OOP clothing store

Design Clothing store using OOP concepts. based on your design tell how you'll find if the store has XXL size of a particular shirt.  
package OOP.clothstore;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
class cloth{
     String brand;
     String barCode;
     Type type;
     Size size;
     enum Size{xs,s,m,l,xl,xxl};
     enum Type{Tshirt, hoodie, jean, pant};
     float price;
     public cloth(Type t, Size s, String brand, float price, String bar){
         type = t; size = s; this .brand = brand; this .price = price;
         this .barCode = bar;
public class clothstore {
    Hashtable<String, cloth> catalog ;
    Hashtable<String, Integer> storages;
        catalog = new Hashtable<String, cloth>();
        storages = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
    void addCloth(cloth c){
        if (!catalog.containsKey(c.barCode))
            catalog.put(c.barCode, c);
        int count = 0 ;
        if (storages.containsKey(c.barCode))
            count = storages.get(c.barCode);
        storages.put(c.barCode, count+ 1 );
    cloth sell(String barCode){
        if (!catalog.containsKey(barCode))
            return null ;
        int count = storages.get(barCode);
        if (count<= 0 ) return null ;
        cloth c = catalog.get(barCode);
        count --;
        storages.put(barCode, count);
        return c;