Alink漫談(九) :特徵工程 之 特徵哈希/標準化縮放

Alink漫談(九) :特徵工程之特徵哈希/標準化縮放

0x00 摘要

Alink 是阿里巴巴基於實時計算引擎 Flink 研發的新一代機器學習算法平臺,是業界首個同時支持批式算法、流式算法的機器學習平臺。本文將剖析Alink 「特徵工程」 部分對應代碼實現。java

0x01 相關概念

1.1 特徵工程




  • 數值特徵:包括整形、浮點型等,能夠有順序意義,或者無序數據。
  • 分類特徵:如ID、性別等。
  • 時間特徵:時間序列如月份、年份、季度、日期、小時等。
  • 空間特徵:經緯度等,能夠轉換成郵編,城市等。
  • 文本特徵:文檔,天然語言,語句等。


  • 分箱(Binning)機器學習

  • 獨熱編碼(One-Hot Encoding)ide

  • 特徵哈希(Hashing Trick)函數

  • 嵌套法(Embedding)工具

  • 取對數(Log Transformation)性能

  • 特徵縮放(Scaling)

  • 標準化(Normalization)

  • 特徵交互(Feature Interaction)


1.2 特徵縮放(Scaling)

特徵縮放是一種用於標準化獨立變量或數據特徵範圍的方法。 在數據處理中,它也稱爲數據標準化,而且一般在數據預處理步驟期間執行。特徵縮放能夠將很大範圍的數據限定在指定範圍內。因爲原始數據的值範圍變化很大,在一些機器學習算法中,若是沒有標準化,目標函數將沒法正常工做。 例如,大多數分類器按歐幾里德距離計算兩點之間的距離。 若是其中一個要素具備寬範圍的值,則距離將受此特定要素的控制。 所以,應對全部特徵的範圍進行歸一化,以使每一個特徵大體與最終距離成比例。


  • 最大最小縮放(Min-max Scaling)
  • 標準化縮放(Standard(Z) Scaling)

1.3 特徵哈希(Hashing Trick)

大多數機器學習算法的輸入要求都是實數矩陣,將原始數據轉換成實數矩陣就是所謂的特徵工程,而特徵哈希(feature hashing,也稱哈希技巧,hashing trick)就是一種特徵工程技術。

特徵哈希的目標就是將一個數據點轉換成一個向量 或者 把原始的高維特徵向量壓縮成較低維特徵向量,且儘可能不損失原始特徵的表達能力。



姓 名:關勝
排 名:坐第5把交椅
籍 貫:運城(今山西省-運城市)
綽 號:大刀
武 器:青龍偃月刀
星 號:天勇星
相 貌:堂堂八尺五六身軀,細細三柳髭髯,兩眉入鬢,鳳眼朝天,面如重棗,脣若塗朱。
原 型:南宋初,劉豫任濟南知府,金軍攻濟南。劉豫受金人利誘,殺守將關勝,降金。這段故事被清陳忱加以演義,寫入了《水滸後傳》。此關勝可能就是小說中的原型。
後 代:關鈴,在《說岳全傳》出場,岳雲的義弟。


轉換以後以下(虛構,只是展現使用 ^_^):

// 假設結果是一個 30000 大小的稀疏向量,下面格式是:"index":"value"

"725":"0.8223484445229384" //姓 名
"1000":"0.8444219609970856" //排 名
"4995":"-0.18307661612028242 " //籍 貫
"8049":"0.060151616110215377" //綽 號
"8517":"-0.7340742756048447 " //武 器
"26798":":-0.734299689415312" //星 號
"24390":"0.545435" //相 貌
"25083":"0.4543543" //原 型
"25435":"-0.243432" //出場回合
"25721":"-0.7340742756048447" //後 代


0x02 數據集



String schemaStr 
                = "id string, click string, dt string, C1 string, banner_pos int, site_id string, site_domain string, "
                + "site_category string, app_id string, app_domain string, app_category string, device_id string, "
                + "device_ip string, device_model string, device_type string, device_conn_type string, C14 int, C15 int, "
                + "C16 int, C17 int, C18 int, C19 int, C20 int, C21 int";


0x03 示例代碼


String[] selectedColNames = new String[]{
                "C1", "banner_pos", "site_category", "app_domain",
                "app_category", "device_type", "device_conn_type",
                "C14", "C15", "C16", "C17", "C18", "C19", "C20", "C21",
                "site_id", "site_domain", "device_id", "device_model"};
String[] categoryColNames = new String[]{
                "C1", "banner_pos", "site_category", "app_domain",
                "app_category", "device_type", "device_conn_type",
                "site_id", "site_domain", "device_id", "device_model"};
String[] numericalColNames = new String[]{
                "C14", "C15", "C16", "C17", "C18", "C19", "C20", "C21"};

// setup feature engineering pipeline
Pipeline featurePipeline = new Pipeline()
        .add(   // 特徵縮放  
                new StandardScaler()
                        .setSelectedCols(numericalColNames) // 對Double類型的列作變換
        .add(   // 特徵哈希
                new FeatureHasher()
// fit feature pipeline model
PipelineModel featurePipelineModel =;

0x04 標準化縮放 StandardScaler

StandardScaler的做用是把數據集的每個特徵進行標準差(standard deviation)轉換 和/或 零均值化(zero mean)。transforms a dataset, normalizing each feature to have unit standard deviation and/or zero mean.





  • 須要把須要處理的列的means, stdEnv這樣的都計算出來,這就須要遍歷整個表。因此這個是訓練過程。
  • 須要根據上述訓練出來的means, stdEnv等數值,遍歷整個表中的每一個數據,應用means, stdEnv結果逐一計算。因此這個是mapper過程。

4.1 StandardScalerTrainBatchOp

StandardScalerTrainBatchOp 類作了標準化縮放相關工做。這裏只對數字類型的列作轉換。

/* StandardScaler transforms a dataset, normalizing each feature to have unit standard deviation and/or zero mean. */
public class StandardScalerTrainBatchOp extends BatchOperator<StandardScalerTrainBatchOp>
    implements StandardTrainParams<StandardScalerTrainBatchOp> {

    public StandardScalerTrainBatchOp linkFrom(BatchOperator<?>... inputs) {
        BatchOperator<?> in = checkAndGetFirst(inputs);
        String[] selectedColNames = getSelectedCols();

        StandardScalerModelDataConverter converter = new StandardScalerModelDataConverter();
        converter.selectedColNames = selectedColNames;
        converter.selectedColTypes = new TypeInformation[selectedColNames.length];

        // 獲取須要轉換的列
        for (int i = 0; i < selectedColNames.length; i++) {
            converter.selectedColTypes[i] = Types.DOUBLE;

converter = {StandardScalerModelDataConverter@9229} 
 selectedColNames = {String[8]@9228} 
  0 = "C14"
  1 = "C15"
  2 = "C16"
  3 = "C17"
  4 = "C18"
  5 = "C19"
  6 = "C20"
  7 = "C21"
 selectedColTypes = {TypeInformation[8]@9231} 
  0 = {FractionalTypeInfo@9269} "Double"
  1 = {FractionalTypeInfo@9269} "Double"
  2 = {FractionalTypeInfo@9269} "Double"
  3 = {FractionalTypeInfo@9269} "Double"
  4 = {FractionalTypeInfo@9269} "Double"
  5 = {FractionalTypeInfo@9269} "Double"
  6 = {FractionalTypeInfo@9269} "Double"
  7 = {FractionalTypeInfo@9269} "Double"      
        // 用獲取到的列信息經過 StatisticsHelper.summary 作總結,而後經過 BuildStandardScalerModel 進行操做
        DataSet<Row> rows = StatisticsHelper.summary(in, selectedColNames)
            .flatMap(new BuildStandardScalerModel(converter.selectedColNames,

        this.setOutput(rows, converter.getModelSchema());

        return this;


summarizer:277, StatisticsHelper (
summarizer:240, StatisticsHelper (
summary:71, StatisticsHelper (
linkFrom:49, StandardScalerTrainBatchOp (
train:22, StandardScaler (
fit:34, Trainer (
fit:117, Pipeline (
main:59, FTRLExample (

StandardScalerTrainBatchOp.linkFrom 構建出來的執行計劃從邏輯上講是

  • 1)獲取須要轉換的列信息
  • 2)用獲取到的列信息經過 StatisticsHelper.summary (StatisticsHelper類是batch statistical calculation的工具類) 作總結
    • 2.1)用 summarizer 獲取table統計信息
      • 2.1.1)用in =;獲取輸入數據中須要調整的列 所對應的數據
      • 2.1.2)調用同名 summarizer 函數對in作操做進行統計
        •調用 TableSummarizerPartition 對每一個partition數據進行統計。
          • 調用 TableSummarizer.visit 對本 partition 傳入的Row(就是上面in的每一個數據)進行計算,得出統計數據好比 squareSum,min, max, normL1。
        •回到 summarizer 函數,調用reduce 對全部partition得的統計數據進行彙總。
    • 2.2)對 summarizer 的結果調用 summarizer.toSummary() 進行map,獲得 TableSummary,其就是一個簡單統計。
  • 3)對 StatisticsHelper.summary 的結果 經過flatMap( BuildStandardScalerModel ) 進行生成模型 / 存儲操做
    • 3.1)BuildStandardScalerModel.flatMap調用
      • 3.1.1)data.add(JsonConverter.toJson(means)); 存means
      • 3.1.2)data.add(JsonConverter.toJson(stdDevs)); 存 stdDevs


4.2 StatisticsHelper.summary

StatisticsHelper.summary 首先調用summarizer對原始輸入table作總結,對應代碼 2)

/* table summary, selectedColNames must be set. */
public static DataSet<TableSummary> summary(BatchOperator in, String[] selectedColNames) {
    return summarizer(in, selectedColNames, false) // 將會調用代碼 2.1)  
        .map(new MapFunction<TableSummarizer, TableSummary>() {
            public TableSummary map(TableSummarizer summarizer) throws Exception {
                return summarizer.toSummary(); // 對應代碼 2.2)

summarizer(in, selectedColNames, false) 從原始輸入中獲取到那些選中的列,而後繼續調用另外同名函數summarizer。

 * table stat
private static DataSet<TableSummarizer> summarizer(BatchOperator in, String[]  selectedColNames, boolean calculateOuterProduct) { // 對應代碼 2.1)
    in =; // 對應代碼2.1.1)  
    return summarizer(in.getDataSet(), calculateOuterProduct, getNumericalColIndices(in.getColTypes()), selectedColNames); //對應代碼2.1.2) 

同名函數summarizer調用 TableSummarizerPartition 對每一個partition處理,固然你們知道如今只是把執行計劃搭建起來,不是真正的執行。當對每一個partition處理完成以後,會回到這裏的reduce函數進行merge

/* given data, return summary. numberIndices is the indices of cols which are number type in selected cols. */
private static DataSet<TableSummarizer> summarizer(DataSet<Row> data, boolean bCov, int[] numberIndices, String[] selectedColNames) {
    return data // mapPartition 對應代碼
        .mapPartition(new TableSummarizerPartition(bCov, numberIndices, selectedColNames))
        .reduce(new ReduceFunction<TableSummarizer>() { // reduce對應代碼
            public TableSummarizer reduce(TableSummarizer left, TableSummarizer right) {
                return TableSummarizer.merge(left, right); //最終會merge全部的partition處理結果

TableSummarizerPartition針對每一個partition,讓每一個worker用來TableSummarizer.visit來作table summary,之後會合並。對應代碼 。

/* It is table summary partition of one worker, will merge result later. */
public static class TableSummarizerPartition implements MapPartitionFunction<Row, TableSummarizer> {
    public void mapPartition(Iterable<Row> iterable, Collector<TableSummarizer> collector) {
        TableSummarizer srt = new TableSummarizer(selectedColNames, numericalIndices, outerProduct);
        srt.colNames = selectedColNames;
        for (Row sv : iterable) {
            srt = (TableSummarizer) srt.visit(sv);

// 變量以下
srt = {TableSummarizer@10742} "count: 0\n"
sv = {Row@10764} "15708,320,50,1722,0,35,-1,79"
srt.colNames = {String[8]@10733} 
 0 = "C14"
 1 = "C15"
 2 = "C16"
 3 = "C17"
 4 = "C18"
 5 = "C19"
 6 = "C20"
 7 = "C21"

咱們能夠看到,上面代碼中會對 iterable 作循環調用 TableSummarizer.visit函數。即經過visit來對輸入的每一個item(這個item就是srt.colNames對應的那些列集合起來作了一個Row)作累積計算,算出好比squareSum,min, max, normL1等等,具體在下面的變量中有體現。

this = {TableSummarizer@10742} "count: 1\nsum: 15708.0 320.0 50.0 1722.0 0.0 35.0 -1.0 79.0\nsquareSum: 2.46741264E8 102400.0 2500.0 2965284.0 0.0 1225.0 1.0 6241.0\nmin: 15708.0 320.0 50.0 1722.0 0.0 35.0 -1.0 79.0\nmax: 15708.0 320.0 50.0 1722.0 0.0 35.0 -1.0 79.0"
 colNames = {String[8]@10733} 
 xSum = null
 xSquareSum = null
 xyCount = null
 numericalColIndices = {int[8]@10734} 
 numMissingValue = {DenseVector@10791} "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"
 sum = {DenseVector@10792} "15708.0 320.0 50.0 1722.0 0.0 35.0 -1.0 79.0"
 squareSum = {DenseVector@10793} "2.46741264E8 102400.0 2500.0 2965284.0 0.0 1225.0 1.0 6241.0"
 min = {DenseVector@10794} "15708.0 320.0 50.0 1722.0 0.0 35.0 -1.0 79.0"
 max = {DenseVector@10795} "15708.0 320.0 50.0 1722.0 0.0 35.0 -1.0 79.0"
 normL1 = {DenseVector@10796} "15708.0 320.0 50.0 1722.0 0.0 35.0 1.0 79.0"
 vals = {Double[8]@10797} 
 outerProduct = null
 count = 1
 calculateOuterProduct = false

4.3 BuildStandardScalerModel

這裏的功能是生成模型 / 存儲。

/* table summary build model. */
public static class BuildStandardScalerModel implements FlatMapFunction<TableSummary, Row> {
    private String[] selectedColNames;
    private TypeInformation[] selectedColTypes;
    private boolean withMean;
    private boolean withStdDevs;

    public void flatMap(TableSummary srt, Collector<Row> collector) throws Exception {
        if (null != srt) {
            StandardScalerModelDataConverter converter = new StandardScalerModelDataConverter();
            converter.selectedColNames = selectedColNames;
            converter.selectedColTypes = selectedColTypes;
            // 業務
   Tuple3<>(this.withMean, this.withStdDevs, srt), collector);


  1. 存儲mean
  2. 存儲stdDevs
  3. 構建元數據Params
  4. 序列化
  5. 發送序列化結果
 * Serialize the model data to "Tuple3<Params, List<String>, List<Row>>".
 * @param modelData The model data to serialize.
 * @return The serialization result.
public Tuple3<Params, Iterable<String>, Iterable<Row>> serializeModel(Tuple3<Boolean, Boolean, TableSummary> modelData) {
    Boolean withMean = modelData.f0;
    Boolean withStandarDeviation = modelData.f1;
    TableSummary summary = modelData.f2;

    String[] colNames = summary.getColNames();
    double[] means = new double[colNames.length];
    double[] stdDevs = new double[colNames.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < colNames.length; i++) {
        means[i] = summary.mean(colNames[i]); // 1. 存儲mean
        stdDevs[i] = summary.standardDeviation(colNames[i]); // 2. 存儲stdDevs

    for (int i = 0; i < colNames.length; i++) {
        if (!withMean) {
            means[i] = 0;
        if (!withStandarDeviation) {
            stdDevs[i] = 1;

    // 3. 構建元數據Params
    Params meta = new Params()
        .set(StandardTrainParams.WITH_MEAN, withMean)
        .set(StandardTrainParams.WITH_STD, withStandarDeviation);

    // 4. 序列化
    List<String> data = new ArrayList<>();

    return new Tuple3<>(meta, data, new ArrayList<>());


save:68, RichModelDataConverter (
flatMap:84, StandardScalerTrainBatchOp$BuildStandardScalerModel (
flatMap:63, StandardScalerTrainBatchOp$BuildStandardScalerModel (
collect:80, ChainedFlatMapDriver (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.chaining)
collect:35, CountingCollector (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.metrics)
collect:79, ChainedMapDriver (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.chaining)
collect:35, CountingCollector (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.metrics)
run:152, AllReduceDriver (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators)
run:504, BatchTask (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators)
invoke:369, BatchTask (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators)
doRun:707, Task (org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager)
run:532, Task (org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager)
run:748, Thread (java.lang)
// 如下是輸入  
modelData = {Tuple3@10723} 
 f0 = {Boolean@10726} true
 f1 = {Boolean@10726} true
 f2 = {TableSummary@10707} "colName|count|numMissingValue|numValidValue|sum|mean|variance|standardDeviation|min|max|normL1|normL2\r\n-------|-----|---------------|-------------|---|----|--------|-----------------|---|---|------|------\nC14|399999|0.0000|399999.0000|7257042877.0000|18142.6525|10993280.1107|3315.6116|375.0000|21705.0000|7257042877.0000|11664445.8724\nC15|399999|0.0000|399999.0000|127629988.0000|319.0758|411.3345|20.2814|120.0000|1024.0000|127629988.0000|202208.2328\nC16|399999|0.0000|399999.0000|22663266.0000|56.6583|1322.7015|36.3690|20.0000|768.0000|22663266.0000|42580.9842\nC17|399999|0.0000|399999.0000|809923879.0000|2024.8148|170166.5008|412.5124|112.0000|2497.0000|809923879.0000|1306909.3634\nC18|399999|0.0000|399999.0000|414396.0000|1.0360|1.5871|1.2598|0.0000|3.0000|414396.0000|1031.5736\nC19|399999|0.0000|399999.0000|77641159.0000|194.1034|73786.4929|271.6367|33.0000|1835.0000|77641159.0000|211151.2756\nC20|399999|0.0000|399999.0000|16665597769.0000|41664.0986|2434589745.2799|49341.5620|-1.0000|100"
  colNames = {String[8]@10728} 
  numMissingValue = {DenseVector@10729} "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"
  sum = {DenseVector@10730} "7.257042877E9 1.27629988E8 2.2663266E7 8.09923879E8 414396.0 7.7641159E7 1.6665597769E10 3.0589982E7"
  squareSum = {DenseVector@10731} "1.36059297509295E14 4.0888169392E10 1.813140212E9 1.708012084269E12 1064144.0 4.4584861175E10 1.668188137320503E15 3.044124336E9"
  min = {DenseVector@10732} "375.0 120.0 20.0 112.0 0.0 33.0 -1.0 13.0"
  max = {DenseVector@10733} "21705.0 1024.0 768.0 2497.0 3.0 1835.0 100248.0 195.0"
  normL1 = {DenseVector@10734} "7.257042877E9 1.27629988E8 2.2663266E7 8.09923879E8 414396.0 7.7641159E7 1.6666064771E10 3.0589982E7"
  numericalColIndices = {int[8]@10735} 
  count = 399999  
// 這是輸出    
model = {Tuple3@10816} "(Params {withMean=true, withStd=true},[[18142.652549131373,319.07576768941925,56.658306645766615,2024.814759536899,1.035992589981475,194.1033827584569,41664.098582746454,76.47514618786548], [3315.6115741652725,20.281383913437733,36.36896282478844,412.51242496870356,1.259797591740416,271.6366927754722,49341.56204742555,41.974829196745965]],[])"
 f0 = {Params@10817} "Params {withMean=true, withStd=true}"
 f1 = {ArrayList@10820}  size = 2
  0 = "[18142.652549131373,319.07576768941925,56.658306645766615,2024.814759536899,1.035992589981475,194.1033827584569,41664.098582746454,76.47514618786548]"
  1 = "[3315.6115741652725,20.281383913437733,36.36896282478844,412.51242496870356,1.259797591740416,271.6366927754722,49341.56204742555,41.974829196745965]"
 f2 = {ArrayList@10818}  size = 0

4.4 轉換 mapper

訓練好以後,當轉換時候,會對每一個item row進行map,這裏面使用以前計算出來的 means/stdDevs 進行具體標準化。

public Row map(Row row) throws Exception {
    Row r = new Row(this.selectedColIndices.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < this.selectedColIndices.length; i++) {
        Object obj = row.getField(this.selectedColIndices[i]);
        if (null != obj) {
            if (this.stddevs[i] > 0) {
                double d = (((Number) obj).doubleValue() - this.means[i]) / this.stddevs[i];
                r.setField(i, d);
            } else {
                r.setField(i, 0.0);
    return this.predResultColsHelper.getResultRow(row, r);

// means,stddevs 是對應那幾列以前統計出來的整體數值,是根據這些來進行轉換的。
this = {StandardScalerModelMapper@10909} 
 selectedColNames = {String[8]@10873} 
 selectedColTypes = {TypeInformation[8]@10874} 
 selectedColIndices = {int[8]@10912} 
 means = {double[8]@10913} 
  0 = 18142.652549131373
  7 = 76.47514618786548
 stddevs = {double[8]@10914} 
  0 = 3315.6115741652725
  7 = 41.974829196745965

變量以下,Row是輸入數據,r 是對那幾個須要轉換的數據進行轉換以後,生成的數據。

標準化以後,用 OutputColsHelper.getResultRow把 Row 和 r 歸併起來。

row = {Row@10865} "3200382705425230287,1,14102101,1005,0,85f751fd,c4e18dd6,50e219e0,98fed791,d9b5648e,0f2161f8,a99f214a,f69683cc,f51246a7,1,0,20984,320,50,2371,0,551,-1,46"
其中 "20984,320,50,2371,0,551,-1,46" 是須要轉換的數據。
r = {Row@10866} "0.8569602884149525,0.04557047559108551,-0.18307661612028242,0.8392116685682023,-0.8223484445229384,1.313874843618953,-0.8444219609970856,-0.7260338343491822"


getResultRow:177, OutputColsHelper (
map:88, StandardScalerModelMapper (
map:43, ModelMapperAdapter (
map:18, ModelMapperAdapter (
run:103, MapDriver (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators)
run:504, BatchTask (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators)
invoke:369, BatchTask (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators)
doRun:707, Task (org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager)
run:532, Task (org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager)
run:748, Thread (java.lang)

0x05 特徵哈希 FeatureHasher


  • 把 categorical特徵 或者 數值特徵 投射到給定領域的特徵向量上。
  • 使用 MurMurHash3 算法。
  • 對於categorical特徵,使用"colName=value"進行哈希。colName是特徵列名,value是特徵值。相關哈希值是 1.0
  • 對於數值特徵,使用"colName"作哈希。相關哈希值就是特徵值
  • categorical特徵 或者 數值特徵 是自動發現的。


5.1 稀疏矩陣


String vecColName = "vec";
int numHashFeatures = 30000;
// setup feature engineering pipeline
Pipeline featurePipeline = new Pipeline()
                new StandardScaler()
                new FeatureHasher()

5.2 FeatureHasherMapper

傳入map函數時候,Row就是 「原始數據通過標準化處理以後的數據」。


public class FeatureHasherMapper extends Mapper {
     * Projects a number of categorical or numerical features into a feature vector of a specified dimension.
     * @param row the input Row type data
     * @return the output row.
    public Row map(Row row) {
        TreeMap<Integer, Double> feature = new TreeMap<>();
        // 遍歷數值特徵列,進行哈希變換;
        for (int key : numericColIndexes) {
            if (null != row.getField(key)) {
                double value = ((Number)row.getField(key)).doubleValue();
                String colName = colNames[key];
                updateMap(colName, value, feature, numFeature);
        // 遍歷categorical特徵列,進行哈希轉換
        for (int key : categoricalColIndexes) {
            if (null != row.getField(key)) {
                String colName = colNames[key];
                updateMap(colName + "=" + row.getField(key).toString(), 1.0, feature, numFeature);

        return outputColsHelper.getResultRow(row, Row.of(new SparseVector(numFeature, feature)));

selectedCols = {String[19]@9817} 
 0 = "C1"
 1 = "banner_pos"
 2 = "site_category"
 3 = "app_domain"
 4 = "app_category"
 5 = "device_type"
 6 = "device_conn_type"
 7 = "C14"
 8 = "C15"
 9 = "C16"
 10 = "C17"
 11 = "C18"
 12 = "C19"
 13 = "C20"
 14 = "C21"
 15 = "site_id"
 16 = "site_domain"
 17 = "device_id"
 18 = "device_model"
numericColIndexes = {int[8]@10789} 
 0 = 16
 1 = 17
 2 = 18
 3 = 19
 4 = 20
 5 = 21
 6 = 22
 7 = 23
categoricalColIndexes = {int[11]@10791} 
 0 = 3
 1 = 4
 2 = 7
 3 = 9
 4 = 10
 5 = 14
 6 = 15
 7 = 5
 8 = 6
 9 = 11
 10 = 13

5.3 哈希操做 updateMap



/* Update the treeMap which saves the key-value pair of the final vector, use the hash value of the string as key
 * and the accumulate the corresponding value.
 * @param s     the string to hash
 * @param value the accumulated value */
private static void updateMap(String s, double value, TreeMap<Integer, Double> feature, int numFeature) {
    // HASH = {Murmur3_32HashFunction@10755} "Hashing.murmur3_32(0)" 
    int hashValue = Math.abs(HASH.hashUnencodedChars(s).asInt());

    int index = Math.floorMod(hashValue, numFeature);
    if (feature.containsKey(index)) {
        feature.put(index, feature.get(index) + value);
    } else {
        feature.put(index, value);

好比當以下輸入時候,獲得index是26798,因此會在vec中的 26798 中設置Value

s = "C14"
value = 0.33428145187593655
feature = {TreeMap@10836}  size = 1
 {Integer@10895} 26798 -> {Double@10896} 0.33428145187593655
numFeature = 30000
hashValue = 23306798
index = 26798

最終特徵哈希以後,獲得的vec會附加在原始Row上的第25項(原來是24項,如今在最後附加一項),就是下面的 24 = {SparseVector@10932}

row = {Row@10901} 
 fields = {Object[25]@10907} 
  0 = "3199889859719711212"
  1 = "0"
  2 = "14102101"
  3 = "1005"
  4 = {Integer@10912} 0
  5 = "1fbe01fe" // "device_type" 是這個數值,這個是原始輸入,你們若是遺忘能夠回頭看看示例代碼輸出。
  6 = "f3845767"
  7 = "28905ebd"
  8 = "ecad2386"
  9 = "7801e8d9"
  10 = "07d7df22"
  11 = "a99f214a"
  12 = "cfa82746"
  13 = "c6263d8a"
  14 = "1"
  15 = "0"
  16 = {Double@10924} -0.734299689415312
  17 = {Double@10925} 0.04557047559108551
  18 = {Double@10926} -0.18307661612028242
  19 = {Double@10927} -0.7340742756048447
  20 = {Double@10928} -0.8223484445229384
  21 = {Double@10929} -0.5857212482334542
  22 = {Double@10930} -0.8444219609970856
  23 = {Double@10931} 0.060151616110215377
  24 = {SparseVector@10932} "$30000$725:-0.8223484445229384 1000:1.0 3044:-0.8444219609970856 4995:-0.18307661612028242 8049:0.060151616110215377 8517:1.0 10962:1.0 17954:1.0 18556:1.0 21430:1.0 23250:1.0 24010:1.0 24390:1.0 25083:0.04557047559108551 25435:-0.5857212482334542 25721:-0.7340742756048447 26169:1.0 26798:-0.734299689415312 29671:1.0"
// 30000 表示一共是30000大小的稀疏向量
// 725:-0.8223484445229384 表示第725的item中的數值是-0.8223484445229384,依次類推。

0xFF 參考


數據特徵處理之特徵哈希(Feature Hashing)


特徵哈希(Feature Hashing)
