做者:凱魯嘎吉 - 博客園 http://www.cnblogs.com/kailugaji/html
更多請看:隨筆分類 - MATLAB做圖ide
clear; clc; close all;
% 做者:凱魯嘎吉 - 博客園 http://www.cnblogs.com/kailugaji/
% 原始圖片
data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1
3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2
3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5
10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1
x_min=0.1; %橫座標刻度最小值
x_interval=0.1; %橫座標刻度間隔距離
x_max=1; %橫座標刻度最大值
h=plot(X, data(1, :), 'k*-', X, data(2, :), 'g^-', X, data(3, :), 'r-s', X, data(4, :), 'b-x', 'MarkerFaceColor','y', 'MarkerSize',7);
set(gcf,'color','w') %後面背景變白
xlim([x_min x_max]); %橫座標範圍
legend('Line-1', 'Line-2', 'Line-3', 'Line-4', 'Location', 'east'); %圖例
saveas(gcf,sprintf('Original image.jpg'),'bmp'); %保存圖片
clear; clc; close all; % 橫軸截斷後圖像 % 做者:凱魯嘎吉 - 博客園 http://www.cnblogs.com/kailugaji/ % 數據 format short g data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1 3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1 ]; % 參數設置 x_min=0.1; %橫軸刻度最小值 x_interval=0.1; %橫座標兩個刻度間隔距離 x_break_start=0.5; % 截斷的開始值 x_break_end=0.9; % 截斷的結束值 x_break_end=x_break_end-x_interval; x_max=length(data(1, :))*x_interval+x_min-x_interval; %橫軸刻度最大值 X=x_min:x_interval:x_max; adjust_value=0.4*x_interval; %微調截斷處x座標 % 超過截斷結束位置的那些曲線通通向左平移uptate_num個長度 data(:, find(abs(X-x_break_start)<eps)+1:(end-round((x_break_end-x_break_start)/x_interval)))=data(:, X>x_break_end+eps); x_max_new=x_max-x_break_end+x_break_start; X=x_min:x_interval:x_max_new; new_range=round(x_max_new/x_interval); % 根據曲線的個數進行修改,這裏曲線是4條 h=plot(X, data(1, 1:new_range), 'k*-', X, data(2, 1:new_range), 'g^-', X, data(3, 1:new_range), 'r-s', X, data(4, 1:new_range), 'b-x', 'MarkerFaceColor','y', 'MarkerSize',7); set(gcf,'color','w') %後面背景變白 xlim([x_min x_max_new]); %橫座標範圍 xlabel('x'); string='y'; ylabel(string); legend('Line-1', 'Line-2', 'Line-3', 'Line-4', 'Location', 'east'); %圖例 根據曲線個數修改 % 橫座標截斷設置 xlimit=get(gca,'xlim'); location_X=(x_break_start+adjust_value-xlimit(1))/diff(xlimit); t1=text(location_X, 0,'//','sc','BackgroundColor','w','margin',eps, 'fontsize',13); t2=text(location_X, 1,'//','sc','BackgroundColor','w','margin',eps, 'fontsize',13); % 從新定義橫座標刻度 xtick=x_min:x_interval:x_max_new; set(gca,'xtick',xtick); xtick(xtick>x_break_start+eps)=xtick(xtick>x_break_start+eps)+x_break_end-x_break_start; for i=1:length(xtick) xticklabel{i}=sprintf('%.1f',xtick(i)); end set(gca,'xTickLabel', xticklabel, 'FontSize', 12, 'FontName', 'Times New Roman'); %修改座標名稱、字體 saveas(gcf,sprintf('Break_X_Axis.jpg'),'bmp'); %保存圖片
clear; clc; close all;
% 縱軸截斷後圖像
% 做者:凱魯嘎吉 - 博客園 http://www.cnblogs.com/kailugaji/
% 數據
data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1
3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2
3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5
10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1
% 參數設置
x_min=0.1; %橫座標刻度最小值
x_interval=0.1; %橫座標刻度間隔距離
x_max=1; %橫座標刻度最大值
y_interval=1; %縱座標兩個刻度間隔距離
y_max=11; %縱軸刻度最大值
y_break_start=4; % 截斷的開始值
y_break_end=9; % 截斷的結束值
adjust_value=0.4*y_interval; %微調截斷處y座標
uptate_num=y_break_end-y_break_start-y_interval; %最高處曲線向下平移大小
% 超過截斷結束位置的那些曲線通通向下平移uptate_num個長度
for i=1:length(data(:, 1))
if data(i, :)>y_break_end
data(i, :)=data(i, :)-uptate_num;
% 根據曲線的個數進行修改,這裏曲線是4條
h=plot(X, data(1, :), 'k*-', X, data(2, :), 'g^-', X, data(3, :), 'r-s', X, data(4, :), 'b-x', 'MarkerFaceColor','y', 'MarkerSize',7);
set(gcf,'color','w') %後面背景變白
xlim([x_min x_max]); %橫座標範圍
legend('Line-1', 'Line-2', 'Line-3', 'Line-4', 'Location', 'east'); %圖例 根據曲線個數修改
% 縱座標截斷設置
t1=text(0, location_Y,'//','sc','BackgroundColor','w','margin',eps, 'fontsize',13);
t2=text(1, location_Y,'//','sc','BackgroundColor','w','margin',eps, 'fontsize',13);
% 從新定義縱座標刻度
for i=1:length(ytick)
set(gca,'yTickLabel', yticklabel, 'FontSize', 12, 'FontName', 'Times New Roman'); %修改座標名稱、字體
saveas(gcf,sprintf('Break_Y_Axis.jpg'),'bmp'); %保存圖片
clear; clc; close all; % 橫軸截斷後圖像 % 做者:凱魯嘎吉 - 博客園 http://www.cnblogs.com/kailugaji/ % 數據 data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1 3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1 ]; % 參數設置 x_min=0.1; %橫軸刻度最小值 x_interval=0.1; %橫座標兩個刻度間隔距離 x_break_start=0.5; % 截斷的開始值 x_break_end=0.9; % 截斷的結束值 y_interval=1; %縱座標兩個刻度間隔距離 y_max=11; %縱軸刻度最大值 y_break_start=4; % 截斷的開始值 y_break_end=9; % 截斷的結束值 x_break_end=x_break_end-x_interval; x_max=length(data(1, :))*x_interval+x_min-x_interval; %橫軸刻度最大值 X=x_min:x_interval:x_max; adjust_value_x=0.4*x_interval; %微調截斷處x座標 adjust_value_y=0.4*y_interval; %微調截斷處y座標 uptate_num=y_break_end-y_break_start-y_interval; %最高處曲線向下平移大小 % 超過截斷結束位置的那些曲線通通向左平移uptate_num個長度 data(:, find(abs(X-x_break_start)<eps)+1:(end-round((x_break_end-x_break_start)/x_interval)))=data(:, X>x_break_end+eps); % 超過截斷結束位置的那些曲線通通向下平移uptate_num個長度 for i=1:length(data(:, 1)) if data(i, :)>y_break_end data(i, :)=data(i, :)-uptate_num; end end x_max_new=x_max-x_break_end+x_break_start; X=x_min:x_interval:x_max_new; new_range=round(x_max_new/x_interval); % 根據曲線的個數進行修改,這裏曲線是4條 h=plot(X, data(1, 1:new_range), 'k*-', X, data(2, 1:new_range), 'g^-', X, data(3, 1:new_range), 'r-s', X, data(4, 1:new_range), 'b-x', 'MarkerFaceColor','y', 'MarkerSize',7); set(gcf,'color','w') %後面背景變白 xlim([x_min x_max_new]); %橫座標範圍 xlabel('x'); string='y'; ylabel(string); legend('Line-1', 'Line-2', 'Line-3', 'Line-4', 'Location', 'east'); %圖例 根據曲線個數修改 % 橫座標截斷設置 xlimit=get(gca,'xlim'); location_X=(x_break_start+adjust_value_x-xlimit(1))/diff(xlimit); t1=text(location_X, 0,'//','sc','BackgroundColor','w','margin',eps, 'fontsize',13); t2=text(location_X, 1,'//','sc','BackgroundColor','w','margin',eps, 'fontsize',13); % 從新定義橫座標刻度 xtick=x_min:x_interval:x_max_new; set(gca,'xtick',xtick); xtick(xtick>x_break_start+eps)=xtick(xtick>x_break_start+eps)+x_break_end-x_break_start; for i=1:length(xtick) xticklabel{i}=sprintf('%.1f',xtick(i)); end % 縱座標截斷設置 ylimit=get(gca,'ylim'); location_Y=(y_break_start+adjust_value_y-ylimit(1))/diff(ylimit); t1=text(0, location_Y,'//','sc','BackgroundColor','w','margin',eps, 'fontsize',13); set(t1,'rotation',90); t2=text(1, location_Y,'//','sc','BackgroundColor','w','margin',eps, 'fontsize',13); set(t2,'rotation',90); % 從新定義縱座標刻度 ytick=0:y_interval:y_max; set(gca,'ytick',ytick); ytick(ytick>y_break_start+eps)=ytick(ytick>y_break_start+eps)+uptate_num; for i=1:length(ytick) yticklabel{i}=sprintf('%d',ytick(i)); end set(gca,'xTickLabel', xticklabel, 'yTickLabel', yticklabel, 'FontSize', 12, 'FontName', 'Times New Roman'); %修改座標名稱、字體 saveas(gcf,sprintf('Break_X_Y_Axis.jpg'),'bmp'); %保存圖片
% breakxaxes splits data in an axes so that data is in a left and right pane. % % breakXAxes(splitXLim) splitXLim is a 2 element vector containing a range % of x values from splitXLim(1) to splitXLim(2) to remove from the axes. % They must be within the current xLimis of the axes. % % breakXAxes(splitXLim,splitWidth) splitWidth is the distance to % seperate the left and right side. Units are the same as % get(AX,'uints') default is 0.015 % % breakXAxes(splitXLim,splitWidth,yOverhang) yOverhang stretches the % axis split graphic to extend past the top and bottom of the plot by % the distance set by YOverhang. Units are the same as get(AX,'units') % default value is 0.015 % % breakXAxes(AX, ...) performs the operation on the axis specified by AX % function breakInfo = breakxaxis(varargin) %Validate Arguements if nargin < 1 || nargin > 4 error('Wrong number of arguements'); end if isscalar(varargin{1}) && ishandle(varargin{1}) mainAxes = varargin{1}; argOffset = 1; argCnt = nargin - 1; if ~strcmp(get(mainAxes,'Type'),'axes') error('Handle object must be Type Axes'); end else mainAxes = gca; argOffset = 0; argCnt = nargin; end if (strcmp(get(mainAxes,'XScale'),'log')) error('Log X Axes are not supported'); end if (argCnt < 3) yOverhang = 0.015; else yOverhang = varargin{3 + argOffset}; if numel(yOverhang) ~= 1 || ~isreal(yOverhang) || ~isnumeric(yOverhang) error('YOverhang must be a scalar number'); elseif (yOverhang < 0) error('YOverhang must not be negative'); end yOverhang = double(yOverhang); end if (argCnt < 2) splitWidth = 0.015; else splitWidth = varargin{2 + argOffset}; if numel(yOverhang) ~= 1 || ~isreal(yOverhang) || ~isnumeric(yOverhang) error('splitWidth must be a scalar number'); elseif (yOverhang < 0) error('splitWidth must not be negative'); end splitWidth = double(splitWidth); end splitXLim = varargin{1 + argOffset}; if numel(splitXLim) ~= 2 || ~isnumeric(splitXLim) || ~isreal(yOverhang) error(splitXLim,'Must be a vector length 2'); end splitXLim = double(splitXLim); mainXLim = get(mainAxes,'XLim'); if (any(splitXLim >= mainXLim(2)) || any(splitXLim <= mainXLim(1))) error('splitXLim must be in the range given by get(AX,''XLim'')'); end mainPosition = get(mainAxes,'Position'); if (splitWidth > mainPosition(3) ) error('Split width is too large') end %We need to create 4 axes % leftAxes - is used for the left x axis and left pane data % rightAxes - is used to the right x axis and right pane data % annotationAxes - is used to display the y axis and title % breakAxes - this is an axes with the same size and position as main % is it used to draw a seperator between the left and right side %Grab Some Parameters from the main axis (e.g the one we are spliting) mainXLim = get(mainAxes,'XLim'); mainYLim = get(mainAxes,'YLim'); mainPosition = get(mainAxes,'Position'); mainParent = get(mainAxes,'Parent'); mainWidth = mainPosition(3); %Positions have the format [left bottom width height] %mainXRange = mainXLim(2) - mainXLim(1); mainFigure = get(mainAxes,'Parent'); mainYColor = get(mainAxes,'YColor'); mainLineWidth = get(mainAxes,'LineWidth'); figureColor = get(mainFigure,'Color'); mainYTickLabelMode = get(mainAxes,'YTickLabelMode'); mainXLabel = get(mainAxes,'XLabel'); mainXDir = get(mainAxes,'XDir'); mainLayer = get(mainAxes,'Layer'); %Save Main Axis Z Order figureChildren = get(mainFigure,'Children'); zOrder = find(figureChildren == mainAxes); %Calculate where axesLeft and axesRight will be layed on screen %And their respctive XLimits leftXLimTemp = [mainXLim(1) splitXLim(1)]; rightXLimTemp = [splitXLim(2) mainXLim(2)]; leftXRangeTemp = leftXLimTemp(2) - leftXLimTemp(1); rightXRangeTemp = rightXLimTemp(2) - rightXLimTemp(1); leftWidthTemp = leftXRangeTemp / (leftXRangeTemp + rightXRangeTemp) * (mainWidth - splitWidth); rightWidthTemp = rightXRangeTemp / (leftXRangeTemp + rightXRangeTemp) * (mainWidth - splitWidth); leftStretch = (leftWidthTemp + splitWidth/2) / leftWidthTemp; leftXRange = leftXRangeTemp * leftStretch; leftWidth = leftWidthTemp * leftStretch; rightStretch = (rightWidthTemp + splitWidth/2) / rightWidthTemp; rightXRange = rightXRangeTemp * rightStretch; rightWidth = rightWidthTemp * rightStretch; leftXLim = [mainXLim(1) mainXLim(1)+leftXRange]; rightXLim = [mainXLim(2)-rightXRange mainXLim(2)]; if (strcmp(mainXDir, 'normal')) leftPosition = mainPosition; leftPosition(3) = leftWidth; rightPosition = mainPosition; rightPosition(1) = mainPosition(1) + leftWidth; rightPosition(3) = rightWidth; else %Left Axis will actually go on the right side a vise versa rightPosition = mainPosition; rightPosition(3) = rightWidth; leftPosition = mainPosition; leftPosition(1) = mainPosition(1) + rightWidth; leftPosition(3) = leftWidth; end %Create the Annotations layer, if the Layer is top, draw the axes on %top (e.g. after) drawing the left and right pane if strcmp(mainLayer,'bottom') annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent) end %Create and position the leftAxes. Remove all Y Axis Annotations, the %title, and a potentially offensive tick mark leftAxes = copyobj(mainAxes,mainParent); set(leftAxes,'Position', leftPosition, ... 'XLim', leftXLim, ... 'YLim', mainYLim, ... 'YGrid' ,'off', ... 'YMinorGrid', 'off', ... 'YMinorTick','off', ... 'YTick', [], ... 'YTickLabel', [], ... 'box','off'); if strcmp(mainLayer,'bottom') set(leftAxes,'Color','none'); end delete(get(leftAxes,'YLabel')); delete(get(leftAxes,'XLabel')); delete(get(leftAxes,'Title')); if strcmp(mainYTickLabelMode,'auto') xTick = get(leftAxes,'XTick'); set(leftAxes,'XTick',xTick(1:(end-1))); end %Create and position the rightAxes. Remove all Y Axis annotations, the %title, and a potentially offensive tick mark rightAxes = copyobj(mainAxes,mainParent); set(rightAxes,'Position', rightPosition, ... 'XLim', rightXLim, ... 'YLim', mainYLim, ... 'YGrid' ,'off', ... 'YMinorGrid', 'off', ... 'YMinorTick','off', ... 'YTick', [], ... 'YTickLabel', [], ... 'box','off'); if strcmp(mainLayer,'bottom') set(rightAxes,'Color','none'); end delete(get(rightAxes,'YLabel')); delete(get(rightAxes,'XLabel')); delete(get(rightAxes,'Title')); if strcmp(mainYTickLabelMode,'auto') xTick = get(rightAxes,'XTick'); set(rightAxes,'XTick',xTick(2:end)); end %Create the Annotations layer, if the Layer is top, draw the axes on %top (e.g. after) drawing the left and right pane if strcmp(mainLayer,'top') annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent); set(annotationAxes, 'Color','none'); end %Create breakAxes, remove all graphics objects and hide all annotations breakAxes = copyobj(mainAxes,mainParent); children = get(breakAxes,'Children'); for i = 1:numel(children) delete(children(i)); end set(breakAxes,'Color','none'); %Stretch the breakAxes vertically to cover the horzontal axes lines orignalUnits = get(breakAxes,'Units'); set(breakAxes,'Units','Pixel'); breakPosition = get(breakAxes,'Position'); nudgeFactor = get(breakAxes,'LineWidth'); breakPosition(4) = breakPosition(4) + nudgeFactor; set(breakAxes,'Position',breakPosition); set(breakAxes,'Units',orignalUnits); %Stretch the breakAxes vertically to create an overhang for sylistic %effect breakPosition = get(breakAxes,'Position'); breakPosition(2) = breakPosition(2) - yOverhang; breakPosition(4) = breakPosition(4) + 2*yOverhang; set(breakAxes,'Position',breakPosition); %Create a sine shaped patch to seperate the 2 sides breakXLim = [mainPosition(1) mainPosition(1)+mainPosition(3)]; set(breakAxes,'xlim',breakXLim); theta = linspace(0,2*pi,100); yPoints = linspace(mainYLim(1),mainYLim(2),100); amp = splitWidth/2 * 0.9; xPoints1 = amp * sin(theta) + mainPosition(1) + leftWidthTemp; xPoints2 = amp * sin(theta) + mainPosition(1) + mainPosition(3) - rightWidthTemp; patchPointsX = [xPoints1 xPoints2(end:-1:1) xPoints1(1)]; patchPointsY = [yPoints yPoints(end:-1:1) yPoints(1)]; patch(patchPointsX,patchPointsY ,figureColor,'EdgeColor',figureColor,'Parent',breakAxes); %Create A Line To Delineate the left and right edge of the patch line('xData',xPoints1,'ydata',yPoints,'Parent',breakAxes,'Color',mainYColor,'LineWidth',mainLineWidth); line('xData',xPoints2,'ydata',yPoints,'Parent',breakAxes,'Color',mainYColor,'LineWidth',mainLineWidth); set(breakAxes,'Visible','off'); %Make the old main axes invisiable invisibleObjects = RecursiveSetVisibleOff(mainAxes); %Preserve the z-order of the figure uistack([leftAxes rightAxes breakAxes annotationAxes],'down',zOrder-1) %Set the rezise mode to position so that we can dynamically change the %size of the figure without screwing things up set([leftAxes rightAxes breakAxes annotationAxes],'ActivePositionProperty','Position'); %Playing with the titles labels etc can cause matlab to reposition %the axes in some cases. Mannually force the position to be correct. set([breakAxes annotationAxes],'Position',mainPosition); %Save the axes so we can unbreak the axis easily breakInfo = struct(); breakInfo.leftAxes = leftAxes; breakInfo.rightAxes = rightAxes; breakInfo.breakAxes = breakAxes; breakInfo.annotationAxes = annotationAxes; breakInfo.invisibleObjects = invisibleObjects; end function list = RecursiveSetVisibleOff(handle) list = []; list = SetVisibleOff(handle,list); end function list = SetVisibleOff(handle, list) if (strcmp(get(handle,'Visible'),'on')) set(handle,'Visible','off'); list = [list handle]; end children = get(handle,'Children'); for i = 1:numel(children) list = SetVisibleOff(children(i),list); end end function annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent) %Create Annotation Axis, Remove graphics objects, XAxis annotations %(except XLabel) and make background transparent annotationAxes = copyobj(mainAxes,mainParent); set(annotationAxes,'YLimMode','Manual'); children = get(annotationAxes,'Children'); for i = 1:numel(children) delete(children(i)); end %Save the xLabelpostion because it will move when we delete xAxis %ticks xLabel = get(annotationAxes,'XLabel'); xLabelPosition = get(xLabel,'Position'); set(annotationAxes,'XGrid' ,'off', ... 'XMinorGrid', 'off', ... 'XMinorTick','off', ... 'XTick', [], ... 'XTickLabel', []); %Restore the pevious label postition set(xLabel,'Position',xLabelPosition); end
% breakyaxes splits data in an axes so that data is in a low and high pane. % % breakYAxes(splitYLim) splitYLim is a 2 element vector containing a range % of y values from splitYLim(1) to splitYLim(2) to remove from the axes. % They must be within the current yLimis of the axes. % % breakYAxes(splitYLim,splitHeight) splitHeight is the distance to % seperate the low and high side. Units are the same as % get(AX,'uints') default is 0.015 % % breakYAxes(splitYLim,splitHeight,xOverhang) xOverhang stretches the % axis split graphic to extend past the top and bottom of the plot by % the distance set by XOverhang. Units are the same as get(AX,'units') % default value is 0.015 % % breakYAxes(AX, ...) performs the operation on the axis specified by AX % % From: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/45760-break-y-axis?s_tid=srchtitle % demo: breakyaxis([80 110]); function breakInfo = breakyaxis(varargin) %Validate Arguements if nargin < 1 || nargin > 4 error('Wrong number of arguements'); end if isscalar(varargin{1}) && ishandle(varargin{1}) mainAxes = varargin{1}; argOffset = 1; argCnt = nargin - 1; if ~strcmp(get(mainAxes,'Type'),'axes') error('Handle object must be Type Axes'); end else mainAxes = gca; argOffset = 0; argCnt = nargin; end if (strcmp(get(mainAxes,'XScale'),'log')) error('Log X Axes are not supported'); end if (argCnt < 3) xOverhang = 0.015; else xOverhang = varargin{3 + argOffset}; if numel(xOverhang) ~= 1 || ~isreal(xOverhang) || ~isnumeric(xOverhang) error('XOverhang must be a scalar number'); elseif (xOverhang < 0) error('XOverhang must not be negative'); end xOverhang = double(xOverhang); end if (argCnt < 2) splitHeight = 0.015; else splitHeight = varargin{2 + argOffset}; if numel(xOverhang) ~= 1 || ~isreal(xOverhang) || ~isnumeric(xOverhang) error('splitHeight must be a scalar number'); elseif (xOverhang < 0) error('splitHeight must not be negative'); end splitHeight = double(splitHeight); end splitYLim = varargin{1 + argOffset}; if numel(splitYLim) ~= 2 || ~isnumeric(splitYLim) || ~isreal(xOverhang) error(splitYLim,'Must be a vector length 2'); end splitYLim = double(splitYLim); mainYLim = get(mainAxes,'YLim'); if (any(splitYLim >= mainYLim(2)) || any(splitYLim <= mainYLim(1))) error('splitYLim must be in the range given by get(AX,''YLim'')'); end mainPosition = get(mainAxes,'Position'); if (splitHeight > mainPosition(3) ) error('Split width is too large') end %We need to create 4 axes % lowAxes - is used for the low y axis and low pane data % highAxes - is used to the high y axis and high pane data % annotationAxes - is used to display the x axis and title % breakAxes - this is an axes with the same size and position as main % is it used to draw a seperator between the low and high side %Grab Some Parameters from the main axis (e.g the one we are spliting) mainYLim = get(mainAxes,'YLim'); mainXLim = get(mainAxes,'XLim'); mainPosition = get(mainAxes,'Position'); mainParent = get(mainAxes,'Parent'); mainHeight = mainPosition(4); %Positions have the format [low bottom width height] %mainYRange = mainYLim(2) - mainYLim(1); mainFigure = get(mainAxes,'Parent'); mainXColor = get(mainAxes,'XColor'); mainLineWidth = get(mainAxes,'LineWidth'); figureColor = get(mainFigure,'Color'); mainXTickLabelMode = get(mainAxes,'XTickLabelMode'); mainYLabel = get(mainAxes,'YLabel'); mainYDir = get(mainAxes,'YDir'); mainLayer = get(mainAxes,'Layer'); %Save Main Axis Z Order figureChildren = get(mainFigure,'Children'); zOrder = find(figureChildren == mainAxes); %Calculate where axesLow and axesHigh will be layed on screen %And their respctive YLimits lowYLimTemp = [mainYLim(1) splitYLim(1)]; highYLimTemp = [splitYLim(2) mainYLim(2)]; lowYRangeTemp = lowYLimTemp(2) - lowYLimTemp(1); highYRangeTemp = highYLimTemp(2) - highYLimTemp(1); lowHeightTemp = lowYRangeTemp / (lowYRangeTemp + highYRangeTemp) * (mainHeight - splitHeight); highHeightTemp = highYRangeTemp / (lowYRangeTemp + highYRangeTemp) * (mainHeight - splitHeight); lowStretch = (lowHeightTemp + splitHeight/2) / lowHeightTemp; lowYRange = lowYRangeTemp * lowStretch; lowHeight = lowHeightTemp * lowStretch; highStretch = (highHeightTemp + splitHeight/2) / highHeightTemp; highYRange = highYRangeTemp * highStretch; highHeight = highHeightTemp * highStretch; lowYLim = [mainYLim(1) mainYLim(1)+lowYRange]; highYLim = [mainYLim(2)-highYRange mainYLim(2)]; if (strcmp(mainYDir, 'normal')) lowPosition = mainPosition; lowPosition(4) = lowHeight; highPosition = mainPosition; %(!!!) look here for position indices! highPosition(2) = mainPosition(2) + lowHeight; highPosition(4) = highHeight; else %Low Axis will actually go on the high side a vise versa highPosition = mainPosition; highPosition(4) = highHeight; lowPosition = mainPosition; lowPosition(2) = mainPosition(2) + highHeight; lowPosition(4) = lowHeight; end %Create the Annotations layer, if the Layer is top, draw the axes on %top (e.g. after) drawing the low and high pane if strcmp(mainLayer,'bottom') annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent) end %Create and position the lowAxes. Remove all X Axis Annotations, the %title, and a potentially offensive tick mark lowAxes = copyobj(mainAxes,mainParent); set(lowAxes,'Position', lowPosition, ... 'YLim', lowYLim, ... 'XLim', mainXLim, ... 'XGrid' ,'off', ... 'XMinorGrid', 'off', ... 'XMinorTick','off', ... 'XTick', [], ... 'XTickLabel', [], ... 'box','off'); if strcmp(mainLayer,'bottom') set(lowAxes,'Color','none'); end delete(get(lowAxes,'XLabel')); delete(get(lowAxes,'YLabel')); delete(get(lowAxes,'Title')); if strcmp(mainXTickLabelMode,'auto') yTick = get(lowAxes,'YTick'); set(lowAxes,'YTick',yTick(1:(end-1))); end %Create and position the highAxes. Remove all X Axis annotations, the %title, and a potentially offensive tick mark highAxes = copyobj(mainAxes,mainParent); set(highAxes,'Position', highPosition, ... 'YLim', highYLim, ... 'XLim', mainXLim, ... 'XGrid' ,'off', ... 'XMinorGrid', 'off', ... 'XMinorTick','off', ... 'XTick', [], ... 'XTickLabel', [], ... 'box','off'); if strcmp(mainLayer,'bottom') %(!!!) is it only about layers? set(highAxes,'Color','none'); end delete(get(highAxes,'XLabel')); delete(get(highAxes,'YLabel')); delete(get(highAxes,'Title')); if strcmp(mainXTickLabelMode,'auto') yTick = get(highAxes,'YTick'); set(highAxes,'YTick',yTick(2:end)); end %Create the Annotations layer, if the Layer is top, draw the axes on %top (e.g. after) drawing the low and high pane if strcmp(mainLayer,'top') annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent); set(annotationAxes, 'Color','none'); end %Create breakAxes, remove all graphics objects and hide all annotations breakAxes = copyobj(mainAxes,mainParent); children = get(breakAxes,'Children'); for i = 1:numel(children) delete(children(i)); end set(breakAxes,'Color','none'); %Stretch the breakAxes horizontally to cover the vertical axes lines orignalUnits = get(breakAxes,'Units'); set(breakAxes,'Units','Pixel'); breakPosition = get(breakAxes,'Position'); nudgeFactor = get(breakAxes,'LineWidth'); breakPosition(3) = breakPosition(3) + nudgeFactor; set(breakAxes,'Position',breakPosition); set(breakAxes,'Units',orignalUnits); %Stretch the breakAxes horizontally to create an overhang for sylistic %effect breakPosition = get(breakAxes,'Position'); breakPosition(1) = breakPosition(1) - xOverhang; breakPosition(3) = breakPosition(3) + 2*xOverhang; set(breakAxes,'Position',breakPosition); %Create a sine shaped patch to seperate the 2 sides breakYLim = [mainPosition(2) mainPosition(2)+mainPosition(4)]; set(breakAxes,'ylim',breakYLim); theta = linspace(0,2*pi,100); xPoints = linspace(mainXLim(1),mainXLim(2),100); amp = splitHeight/2 * 0.9; yPoints1 = amp * sin(theta) + mainPosition(2) + lowHeightTemp; yPoints2 = amp * sin(theta) + mainPosition(2) + mainPosition(4) - highHeightTemp; patchPointsY = [yPoints1 yPoints2(end:-1:1) yPoints1(1)]; patchPointsX = [xPoints xPoints(end:-1:1) xPoints(1)]; patch(patchPointsX,patchPointsY ,figureColor,'EdgeColor',figureColor,'Parent',breakAxes); %use of pathc(!!!)? %Create A Line To Delineate the low and high edge of the patch line('yData',yPoints1,'xdata',xPoints,'Parent',breakAxes,'Color',mainXColor,'LineWidth',mainLineWidth); line('yData',yPoints2,'xdata',xPoints,'Parent',breakAxes,'Color',mainXColor,'LineWidth',mainLineWidth); set(breakAxes,'Visible','off'); %Make the old main axes invisiable invisibleObjects = RecursiveSetVisibleOff(mainAxes); %Preserve the z-order of the figure uistack([lowAxes highAxes breakAxes annotationAxes],'down',zOrder-1) %Set the rezise mode to position so that we can dynamically change the %size of the figure without screwing things up set([lowAxes highAxes breakAxes annotationAxes],'ActivePositionProperty','Position'); %Playing with the titles labels etc can cause matlab to reposition %the axes in some cases. Mannually force the position to be correct. set([breakAxes annotationAxes],'Position',mainPosition); %Save the axes so we can unbreak the axis easily breakInfo = struct(); breakInfo.lowAxes = lowAxes; breakInfo.highAxes = highAxes; breakInfo.breakAxes = breakAxes; breakInfo.annotationAxes = annotationAxes; breakInfo.invisibleObjects = invisibleObjects; end function list = RecursiveSetVisibleOff(handle) list = []; list = SetVisibleOff(handle,list); end function list = SetVisibleOff(handle, list) if (strcmp(get(handle,'Visible'),'on')) set(handle,'Visible','off'); list = [list handle]; end children = get(handle,'Children'); for i = 1:numel(children) list = SetVisibleOff(children(i),list); end end function annotationAxes = CreateAnnotaionAxes(mainAxes,mainParent) %Create Annotation Axis, Remove graphics objects, YAxis annotations %(except YLabel) and make background transparent annotationAxes = copyobj(mainAxes,mainParent); set(annotationAxes,'XLimMode','Manual'); children = get(annotationAxes,'Children'); for i = 1:numel(children) delete(children(i)); end %Save the yLabelpostion because it will move when we delete yAxis %ticks yLabel = get(annotationAxes,'YLabel'); yLabelPosition = get(yLabel,'Position'); set(annotationAxes,'YGrid' ,'off', ... 'YMinorGrid', 'off', ... 'YMinorTick','off', ... 'YTick', [], ... 'YTickLabel', []); %Restore the pevious label postition set(yLabel,'Position',yLabelPosition); end
clear; clc; close all; % 縱軸截斷後圖像 % 做者:凱魯嘎吉 - 博客園 http://www.cnblogs.com/kailugaji/ % 數據 data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1 3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1 ]; % 參數設置 x_min=0.1; %橫座標刻度最小值 x_interval=0.1; %橫座標刻度間隔距離 x_max=1; %橫座標刻度最大值 X=x_min:x_interval:x_max; h=plot(X, data(1, :), 'k*-', X, data(2, :), 'g^-', X, data(3, :), 'r-s', X, data(4, :), 'b-x', 'MarkerFaceColor','y', 'MarkerSize',7); set(gcf,'color','w') %後面背景變白 xlim([x_min x_max]); %橫座標範圍 xlabel('x'); string='y'; ylabel(string); legend('Line-1', 'Line-2', 'Line-3', 'Line-4', 'Location','northoutside', 'NumColumns',4); %圖例 % 調用已有的代碼,兩個函數只能調用一個,不能同時調用,出錯 breakyaxis([4 9]); % 截斷縱座標 % breakxaxis([0.5 0.9]); %截斷橫座標 saveas(gcf,sprintf('Other_Break_Axis.jpg'),'bmp'); %保存圖片
clear; clc; close all; % 做者:凱魯嘎吉 - 博客園 http://www.cnblogs.com/kailugaji/ % 原始圖片 data=[2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1 3 2.5 2.1 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 9.1 ]; x_min=0.1; %橫座標刻度最小值 x_interval=0.1; %橫座標刻度間隔距離 x_max=1; %橫座標刻度最大值 X=x_min:x_interval:x_max; h=plot(X, data(1, :), 'k*-', X, data(2, :), 'g^-', X, data(3, :), 'r-s', X, data(4, :), 'b-x', 'MarkerFaceColor','y', 'MarkerSize',7); set(gca,'yscale','log') set(gcf,'color','w') %後面背景變白 xlim([x_min x_max]); %橫座標範圍 xlabel('x'); string='y'; ylabel(string); legend('Line-1', 'Line-2', 'Line-3', 'Line-4', 'Location','northoutside', 'NumColumns',4); %圖例 saveas(gcf,sprintf('Log image.jpg'),'bmp'); %保存圖片