做者:容易 日期:2015-03-17java
add_job 接口代碼以下git
#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- __author__ = 'tiger' #!/usr/bin/env python import zmq, time, os #import random import subprocess import logging, ConfigParser from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler #定義日誌函數 def mylog(logfile): rthandler = RotatingFileHandler(logfile, 'a', maxBytes=50 * 1024 * 1024, backupCount=3) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(levelname)s %(thread)d %(threadName)s %(process)d %(funcName)s %(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(message)s', datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S') rthandler.setFormatter(formatter) log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.INFO) log.addHandler(rthandler) return log #定義IP檢查判斷IP是否正確 def ip_check(ip): q = ip.split('.') return len(q) == 4 and len(filter(lambda x: x >= 0 and x <= 255, \ map(int, filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), q)))) == 4 #配置讀取函數 def read_task(config_file): cfg = config_file config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() config.read(cfg) #sections = config.sections() #生產任務ID job_id = int(time.time()) + 1 #定義IP字典,記錄批量執行的IP地址 ip_dic = {} #嘗試獲取相關配置變量 try: master_sock = config.get("master", 'sock') ip_list = config.get("ip_list", 'ip').split(',') job_task = config.get("job_info", 'task') except Exception, err: print err return 0 for i in ip_list: if ip_check(i): ip_dic[i] = 'N' else: print "ip error :%s" % i return 0 #嘗試獲取任務的非必須變量,不存在設置相關默認值 try: job_type = config.get("job_info", 'type') except: job_type = 'c' try: job_rundir = config.get("job_info", 'rundir') except: job_rundir = 'None' try: job_cmdtimeout = int(config.get("job_info", 'cmdtimeout')) except: job_cmdtimeout = 10 try: job_jobtimeout = int(config.get("job_info", 'jobtimeout')) except: job_jobtimeout = 20 if job_type == 's': try: job_env = config.get("job_info", 'env') except: job_env = 'sh' try: job_fileserver = config.get("job_info", 'fileserver') except: job_fileserver = '' job_info = {'id': job_id, 'type': job_type, 'task': job_task, 'jobtimeout': job_jobtimeout, 'cmdtimeout': job_cmdtimeout, 'env': job_env, 'fileserver': job_fileserver, 'rep_type': 'newtask', 'rundir': job_rundir} else: job_info = {'id': job_id, 'type': job_type, 'task': job_task, 'jobtimeout': job_jobtimeout, 'cmdtimeout': job_cmdtimeout, 'rep_type': 'newtask', 'rundir': job_rundir} return [ip_dic, job_info, master_sock] #變量說明,id表明任務的id號是個自增數,根據當前時間生成,job_type表明任務的類別,c表明命令s表明腳本,job_task表明具體的命令,若是是任務 #類別是命令則執行執行,若是是腳本,客戶端將去根據腳本名去http服務器下載相關腳本,jobtimeout表明整個任務的超時時間,若是客戶端沒有在該事件內 #報告任務狀態則超時,cmdtimeout表明客戶端執行具體任務的超時時間,例如top命令若是不帶參數將永遠執行,cmdtimeout就是爲了不相似狀況 #job_env 表明任務的執行環境,一般只適用於執行腳本,job_fileserver 當任務類別是腳本時,下載腳本的http服務器地址和路徑,rep_type響應給客戶端的狀態 #若是響應的信息爲newtask,客戶端將知道是有新任務了,會嘗試獲取任務所需的其餘信息。rundir任務運行的具體路徑 def add_job(config_file, logfile): #定義平常函數 log = mylog(logfile) #讀取配置文件 cfg_info = read_task(config_file) #返回爲非0時,表示配置文件讀取成功而且符合預期。 if cfg_info != 0: ip_dic = cfg_info[0] job_info = cfg_info[1] job_id = job_info['id'] #task = [ip_dic, job_info] #生產請求信息,而且發送至master,請求添加新任務。 task = {'req_type': 'addjob', 'job_info': job_info, 'iplist': ip_dic} #嘗試創建與master的鏈接而且發生相關信息等待響應 sock_file = cfg_info[2] context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) try: socket.connect(sock_file) socket.send_pyobj(task) except Exception, err: log.info("connect to master error " + str(err)) print "connect to master error %s " % str(err) #等待請求響應 report = socket.recv_pyobj() #打印響應信息 print report #記錄到相關的日誌,關閉與master的鏈接 log_file = report.split()[-1] log.info(report) socket.close() context.term() #嘗試讀取任務報告,直接使用系統本身帶的tail命令 read_log = "tail -f " + log_file p = subprocess.Popen(read_log, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) returncode = p.poll() end_fag = 'job ' + str(job_id) + ' end' print '----------------------job report start--------------------------' while returncode is None: line = p.stdout.readline() returncode = p.poll() line = line.strip() print line if line == end_fag: break print '----------------------job report end---------------------------' else: return #定義主函數設置相關運行目錄和配置文件名 def main(): config_file = 'task.ini' logfile = 'log/oaos_add_job.log' homedir = os.getcwd() for i in ('log', 'run'): path = homedir + '/' + i if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path, 0755) add_job(config_file, logfile) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
task=ls -rlttcp