices[1, 0] 101 new_right_point_y = int(vertices[0, 1] + (vertices[1, 0] - vertices[0, 0]) / (vertices[3, 0] - vertices[0, 0]) * (vertices[3, 1] - vertices[0, 1])) 102 new_left_point_x = vertices[0, 0] 103 new_left_point_y = int(vertices[1, 1] - (vertices[1, 0] - vertices[0, 0]) / (vertices[1, 0] - vertices[2, 0]) * (vertices[1, 1] - vertices[2, 1])) 104 # 校訂後的四個頂點座標 105 point_set_1 = np.float32([[0, 0],[0, 140],[440, 140],[440, 0]]) 106 107 # 校訂前平行四邊形四個頂點座標 108 new_box = np.array([(vertices[0, 0], vertices[0, 1]), (new_left_point_x, new_left_point_y), (vertices[1, 0], vertices[1, 1]), (new_right_point_x, new_right_point_y)]) 109 point_set_0 = np.float32(new_box) 110 return point_set_0, point_set_1, new_box 111 112 def transform(img, point_set_0, point_set_1): 113 # 變換矩陣 114 mat = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(point_set_0, point_set_1) 115 # 投影變換 116 lic = cv2.warpPerspective(img, mat, (440, 140)) 117 return lic 118 119 def main(): 120 path = 'F:\\Python\\license_plate\\test\\9.jpg' 121 # 圖像預處理 122 img, img_Gas, img_B, img_G, img_R, img_gray, img_HSV = imgProcess(path) 123 # 初步識別 124 img_bin = preIdentification(img_gray, img_HSV, img_B, img_R) 125 points = fixPosition(img, img_bin) 126 vertices, rect = findVertices(points) 127 point_set_0, point_set_1, new_box = tiltCorrection(vertices, rect) 128 img_draw = cv2.drawContours(img.copy(), [new_box], -1, (0,0,255), 3) 129 lic = transform(img, point_set_0, point_set_1) 130 # 原圖上框出車牌 131 cv2.namedWindow("Image") 132 cv2.imshow("Image", img_draw) 133 # 二值化圖像 134 cv2.namedWindow("Image_Bin") 135 cv2.imshow("Image_Bin", img_bin) 136 # 顯示校訂後的車牌 137 cv2.namedWindow("Lic") 138 cv2.imshow("Lic", lic) 139 # 暫停、關閉窗口 140 cv2.waitKey(0) 141 cv2.destroyAllWindows() 142 143 if __name__ == '__main__': 144 main()