<div class="container"> <ul class="oul" id="oul"></ul> </div> <div class="oper"> <p style="color:blue">歷史最高分數:<span id="zuigao" style="color:#000">0</span></p> <p style="color:blue">當前分數:<span id="fenshu" style="color:red">5</span></p> <p><select id="level"> <option value="300">簡單</option> <option value="200" selected>中級</option> <option value="100">較難</option> </select></p> <p><input type="button" value="開始" id="btnStart"/></p> <p><input type="button" value="暫停" id="btnsuspend"/></p> </div>
.container{ width: 3.2rem; height: 3.2rem; float: left; ul{ width: 3.16rem; height: 3.16rem; border: 2px solid #FF9797; li{ list-style: none; width: 0.158rem; height: 0.158rem; float: left; border-radius: 10px; } } }
.oper{ font-size: 0.1rem; padding: 0.2rem 0; width: 3.2rem; float: left; #level{ width: 0.5rem; height: 0.2rem; } input{ margin-top: 0.1rem; width: 0.5rem; border-radius: 6px; height: 0.2rem; color: #fff; background: green; border: none; outline: none; font-weight:bold; } input:active{ background:#93FF93; } }
@media screen and (min-width:320px){ html{ font-size: 100px; } } @media screen and (min-width:360px){ html{ font-size: 112px; } } @media screen and (min-width:375px){ html{ font-size: 117px; } } @media screen and (min-width:412px){ html{ font-size: 128px; } } @media screen and (min-width:414px){ html{ font-size: 129px; } } @media screen and (min-width:440px){ html{ font-size: 138px; } } @media screen and (min-width:480px){ html{ font-size: 150px; } } @media screen and (min-width:640px){ html{ font-size: 200px; }.container{margin: 0 auto;} } @media screen and (max-width:640px){ html{ font-size: 200px; } }
var oul = document.getElementById("oul"); var btnStart = document.getElementById("btnStart"); var btnsuspend = document.getElementById("btnsuspend"); var bjyy = document.getElementById("bjyy"); var siwang = document.getElementById("siwang"); var siwu = document.getElementById("siwu"); var zuigao = document.getElementById("zuigao"); var fenshu = document.getElementById("fenshu"); var level = document.getElementById("level");
//初始化格子 function init(){ var pianduan = document.createDocumentFragment(); for(var i = 0 ; i < 400 ; i++){ var oli = document.createElement("li"); pianduan.appendChild(oli); } oul.appendChild(pianduan); lis = oul.children; }
var snake= []; for(var i=0 ; i<5 ; i++){ snake.push({pos:i , color:randColor()}) } //隨機色 function randColor(){ return "rgb("+Math.floor(Math.random()*256)+","+Math.floor(Math.random()*256)+","+Math.floor(Math.random()*256)+")"; } //初始化前五個格子改背景色 function initSnake(){ for(var i=0,l=snake.length ; i<l ; i++){ lis[snake[i].pos].style.background=snake[i].color; } }
//食物的索引 var food = {pos:0,color:"yellow"}; //生成食物 function initFood(){ var index = Math.floor(Math.random()*400); while(isInSnake(index)){ index = Math.floor(Math.random()*400); } food = {pos:index,color:randColor()}; lis[food.pos].style.background=food.color; }
//判斷食物不能出現蛇的位置 function isInSnake(index){ for(var i=0,l=snake.length ; i<l ; i++){ if(snake[i].pos == index){ return true; break; } } return false; }
var shewei = snake.slice(0,1)[0].pos; lis[shewei].style.background = "#fff"; for(var i=0 , l=snake.length ; i<l-1 ; i++){ snake[i].pos = snake[i+1].pos; } shetou = snake[l-1].pos
//蛇吃食物的碰撞檢測 if(shetou == food.pos){ //將食物放到數組的前面 snake.unshift({pos:shewei,color:food.color}); //音樂特效 siwu.play(); //分數 fenshu.innerHTML = snake.length; //生成新的食物 initFood(); }
var direction = 39;//方向 37左鍵 38上鍵 39右鍵 40下鍵 //個數 var geshu = 20; //蛇跑 var shetou = snake.slice(-1)[0].pos; //關於牆的碰撞檢測 if((shetou+1)%geshu == 0 && direction == 39){ death() }else if(shetou>=(400-geshu) && direction == 40){ death() }else if((shetou < geshu) && direction == 38){ death() }else if(shetou%geshu == 0 && direction == 37){ death() }
//檢測是否吃到本身 for(var i=0 , l=snake.length ; i<l-1 ; i++){ if(snake[i].pos == shetou){ siwang.play(); alert("你已經自毀,遊戲結束!"); location.reload(); break; } }
if(direction == 40){//向下 snake[l-1].pos = snake[l-1].pos+geshu; }else if(direction == 37){//向左 snake[l-1].pos = snake[l-1].pos-1; }else if(direction == 39){//向右 snake[l-1].pos = snake[l-1].pos+1; }else if(direction == 38){//向上 snake[l-1].pos = snake[l-1].pos-geshu; } //給文檔加點擊下鍵事件 document.addEventListener("keydown" , function(e){ e=e || window.event; //獲取按下的是什麼鍵 switch(e.keyCode){ //左鍵 case 37:{ if(direction == 39)return false; direction = e.keyCode; break; } //上鍵 case 38:{ if(direction == 40)return false; direction = e.keyCode; break; } //右鍵 case 39:{ if(direction == 37)return false; direction = e.keyCode; break; } //下鍵 case 40:{ if(direction == 38)return false; direction = e.keyCode; break; } } } , false)
//死亡函數 function death(){ alert("你以頭破血流,遊戲結束!"); //location.href=location.href; location.reload(); }
var timer = null; //開始遊戲 btnStart.onclick = function(){ clearInterval(timer); timer = setInterval(yundong,shudu); //背景音樂開始 bjyy.play(); } //暫停遊戲 btnsuspend.onclick = function(){ clearInterval(timer); }
//蛇的熟讀 var shudu = 100; //設置難度 shudu = level.value;
//獲取蛇的長度 //分數 fenshu.innerHTML = snake.length; //歷史最高分 var score = localStorage.getItem("score")||0; //分數 fenshu.innerHTML = snake.length; var changdu = snake.length; //歷史最高分 var score = localStorage.getItem("score")||0; if(changdu > score){ localStorage.setItem("score" , changdu); }
function hua(e){ //獲取按下的是什麼鍵 switch(e){ //左鍵 case 37:{ if(direction == 39)return false; direction = e; break; } //上鍵 case 38:{ if(direction == 40)return false; direction = e; break; } //右鍵 case 39:{ if(direction == 37)return false; direction = e; break; } //下鍵 case 40:{ if(direction == 38)return false; direction = e; break; } } } //位置改變 //開啓滑動 hammertime.get('swipe').set({ direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL }); hammertime .on('swipeleft', logEventType1) .on('swiperight', logEventType3) .on('swipeup',logEventType2) .on('swipedown', logEventType4); function logEventType1() { hua(37); } function logEventType2() { hua(38); } function logEventType3() { hua(39); } function logEventType4() { hua(40); }