Filesystems that manage the storage across a network of machines are called distributed filesystems. Since they are network based, all the complications of network programming kick in, thus making distributed filesystems more complex than regular disk filesystems.
1) The Design of HDFS
a) HDFS is a filesystem designed for storing very large files with streaming data access patterns, running on clusters of commodity hardware.
b) HDFS is built around the idea that the most efficient data processing pattern is a writeonce,read-many-times pattern. A dataset is typically generated or copied from source,and then various analyses are performed on that dataset over time. Each analysis will involve a large proportion, if not all, of the dataset, so the time to read the whole dataset is more important than the latency in reading the first record.
c) Hadoop doesn’t require expensive, highly reliable hardware. It’s designed to run on clusters of commodity hardware (commonly available hardware that can be obtained from multiple vendors)for which the chance of node failure across the cluster is high, at least for large clusters. HDFS is designed to carry on working without a noticeable interruption to the user in the face of such failure.
2) HDFS Concepts
a) A disk has a block size, which is the minimum amount of data that it can read or write.Filesystems for a single disk build on this by dealing with data in blocks, which are an integral multiple of the disk block size. Filesystem blocks are typically a few kilobytes in size, whereas disk blocks are normally 512 bytes.
b) Unlike a filesystem for a single disk, a file in HDFS that is smaller than a single block does not occupy a full block’s worth of underlying storage.
c) HDFS blocks are large compared to disk blocks, and the reason is to minimize the cost of seeks. If the block is large enough, the time it takes to transfer the data from the disk can be significantly longer than the time to seek to the start of the block. Thus, transferring a large file made of multiple blocks operates at the disk transfer rate.
d) Having a block abstraction for a distributed filesystem brings several benefits. The first benefit is the most obvious: a file can be larger than any single disk in the network. Second, making the unit of abstraction a block rather than a file simplifies the storage subsystem. Furthermore, blocks fit well with replication for providing fault tolerance and availability.
對分佈式文件系統的塊進行抽象可以帶來幾個優勢 。網絡
e) An HDFS cluster has two types of nodes operating in a master−worker pattern: a namenode (the master) and a number of datanodes (workers). The namenode manages the filesystem namespace.
f) Datanodes are the workhorses of the filesystem. They store and retrieve blocks when they are told to (by clients or the namenode), and they report back to the namenode periodically with lists of blocks that they are storing.
g) For this reason, it is important to make the namenode resilient to failure, and Hadoop provides two mechanisms for this. The first way is to back up the files that make up the persistent state of the filesystem metadata.
h) It is also possible to run a secondary namenode, which despite its name does not act as a namenode. Its main role is to periodically merge the namespace image with the edit log to prevent the edit log from becoming too large.
i) However, the state of the secondary namenode lags that of the primary, so in the event of total failure of the primary, data loss is almost certain. The usual course of action in this case is to copy the namenode’s metadata files that are on NFS to the secondary and run it as the new primary.
j) Normally a datanode reads blocks from disk, but for frequently accessed files the blocks may be explicitly cached in the datanode’s memory, in an off-heap block cache.
k) HDFS federation,introduced in the 2.x release series, allows a cluster to scale by adding namenodes, each of which manages a portion of the filesystem namespace.
l) Hadoop 2 remedied this situation by adding support for HDFS high availability (HA). In this implementation, there are a pair of namenodes in an active-standby configuration. In the event of the failure of the active namenode, the standby takes over its duties to continue servicing client requests without a significant interruption. A few architectural changes are needed to allow this to happen:
hadoop 2 經過添加對HA的支持糾正了這樣的狀況。在這樣的實現方式中,將會有2個namenode實現雙機熱備份。oop
m) The namenodes must use highly available shared storage to share the edit log. Datanodes must send block reports to both namenodes because the block mappings are stored in a namenode’s memory, and not on disk. Clients must be configured to handle namenode failover, using a mechanism that is transparent to users. The secondary namenode’s role is subsumed by the standby, which takes periodic checkpoints of the active namenode’s namespace.
n) There are two choices for the highly available shared storage: an NFS filer, or a quorum journal manager (QJM). The QJM is a dedicated HDFS implementation, designed for the sole purpose of providing a highly available edit log, and is the recommended choice for most HDFS installations.
對於高有用性共享存儲有兩種選擇:NFS文件。QJM(quorum journal manager)。QJM專一於HDFS的實現。其惟一目的就是提供一個高有用性的可編輯日誌。也是大可能是HDFS安裝時所推薦的。
o) If the active namenode fails, the standby can take over very quickly (in a few tens of seconds) because it has the latest state available in memory: both the latest edit log entries and an up-to-date block mapping.
假設活動namenode發生問題 。備份節點會迅速接管任務(在數秒內)。由於在內存中備份節點有最新的可用狀態,包括最新的可編輯日誌記錄和塊映射信息。
p) The transition from the active namenode to the standby is managed by a new entity in the system called the failover controller. There are various failover controllers, but the default implementation uses ZooKeeper to ensure that only one namenode is active.Each namenode runs a lightweight failover controller process whose job it is to monitor its namenode for failures and trigger a failover should a namenode fail.
q) The HA implementation goes to great lengths to ensure that the previously active namenode is prevented from doing any damage and causing corruption — a method known as fencing.
r) The QJM only allows one namenode to write to the edit log at one time; however, it is still possible for the previously active namenode to serve stale read requests to clients, so setting up an SSH fencing command that will kill the namenode’s process is a good idea.
3) The Command-Line Interface
a) You can type hadoop fs -help to get detailed help on every command.
你可以在每一個命令上使用hadoop fs –help來得到具體的幫助。
b) Let’s copy the file back to the local filesystem and check whether it’s the same:
% hadoop fs -copyToLocal quangle.txt quangle.copy.txt
% md5 input/docs/quangle.txt quangle.copy.txt
MD5 (input/docs/quangle.txt) = e7891a2627cf263a079fb0f18256ffb2
MD5 (quangle.copy.txt) = e7891a2627cf263a079fb0f18256ffb2
The MD5 digests are the same, showing that the file survived its trip to HDFS and is back intact.
4) Hadoop Filesystems
a) Hadoop has an abstract notion of filesystems, of which HDFS is just one implementation.The Java abstract class org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem represents the client interface to a filesystem in Hadoop, and there are several concrete implementations.
b) Hadoop is written in Java, so most Hadoop filesystem interactions are mediated through the Java API. hadoop是用Java編寫的,所以大多數hadoop文件系統的交互經過Java API來進行的。 c) By exposing its filesystem interface as a Java API, Hadoop makes it awkward for non-Java applications to access HDFS. The HTTP REST API exposed by the WebHDFS protocol makes it easier for other languages to interact with HDFS. Note that the HTTP interface is slower than the native Java client, so should be avoided for very large data transfers if possible. 把文件系統的接口做爲一個Java API。會讓非Java應用程序訪問HDFS時有些麻煩。經過WebHDFS協議實現的HTTP REST API可以很是easy的讓其它語言與HDFS進行交互。注意,HTTP接口比本地Javaclient要慢,所以,有可能的話,應該避免使用該接口進行大文件數據傳輸。