










  1 package com.itcast.test03;

3 import java.util.ArrayList; 4 import java.util.HashMap; 6 import android.os.Bundle; 7 import; 8 import android.content.Intent; 9 import android.view.Menu; 10 import android.view.View; 11 import android.view.ViewGroup; 12 import android.widget.AdapterView; 13 import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; 14 import android.widget.BaseAdapter; 15 import android.widget.GridView; 16 import android.widget.ImageView; 17 import android.widget.SimpleAdapter; 18 import android.widget.TextView; 19 import android.widget.Toast; 20 21 public class StudentMainActivity extends Activity { 22 private GridView gridview; 23 24 @Override 25 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 26 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); 27 setContentView(R.layout.activity_student_main); 28 gridview = (GridView)findViewById(; 29 ArrayList<HashMap<String,Object>> lstImageItem = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,Object>>(); 30 for(int i = 1;i<20;i++){ 31 HashMap<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 32 if(i==1){ 33 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher02); 34 map.put("ItemText", "實踐教學管理系統"); 35 36 }else if(i==2){ 37 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher06); 38 map.put("ItemText", "畢業設計管理系統"); 39 40 }else if(i==3){ 41 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher02); 42 map.put("ItemText", "開放實驗管理系統"); 43 44 }else if(i==4){ 45 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher03); 46 map.put("ItemText", "實習實訓管理系統"); 47 48 }else if(i==5){ 49 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher05); 50 map.put("ItemText", "班級事務管理系統"); 51 52 }else if(i==6){ 53 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher06); 54 map.put("ItemText", "綜合實踐管理系統"); 55 56 }else if(i==7){ 57 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher04); 58 map.put("ItemText", "其餘事物2管理系統"); 59 60 }else if(i==8){ 61 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher08); 62 map.put("ItemText", "其餘事物3管理系統"); 63 64 }else if(i==9){ 65 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher01); 66 map.put("ItemText", "其餘事物4管理系統"); 67 68 }else if(i==10){ 69 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher02); 70 map.put("ItemText", "開放實驗管理系統"); 71 72 }else if(i==11){ 73 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher03); 74 map.put("ItemText", "實習實訓管理系統"); 75 76 }else if(i==12){ 77 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher05); 78 map.put("ItemText", "班級事務管理系統"); 79 80 }else if(i==13){ 81 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher06); 82 map.put("ItemText", "綜合實踐管理系統"); 83 84 }else if(i==14){ 85 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher04); 86 map.put("ItemText", "其餘事物2管理系統"); 87 88 }else if(i==15){ 89 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher08); 90 map.put("ItemText", "其餘事物3管理系統"); 91 92 }else if(i==16){ 93 map.put("ItemImage", R.drawable.ic_launcher01); 94 map.put("ItemText", "其餘事物4管理系統"); 95 96 } 97 lstImageItem.add(map); 98 } 99 SimpleAdapter saImageItems = new SimpleAdapter(this, 100 lstImageItem,R.layout.next_activity_student_main, 101 new String[]{"ItemImage","ItemText"}, 102 new int[] {,}); 103 gridview.setAdapter(saImageItems); 104 gridview.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { 105 public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int arg2, 106 long arg3) { 107 int index = arg2 + 1;// id是從0開始的,因此須要+1 108 if (index == 1) { 109 110 Intent intent = new Intent(); 111 intent.setClass(StudentMainActivity.this, 112 StudentNextMainActivity.class); 113 startActivity(intent); 114 } 115 if (index == 2) { 116 Intent intent = new Intent(); 117 intent.setClass(StudentMainActivity.this, 118 StudentNextMainActivity.class); 119 startActivity(intent); 120 121 } 122 123 } 124 }); 125 126 127 128 129 130 } 131 }




 1 <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
 2          android:layout_width="match_parent"
 3          android:layout_height="wrap_content"              
 4          android:orientation="vertical" >
 6      <RelativeLayout 
 7              android:id="@+id/rl_username"
 8              android:layout_width="match_parent"
 9              android:layout_height="wrap_content"            
10              android:background="#000000">
11              <TextView 
12                  android:id="@+id/tv_name"
13                  android:layout_width="match_parent"
14                  android:layout_height="wrap_content"
15                  android:layout_centerVertical="true"
16                  android:layout_margin="35dp"
17                  android:textSize="20sp"
18                  android:textColor="#FFFFFF"
19                  android:text="歡迎登陸軟件學院管理系統"/>     
20          </RelativeLayout>
22     <LinearLayout
23         android:layout_width="match_parent"
24         android:layout_height="wrap_content"        
25         android:orientation="vertical" >                 
26     <GridView
27         android:id="@+id/gridView1"
28         android:layout_width="match_parent"
29         android:layout_height="wrap_content"
30         android:numColumns="3" >
31     </GridView>
32 </LinearLayout>
33 </LinearLayout>
 1 <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
 2     android:layout_width="fill_parent"
 3     android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
 5     <ImageView
 6         android:id="@+id/ItemImage"
 7         android:layout_width="50dp"
 8         android:layout_height="50dp"
 9        android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"/>
11     <TextView
12         android:id="@+id/ItemText"
13         android:layout_width="wrap_content"
14         android:layout_height="wrap_content"
15           android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"
16         android:layout_below="@+id/ItemImage"
17         android:layout_marginTop="24dp"
18         android:textColor="#000000"
19         android:textSize="12sp"  />
21 </RelativeLayout>


  1 package com.itcast.test03;
  3 import android.os.Bundle;
  4 import;
  5 import android.view.Menu;
  6 import;
  7 import;
  8 import android.os.Environment;
  9 import android.content.Intent;
 10 import;
 11 import android.view.View;
 12 import android.widget.AdapterView;
 13 import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
 14 import android.widget.Spinner;
 15 public class StudentNextMainActivity extends Activity
 16 {
 17     private Spinner projectsSpinner = null;  
 18     private Spinner kindsSpinner = null;    
 19     private Spinner examinesSpinner = null;   
 20     ArrayAdapter<String>  projectsAdapter = null;  
 21     ArrayAdapter<String> kindsAdapter = null;    
 22     ArrayAdapter<String> examinesAdapter = null;    
 23     static int provincePosition = 3;   
 24     private String[] projects = new String[] {"科研訓練","素質拓展","社會實踐"};
 25     private String[][] kinds = new String[][] 
 26             {
 27                     { "項目類", "成果類", "學術活動"},
 28                     { "專業素質", "綜合素質"},
 29                     { "無"}
 30             };
 33     private String[][][] examines = new String[][][] 
 34             {
 35                     { //科研訓練
 36                         {"主持或參加科研項目","校大學生創新基金重點項目","校大學生創新基金通常項目"},
 37                         {"獲獎","著做","專利","論文"},
 38                         {"學術交流","學術講座","課外讀書"}
 39                     },
 40                     {    //素質拓展
 41                         {"學科競賽(含挑戰杯)","證書"},
 42                         {"開放實驗","參加文體活動","組織活動"}
 43                     },
 44                     {    //社會實踐
 45                         {"社會實踐活動","社團活動","公益勞動","自主創業"}
 46                     }
 47             };
 50     @Override
 51     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
 52     {
 53         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
 54         setContentView(R.layout.activity_student_next_main);
 55         setSpinner();
 56     }
 57     public void pitcure(View view){
 58         screenshot();
 59     }
 60     private void screenshot()
 61     {
 62         // 獲取屏幕
 63         View dView = getWindow().getDecorView();  
 64         dView.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true);   
 65         dView.buildDrawingCache();   
 66         Bitmap bmp = dView.getDrawingCache();
 67         if (bmp != null)
 68         {
 69             try {
 70                 // 獲取內置SD卡路徑
 71                 String sdCardPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath();
 72                 // 圖片文件路徑
 73                 String filePath = sdCardPath + File.separator + "screenshot.png";
 75                 File file = new File(filePath);
 76                 FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file);
 77                 bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, os);
 78                 os.flush();
 79                 os.close();
 80             } catch (Exception e) {
 81             }
 82         }
 83     }
 84     public void next(View view){
 85         Intent intent = new Intent(this,WriteMainActivity.class);
 86         startActivity(intent);
 87     }
 89     /*
 90      * 設置下拉框
 91      */
 92     private void setSpinner()
 93     {        
 94         projectsSpinner = (Spinner)findViewById(;
 95         kindsSpinner = (Spinner)findViewById(;
 96         examinesSpinner = (Spinner)findViewById(;
 98         //綁定適配器和值
 99         projectsAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(StudentNextMainActivity.this,
100                 android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, projects);
101         projectsSpinner.setAdapter( projectsAdapter);
102         projectsSpinner.setSelection(2,true);  //設置默認選中項,此處爲默認選中第3個值
104         kindsAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(StudentNextMainActivity.this, 
105                 android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, kinds[2]);
106         kindsSpinner.setAdapter(kindsAdapter);
107         kindsSpinner.setSelection(0,true);  //默認選中第0個
108         examinesAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(StudentNextMainActivity.this,
109                 android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, examines[2][0]);
110         examinesSpinner.setAdapter(examinesAdapter);
111         examinesSpinner.setSelection(0, true);             
112         projectsSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener()
113         {
114             // 表示選項被改變的時候觸發此方法,主要實現辦法:動態改變地級適配器的綁定值
115             @Override
116             public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int position, long arg3)
117             {
119                 kindsAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(
120                 StudentNextMainActivity.this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item,kinds[position]);
121                 kindsSpinner.setAdapter(kindsAdapter);
122                 provincePosition = position;    //記錄當前省級序號,留給下面修改縣級適配器時用
123             }
124             @Override
125             public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0)
126             {
128             }
130         });
133         //種類下拉監聽
134         kindsSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener()
135         {
136             @Override
137             public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1,
138                     int position, long arg3)
139             {
140                 examinesAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(StudentNextMainActivity.this,
141                         android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, examines[provincePosition][position]);
142                 examinesSpinner.setAdapter(examinesAdapter);
143             }
144             @Override
145             public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0)
146             {
148             }
149         });
150     }
151 }
 1 <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
 2     android:layout_width="fill_parent"
 3     android:layout_height="fill_parent"
 4     android:orientation="vertical"     >
 5 <RelativeLayout
 6     android:layout_width="fill_parent"
 7     android:layout_height="50dp"
 8     android:background="#000000">
 9     <TextView 
10         android:layout_width="match_parent"
11         android:layout_height="wrap_content"
12         android:textSize="24sp"
13         android:layout_centerInParent="true"
14         android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"
15         android:layout_centerVertical="true"
16         android:textColor="#FFFFFF"
17         android:text="學生綜合實踐模塊積分申請表"/>
18 </RelativeLayout>
19 <View 
20     android:layout_width="match_parent"
21     android:layout_height="8dp"/>
22 <LinearLayout 
23     android:layout_width="match_parent"
24     android:layout_height="wrap_content"
25    android:padding="8dp"
26     android:orientation="vertical">
27     <Spinner
28         android:id="@+id/spin_projects"
29         android:layout_width="150dp"
30         android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
31     <Spinner
32         android:id="@+id/spin_kinds"
33         android:layout_width="200dp"
34         android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
35     <Spinner
36         android:id="@+id/spin_examines"
37         android:layout_width="300dp"
38         android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
39 </LinearLayout>
40 <RelativeLayout 
41    android:layout_width="match_parent"
42     android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
44     <Button
45         android:layout_width="wrap_content"
46         android:layout_height="wrap_content"
47         android:layout_alignParentRight="true"
48         android:layout_alignParentTop="true"
49         android:onClick="pitcure"
50         android:background="#FFFFFF"
51         android:textColor="#000000"
52         android:text="截圖" />
53 <Button
54         android:layout_width="wrap_content"
55         android:layout_height="wrap_content"        
56         android:onClick="next"
57         android:background="#FFFFFF"
58         android:textColor="#000000"
59         android:text="下一步" />
61 </RelativeLayout>
63 </LinearLayout>


 1 package com.itcast.test03;
 2 import android.os.Bundle;
 3 import;
 4 import android.view.Menu;
 6 public class WriteMainActivity extends Activity {
 8     @Override
 9     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
10         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
11         setContentView(R.layout.activity_write_main);
12     }
14     @Override
15     public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
16         // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
17         getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
18         return true;
19     }
21 }
 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 2 <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
 3     android:layout_width="match_parent"
 4     android:layout_height="match_parent"
 5     android:orientation="vertical"
 6     android:padding="8dp" >
 7     <RelativeLayout
 8        android:layout_width="match_parent"
 9          android:layout_height="50dp"
10          android:background="#000000"> 
11          <Button
12         android:id="@+id/upload"
13         android:layout_width="wrap_content"
14         android:layout_height="wrap_content"
15         android:layout_alignParentRight="true"
16         android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"
17         android:layout_centerVertical="true"
18         android:textColor="#FFFFFF"
19         android:background="#000000"
20         android:textSize="18sp"
21         android:text="發送" />
22     </RelativeLayout>
24 <LinearLayout
25     android:layout_width="match_parent"
26     android:layout_height="match_parent"
27     android:background="#ffffff"
28     android:orientation="vertical" >
29    <EditText
30         android:layout_width="fill_parent"
31         android:layout_height="100dp"
32         android:layout_margin="8dp"
33         android:gravity="left|top"
34         android:hint="填寫你要申請的分數及其餘信息......"       
35         android:background="@null" >
36     </EditText>
37     <ImageView 
38        android:layout_width="100dp"
39         android:layout_height="100dp"
40         android:src="@drawable/icon_addpic_unfocused"  />
42     <GridView 
43         android:id="@+id/noScrollgridview"
44         android:layout_width="290dp"
45         android:layout_height="350dp"
46         android:layout_marginLeft="5dp"
47         android:horizontalSpacing="3dp"        
48         android:numColumns="4"
49         android:scrollbars="none"
50         android:verticalSpacing="5dp" >
51     </GridView>
53 </LinearLayout>
54 </LinearLayout>

