
Health 信息是從 ApplicationContext 中全部的 HealthIndicator 的 Bean 中收集的, Spring Boot 內置了一些 HealthIndicator。ide

內置 HealthIndicator 監控檢測

Name Description
CassandraHealthIndicator Checks that a Cassandra database is up.
DiskSpaceHealthIndicator Checks for low disk space.
DataSourceHealthIndicator Checks that a connection to DataSource can be obtained.
ElasticsearchHealthIndicator Checks that an Elasticsearch cluster is up.
JmsHealthIndicator Checks that a JMS broker is up.
MailHealthIndicator Checks that a mail server is up.
MongoHealthIndicator Checks that a Mongo database is up.
RabbitHealthIndicator Checks that a Rabbit server is up.
RedisHealthIndicator Checks that a Redis server is up.
SolrHealthIndicator Checks that a Solr server is up.


可見,Spring Boot 幫忙咱們集成了許多比較常見的健康監控,例如 MySQL、 MongoDB、 Redis、 ElasticSearch、 Solr、 RabbitMQ 等。this

自定義 HealthIndicator 監控檢測

通常狀況下,Spring Boot 提供的健康監控沒法知足咱們複雜的業務場景,此時,咱們就須要定製本身的 HealthIndicator, 擴展本身的業務監控。spa

咱們,實現 HealthIndicator 接口建立一個簡單的檢測器類。它的做用很簡單,只是進行服務狀態監測。此時,經過重寫 health() 方法來實現健康檢查。code

    public class CusStatusHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
    public Health health() {
    int errorCode = check();
    if (errorCode != 0) {
    return Health.down()
    .withDetail("status", errorCode)
    .withDetail("message", "服務故障")
    return Health.up().build();
    private int check(){
    // 對監控對象的檢測操做
    return HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value();



    "status": "DOWN",
    "cusStatus": {
    "status": 404,
    "message": "服務故障"


此外,咱們還能夠經過繼承 AbstractHealthIndicator 類,建立一個檢測器類。對象

    public class CusDiskSpaceHealthIndicator extends AbstractHealthIndicator {
    private final FileStore fileStore;
    private final long thresholdBytes;
    public CusDiskSpaceHealthIndicator(
    @Value("${health.filestore.path:/}") String path,
    @Value("${health.filestore.threshold.bytes:10485760}") long thresholdBytes)
    throws IOException {
    fileStore = Files.getFileStore(Paths.get(path));
    this.thresholdBytes = thresholdBytes;
    protected void doHealthCheck(Health.Builder builder) throws Exception {
    long diskFreeInBytes = fileStore.getUnallocatedSpace();
    if (diskFreeInBytes >= thresholdBytes) {
    } else {
    long totalSpaceInBytes = fileStore.getTotalSpace();
    builder.withDetail("disk.free", diskFreeInBytes);
    builder.withDetail("disk.total", totalSpaceInBytes);


AbstractHealthIndicator 實現 HealthIndicator 接口,並重寫了 health() 方法來實現健康檢查。所以,咱們只須要重寫 doHealthCheck 方法便可。blog

通常狀況下,咱們不會直接實現 HealthIndicator 接口,而是繼承 AbstractHealthIndicator 抽象類。由於,咱們只須要重寫 doHealthCheck 方法,並在這個方法中咱們關注於具體的健康檢測的業務邏輯服務。繼承


    "status": "UP",
    "cusDiskSpace": {
    "status": "UP",
    "disk.free": 79479193600,
    "disk.total": 104856547328