In a network of nodes, each node i
is directly connected to another node j
if and only if graph[i][j] = 1
Some nodes initial
are initially infected by malware. Whenever two nodes are directly connected and at least one of those two nodes is infected by malware, both nodes will be infected by malware. This spread of malware will continue until no more nodes can be infected in this manner.git
Suppose M(initial)
is the final number of nodes infected with malware in the entire network, after the spread of malware stops.github
We will remove one node from the initial list. Return the node that if removed, would minimize M(initial)
. If multiple nodes could be removed to minimize M(initial)
, return such a node with the smallest index.微信
Note that if a node was removed from the initial
list of infected nodes, it may still be infected later as a result of the malware spread.網絡
Example 1:app
Input: graph = [[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[0,0,1]], initial = [0,1] Output: 0
Example 2:this
Input: graph = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], initial = [0,2] Output: 0
Example 3:spa
Input: graph = [[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]], initial = [1,2] Output: 1
1 < graph.length = graph[0].length <= 300
0 <= graph[i][j] == graph[j][i] <= 1
graph[i][i] = 1
1 <= initial.length < graph.length
0 <= initial[i] < graph.length
在節點網絡中,只有當 graph[i][j] = 1
時,每一個節點 i
可以直接鏈接到另外一個節點 j
一些節點 initial
假設 M(initial)
咱們能夠從初始列表中刪除一個節點。若是移除這一節點將最小化 M(initial)
, 則返回該節點。若是有多個節點知足條件,就返回索引最小的節點。
請注意,若是某個節點已從受感染節點的列表 initial
示例 1:
輸入:graph = [[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[0,0,1]], initial = [0,1] 輸出:0
示例 2:
輸入:graph = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], initial = [0,2] 輸出:0
示例 3:
輸入:graph = [[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]], initial = [1,2] 輸出:1
1 < graph.length = graph[0].length <= 300
0 <= graph[i][j] == graph[j][i] <= 1
graph[i][i] = 1
1 <= initial.length < graph.length
0 <= initial[i] < graph.length
1 class Solution { 2 func minMalwareSpread(_ graph: [[Int]], _ initial: [Int]) -> Int { 3 //1.爲每一個組件着色。 4 //colors[node]爲n此ode節點的顏色 5 let N:Int = graph.count 6 var colors:[Int] = [Int](repeating: -1,count: N) 7 var C:Int = 0 8 9 for node in 0..<N 10 { 11 if colors[node] == -1 12 { 13 dfs(graph, &colors, node, C) 14 C += 1 15 } 16 } 17 18 //2.每種顏色的大小 19 var size:[Int] = [Int](repeating: 0,count: C) 20 for color in colors 21 { 22 size[color] += 1 23 } 24 25 //3.找到獨特的顏色 26 var colorCount:[Int] = [Int](repeating: 0,count: C) 27 for node in initial 28 { 29 colorCount[colors[node]] += 1 30 } 31 32 //4.答案 33 var ans:Int = Int.max 34 for node in initial 35 { 36 var c:Int = colors[node] 37 if colorCount[c] == 1 38 { 39 if ans == Int.max 40 { 41 ans = node 42 } 43 else if size[c] > size[colors[ans]] 44 { 45 ans = node 46 } 47 else if size[c] == size[colors[ans]] && node < ans 48 { 49 ans = node 50 } 51 } 52 } 53 54 if ans == Int.max 55 { 56 for node in initial 57 { 58 ans = min(ans,node) 59 } 60 } 61 62 return ans 63 } 64 65 func dfs(_ graph:[[Int]], _ colors:inout [Int],_ node:Int,_ color:Int) 66 { 67 colors[node] = color 68 for nei in 0..<graph.count 69 { 70 if graph[node][nei] == 1 && colors[nei] == -1 71 { 72 dfs(graph, &colors, nei, color) 73 } 74 } 75 } 76 }
1 class Solution { 2 func minMalwareSpread(_ graph: [[Int]], _ initial: [Int]) -> Int { 3 struct UnionFind { 4 private var parent = [Int]() 5 private var size = [Int]() 6 private let initial: Set<Int> 7 8 public init(count: Int, initial: [Int]) { 9 for i in 0..<count { 10 parent.append(i) 11 size.append(1) 12 } 13 self.initial = Set(initial) 14 } 15 16 public mutating func find(_ element: Int) -> Int { 17 if element == parent[element] { 18 return element 19 } else { 20 parent[element] = parent[parent[element]] 21 return parent[element] 22 } 23 } 24 25 public mutating func union(_ lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) { 26 let parentOfLhs = find(lhs) 27 let parentOfRhs = find(rhs) 28 if (size[parentOfLhs] > size[parentOfRhs]) { 29 parent[parentOfRhs] = parentOfLhs 30 size[parentOfLhs] += size[parentOfRhs] 31 size[parentOfRhs] = 0 32 } else { 33 parent[parentOfLhs] = parentOfRhs 34 size[parentOfRhs] += size[parentOfLhs] 35 size[parentOfLhs] = 0 36 } 37 } 38 39 public func max() -> (index: Int, count: Int) { 40 var result = (index: size.count, count: -1) 41 for i in initial { 42 var count = size[parent[i]] 43 for j in initial { 44 if i != j && parent[i] == parent[j] { 45 count = 0 46 break 47 } 48 } 49 if count > result.count || count == result.count && i < result.index { 50 result = (i, count) 51 } 52 } 53 return result 54 } 55 } 56 57 // If # of columns != # of rows 58 guard graph.count == graph.first?.count else { 59 return 0 60 } 61 62 let n = graph.count 63 var unionFind = UnionFind(count: n, initial: initial) 64 for i in 0..<n - 1 { 65 for j in i + 1..<n { 66 if graph[i][j] == 1 { 67 unionFind.union(i, j) 68 } 69 } 70 } 71 72 let result = unionFind.max() 73 return result.0 74 } 75 }
1 class Solution { 2 var visited: Set<Int> = Set() 3 var initial: Set<Int> = Set() 4 var graph : [[Int]] = [] 5 6 func traverse(_ pos: Int) -> Int { 7 var result = 1 8 visited.insert(pos) 9 for i in 0..<graph.count { 10 if i != pos && graph[pos][i] == 1 { 11 if !visited.contains(i) { 12 result += traverse(i) 13 } 14 } 15 } 16 return result 17 } 18 19 func countComponent(_ start: Int) -> Int { 20 return traverse(start) 21 } 22 23 func minMalwareSpread(_ graph: [[Int]], _ initial: [Int]) -> Int { 24 self.graph = graph 25 self.initial = Set<Int>(initial) 26 27 var maxcnt = 0 28 var maxi = -1 29 30 for x in initial { 31 visited = Set() 32 let n = countComponent(x) 33 if (n > maxcnt || (n==maxcnt && x < maxi)) && visited.intersection(self.initial).count == 1 { 34 maxcnt = n 35 maxi = x 36 } 37 } 38 if maxi == -1 {return self.initial.min()! } 39 return maxi 40 } 41 42 }